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Ilha do Desterro, Volume: 73, Número: 1, Publicado: 2020
  • Exploring Major Themes in Applied Linguistics: Local and Global Contexts Introduction

    Tomitch, Lêda Maria Braga; Silveira, Rosane
  • Experiential research for understanding the complexity of teaching and learning English as a foreign language Articles

    Miccoli, Laura; Bambirra, Raquel; Vianini, Carolina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Narratives nestle complex nets of experiences, typical of dynamic systems. Disentangling them reveals their nature, broadening and deepening the understanding of complex language teaching and learning processes. In this paper, we present over 20 years of research done in Brazil, focusing on foreign language teaching and learning experiences. Reviewing the motivation that led Miccoli to the emergence of experiential research, we discuss experience as a construct and unit of analysis and its complex nature; share visual representations of the complexity of teaching and learning experiences with illustrative data excerpts; and finally present teachers’ and students’ experiential frames of reference for research. To conclude, we defend experiential research as a successful approach to investigate language teaching and learning, hoping that other researchers may find it useful.
  • Enhancing Strategic Planning Through Strategy Instruction: The Effect of Two Types Of Strategy Instruction On Learners’ Oral Planned Performance Articles

    Specht, André Luís; D'Ely, Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This study aimed at investigating the impact of two types of strategy instruction on Brazilian learners’ planned speech performance at the level of complexity, accuracy, fluency, and adequacy. In order to do so, three groups participated in the present study: (1) the integrated group received strategy instruction during their regular English classes; (2) the isolated group received strategy instruction in a separate course; and (3) the control group received no strategy instruction. The groups also performed two narrative tasks before and after treatment, preceded by 10 minutes of strategic planning. Learners’ oral performance was analyzed and the statistical results showed that (i) the groups that received treatment outperformed the control group; and (ii) the isolated group produced more adequate and accurate speech, while the integrated groups improved their performance in terms of adequacy solely. In conclusion, one can claim that, in spite of the type of treatment, strategic planning can be enhanced by strategy instruction, shedding light on both Language Pedagogy and strategic planning research.
  • Lexical-Semantic Integration by Good And Poor Reading Comprehenders Article

    Sousa, Lucilene Bender de; Hubner, Lilian Cristine; Silva, Roselaine Berenice Ferreira da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: In this paper1, we investigate the level of vocabulary knowledge and the lexical-integration ability of good and poor comprehenders at the 8th grade of Elementary School. The participants were assessed in the following tasks: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, decoding, vocabulary, lexical-semantic integration and incongruence detection. The performance comparison revealed that good comprehenders performed significantly better than poor comprehenders in the measures of vocabulary and integration. The difference in the accuracy of the integration tasks remained significant after controlling for word knowledge. The results suggest that good and poor comprehenders differentiate not only in lexical semantic knowledge but also in lexical-semantic processing.
  • Mecanismos para o desenvolvimento do letramento crítico (visual) no livro didático de inglês Articles

    Kummer, Daiane Aline; Hendges, Graciela Rabuske

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Neste trabalho exploramos o conceito de letramento crítico (visual) por meio da análise de um livro didático de inglês do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático. Com base em um enquadramento analítico que combina os planos comunicativos da gramática sistêmico-funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), os níveis analíticos da análise crítica do discurso (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992b; 2003) e o conceito de tipos de raciocínios e de práticas (ROJO, 2004; 2009; TRIVISIOL, 2017), analisamos 132 atividades de compreensão e de produção escrita. Elaboramos um contínuo de tipos de raciocínios e de práticas que vão desde a codificação ao letramento crítico e verificamos que um número significativo de atividades explora o letramento crítico (51 - 38,6%). Avaliamos esse resultado positivamente, mas sugerimos que as atividades devem explorar uma variedade maior de raciocínios e de práticas de letramento crítico para chegar à formação da cidadania ativa.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In this study we explore the concept of critical (visual) literacy through the analysis of an English as an additional language textbook approved by the Brazilian National Textbook Program (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático). Based on an analytical framework that combines systemic functional grammar (HALLIDAY, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), critical discourse analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992b, 2003) and the notion of types of reasoning and of practices (ROJO, 2004; 2009; TRIVISIOL, 2017), we analyzed 132 reading and writing activities. We elaborated a continuum of types of reasoning and of practices that range from decodification to critical literacy and found that a significant amount of activities in the textbook explore critical literacy (51 - 38,6%). We evaluate this result positively, but suggest that the activities need to explore a wider range of reasonings and of practices to promote critical literacy for active citizenship.
  • Critical tasks in action: the role of the teacher in the implementation of tasks designed from a critical perspective Articles

