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Research on Biomedical Engineering, Volume: 32, Issue: 1, Published: 2016
  • In memoriam Antonio Fernando Catelli Infantosi (1947-2016) Editorial

    Nadal, Jurandir
  • A system for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers using led irradiation and natural latex Original Articles

    Nunes, Gustavo Adolfo Marcelino de Almeida; Reis, Maria do Carmo dos; Rosa, Mário Fabrício Fleury; Peixoto, Luciana Roberta Tenório; Rocha, Adson Ferreira da; Rosa, Suélia de Siqueira Rodrigues Fleury

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction: We developed and tested a new system for inducing the healing of diabetic foot ulcers. The system relies on the regenerative properties of its two components: an insole with a sheet of natural latex and a device that contains a matrix of light emitting diodes with wavelength of 635 nm. Methods The electronic and latex based devices were developed, and a four weeks test was performed in one control group (CG) of five ulcers and one experimental group (EG) of eight ulcers. The CG was treated with a standard approach, based on a silver-releasing foam dressing, and the EG was treated with the system under test. For each ulcer, an index for quantifying the percentage ulcer recovery, named CRU(%), has been calculated; a CRU(%) = 0% means no healing, and a CRU(%) = 100% means total healing. Results There were statistically significant increases of CRU(%) of 51.8% (p = 0.022), for the CG, and of 78.4% (p < 0.001), for the EG. The increase in the EG was higher than the increase in the CG, and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The results showed that the proposed method had, for these particular sets of ulcers, faster healing rates, than for the standard method. Conclusion The results hint that the proposed method seems promising as a future treatment method. However, the technique must undergo further testing before it can be considered for extensive clinical applications.
  • A simple approach to calculate active power of electrosurgical units Original Articles

    Monteiro, André Luiz Regis; Grande, Karin Cristine; Faria, Rubens Alexandre de; Schneider Junior, Bertoldo

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction: Despite of more than a hundred years of electrosurgery, only a few electrosurgical equipment manufacturers have developed methods to regulate the active power delivered to the patient, usually around an arbitrary setpoint. In fact, no manufacturer has a method to measure the active power actually delivered to the load. Measuring the delivered power and computing it fast enough so as to avoid injury to the organic tissue is challenging. If voltage and current signals can be sampled in time and discretized in the frequency domain, a simple and very fast multiplication process can be used to determine the active power. Methods This paper presents an approach for measuring active power at the output power stage of electrosurgical units with mathematical shortcuts based on a simple multiplication procedure of discretized variables – frequency domain vectors – obtained through Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) applied on time-sampled voltage and current vectors. Results Comparative results between simulations and a practical experiment are presented – all being in accordance with the requirements of the applicable industry standards. Conclusion An analysis is presented comparing the active power analytically obtained through well-known voltage and current signals against a computational methodology based on vector manipulation using DFT only for time-to-frequency domain transformation. The greatest advantage of this method is to determine the active power of noisy and phased out signals with neither complex DFT or ordinary transform methodologies nor sophisticated computing techniques such as convolution. All results presented errors substantially lower than the thresholds defined by the applicable standards.
  • Biomechanical performance of Bio Cross-Pin and EndoButton for ACL reconstruction at femoral side: a porcine model Original Articles

    Moré, Ari Digiácomo Ocampo; Pizzolatti, André Luiz Almeida; Fancello, Eduardo Alberto; Roesler, Carlos Rodrigo de Mello

