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Journal of Transport Literature, Volume: 9, Número: 4, Publicado: 2015
  • Comparison between common traffic lights and three types of traffic lights with visual cycle – a safety and capacity analysis Research Directory

    Spigolon, Luciana Gasparelo; Bezerra, Barbara Stolte; Bastos, Jorge Tiago; Ferraz, Antonio Clóvis Pinto; Battistelle, Rosane Aparecida Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The objective of this paper is compare the common traffic lights (CTL) to three different types of traffic lights with countdown displays (SCD) and assess their effects on road safety and capacity. This comparison is required because the results found in the literature are divergent among countries and cities, and one of the SCD analyzed in our study is different from the SCD used worldwide. An observational before-after study was conducted to evaluate the safety and capacity in a period of one year before and one year after the implementation of the SCD in three Brazilian cities. The results indicate that the SCD models 1 and 3 had around 35%±14% reduction in the total number of accidents; the model 2, does not have significant reduction. In order to perform the capacity analysis a framework for data collection and an adaptation for estimation of initial lost time in each phase were developed. Considering the capacity analysis there was a reduction around 11% in the lost time in SCD model 1, 7% in SCD model 2 and 3% in SCD model 3. However the implications of this on capacity are trifle due to a small increase in the average headways for all SCD models compare to CTL.
  • Comportamento e análise do ruído ferroviário na cidade de Santa Maria Diretório De Pesquisas

    Luzzi, Felipe Cipriani; Cervo, Tatiana Cureau; Specht, Luciano Pivoto

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar o comportamento do ruído ferroviário na cidade de Santa Maria/RS, por meio da elaboração de uma expressão que demonstra a contribuição individual das variáveis estudadas (velocidade e distância). Foram utilizadas medições de campo e dados retirados de pesquisas semelhantes, objetivando maior confiabilidade nos resultados apresentados e possibilitando a ampliação da utilização do modelo proposto. Como no Brasil ainda não existem normas especificas para o estudo realizado, as regulamentações NBR 10151 e o Código de Posturas de Santa Maria foram utilizadas para o procedimento de coleta de dados e analise dos resultados. Os dados foram coletados na estação da GARE e na passagem de nível da Rua Sete de Setembro. Verificou-se que os valores obtidos estavam acima dos limites especificados pelas normativas existentes, sendo 72,88 dB e 83,42 dB o menor e o maior encontrados, respectivamente. Os resultados encontrados a partir dos estudos foram analisados em conjunto com os dados de Spechtet al. (2012), montando-se curvas de ruídos que se mostraram relevantes e confiáveis para velocidades de 0 a 25 km/h e distâncias do receptor de 0 a 20m.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The work aimed to analyze the noise behavior in the railways in the city of Santa Maria/RS, through the development of an expression that shows the individual contribution of the variables studied. Is possible to note that field measurements and data from similar researches were used, aiming to increase reliability in the results and enabling the expansion of the use of the proposed model. As in Brazil there aren't specific standards for the study, the NBR 10151 normative and the Code of Postures of Santa Maria were used for the data collection procedure and analysis of results. Data were collected at the station GARE and level crossing RuaSete de Setembro. Among the values it was noted that all were above the limits specified by existing regulations, 72.88 dB and 83.42 dB the lowest and the highest found, respectively. The results from the studies were analyzed together with the data from Specht et al. (2012), setting up noise curves that were relevant and reliable for train speeds from 0 to 25 km/h 0 receptor distances 20m.
  • Optimizing the Airport Check-In Counter Allocation Problem Research Directory

    Araujo, Gerson E.; Repolho, Hugo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper presents a new methodology to optimize the Airport Check-in Counter Allocation Problem. The methodology combines optimization, simulation and adjacent resource scheduling and aims to determine the optimal number, location and schedule of check-in desks to open for departing flights, such that operational costs are minimized and a given service level is ensured. The methodology is composed of three steps. Step 1 uses optimization models to determine the optimal number of desks. Step 2 uses simulation to assess if the first step results meet the overall service level. Step 3 uses an optimization model to enforce the adjacent constraint. The paper focus then on Step 1, to which we present two new optimization models for common and dedicated check-in systems which include a service level constraint. Finally, these models are applied to a case study with actual data. We conclude the best time interval length should be 30 minutes or less and, as expected, the dedicated system requires, in general, more desks than the common system. Additionally, the results demonstrate the accuracy of the models to reach the trade-off between the operational costs and a given service level.
  • Análisis del movimiento de pasajeros en la ruta 447 Morón-Ciego de Ávila Research Directory