    Silva, Leonardo da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Based on the premise that teaching is a political act and that it is thus necessary to engage additional language students in the process of both linguistic and critical development (Crookes, 2013), this study aims at investigating the role of the teacher during the implementation of a cycle of tasks designed from the perspectives of the Task-based Approach (Ellis, 2003) and of Critical Pedagogy (Freire, 1996). According to Breen (2009), a task can be understood as a workplan which is modified and reinterpreted during its implementation. Samuda (2009) argues that one of the central roles of the teacher in task-based language teaching is to guide students in language processing so as to cater for linguistic development. In this sense, it is important to investigate the task as a process, that is, the strategies adopted by the teacher while implementing the task as a workplan. In order to do so, this study focuses on the reflexive diaries of the teacher-researcher, in which he describes and reflects upon the implementation of a critical cycle of tasks designed for a group of high school students in a Brazilian context. From the thematic analysis of the diaries, the theme ‘strategies’ could be identified, which demonstrates decisions that were taken by the teacher-researcher during implementation so as to: a) guarantee that the critical objective of the task would be met; b) guide the students’ attention to a specific topic (such as focus on form or the critical topic at hand); c) overcome technical and material difficulties; and d) facilitate students’ learning process. The complexity involved in the implementation process of tasks designed from a critical perspective suggests the need for teachers to develop their critical reflexive skills in order to be able to make decisions that will be adequate for each specific educational context.
  • Representações do aprender línguas em narrativas visuais: o que mostram as imagens de sites de escolas de inglês Articles

    Silva, Renato Caixeta da

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este artigo trata do discurso sobre aprender línguas construído e veiculado por imagens em sites de escolas particulares especializadas em ensino de idiomas estrangeiros, evidenciando as representações construídas por esses estabelecimentos para a sociedade em geral. Argumenta-se a favor da consideração de imagens nos estudos da linguagem, e são adotadas, como referencial teórico, a visão sociossemiótica de linguagem, a Gramática do Design Visual e as ideias de representação social. A análise do corpus evidencia a representação de uma aprendizagem em condições ideais de conforto, homogeneidade, com recursos diversos, o aluno agente de processos relacionados à recepção linguística. Conclui-se que as narrativas visuais referendam a ideia comumente veiculada na sociedade de que o ensino de idiomas ideal acontece nos cursos de línguas e não na escola regular, reservado a poucas pessoas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article is about the discourse on learning languages construed and ​​transmitted by images in websites of private schools specialized in foreign languages teaching, evidencing the representations construed by these establishments to society. The argument favors the consideration of images in language studies, and the theoretical basis adopted includes the socio-semiotic approach to language, the Grammar of Visual Design, and the concept of social representation. The corpus analysis evidences the representation of the learning in optimal conditions of comfort, homogeneity, with the presence of resources and diverse instruments, in which the student is an agent of processes related to linguistic reception. It is concluded that these visual narratives contribute to the idea widely spread in society that the ideal language learning happens in private specialized schools and is reserved for few people.
  • O desenvolvimento da habilidade oral através do uso de tecnologias digitais: uma revisão sistemática Articles

    Carvalho, Sâmia; Soares, Marjorie Menezes

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão sistemática da literatura, descritiva-interpretativa, cujo objetivos são (1) apresentar quais abordagens de ensino-aprendizagem são mais utilizadas no desenvolvimento da habilidade oral através de tecnologias digitais; (2) investigar quais ferramentas são mais utilizadas para o desenvolvimento da habilidade oral em ambiente digital; (3) quais aspectos da oralidade estão sendo mais estudados e (4) que possibilidades e restrições são indicadas. Foram analisados 56 trabalhos, entre artigos, dissertações e teses coletados de três bases de dados. As implicações deste trabalho se dão também ao apontar as lacunas de pesquisa na área, tais como a ausência de estudos sobre perspectivas críticas no trabalho com tecnologia e oralidade e a não existência de pesquisas que tratem de como se trabalha a questão da oralidade via TIC na formação inicial e continuada de professores de LE.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present article consists of a qualitative, descriptive-interpretative systematic review, whose objectives are (1) to present which teaching-learning approaches are most used in the development of oral skills through digital technologies; (2) investigate which tools are the most used to develop oral skills in digital environment; (3) what aspects of orality are being the most studied and (4) what possibilities and restrictions are indicated. We analyzed 56 papers, among articles, dissertations and thesis collected from three databases. The implications of this work also point to research gaps in the area, such as the absence of studies on critical perspectives in the work with technology and orality, and the lack of research that deals with the question of orality via ICT in the initial and continuing training of LE teachers.
  • Affordances na interação online de aprendizes de inglês na modalidade educação a distância Articles