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction The method of graft fixation is critical in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. Success of surgery is totally dependent on the ability of the implant to secure the graft inside the bone tunnel until complete graft integration. The principle of EndoButton is based on the cortical suspension of the graft. The Cross-Pin is based on graft expansion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical performance of EndoButton and Bio Cross-Pin to fix the hamstring graft at femoral side of porcine knee joints and evaluate whether they are able to support of loading applied on graft during immediate post-operative tasks. Methods Fourteen ACL reconstructions were carried out in porcine femurs fixing superficial flexor tendons with Titanium EndoButton (n = 7) and with 6 × 50 mm HA/PLLA Bio Cross-Pin (n = 7). A cyclic loading test was applied with 50-250 N of tensile force at 1 Hz for 1000 cycles. The displacement was measured at 20, 100, 500 and 1000 load cycles to quantify the slippage of the graft during the test. Single-cycle load-to-failure test was performed at 50 N/mm to measure fixation strength. Results The laxity during cyclic loading and the displacement to failure during single-cycle test were lower for the Bio Cross-Pin fixation (8.21 ± 1.72 mm) than the EndoButton (11.20 ± 2.00 mm). The Bio Cross-Pin (112.22 ± 21.20–1) was significantly stiffer than the EndoButton fixation (60.50 ±10.38–1). There was no significant difference between Bio Cross-Pin (failure loading: 758.29 ± 188.05 N; yield loading: 713.67 ± 192.56 N) and EndoButton strength (failure loading: 672.52 ± 66.56 N; yield loading: 599.91 ± 59.64 N). Both are able to support the immediate post-operative loading applied (445 N). Conclusion The results obtained in this experiment indicate that the Bio Cross-Pin technique promote stiffer fixation during cyclic loading as compared with EndoButton. Both techniques are able to support the immediate post-operative loading applied.
  • A robust fully automatic lumen segmentation method for in vivo intracoronary optical coherence tomography Original Articles

    Macedo, Maysa Malfiza Garcia de; Takimura, Celso Kiyoshi; Lemos, Pedro Alves; Gutierrez, Marco Antonio

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction: Intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) is an in-vivo imaging modality based on the introduction of a catheter in a blood vessel for viewing its inner wall using electromagnetic radiation. One of the most developed automatic applications for this modality is the lumen area segmentation, however on the evaluation of these methods, the slices inside bifurcation regions, or with the presence of complex atherosclerotic plaques and dissections are usually discarded. This paper describes a fully-automatic method for computing the lumen area in IVOCT images where the set of slices includes complex atherosclerotic plaques and dissections. Methods The proposed lumen segmentation method is divided into two steps: preprocessing, including the removal of artifacts and the second step comprises a lumen detection using morphological operations. In addition, it is proposed an approach to delimit the lumen area for slices inside bifurcation region, considering only the main branch. Results Evaluation of the automatic lumen segmentation used manual segmentations as a reference, it was performed on 1328 human IVOCT images, presenting a mean difference in lumen area and Dice metrics of 0.19 mm2 and 97% for slices outside the bifurcation, 1.2 mm2 and 88% in the regions with bifurcation without automatic contour correction and 0.52 mm2 and 90% inside bifurcation region with automatic contour correction. Conclusion This present study shows a robust lumen segmentation method for vessel cross-sections with dissections and complex plaque and bifurcation avoiding the exclusion of such regions from the dataset analysis.
  • On the geometric modulation of skin lesion growth: a mathematical model for melanoma Origianl Articles

    Mendes, Ana Isabel; Nogueira, Conceição; Pereira, Jorge; Fonseca-Pinto, Rui

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction Early detection of suspicious skin lesions is critical to prevent skin malignancies, particularly the melanoma, which is the most dangerous form of human skin cancer. In the last decade, image processing techniques have been an increasingly important tool for early detection and mathematical models play a relevant role in mapping the progression of lesions. Methods This work presents an algorithm to describe the evolution of the border of the skin lesion based on two main measurable markers: the symmetry and the geometric growth path of the lesion. The proposed methodology involves two dermoscopic images of the same melanocytic lesion obtained at different moments in time. By applying a mathematical model based on planar linear transformations, measurable parameters related to symmetry and growth are extracted. Results With this information one may compare the actual evolution in the lesion with the outcomes from the geometric model. First, this method was tested on predefined images whose growth was controlled and the symmetry known which were used for validation. Then the methodology was tested in real dermoscopic melanoma images in which the parameters of the mathematical model revealed symmetry and growth rates consistent with a typical melanoma behavior. Conclusions The method developed proved to show very accurate information about the target growth markers (variation on the growth along the border, the deformation and the symmetry of the lesion trough the time). All the results, validated by the expected phantom outputs, were similar to the ones on the real images.
  • Growth rates of dynamic dermal model exposed to laminar flow and magnetic fields Original Articles

    Martinez, Luis Javier; Pinedo, Carlos Rafael; Gutierrez, Jose Oscar; Cadavid, Hector

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction Ongoing research in the use of electromagnetic stimulation as coadjuvant in fracture healing has led the authors to begin generating computer models in order to predict cellular growth changes when cells are electromagnetically stimulated. By generating these models, scientists will be able to better understand how electromagnetic fields affect cellular development. The experimental design integrated a cellular culture bioreactor along with an external magnetic stimulation system, which allowed for dermal models to be exposed to controlled magnetic fields. Methods Initially, it was necessary to analyze the static growth of Normal Human Skin Fibroblast (NHSF) cells when they were exposed to Extremely Low Frequency – Electromagnetic Fields (ELF-EMFs). Using optimal conditions for the NHSF culture, from stimulation signal to scaffolding material, we were able to perform the dynamic flow stimulation experiments. Results The following systems were developed: (1) a bioreactor aimed at cellular tissue culture, and (2) Helmholtz coils capable of generating stimulation signals for the cultured tissue. The authors were able to appreciate the quantified values of cellular density diluted in all the experiment samples that were taken and overall, the irradiated samples displayed an average increase of 53% higher cellular density for the same amount of initial cellular seeding when the cells were exposed to a 1 mT, 60 Hz magnetic field signal. Conclusion ELF-EMF’s indeed alter NHSF cell growth rates and it is the challenge of the authors to continue investigating what cellular mechanisms are altered when cells are exposed to ELF-EMF’s.
  • A digital approach for design and fabrication by rapid prototyping of orthosis for developmental dysplasia of the hip Original Articles

    Munhoz, Rodrigo; Moraes, Cícero André da Costa; Tanaka, Harki; Kunkel, Maria Elizete

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction Immobilization in a hip spica cast is required in surgical and nonsurgical treatments for children aged three months to four years diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Skin complications are associated with the use of the spica cast in 30% of the cases. This research explores the use of photogrammetry and rapid prototyping for the production of a lighter, shower friendly and hygienic hip orthosis that could replace the hip spica cast. Methods Digitalized data of a plastic dool was used for design and fabrication of a customised hip orthosis following four steps: 1) Digitalization of the external anatomical structure by photogrammetry using a smartphone and open source software; 2) Idealization and 3D modeling of the hip orthosis; 3) Rapid prototyping of a low cost orthosis in polymer polylact acid; 4) Evaluation tests. Results Photogrammetry provided a good 3D reconstruction of the dool's hip and legs. The manufacture method to produce the hip orthosis was accurate in fitting the hip orthosis to the contours of the doll. The orthosis could be easily placed on the doll ensuring mechanical strength to immobilize the region of the hip. Conclusion A new approach and the feasibility of both techniques for hip orthosis fabrication were described. It represents an exciting advance for the development of hip orthosis that could be used in orthopedics. To test the effectiveness of this orthosis for developmental dysplasia of the hip treatment in newborns, material and mechanical tests, design optimization and physical tests with patients should be carried.
  • System for open-chest, multidirectional electrical defibrillation Original Articles

    Viana, Marcelo Almeida; Bassani, Rosana Almada; Petrucci, Orlando; Marques, Denilson Antônio; Bassani, José Wilson Magalhães

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction: Cardiomyocytes are more sensitive to stimulatory electrical fields when the latter are applied longitudinally to the cell major axis. In the whole heart, cells have different spatial orientations, which may limit the effectiveness of conventional electrical defibrillation (i.e., shock delivery in a single direction). This article describes the constructive aspects of a portable system for rapidly-switching, multidirectional stimulus delivery, composed of an electrical defibrillator and multielectrode-bearing paddles for direct cardiac defibrillation. Methods: The defibrillator delivers monophasic, truncated monoexponential waveforms with energy up to 7.3 J. Upon selection of the defibrillation modality (unidirectional or multidirectional), shock delivery is triggered through 1 or 3 outputs. In the latter case, triggering is sequentially switched to the outputs, without interval or temporal overlap. Each paddle contains 3 electrodes that define shock pathways spaced by 60°. The system was tested in vivo for reversal of experimentally-induced ventricular fibrillation in healthy swine, using 30- and 20-ms long shocks (N= 4 in each group). Results: The defibrillator delivers identical stimulus waveforms through all outputs in both stimulation modalities. In all animals, successful defibrillation required lower shock energy when 20 ms-long stimuli were applied in 3 directions, compared to a single direction. However, performance was poorer with multidirectional defibrillation for 30 ms-long shocks. Conclusion: The delivery of identical shock waveforms allowed confirmation that multidirectional defibrillation can promote restoration of sinus rhythm with lower shock energy, which may reduce myocardial electrical damage during defibrillation. Nevertheless, increase in shock duration greatly impairs the effectiveness of this defibrillation modality.
  • Correlation between spectral and temporal mechanomyography features during functional electrical stimulation Original Articles

    Krueger, Eddy; Scheeren, Eduardo Mendonça; Nogueira-Neto, Guilherme Nunes; Button, Vera Lúcia da Silveira Nantes; Nohama, Percy

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction: Signal analysis involves time and/or frequency domains, and correlations are described in the literature for voluntary contractions. However, there are few studies about those correlations using mechanomyography (MMG) response during functional electrical stimulation (FES) elicited contractions in spinal cord injured subjects. This study aimed to determine the correlation between spectral and temporal MMG features during FES application to healthy (HV) and spinal cord injured volunteers (SCIV). Methods: Twenty volunteers participated in the research divided in two groups: HV (N=10) and SCIV (N=10). The protocol consisted of four FES profiles transcutaneously applied to quadriceps femoris muscle via femoral nerve. Each application produced a sustained knee extension greater than 65º up to 2 min without adjusting FES intensity. The investigation involved the correlation between MMG signal root mean square (RMS) and mean frequency (MF). Results: HV and SCIV indicated that MMGRMS and MMGMF variations were inversely related with -0.12 ≥ r ≥ -0.82. The dispersion between MMGMF and MMGRMS reached 0.50 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.64. Conclusion The increase in MMGRMS and the decrease in MMGMF may be explained by the motor units coherence during fatigue state or by motor neuron adaptation (habituation) along FES application (without modification on parameters).
  • Polymer-based surface plasmon resonance biochip: construction and experimental aspects Review

    Moreira, Cleumar da Silva; Oliveira, Leiva Casemiro; Fischer, Robert; Medeiros, Eliton Souto; Lima, Antonio Marcus Nogueira; Neff, Helmut

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Introduction: Surface plasmon resonance biosensors are high sensitive analytical instruments that normally employ glass materials at the optical substrate layer. However, the use of polymer-based substrates is increasing in the last years due to favorable features, like: disposability, ease to construction and low-cost design. Review Recently, a polymer-based SPR biochip was proposed by using monochromatic and polychromatic input sources. Its construction and experimental considerations are detailed here. Experimental considerations and results, aspects from performance characteristics (resonance parameters, sensitivity and full width at half maximum – FWHM – calculations) are presented for hydrophilic and hydrophobic solutions. It is included also a brief description of the state of the art of polymer-based SPR biosensors.
Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica Centro de Tecnologia, bloco H, sala 327 - Cidade Universitária, 21941-914 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21)2562-8591 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil