The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to assist in the development of the SciELO Brazil Collection (hereinafter also referred to as the Collection) in accordance with the objectives of the SciELO Program and the SciELO Brazil Criteria. Thus, based on this document, the members of the Advisory Committee have the function of analyzing, discussing, proposing recommendations and making decisions in the following thematic areas, lines of action and decisions:
Improving the scientific character, adoption of good ethical practices, performance, influence and scientific, cultural, social, technological and economic impact of the Collection as a whole, of sets of journals in thematic areas, of individual journals and of the research they communicate;
Inclusion of new journals in the Collection;
Exclusion of journals from the Collection;
Periodic evaluation of the performance of the Collection as a whole and of individual journals, proposing recommendations and deadlines for improvement;
Updating the SciELO Brazil evaluation criteria for the admission and permanence of journals in the Collection in accordance with the objectives of the SciELO Program and the state of the art in scholarly communication with the adoption of generative AI and Other technologies; and
Defining and improving the Committee's operation in order to efficiently fulfill the above objectives.
The Advisory Committee operates within the scope of the SciELO Program and the SciELO Brazil Collection and is made up of scientific editors representing all the editors of the journals in the SciELO Brazil Collection, according to the main areas of knowledge, and representatives of the institutions that maintain SciELO, which are currently o CAPES, CNPq e FAPESP, da ABEC Brazil and the Office of Ethics and Good Practices in Research Communication (SciELO Ethics). The Committee has the following composition:
Six Editors or Editors-in-Chief of journals in the Collection representing their peers from journals in the areas of Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences (including Engineering, Exact and Earth Sciences and Multidisciplinary Sciences), Humanities (including Applied Social Sciences), Linguistics, Letters and Arts, and Health Sciences, elected from among the editors and editors-in-chief of the journals in their respective areas indexed in the SciELO Brazil Collection, with a two-year mandate, with one reappointment permitted;
Representative of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brazil);
Representatives of the members of the National Consortium for the Maintenance of the SciELO Program, which are currently CAPES, CNPq and FAPESP;
Representative of the Office of Ethics and Good Practices in Research Communication
(SciELO Ethics);
Director or Scientific Director of the SciELO Program in the capacity of principal investigator of the CNPq grant to SciELO; and
Director of the SciELO Program or theirrepresentative who acts as Coordinator of the Advisory Committee.
The Committee must promote its own gender-equitable composition. Each of the above representations must have a member and an alternate.
The Committee must meet at least three times a year and can also count on the participation of external consultants in its meetings and activities to meet specific purposes, when necessary. The committee may also recommend the formation of temporary technical groups to analyze specific thematic areas and demands.
In any case, the committee is solely and exclusively responsible for decisions on the inclusion and exclusion of journals. In particular, the committee may approve the indexing or permanence of journals subject to the fulfillment of criteria within certain deadlines.
The Coordination of the SciELO Brazil Collection is responsible for providing the technical secretariat to support the functioning of the Advisory Committee.
Access the SciELO Brazil Advisory Committee timeline here.
Revised and updated version
October 2024