    Turolo, Andreia

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi descrever os mecanismos de engajamento com affordances que ajudam a sustentar a interação interpessoal escrita em fóruns de discussão em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira. A noção de affordance foi discutida neste trabalho em três dimensões: (i) a ambiental, (ii) a tecnológica e (iii) a linguística, associando a esta última uma teoria pragmática (GREENO, 1994; VAN LIER, 2000; LAMY & HAMPEL, 2007). As descobertas evidenciaram que affordances tecnológicos e ambientais contribuíram para a construção da presença no ambiente e da comunidade de aprendizagem. Evidenciou-se que novas formas de interação online apontam para novas formas de aprender uma língua, principalmente pelo movimento de relexicalização e preenchimento de lacunas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: The main objective of this research was to describe the mechanisms for engagement with affordances that help to sustain written interpersonal interactions of students in online discussion forums of a virtual learning environment while they were learning English as a foreign language. The notion of affordance was discussed in this study according to three dimensions: (i) environmental, (ii) technological, and (iii) linguistic, associating a pragmatic theory to the latter (GREENO, 1994; VAN LIER, 2000; LAMY & HAMPEL, 2007). The research findings showed that the environmental and technological affordances contributed to the construction of students’ presence as well as of a learning community. New forms of online interactions afforded new forms of language learning, especially by the movement of relexicalization and gap-filling.
  • Esp Teaching in Contemporary Medical Education In Brazil Articles

    Gutierres, Athany; Lindemann, Ivana Loraine; Menoncini, Cláudia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The early 2000s have witnessed significant changes in medical education in Brazil, especially because of the creation of the More Doctors Program (Programa Mais Médicos) in 2013 and the publication of the resolution that establishes the National Curricular Guidelines for Medicine undergraduate courses in 2014. The latter focuses on a human, critical and socially responsible education, which comprehends the development of the proficiency in a foreign language, preferably a lingua franca. The objectives of this paper are (i) to map the inclusion of foreign languages, particularly English, in Political Pedagogical Projects (PPPs) of public medical schools between the years 2013-2019; and (ii) to present a methodological proposal to the teaching of ESP in medical schools, according to the National Curricular Guidelines (Brasil, 2014). Online bibliographical research was carried out and data were collected from the e-MEC system and the PPPs. Descriptive statistics have shown that 65.1% of Medicine undergraduate courses (n=28) include the proficiency of a foreign language in their PPPs, being that language English in 35.7% and any other language in 64.3%; 34.9% of the institutions do not incorporate any foreign language at all. Although the majority of medical schools seem to be conforming with the National Curricular Guidelines, there might be still a gap between targeted English language practices and their association to health education and the promotion of healthcare actions.
  • Adopting English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Brazil and Flanders (Belgium): a comparative study Articles

    Guimarães, Felipe Furtado; Kremer, Marcelo Martins

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The objective of this study is to discuss the adoption of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in the Brazilian and Flemish contexts, considering the influence of globalization and internationalization on the languages in higher education. To reach this goal, a bibliographic research1 was carried out, in order to analyze documents related to language teaching/learning, including books, journals, government documents, official websites and reports from international organizations. Data from these sources were categorized according to the country of origin and EMI approaches. Recurring themes were identified using different genres of documents, in order to establish connections between official documents (such as legal ones) and practices described in research published in journal articles and book chapters, looking for connections between theory and practice. Information collected comprised the data retrieved in Brazil and in Flanders, used to generate discussions around challenges and opportunities for adopting EMI in these contexts. The study concludes that actions such as the creation of local support units (for languages) at universities are necessary to overcome the challenges identified in the preparation and implementation of EMI courses in those contexts.
  • Reflexão sobre a Formação em Duas Línguas Estrangeiras (Inglês e Uma Outra Língua) pelas Universidades Chinesas e Proposta da Disciplina de Tradução Inglês - Português para os Licenciandos em Português Articles