    Díaz, Lorenzo Dominico; Bernabé, Nicolas Quintana

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Resumen El diseño del flujo de transportación mediante el método del perfil de ocupación de los medios de transporte es muy efectivo en estudios de sistemas regulares de transporte de pasajeros, ya que aporta un considerable y abarcador volumen de información sobre estos sistemas, aun así éste método ha sido poco empleado en estudios de transporte intermunicipal en Cuba. En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis del movimiento de pasajeros en la Ruta 447 Morón-Ciego de Avila a partir de un muestreo de las cantidades de personas traslados y del cálculo de los indicadores técnicos del trabajo de estos medios. Para la recopilación de la información fueron encuestadas cincuenta y seis vueltas en los ocho turnos que realizan los medios cada uno de los siete días de la semana. El análisis por días de la semana mostró que el viernes y el domingo fueron los días de mayor y menor transportación se realizaron respectivamente, mientras que el análisis de los horarios se destaca que la salida de las 3: 00 pm resultó ser la más demandada, así mismo la salida de las 5:30 pm fue en la que menor número de viajeros se transportó, por otra parte las pruebas de Turkey y de Ducan para este conjunto de datos encontraron diferencias significativas de las medias para un nivel del 5%. Fue encontrada gran irregularidad entre ambos viajes (ida y regreso) lo que puede ser corregido con la utilización de ómnibus de menor capacidad en el turno de la 5:30 pm. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos el estudio concluye que para mejorar el servicio que en la actualidad se presta con 4 ómnibus debería ser incrementado con dos ómnibus más y luego reestructurar los horarios de salida teniendo en cuenta las salidas de los otros sistemas de transporte (particular, ferroviario y ómnibus de otros organismos).

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This work aimed to design the flow of passenger transportation 447-Morón-Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, from the calculation of the technical indicators and the number of means to satisfy the needs of passenger transportation route. The length of the course during the first leg is 37.7 km and for the return of 37.6 km, with the total length of around 75.3 km. Were surveyed 56 laps in eight innings, allowing us to analyze the profile of occupation of this route on their trips to and back, thereby it was determined, the level of use of the buses, the degree saturation different sections, and the variation in response to passenger flow parameters: time span, the average distance and direction to a passenger is carried on the route.
  • Análise de desempenho operacional em terminais de contêineres brasileiros Diretório De Pesquisas

    Azambuja, Ana Maria Volkmer de; Oliveira, Maiquiel Schmidt de; Lima, Milton Luiz Paiva de

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Com o grande crescimento nas últimas décadas da movimentação de cargas por contêineres, os terminais de contêineres vem contribuindo, de forma significativa, na cadeia logística nacional e internacional. Como forma de aumentarem sua produtividade, esses terminais precisam conhecer seu potencial de captação de mercadorias e suas limitações. Esse estudo teve como objetivo observar as tendências de crescimento ou redução na produtividade de terminais de contêineres brasileiros, ao longo de determinado período de tempo. O período analisado foi de 2004 a 2011. Para tal, utilizou-se um modelo DEA conhecido como Modelo de Janelas. Para Análise de Janelas foi utilizado escore estimado a partir do modelo BCC com orientação para produto. Para o período analisado, o terminal TECON Santos foi o único que se manteve eficiente ao longo de todo o período. Os terminais CONVICON (PA), Libra-Rio, Libra Santos (SP) e Tecon Rio Grande (RS) se mostraram eficientes na movimentação de contêineres em parte desse período.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract With the large growth of the movement of cargo containers in the last decades, container terminals have been contributing significantly to the supply chain, both, nationally and internationally. As a way to increase productivity, such terminals must know their limitations and potential for the uptake of goods are known. This study aimed to observe the growth trends or reduction in the productivity of Brazilian container terminals, over a given period. The studied period was from 2004 to 2011. For such purpose, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, also known as windows model, was applied. For windows analysis, estimated score from the BCC model with guidance for product was used. For the mentioned period under review, the terminal Tecon Santos was the only one that remained effective throughout the period. The other terminals, CONVICON (PA), Pound-Rio, Libra Santos (SP) and Tecon Rio Grande (RS), were effective in moving containers during part of the same period.
  • Assessing carriers’ logistical performance indicator by shippers in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area Research Directory

    Pereira, Denisson; Vieira, José Geraldo Vidal; Silva, João Eduardo A. Ramos da; Possidônio, Elisangela F. S. Campana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper aims to assess the logistics services provided by carriers in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA) considering two perspectives: the efficiency of the operations and the adoption of sustainable measures. A survey was applied to the 15 main shippers working with the selected carrier in order to assess logistics performance indicators (on-time-in-full, relationship, lead time, service quality, etc.) as well as sustainability demands (disposal of oil, post-use tires, spare parts, etc.). A second survey was applied to 21 other shippers that hire similar services provided by other carriers in the SPMA. The results indicate that a good relationship between shippers and carriers positively impacts the evaluation of the carriers. Approximately 64% of the informants claim that gas emissions followed by disposal of lubricant, tires and spare parts are the major unsustainable practices to be avoided. This study makes two contributions: to show the most relevant sustainable and logistics aspects that carriers must consider for their services from the viewpoint of shippers and to analyse the influence of the relationship between the companies on the performance indicators.
  • Instalações Humanitárias como alternativa de preparação para eventos sazonais no Estado do Amazonas Diretório De Pesquisas

    Maciel Neto, Thiago; Gonçalves, Mirian Buss

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo As ações na Logística Humanitária podem ser realizadas antes ou após as ocorrências de desastres naturais, destacando-se, nas fases de preparação e resposta, a localização de instalações e a distribuição de suprimentos e transportes de vítimas, respectivamente. No Estado do Amazonas, em decorrência das anormalidades dos fenômenos naturais pré-anunciados, problemas de abastecimento afetam a sobrevivência da população local, principalmente das comunidades interioranas. Para tanto, estratégias logísticas podem ser implantadas para aliviar as necessidades dos amazonenses na ocorrência desses eventos. Deste modo, o objetivo do trabalho é apresentar um modelo conceitual de localização e roteirização para distribuição de suprimentos para instalações humanitárias como alternativa de preparação humanitária para os necessitados em eventos catastróficos sazonais no Estado do Amazonas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The activities that are encompassed by the Humanitarian Logistics can be realized pre or post-disaster, more importantly in the Preparation and Response phases in activities such as locating facilities and routing. In the Amazon State in Brazil, due to the anomalies of the pre-announced natural phenomenon’s, supplying issues affect the survival of the local population, mostly in the riverside communities. For such, the main goal of this paper is to present a reference model for locating facilities and routing the supply distribution for humanitarian facilities as an alternative for immediate response for those affected by these natural seasonal catastrophe events that occur in the Amazon State.
  • Binomial logistic regression model of household motorcycle ownership in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Research Directory

    Oyedepo, Olugbenga Joseph; Etu, Japheth

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In order to forecast and make provisions for future demand of motorcycle in Akure, there is a need to understand factors driving motorcycle ownership, therefore, this study examines factors which affect motorcycle ownership in Akure metropolis. Three different zones namely, Low Density (LD), Medium Density (MD) and High Density (HD) were considered,, both close-ended and open-ended questionnaire were administered to 900 households representing 75% of the total population. Using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16 data were analyzed and binomial logistic regression analysis was used in developing a model which showed that only academic qualification of household head, number of household members and average monthly income of household significantly influences motorcycle ownership across the zones at the 95% confidence level. Both average monthly income of household and academic qualification of household head had a negative influence on motorcycle ownership whereas number of household members had a positive relationship with motorcycle ownership. The results shows that there is a 1.43 times likelihood of owning a motorcycle with a unit increase in the number of household members, while there is a reduction in the likelihood of owning a motorcycle by 1.66 times and 2.17 times for a unit increase in the average monthly income and academic qualification of household head respectively. The results obtained can be used in developing policy framework to improve public transport and control motorcycle ownership in the city of Akure.
Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento dos Transportes Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Tecnologia - Pavilhão Rio Japurá - Setor Norte, Av. Gal Rodrigo Otávio, n. 3000, Coroado, CEP 69077-000, Tel.: (55 92) 3305-4613 | 3305-4607 - Manaus - AM - Brazil