Frequently asked questions about the journal selection process

July 2009 Version

What are the criteria for indexing a journal in SciELO Brazil?

To be indexed in SciELO Brazil, a journal should go through an evaluation process, based on criteria and procedures that are internationally adopted by databases.

The criteria adopted by SciELO to select journals are detailed in the document "SciELO Criteria: criteria, policy and procedures for admission and permanence of scientific journals in the SciELO Collection", available at <>.

The SciELO Brazil Collection is composed only of scientific journals published in Brazil. Foreign journals interested in admission in SciELO Network should contact the SciELO Unit in their respective country. For a list of countries with a national SciELO site, see <>.

How are electronic journals evaluated?

The electronic journals are evaluated according to "SciELO Brazil Criteria".
It is essential that electronic journals have a website and publish the Editorial Board names, their respective affiliation, and Instructions to Authors.

How is the selection process carried out?

The selection process for admission of new journals in SciELO Brazil collection is divided into three stages: (1) pre-assessment of format and indicators, (2) evaluation of scientific contents by an expert, and (3) final review by SciELO Brazil Advisory Committee.

How often are evaluations performed?

The SciELO Brazil Advisory Committee meets at least three or four times a year.

Who are the members of the SciELO Brazil Advisory Committee?

The Committee is composed of representatives of the national scientific community. For further information about the composition and objectives of the Committee, see "SciELO Brazil Criteria".

If necessary, external consultants and experts may take part in meetings and activities of the Committee.

After evaluation, how is the decision communicated to the journal?

The opinion of the SciELO Brazil Advisory Committee is sent to the journal editor by mail, e-mail or fax, and it may provide recommendations to make changes to the journal and the terms to implement them.

If a journal is selected, from which issue on will it be indexed?

The entry of a new title in SciELO collection is made by publishing the two most recent issues. The previous issues, back to 1997, should be added to the collection later; therefore, electronic files should be available to send to SciELO Unit.

What are the procedures if a journal is not selected to or excluded from SciELO Collection?

The editor of the journal may appeal, at any time, and send a review, together with the corresponding documentation. The Advisory Committee will examine it in the next meeting.

The journal may be submitted again for evaluation. However, it should comply with the report of the Committee before application.

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