    Hu, Zhihua; Roberto, Maria Teresa

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo A formação em duas línguas estrangeiras (geralmente inglês e uma outra língua estrangeira) pelas instituições chinesas pode remontar à década 80 (Sun, 2015:91). Apesar disso, existem ainda algumas insuficiências, tais como, a falta de materiais adequados, e de disciplinas que integram conhecimentos de duas línguas, por exemplo, disciplinas sobre a comparação, o contraste e a possível tradução entre as duas línguas estrangeiras. Sem disciplinas assim, os alunos só podem estudar as duas línguas separadamente; o que não só aumenta a tarefa dos alunos, mas também não é favorável para ativar a transferência positiva (Wang, 2012; Li, 2012) do conhecimento em inglês na aprendizagem da segunda língua estrangeira. Além de apresentarmos e discutirmos a formação em duas línguas estrangeiras nas instituições chinesas, também propomos uma disciplina de tradução inglês - português para os licenciandos chineses em português. Como sustentação, as nossas considerações têm como base a discussão sobre a formação em duas línguas estrangeiras.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The training of two foreign languages (usually English and another foreign language) by the Chinese universities can date back to the 1980s (Sun, 2015:91). Nevertheless, there are still some parts which need to be improved, such as the lack of adequate materials, and the insufficiency of disciplines linking knowledge of two foreign languages, for example, the disciplines on comparison, contrast and possible translation between the two foreign languages. Without such disciplines, students can only study the two languages separately, which not only increases the student's task, but also is not conducive to activating the positive transfer (Wang, 2012; Li, 2012) of English knowledge in learning a second foreign language. In addition to presenting and discussing the training of two foreign languages by the Chinese institutions, in this work, we also want to propose an English - Portuguese translation discipline for Chinese bachelor students of Portuguese. In support of this, our considerations are based on the discussion of training of two foreign languages.
  • Audio description and the translation of film language into words Articles

    Bardini, Floriane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper approaches audio description (AD) from a Translation Studies point of view. The two first parts are of theoretical interest: AD is defined as a part of the audiovisual text and as a form of intersemiotic translation. Once this is set up, the paper concentrates on the concept of translation techniques and adapts them to audio description to provide scholars and students with a functional classification of AD techniques (ADT), which can be used for descriptive studies of audio descriptions as well as in training, and is based on a functional classification of translation techniques. The paper ends with detailed examples from a comparative study of several audio descriptions of the film Slumdog Millionaire (2008) using ADTs to illustrate the benefits of the established taxonomy.
  • Apresentando o COPA-TRAD Versão 2.0. Um sistema com base em corpus paralelo para pesquisa, ensino e prática da tradução Articles

    Silva, Carlos Eduardo da; Fernandes, Lincoln P.

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este artigo apresenta o COPA-TRAD Versão 2.0, um sistema com base em corpus paralelo desenvolvido na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) para a pesquisa, ensino e prática da tradução. O COPA-TRAD permite que o usuário investigue as práticas de tradutores profissionais por meio da identificação de padrões tradutórios relacionados a um determinado elemento ou padrão linguístico. Além disso, o sistema permite a comparação entre a tradução humana e a tradução automática fornecida por serviços amplamente conhecidos na Internet (Google Translate, Microsoft Translator e Yandex). Atualmente, o COPA-TRAD prevê cinco subcorpora (Literatura Infantojuvenil, Textos Literários, Metadiscurso em Tradução, Legendas e Textos Jurídicos) e disponibiliza as seguintes ferramentas: concordanciador paralelo, concordanciador monolíngue, lista de palavras e, uma DIY Tool[,] que permite ao usuário criar seu próprio corpus descartável. O sistema apresenta também uma interface que oferece uma ferramenta de POS-tagging que analisa e classifica as categorias gramaticais de um texto.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper describes COPA-TRAD Version 2.0, a parallel corpus-based system developed at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) for translation research, teaching and practice. COPA-TRAD enables the user to investigate the practices of professional translators by identifying translational patterns related to a particular element or linguistic pattern. In addition, the system allows for the comparison between human translation and automatic translation provided by three well-known machine translation systems available on the Internet (Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Yandex). Currently, COPA-TRAD incorporates five subcorpora (Children's Literature, Literary Texts, Meta-Discourse in Translation, Subtitles and Legal Texts) and provides the following tools: parallel concordancer, monolingual concordancer, wordlist and a DIY Tool that enables the user to create his own parallel disposable corpus. The system also provides a POS-tagging tool interface to analyze and classify the parts of speech of a text.
  • ‘Asymmetrical Relations in Audiovisual Translation in Brazil: A Corpus-based Investigation of Fixed Expressions Articles

    Soares, Domingos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This study aims to investigate, in dubbed and subtitled versions of the films Madagascar (2005) and Ice Age (2002), how fixed expressions (Moon, 1998) are translated in dubbing and subtitling methods and to examine how employing domestication and foreignisation (Venuti, 1995) can undermine or reinforce the asymmetrical relations, here defined by globalisation as discussed by Venuti (1998) and Cronin (2003, 2009). The analysis is carried out through reference and parallel corpus (Baker, 1995). Final results show that subtitling, rather than dubbing, is more prone to adopt foreignising strategies with regard to the translation of fixed expressions. Additionally, there have been identified, in the subtitled versions of the corpus, translation instances that deliberately move away from target language fixed expressions.
  • The role of L1 English speakers’ familiarity with Brazilian-accented English (L2) in the intelligibility of Brazilian learners of English (L2): a discussion on intelligibility from a Complex Dynamic Systems perspective Articles

    Salves, Déborah; Wanglon, Paolla; Alves, Ubiratã Kickhöfel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of familiarity with Brazilian-accented English (L2) in the intelligibility of speech samples when judged by native English listeners. Speech samples were collected from five native Brazilian Portuguese individuals from Southern Brazil, with a pre-intermediate level of proficiency in English. Following a Complex Dynamic Systems account (De Bot et al., 2007), this is a longitudinal study in which a group of four British listeners participated in weekly intelligibility transcription tasks, administered over the course of five weeks. This group was comprised of individuals who had recently arrived in Brazil. Results suggest that familiarity with a speaker’s L1 and accented-L2 has an effect on the intelligibility of what is heard. From the perspective of Complex Dynamic Systems, we argue that there is an alteration of a listener’s perception of his/her own language system due to exposure to it as an L2.
  • Compreensibilidade e percepções de brasileiros sobre o estudo da pronúncia do inglês Articles

    Bettoni, Melissa; Rizzi, Priscilla

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O presente estudo objetivou investigar a percepção discente sobre o estudo da pronúncia e a compreensibilidade de suas falas em inglês. Vinte e quatro brasileiros falantes de inglês com nível mínimo de proficiência geral avançado tiveram gravações de áudio de suas falas julgadas por quatro juízes representantes dos três círculos de Kachru (1985). Os dados de compreensibilidade, percepção de sotaque pelos juízes, quantidade de desvios de pronúncia no nível segmental (tais como: palatalização, epêntese, vozeamento e desvozeamento), língua nativa do juiz, e percepções discentes sobre o estudo da pronúncia foram tabulados e comparados quantitativa e qualitativamente. Os resultados indicaram relações positivas entre maior compreensibilidade, menos sotaque e menos desvios e entre compreensibilidade e desejo por um conhecimento mais específico sobre pronúncia.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present study aimed at investigating students’ perceptions about the study of pronunciation and the comprehensibility of their speech. Twenty-four English-speaking Brazilians at the advanced level or higher had audio recordings of their sentences judged by four English speakers from different nationalities representing the three circles in Kachru’s World Englishes Model (1985). Comprehensibility, accentedness, number of mispronunciations at the segmental level (such as palatalization, voicing, devoicing, epenthesis), native language of the judge, and perceptions about the study of pronunciation were tabulated and compared quantitatively and qualitatively. Results indicated positive correlations among better compreensibility, less accentedness and fewer mispronunciations at the segmental level; and, between comprehensibility and the desire for specific knowledge regarding pronunciation.
  • Interações entre diferenças individuais e efeitos de instrução explícita sobre entoação em espanhol/L2 Articles

    Rodrigues, Rhanya Rafaella; Preuss, Elena Ortiz

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Pesquisadores têm debatido a necessidade de se considerar os efeitos da interação entre condições pedagógicas e diferenças individuais (DIs) no processo de aquisição de segundas línguas (ASL) (ORTIZ-PREUSS; SANZ, 2016; SANZ; SERAFINI, 2018). Em vista disso, desenvolveu-se este estudo que buscou analisar a interação entre condições pedagógicas e DIs na aquisição de enunciados declarativos e interrogativos totais em espanhol/L2. Para a geração de dados, usou-se três instrumentos: i) questionário de histórico e proficiência linguística; ii) teste de capacidade atencional; iii) testes de compreensão e produção de frases. No total, a pesquisa contou com 10 participantes. Os resultados evidenciaram que idade e domínio de habilidades são variáveis que parecem ter influenciado no desempenho dos participantes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Researchers have debated the need to consider the effects of interaction between pedagogical conditions and individual differences (IDs) on the process of second language acquisition (SLA) (ORTIZ-PREUSS; SANZ, 2016; SANZ; SERAFINI, 2018). Therefore, this study was developed to analyze the interaction between pedagogical conditions and IDs in the acquisition of declarative and interrogative utterances in Spanish / L2. For data analysis, three instruments were used: i) a questionnaire of historical and linguistic proficiency; ii) an attention control test; iii) sentence production and perception/comprehension tests of comprehension and production of sentences. In total, the study had 10 participants. The results showed that age and skills domain are variables that seem to have influenced the performance of participants.
  • Retrieving L2 word stress from orthography: Evidence from word naming and cross-modal priming Articles

    Silveira, Amanda Post da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This study aims at showing how L1 word stress affects L2 word naming for cognates and non-cognates in two lexical stress languages, Brazilian Portuguese (BP, L1) and American English (AE, L2). Based on the bilingualism literature, there are indications that the access to the lexicon is non-selective, thus, cognate words would have a facilitation effect in recognition in L2 and in L1. Our hypothesis is that co-defining features of words, such as word stress, would be more activated by cognate word pairs in the target language of use. In a first experiment with low frequency cognate words of English and Portuguese (Post da Silveira, et. al. 2014), we noticed that the low frequency caused word stress dominance in bilinguals to emerge in production. We hypothesize that words of higher frequency in the lexicons will provide more lexical effects of word stress than low frequency words. In order to test this hypothesis, in Experiment 1 of this study, Brazilian Portuguese (BP)-American English (AE) bilinguals named a mixed list of disyllabic moderate frequency words in L1 (Portuguese) and L2 (English). In Experiment 2, BP-AE bilinguals named English (L2) disyllabic target words presented simultaneously with auditory Portuguese (L1) disyllabic primes. Voice-onset-times, which will be called Reaction Times along the task, were measured. Our results led to the conclusion that word stress is actually a co-defining lexical feature, because it is directly affected by lexical frequency. We also noticed that word stress has a task-dependent role to play in bilingual word naming. Given the findings of this study, we advocate that word stress must be incorporated in bilingual models of lexical production, lexical perception and reading aloud.
  • A Conceptual Approach to the -ING Construction: Aspects of Radiality and Subjectification Articles

    Almeida, Sandra; Ulloa, Iván

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: The -ING construction has a number of uses in the English language, and teaching it to speakers of other languages poses some challenges, as learners tend to interpret the construction as a verbal one, in the progressive aspect, which is only one part of the picture. Bearing this in mind, we have developed a corpus-based research into the form-meaning/function pairing (Goldberg, 1995, 2006) of the construction, relying on Construction Grammar (Kay, Fillmore; 1999; Goldberg, 1995, 2006) and Cognitive Grammar (Langacker, 1987, 1990, 1991, 2008), apart from a semantic approach to the -ING construction (Wierzbicka, 1988), essential for describing the -ING construction from a conceptual perspective within the wide-ranging scope of Cognitive Linguistics (Geeraerts, 2006), which also included Prototype Theory (Rosch, 1973) and Radial Categories (Brugman, 1981; Lakoff, 1987). In regard to methodology, we have taken both a quantitative and qualitative approach to data (Cook; Reichardt, 1979; Richardson, 1985; Creswell, 2010) compiled from an English/Spanish parallel corpus of 1199 verbal -ING occurrences. Our main hypothesis is that the -ING construction, in its verbal function, is more central or prototypical (Rosch, 1973; Brugman, 1981; Lakoff, 1987; Langacker, 2008) in respect to its conceptual network and its other functions, namely nominal, adjectival and adverbial. These functions, in turn, exhibit a more peripheral role and are linked to the verbal function through metaphorical extension relationships (Goldberg, 1995, 2006). By performing a corpus-based analysis of the data (Berber-Sardinha, 2002, 2004) we finally argue that there is a radial organisation (Brugman, 1981; Lakoff, 1987) for the -ING construction, which goes from a more concrete level, being this more situated or grounded and thus more objectified (as a “here and now process”), until it gets to a more abstract level, therefore, less situated and more subjectified (taken as a “thing”).
  • Entrevista ao Professor Domingos Sávio Pimentel Siqueira da Universidade Federal da Bahia Entrevista

    Silva, Robson Ribeiro da; Lima, Jane Helen Gomes De; Silveira, Rosane
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Bloco B- 405, CEP: 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Tel.: (48) 37219455 / (48) 3721-9819 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil