Chemical Sciences A New Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor from Green Glycosylation of Trachyloban-19-oic Acid by Mucor plumbeus SANTOS, GABRIEL F. DOS TAKAHASHI, JACQUELINE A. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The in vitro metabolism of a widespread natural product, trachyloban-19-oic acid (1), by the fungal species Mucor plumbeus was studied in a sucrose-yeast liquid medium. Two products were isolated, and their structures were determined by spectroscopic means as 7β-hydroxytrachyloban-19-oic acid (5) and trachyloban-19-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (6). To the best of our knowledge, compound 6 is herein reported by the first time in the literature. These compounds were assayed for acetylcholinesterase inhibition along with some related compounds. Compound 6 showed the highest acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity at 10000 µg/mL among the tested compounds, a result (92.89%) comparable to the activity of the positive control, galanthamine (94.21%). Therefore, biotransformation of the natural product 1 by M. plumbeus produced a novel compound with potential as a new lead to develop anti-Alzheimer medicines. |
Earth Sciences Estimated evolution of total pollutant gas emissions associated with vehicle activity in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre until 2030 CHOVERT, ANGEL D. ALONSO, MARCELO F. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT In recent years, the majority of economic sectors in Brazil have gone through processes of development and transformation. These processes have led to increases in environmental pollution of all kinds; air pollution being one of the most adverse. The Brazilian transportation sector, which heavily affects the air quality, experienced a significant increase in its vehicle fleet thus provoking larger emissions of pollutant gases, mainly in regions with high population density such as the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (MRPA). Within this research, considering mainly the ozone precursor species and Carbon Monoxide and using the year 2001 as a base year, scenarios are obtained for vehicular emissions of pollutant gases in the MRPA until the year 2030. In addition, scenarios related to the evolution of the study region’s vehicle fleet were estimated. The statistical tool LEAP (Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System) was used. The scenario analysis shows that the vehicle fleet will grow exponentially until 2030, considering that the Light Flex vehicles category will mainly contribute to this increase. It is also noted that vehicle emissions of CO, NOx, and THC decrease in the region. The decrease is caused mainly by the renewal of technology in new vehicles and the implementation of emission control programs created by the government. |
Earth Sciences Three decades of reference evapotranspiration estimates for a tropical watershed in the eastern Amazon SILVA, RENATO O. DA SOUZA, EVERALDO B. DE TAVARES, ALEXANDRA L. MOTA, JOSÉ A. FERREIRA, DOUGLAS B.S. SOUZA-FILHO, PEDRO W.M. ROCHA, EDSON J.P. DA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT This study estimated the reference evapotranspiration rate (ETo) for the Itacaiúnas River Watershed (IRW), Eastern Amazonia, and measured the accuracy of eight empirical equations: Penman-Monteith (PM), Priestley-Taylor (PT), Hargreaves and Samani (HS), Camargo (CAM), Thornthwaite (TH), Hamon (HM), Kharrufa (KF) and Turc (TC) using monthly data from 1980 to 2013. In addition, it verifies the regional applicability to the IRW using a for the Marabá-PA station. The methods TC and PM (FAO56) presented the best results, which demonstrate that radiation and higher temperatures are the dominant drivers in the Evapotranspiration process, while relative humidity and wind speed have a much smaller impact. The temporal and spatial variability of ETo for IRW show has strong seasonality, increasing during the dry season and decreasing during the rainy season. The statistical analyses at 1% level of significance, indicates that there is no correlation of the residuals between the dry and rainy seasons, and test of the physical parameters such as mean temperature, solar radiation and relative air humidity explains the variations of ETo. |
Earth Sciences New azhdarchoid pterosaur (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) with an unusual lower jaw from the Portezuelo Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Neuquén Group, Patagonia, Argentina KELLNER, ALEXANDER W.A. CALVO, JORGE O. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT A new azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia is described. The material consists of an incomplete edentulous lower jaw that was collected from the upper portion of the Portezuelo Formation (Turonian-Early Coniacian) at the Futalognko site, northwest of Neuquén city, Argentina. The overall morphology of Argentinadraco barrealensis gen. et sp. nov. indicates that it belongs to the Azhdarchoidea and probable represents an azhdarchid species. The occlusal surface of the anterior portion is laterally compressed and shows blunt lateral margins with a medial sulcus that are followed by two well-developed mandibular ridges, which in turn are bordered laterally by a sulcus. The posterior end of the symphysis is deeper than in any other azhdarchoid. This unique construction of the lower jaw suggests the existence of an elaborate interlocking mechanism with the upper jaw. Furthermore, although speculative, it is advocated here that Argentinadraco barrealensis might have used the lower jaw to obtain its prey by cutting or ploughing through unconsolidated sediment in shallow waters, a feeding behavior not previously proposed for pterosaurs. |
Biological Sciences A polysaccharide fraction extracted from Pleurotus ostreatus mycelial biomass inhibit Sarcoma 180 tumor WISBECK, ELISABETH FACCHINI, JEAN M. ALVES, ENDI P. SILVEIRA, MARCIA L.L. GERN, REGINA M.M. NINOW, JORGE L. FURLAN, SANDRA A. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Fungi of Pleurotus genus have attracted a great interest due to their medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antitumor. These properties are attributed mainly to polysaccharides synthesized by Pleurotus. This work aimed to study the mycelial growth of P. ostreatus in submerged culture, evaluating the influence of the initial concentration of substrate (20 and 40 g/L of glucose) and the pH (4 and 6) on kinetic parameters of production of biomass. The effectiveness of different doses (10, 30 and 50 mg/kg) of a mycelium polysaccharide fraction extracted from P. ostreatus in reducing Sarcoma 180 development in mice was also verified. In the range of this study, maximum concentration of mycelial biomass (about 12.8 g/L) was obtained using 40.0 g/L of glucose, at pH 4.0. The total biomass productivity (Px) was not significantly affected by substrate concentration and pH, reaching values of 0.034 g/L.h. Sarcoma 180 tumor weight was reduced in 74.1, 75.5 and 53.7% when 10, 30 and 50 mg/kg were administered, respectively. These results show the high antitumor potential of intracellular polysaccharide fraction of mycelial biomass of P. ostreatus, particularly at lower doses of 10 and 30 mg/kg. |
Biological Sciences Effects of nutritional conditions on lipid production by cyanobacteria CORDEIRO, RAQUEL S. VAZ, IZABELA C.D. MAGALHÃES, SÉRGIA M.S. BARBOSA, FRANCISCO A.R. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The present study evaluated the effects of the culturing media and the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on the growth, biomass productivity and lipid production of four species of Microcystis (M. novacekii, M. aeruginosa, M panniformis and M. protocystis). The lipid extract was obtained by refluxing with dichloromethane (Soxhlet). The biomass and biomass productivity yields were maximized with ASM-1 medium treatment enriched with nitrogen and/or phosphorus (0.25-0.65 g/L and 25-50.7 mg/L d-1, respectively). The lipid extract yields from M. panniformis and M. novacekii were inversely correlated with the concentration of nitrogen and directly correlated with the concentration of phosphorus (35.8 % and 31.7 %). The lipid extract yield from M. aeruginosa was inversely correlated with the nutrient concentration (23.3 %). M. protocystis exhibited a higher lipid content in the control medium (41.5 %) than in the nitrogen-enriched media. The recorded results show that a nutrient-poor culture medium favours cell growth and stimulates lipid accumulation, which directly affects the cost of cultivation by reducing nutrient consumption. All studied species may serve as biomass sources for biodiesel production, although M. protocystis exhibited the highest lipid production. Further studies are necessary to determine the composition of the recorded lipid extract. |
Biological Sciences Effect of carbon source on production, characterization and bioactivity of exopolysaccharide produced by Phellinus vaninii Ljup XU, CHUNPING YU, JINWEI ZHAO, SHANSHAN WU, SHUNGSHUNG HE, PEIXIN JIA, XUEWEI LIU, YANQI MAO, DUOBIN Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The effect on different three carbon source (i.e. glucose, fructose and sucrose) on production, chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by Phellinus vaninii Ljup was investigated in this study. Amongst carbon sources examined, glucose and sucrose were favorable for the mycelia growth, while the maximum EPS yield was achieved when sucrose was employed. The predominant carbohydrate compositions in EPSs identified were gluconic acid, glucose, mannose and galactose acid. Then, FT-IR spectral analysis revealed prominent characteristic groups in EPSs. EPSs molecule exist as nearly globular shape form in aqueous solution. The variation also affects antioxidant activities by investigated by using hydroxyl and DPPH radical scavenging assay. Sucrose was best carbon source from the viewpoint of antioxidant activity due to the relatively high contents of galactose in the EPS with moderate molecular weight and polydispersity. |
Biological Sciences Antigenotoxicity protection of Carapa guianensis oil against mitomycin C and cyclophosphamide in mouse bone marrow LEMES, SUSY R. CHAVES, DWIGHT A. SILVA, NELSON J. DA CARNEIRO, CRISTIENE C. CHEN-CHEN, LEE ALMEIDA, LUCIANE M. DE GONÇALVES, PABLO J. MELO-REIS, PAULO R. DE Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible protective of C. guianensis oil against MMC and CP, which are direct- and indirect-acting chemical mutagens, using the micronucleus test. Three experiments were performed. First the C. guianensis oil was co-administered to mice at doses of 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg bw with 4 mg/kg bw MMC or 50 mg/kg bw CP. Second, the mutagenic drug (CP) was administered ip 50 mg/kg bw and after 6 and 12 hours 250 and 500 mg/kg bw of C. guianensis oil were administered. In the last, C. guianensis oil was administrated (250 and 500 mg/kg bw) during five days and after it was administered ip 50 mg/kg bw CP. The results obtained showed that the C. guianensis oil is not cytotoxic neither genotoxic to mouse bone marrow. Regarding the antimutagenic effect, all doses of C. guianensis oil were significantly (p < 0.05) effective in reducing the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes, when compared with MMC or CP alone. Based on these results, our results suggest that the C. guianensis oil shows medicinal potential as an antimutagenic agent, modulating the mutagenicity caused by both direct- and indirect-acting chemical mutagens, in a mammalian model. |
Biological Sciences Cytotoxicity and bacterial membrane destabilization induced by Annona squamosa L. extracts PINTO, NÍCOLAS C.C. SILVA, JUCÉLIA B. MENEGATI, LAURA M. GUEDES, MARIA CLARA M.R. MARQUES, LUCAS B. SILVA, THIAGO P. DA MELO, ROSSANA C.N. DE SOUZA-FAGUNDES, ELAINE M. DE SALVADOR, MARCOS J. SCIO, ELITA FABRI, RODRIGO L. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT This study aimed to further investigate the cytotoxicity against tumor cell lines and several bacterial strains of Annona squamosa and its mode of action. Methanol extracts of A. squamosa leaves (ASL) and seeds (ASS) were used. ASL showed significant antibacterial activity against S. aureus, K. pneumoniae and E. faecalis with MIC values of 78, 78 and 39 µg/mL respectively. Moreover, ASL exhibited significant biofilm disruption, rapid time dependent kinetics of bacterial killing, increased membrane permeability and significantly reduced the cell numbers and viability. Regarding the cytotoxicity against tumor cell lines, ASS was more active against Jurkat and MCF-7 cells, with CI50 1.1 and 2.1 µg/mL, respectively. ASL showed promising activity against Jurkat and HL60, with CI50 4.2 and 6.4 µg/mL, respectively. Both extracts showed lower activity against VERO cells and reduced the clonogenic survival at higher concentrations (IC90) to MCF-7 and HCT-116 lineages. The alkaloids anonaine, asimilobine, corypalmine, liriodenine nornuciferine and reticuline were identified in extracts by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. This study reinforced that A. squamosa presents a remarkable phytomedicinal potential and revealed that its antimicrobial mechanism of action is related to bacterial membrane destabilization. |
Biological Sciences Rocinela signata (Isopoda: Aegidae) parasitizing the gills of the spotted goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus (Actinopterygii: Mullidae) in Northeastern Brazil CARDOSO, LUCAS MARTINS, MAURÍCIO L. GOLZIO, JÉSSICA E.S. DE AQUÍNO BOMFIM, CAROLINA N.C. OLIVEIRA, RICARDO L.M. DE SANTOS, LEILANE B.G. DOS LACERDA, ANA CAROLINA F. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Parasitic isopods of fishes usually show wide distribution and low host specificity. This study investigated the occurrence of gill parasites in 120 specimens of spotted goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus, marine fish of great economic importance for fishery community. The fish were captured monthly in the Coast of Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil, between October 2012 and September 2013. Eleven isopods were found and identified as Rocinela signata. We observed lower infections in the gills of P. maculatus (prevalence 8.3%, mean intensity 1.6±0.3 and mean abundance 0.1±0.3) when compared to other studies of different host fishes from geographically close locations. This parasite has been reported from a wide variety of fish species, not only in Brazil, but also in the eastern Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. This is the first report of R. signata in spotted goatfish. |
Biological Sciences Description of fourth instar larva and pupa of Atrichopogon delpontei Cavalieri and Chiossone (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Brazilian Amazonia MARINO, PABLO I. SPINELLI, GUSTAVO R. FERREIRA-KEPPLER, RUTH RONDEROS, MARÍA M. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The fourth instar larva and pupa of Atrichopogon delpontei Cavalieri and Chiossone are described for the first time. The immatures were collected from stream margins in the northern Brazilian states Rondônia and Piauí, and subsequently reared to adults. Larvae and pupae are illustrated and photomicrographed. Details on the rearing process and feeding behavior in laboratory, bionomics and notes on habitats are also provided. |
Biological Sciences Development of EPIC-PCR Markers for Lutjanus purpureus (Lutjanidae-Perciformes) and their Potential Applicability in Population Analyses SILVA, RAIMUNDO DA SILVA, DANILLO VENEZA, IVANA SAMPAIO, IRACILDA SCHNEIDER, HORACIO GOMES, GRAZIELLE Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT In the present study, a novel set of eight EPIC primers were developed for Lutjanus purpureus and assayed in five other marine teleosts including three lutjanids, one scianid and one anablepid. Most of the genomic regions used in this study presented genetic diversity indexes equal or greater than the intragenic regions commonly used in population genetics studies. Moreover, six out of eight markers showed cross-amplification with other taxa. Thus, the primers described here may be used to elucidate questions at the intraspecific level for a large number of taxa. |
Biological Sciences Potential effects of fungicide and algaecide extracts of Annona glabra L. (Annonaceae) on the microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata and on the oomycete Pythium ROCHA, GISELI S. MATSUMOTO, REGINALDO S. LOMBARDI, ANA TERESA LIMA, MARIA INÊS S. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Annona glabra L. is a semi-deciduous tree that contains several active substances, including secondary metabolites, with antifungal activity. Phytopathogenic strains of the genus Pythium cause billion dollar losses all over the world on natural and crop species. Searching for eco-friendly algaecides and fungicides, we analyzed the effects of acetone extracts of A. glabra leaves on the algae Rhaphidocelis subcapitata (Korshikov) and on the oomycete Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson). We evaluated ten extract concentrations for each organism - 0 to 400 mg L-1 for algae and 0-1000 µg disc1 for oomycete. The results showed no effect on algae up to 75 mg L-1, but a significant inhibitory effect at 125 mg L-1 and above, which reduced the growth rate and the final biomass of the algae. Extract concentrations above 200 mg L-1 were completely inhibitory. The half maximal inhibitory concentration for 72 and 96 h of exposure to our crude extracts are comparable to those obtained with commercial fungicides and herbicides used in aquatic ecosystems. The P. aphanidermatum inhibition concentrations have effects comparable to fungicides as Cycloheximide and Bifonazole. Some substances isolated from the extracts are described as antifungals, which could explain part of anti-oomycete activity. Our results highlight the importance of searching bioactive compounds from plants. |
Biological Sciences Detection, purification and characterization of a lectin from freshwater green algae Spirogyra spp. OLIVEIRA, ANTÔNIA S. DE LÓSSIO, CLÁUDIA F. RANGEL, ANNE J. MARTINS, MARIA G.Q. NASCIMENTO, FERNANDO E.P. DO ANDRADE, MARIA L.L. DE CAVADA, BENILDO S. LACERDA, SÍRLEIS R. NASCIMENTO, KYRIA S. DO Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Freshwater algae are rich sources of structurally biologically active metabolites, such as fatty acids, steroids, carotenoids and polysaccharides. Among these metabolites, lectins stand out. Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins of non-immune origin which bind to carbohydrates or glycoconjugates, without changing ligand structure. Many studies have reported on the use of Spirogyra spp. as effective bioindicators of heavy metals; however, reports on Spirogyra molecular bioprospecting are quite limited. Therefore, this study aimed to detect, isolate, purify and characterize a lectin present in the freshwater green algae Spirogyra. Presence of the lectin protein in the extract was detected by hemagglutination assays. Subsequently, the protein extract was subjected to a sugar inhibition assay to identify the lectin-specific carbohydrate. Following this, the extract was applied to a guar gum column to afford the pure lectin. The lectin was inhibited by N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-beta-D-mannose, but more strongly by D-galactose. The apparent molecular mass of the purified lectin was evaluated by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Electrophoretic analysis revealed a single protein band with an apparent molecular mass of 56 kDa. Thus, it could be concluded that a lectin was purified from Spirogyra spp. |
Biological Sciences Construction and characterization of a recombinant yellow fever virus stably expressing Gaussia luciferase KASSAR, TELISSA C. MAGALHÃES, TEREZA S., JOSÉ V.J. CARVALHO, AMANDA G.O. SILVA, ANDRÉA N.M.R. DA QUEIROZ, SABRINA R.A. BERTANI, GIOVANI R. GIL, LAURA H.V.G. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Yellow fever is an arthropod-borne viral disease that still poses high public health concerns, despite the availability of an effective vaccine. The development of recombinant viruses is of utmost importance for several types of studies, such as those aimed to dissect virus-host interactions and to search for novel antiviral strategies. Moreover, recombinant viruses expressing reporter genes may greatly facilitate these studies. Here, we report the construction of a recombinant yellow fever virus (YFV) expressing Gaussia luciferase (GLuc) (YFV-GLuc). We show, through RT-PCR, sequencing and measurement of GLuc activity, that stability of the heterologous gene was maintained after six passages. Furthermore, a direct association between GLuc expression and viral replication was observed (r2=0.9967), indicating that measurement of GLuc activity may be used to assess viral replication in different applications. In addition, we evaluated the use of the recombinant virus in an antiviral assay with recombinant human alfa-2b interferon. A 60% inhibition of GLuc expression was observed in cells infected with YFV-GLuc and incubated with IFN alfa-2b. Previously tested on YFV inhibition by plaque assays indicated a similar fold-decrease in viral replication. These results are valuable as they show the stability of YFV-GLuc and one of several possible applications of this construct. |
Biological Sciences Evaluation of ovarian structures using computerized microtomography PAULINI, FERNANDA CHAVES, SACHA B. RÔLO, JOSÉ LUIZ J.P. AZEVEDO, RICARDO B. DE LUCCI, CAROLINA M. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Visualization and clear understanding of the ovarian structures are important in determining the stage of oestrus, helping to diagnose several pathologies and supporting advances in reproductive technologies. In this research, computerized microtomography (microCT) was used to explore and characterize the ovarian structure of seven mammalian species. Ovaries of rats, female dog, queens, cows, mares, sows and a female donkey were used. After microCT scanning, the same samples were prepared for histologic evaluation, used here as a validation criterion. It was possible to distinguish regions of the cortex and medulla, visualize the morphology and distribution of blood vessels, clearly observe corpus luteum and antral follicles, and visualize oocytes inside some antral follicles. This is the first report using microCT to explore and compare ovarian structures in several domestic mammals. MicroCT revealed great potential for the evaluation of ovarian structures. This research open prospects for the use of computerized tomography (CT) as a non-invasive approach to studying ovarian structures in live animals, which may be especially attractive for scientific study of development of ovarian structures and/or ovarian pathologies in small animals’ models. |
Biological Sciences Assessment of the antiproliferative and antigenotoxic activity and phytochemical screening of aqueous extracts of Sambucus australis Cham. & Schltdl. (ADOXACEAE) TEDESCO, MARÍLIA KUHN, ANDRIELLE W. FRESCURA, VIVIANE DAL-SOUTO BOLIGON, ALINE A. ATHAYDE, MARGARETH L. TEDESCO, SOLANGE B. SILVA, ANTONIO C.F. DA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative and antigenotoxic activity of Sambucus australis Cham. & Schltdl. aqueous extracts on the cell cycle of Allium cepa L. as well as determine the phenolic compounds in such extracts. S. australis inflorescences and leaves of two accessions were used for aqueous extract preparation at concentrations: 0.003 g/ml and 0.012 g/ml. A. cepa bulbs were rooted in distilled water and, subsequently, placed in treatments for 24 hours. Rootlets were collected and fixed in modified Carnoy’s solution for 24 hours and kept. The squash technique was performed for slide preparation. Root tips were smashed and stained with 2% acetic orcein, and a total of 4000 cells per treatment were analyzed. The phenolic compounds were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography and data was analyzed using the Scott-Knott test. The results show that S. australis aqueous extracts have antiproliferative potential. Besides, the extracts prepared from S. australis leaves of both accessions at a concentration of 0.012 g/ml have shown antigenotoxic activity. The phytochemical analysis allowed us to determine the presence of flavonoids and phenolic acids, of which kaempferol and chrologenic acid were the most predominant compounds in the extracts from the inflorescences and leaves, respectively. |
Biological Sciences Aqueous extract of Psidium guajava leaves: phenolic compounds and inhibitory potential on digestive enzymes SIMÃO, ANDERSON A. MARQUES, TAMARA R. MARCUSSI, SILVANA CORRÊA, ANGELITA D. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Leaves of Psidium guajava L. (guava) have been widely used in the popular way for prevention and treatment of various diseases. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory potential of leaves aqueous extract from three cultivars of P. guajava (Pedro Sato, Paluma and Século XXI) on α-amylase, α-glycosidase, lipase, and trypsin enzymes, in the presence or not of simulated gastric fluid and to determine the content of phenolic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography. All cultivars presented the same composition in phenolic compounds, but in different proportions. The compounds identified are gallic acid, epigallocatechin gallate, syringic acid, o-coumaric acid, resveratrol, quercetin, and catechin (which was the major compound in all the cultivars evaluated). In the absence of simulated gastric fluid, it was observed different inhibitions exercised by the leaves aqueous extracts from three cultivars of P. guajava on each enzyme. In presence of simulated gastric fluid, all cultivars showed increase in the inhibition of lipase and α-glycosidase, and decrease in inhibition of α-amylase and trypsin enzymes. These results indicate that P. guajava leaves aqueous extracts from all cultivars evaluated possess potential of use as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity and other dyslipidemias. |
Biological Sciences Avian Communities in the Amazonian Cangas Vegetation: Biogeographic Affinities, Components of Beta-Diversity and Conservation BORGES, SÉRGIO H. SANTOS, MARCOS P.D. SOARES, LEONARDO M.S. SILVA, ANTONITA S. DA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The Amazonian cangas is a vegetation type distributed as patches of open vegetation embedded in a matrix of tropical forest and that grows over iron-rich soils in the Serra dos Carajás region. To characterize cangas avifauna, we surveyed birds in eight patches varying from 43 to 1,366 hectares. Cangas avifauna has compositional affinities with savannas widespread throughout the Amazon and other biomes, and we estimate that more than 200 bird species occurs in this habitat. Species composition was relatively homogeneous, and the similarity among cangas patches was the dominant component of the beta-diversity. Bird communities in cangas patches exhibited statistically significant nested structure in respect to species richness and patch size. In contrast, the nested site arrangement was not affected by the isolation of patches. Number of species and composition are moderately affected by the area of cangas patches but not by its degree of isolation. To conserve this unique habitat are necessary a strict protection of carefully chosen patches of cangas and an investigation of the conservation value of secondary vegetation recovered by the mining companies. |
Biological Sciences Evidence of the Presence of Thyroid Hormones in Achatina fulica Snails LUSTRINO, DANILO SILVA, ALBA C.M. ARAUJO, IRACEMA G. TUNHOLI, VICTOR M. TUNHOLI-ALVES, VINÍCIUS M. CASTRO, ROSANE N. CARVALHO, DENISE P. PINHEIRO, JAIRO MARASSI, MICHELLE P. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify thyroid hormones and to examine their putative site of synthesis in Achatina fulica snails. For this purpose, radioimmunoassays were performed for T3 and T4 before and after long starvation with or without hemolymph deproteinization. Sodium/iodide symporter activity in vivo was analyzed through 125I administration with and without KClO4 pretreatment. Only T4 was detected, and its concentration decreased due to starvation or deproteinization. However, high-performance liquid chromatography analysis also showed the presence of T2 and T3 apart from T4, but rT3 was not detected in the A. fulica hemolymph. The sodium/iodide symporter activity was greater in cerebral ganglia than digestive gland, but KClO4 treatment did not inhibit iodide uptake in any of the tissues analyzed. Altogether, our data confirm for the first time the presence of thyroid hormones in A. fulica snails and suggest their participation in the metabolism control in this species, although the putative site of hormone biosynthesis remains to be elucidated. |
Biological Sciences Reproductive biology of the Green Ground Snake Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus sublineatus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in Subtropical Brazil QUINTELA, FERNANDO M. MARQUES, WILIAM C. LOEBMANN, DANIEL Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT We investigated reproductive features of the dipsadid snake Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus sublineatus in the southernmost Brazilian coast, a subtropical region characterized by well-marked seasons. Females are significantly smaller than males, have a shorter tail, and reach sexual maturity at later times along their development. In contrast to tropical subspecies, E. p. sublineatus females presented a seasonal pattern, with secondary follicles occurring from late winter to early autumn and egg production restricted to the whole spring and early summer. Males presented seasonal variation in testes volume (increase in autumn and decrease in winter) while no significant seasonal variation was found in ductus deferens width. The number of oviductal eggs varied from two to nine, thus, real fecundity is also inferior than that observed in tropical E. poecilogyrus forms. Considering the thermal requirements for reproduction, it is possible that the colder climatic conditions of the southern Brazilian coast have shaped the seasonal reproductive pattern in E. p. sublineatus. The shorter body size of this subspecies may also represent a conditioning factor of low fecundity. |
Biological Sciences Morphological affinities of Homo naledi with other Plio-Pleistocene hominins: a phenetic approach NEVES, WALTER A. BERNARDO, DANILO V. PANTALEONI, IVAN Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Recent fossil material found in Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa, was initially described as a new species of genus Homo, namely Homo naledi. The original study of this new material has pointed to a close proximity with Homo erectus. More recent investigations have, to some extent, confirmed this assignment. Here we present a phenetic analysis based on dentocranial metric variables through Principal Components Analysis and Cluster Analysis based on these fossils and other Plio-Pleistocene hominins. Our results concur that the Dinaledi fossil hominins pertain to genus Homo. However, in our case, their nearest neighbors are Homo habilis and Australopithecus sediba. We suggest that Homo naledi is in fact a South African version of Homo habilis, and not a new species. This can also be applied to Australopithecus sediba. |
Biological Sciences Oxidative stress responses of juvenile tambaqui Colossoma macropomum after short-term anesthesia with benzocaine and MS-222 STRINGHETTA, GIOVANNA R. BARBAS, LUIS A.L. MALTEZ, LUCAS C. SAMPAIO, LUÍS A. MONSERRAT, JOSÉ M. GARCIA, LUCIANO O. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of benzocaine and tricaine methanesulfonate on oxidative stress parameters of juvenile tambaqui tissues. Fish (n=80) were anesthetized with benzocaine (100 mg L-1) or tricaine (240 mg L-1) and two control groups were used (non-anesthetized fish and fish exposed to ethanol-only). After anesthetic induction 10 fish/anesthetic were euthanized after 3, 12 and 24 hours post-anesthesia and tissue samplings (gills, liver and brain) were performed. Samples were submitted to analyses of enzyme activity glutathione-S-transferase (GST), cellular lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and total antioxidant capacity (ACAP). ACAP increased in gills of benzocaine treatment after 12 hours. The liver showed a reduction in ACAP of tricaine treatment after 12 hours. Both anesthetic treatments showed an increase of ACAP at 24 hours compared to control group. The activity of the GST enzyme increased in the gills for treatments benzocaine and tricaine after 3 and 12 hours. Liver showed increased GST activity (benzocaine after 24 hours and tricaine after 3 and 24 hours). Lipid damage decreased in gills (both anesthetics) and brain (tricaine) after 24 hours. The results demonstrate that benzocaine and tricaine did not cause oxidative damage in juvenile tambaqui under the experimental conditions herein established. |
Biological Sciences Floristic-functional variation of tree component along an altitudinal gradient in araucaria forest areas, in Southern Brazil SOBOLESKI, VANESSA F. HIGUCHI, PEDRO SILVA, ANA CAROLINA DA SILVA, MARIELE A.F. DA NUNES, AMANDA S. LOEBENS, RODINELI SOUZA, KARINE DE FERRARI, JHENIFFER LIMA, CARLA L. KILCA, RICARDO V. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT We aimed to investigate the taxonomic and functional variations of tree component of Araucaria Forest (AF) areas located along an altitudinal gradient (700, 900 and 1,600 m asl), in the southern region of Brazil. The functional traits determined were leaf area, specific leaf area, wood density, maximum potential height and dispersal syndromes and deciduousness. The data were analyzed through a functional and taxonomic dissimilarity dendrograms, community-weighted mean trait values, parametric and nonparametric tests, and Principal Component Analysis. The largest floristic-structural similarity was observed between the lower altitude areas (700 and 900 m asl), whose Bray-Curtis distance was 0.63. The area at 700 m asl was characterized by a predominance of deciduous and semi-deciduous species, with a high number of self- and wind-dispersed species, whereas the area at 1,600 m asl exhibited a predominance of animal-dispersed and evergreen species. It was also observed that there were significant variations for leaf traits, basic wood density and maximum potential height. Over all altitudinal gradient, the ordinations indicated that there was no evidence of functional differentiation among dispersal and deciduousness groups. In conclusion, the evaluated Araucaria Forest areas presented high floristic-functional variation of the tree component along the altitudinal gradient. |
Biological Sciences Citizen science participation in research in the environmental sciences: key factors related to projects’ success and longevity CUNHA, DAVI G.F. MARQUES, JONATAS F. RESENDE, JULIANA C. DE FALCO, PATRÍCIA B. DE SOUZA, CHRISLAINE M. DE LOISELLE, STEVEN A. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The potential impacts of citizen science initiatives are increasing across the globe, albeit in an imbalanced manner. In general, there is a strong element of trial and error in most projects, and the comparison of best practices and project structure between different initiatives remains difficult. In Brazil, the participation of volunteers in environmental research is limited. Identifying the factors related to citizen science projects’ success and longevity within a global perspective can contribute for consolidating such practices in the country. In this study, we explore past and present projects, including a case study in Brazil, to identify the spatial and temporal trends of citizen science programs as well as their best practices and challenges. We performed a bibliographic search using Google Scholar and considered results from 2005-2014. Although these results are subjective due to the Google Scholar’s algorithm and ranking criteria, we highlighted factors to compare projects across geographical and disciplinary areas and identified key matches between project proponents and participants, project goals and local priorities, participant profiles and engagement, scientific methods and funding. This approach is a useful starting point for future citizen science projects, allowing for a systematic analysis of potential inconsistencies and shortcomings in this emerging field. |
Biological Sciences Melipona mondury produces a geopropolis with antioxidant, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities SANTOS, TÁSSIA L.A. DOS QUEIROZ, RAPHAEL F. SAWAYA, ALEXANDRA C.H.F. LOPEZ, BEGOÑA GIMENEZ-CASSINA SOARES, MILENA B.P. BEZERRA, DANIEL P. RODRIGUES, ANA CAROLINA B.C. PAULA, VANDERLÚCIA F. DE WALDSCHMIDT, ANA MARIA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Geopropolis is a special type of propolis produced by stingless bees. Several pharmacological properties have been described for different types of geopropolis, but there have been no previous studies of the geopropolis from Melipona mondury. In this study, we investigated the antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiproliferative activities of M. mondury geopropolis, and determined its chemical profile. The antioxidant activity was determined using in vitro ABTS·+, ·DPPH, and β-carotene/linoleic acid co-oxidation methods. The antibacterial activity was determined using a microdilution method with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The antiproliferative effect was determined in tumor cell lines using the Alamar Blue assay. The chemical profile was obtained using UHPLC-MS and UHPLC-MS/MS. The butanolic fraction had the highest concentration of phenolic compounds and more potent antioxidant properties in all assays. This fraction also had bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects against all bacterial strains at low concentrations, especially S. aureus. The hexane fraction had the highest antiproliferative potential, with IC50 values ranging from 24.2 to 46.6 µg/mL in HL-60 (human promyelocytic leukemia cell) and K562 (human chronic myelocytic leukemia cell), respectively. Preliminary chemical analysis indicates the presence of terpenes and gallic acid in the geopropolis. Our results indicate the therapeutic potential of geopropolis from M. mondury against inflammatory, oxidative, infectious, and neoplastic diseases. |
Biological Sciences Growth of the silverside Atherinella brasiliensis in a subtropical estuary with some insights concerning the weight-length relationship CARVALHO, BARBARA M. DE BARRADAS, JOSÉ RICARDO S. FONTOURA, NELSON F. SPACH, HENRY L. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Specimens of Brazilian silverside (Atherinella brasiliensis, n=9672) with a length range of 1.5 to 14.2 cm were captured in the intertidal areas of the Estuarine Complex of Paranaguá, Brazil, between August 2010 and July 2011. The species’ weight-length relationship was represented by the equation W=0.00533 L3.136 with a slightly positive allometry (b>3) and could be divided into two growth stanzas: W = W1 + W2; Stanza 1: W1= SW. (0.005239 L3.152); Stanza 2: W2= (1 - SW). (0.000699 L3.913); Switch-Function: SW = [1 + e1.204 (L - 11.66)]-1. The breakpoint between the first and second stanza (11.66 cm) matches published values for the estimated size at first maturity of adult females. Frequency distributions indicate that the species is present in the shallow areas of the Estuarine Complex of Paranaguá during all phases of its ontogenetic development, with the recruitment of juveniles taking place between October and November. Modal displacement was monitored throughout 12 months. The von Bertalanffy growth model and longevity was estimated as follow: asymptotic length (L∞) of 17.5 cm, growth coefficient (K) of 0.89 (year-1) and longevity (A95) of 3.33 years. We present some considerations with regard to the general methodology for adjusting weight-length relationships. |
Biological Sciences Copper II - polar amino acid complexes: toxicity to bacteria and larvae of Aedes aegypti RODRIGUES, THIAGO A.D. ARRUDA, EDUARDO J. DE FERNANDES, MAGDA F. CARVALHO, CLAUDIO T. DE LIMA, ALESSANDRA R. CABRINI, ISAÍAS Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Control strategies using insecticides are sometimes ineffective due to the resistance of the insect vectors.In this scenario new products must be proposed for the control of insect vectors.The complexes L-aspartate Cu (II) and L-glutamate-Cu (II) complexes were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, visible ultraviolet, infrared spectroscopy and potentiometric titration. The toxicity of these complexes was analyzed in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae and Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The interaction between the ligands and the amino acid balance and the distribution of the species as a function of pH were discussed. The lethal concentration median (LC50) for Ae. aegypti larvae were: L-glutamic acid-Cu (II) - 53.401 mg L-1 and L-aspartate-Cu (II) - 108.647 mg L-1. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) required for Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was: L-glutamate-Cu (II) 500-2000 mg L-1 and L-aspartate-Cu (II) 1000-2000 mg L-1. The concentrations demonstrated toxicity that evidence the potential of the complexes as bactericide and insecticide. Metal complexes formed by amino acids and transition metals are advantageous because of low environmental toxicity, biodegradability and low production cost. |
Biological Sciences Gill parasites of fish from two estuaries in northeastern Brazil: new hosts and geographical records GOLZIO, JÉSSICA E.S.A. FALKENBERG, JÚLIA M. PRAXEDES, RAYSSA C.G. COUTINHO, ANDERSON S. LAURINDO, MYLENA K. PESSANHA, ANDRÉ MADI, RUBENS R. PATRÍCIO, JOANA VENDEL, ANA L. SOUZA, GEZA T.R. MELO, CLÁUDIA M. LACERDA, ANA CAROLINA F. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Parasites are important components of communities and constitute great part of the biological diversity found in ecosystems, providing valuable information about their hosts and the environment in which they live. However, despite its importance, parasitic diversity is still not well known in some regions of Brazil, especially with respect to fish parasites in the Northeast Region. The present study aims to perform the survey of gill parasites of fish from two tropical estuaries located in northeastern Brazil: Paraíba and Mamanguape rivers. Two collections were made in each estuary, one during the dry period (November / 2013) and the other during the rainy season (July / 2014). The fish were caught using a beach seine net, dragged along the main channel margin. After the identification, biometry and necropsy of the fish, their parasites were collected, stored and identified. For each species of parasite, the values of prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance were calculated. Of the 882 examined fish, belonging to four species, 145 were parasitized by at least one species of parasite. In total, 18 taxa of parasites of the groups Monogenea, Digenea, Nematoda, Copepoda and Isopoda were recorded, being the copepod Acusicola brasiliensis the most abundant species of parasite. |
Biological Sciences Phenological characterization and temperature requirements of Annona squamosa L. in the Brazilian semiarid region MENDES, DÉBORA S. PEREIRA, MARLON C.T. NIETSCHE, SILVIA SILVA, JOSEILTON F. ROCHA, JOSIELE S. MENDES, ATHOS H. XAVIER, HELISSON R.A. SANTOS, RAYANE C. DOS Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The phenological growth stages of various species of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants can be uniformly coded using the Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt, und Chemische Industrie (BBCH) scale. The aim of the present study was to determine the duration of different phenological stages and the temperature requirements of the sugar-apple, Annona squamosa, during two crop cycles in the semiarid region of Brazil. Phenological stages were divided into eight of ten possible principal stages: (0) bud development, (1) leaf development, (3) shoot/branch development, (5) inflorescence emergence, (6) flowering, (7) fruit development, (8) fruit maturity and (9) senescence and the beginning of dormancy. The phenological cycle of the sugar-apple from having closed leaf buds to the fruit ripening stage lasted 149 and 164 days with temperature requirements of 1684.5 and 1786.7 degree days (DD) for the first and second crop cycles, respectively. The results provided important information that will inform the correct timing for crop management practices. |
Biological Sciences Diversity of parasites in wild Astronotus ocellatus (Perciformes, Cichlidae), an ornamental and food fish in Brazil TAVARES-DIAS, MARCOS NEVES, LIGIA R. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The community composition of parasites was characterized in Astronotus ocellatus from a tributary of the Amazon River, northern Brazil. The prevalence was 87.9%, and a total of 526,052 parasites were collected, with a mean of 15,941 parasites per host. Nine taxa of ecto- and endo-parasites were identified, but Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was the dominant species, while Piscinoodinium pillulare, Clinostomum marginatum and Argulus multicolor were the least prevalent parasites. The parasite community was characterized by a low species richness, low diversity and low evenness. Host body size was not found to influence the composition of the parasite community, and there was no significant correlation between abundance of any parasite species and host body size. Papers published concerning the presence of parasites in this host in different hydrographic basins within Brazil indicate that 22 species of parasites are known to infect A. ocellatus, including species of ectoparasites and endoparasites. In Brazil, ectoparasites species, particularly crustaceans, have been found to parasitize A. ocellatus in relatively high numbers. This predominance of ectoparasites is typical of fish of lentic ecosystems. Finally, the presence of different endoparasites taxa suggest that A. ocellatus acts as an intermediate or definitive host. |
Biological Sciences Parasitic communities of Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) as indicators of environmental impact DIAS, KARINA G.A ALVES, CARLOS A. SILVA, REINALDO J. DA ABDALLAH, VANESSA D. AZEVEDO, RODNEY K. DE Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The parasites are indicative of several biological aspects of their hosts, including their diet, migration, recruitment and phylogeny, but they can also be direct indicators of the environmental quality. Hoplosternum littorale is a fish that has a high commercial value in some South American countries. The fishes were collected from January to July 2012, in two locations of the Peixe River in the municipality of Anhembi, State of São Paulo, Brazil, which had different environmental and limnological characteristics (river mouth and Lagoa Cabeça de Boi). An amount of 30 fish specimens were captured in each location for the analysis of their parasitic fauna. Nine species of metazoan parasites were collected. Both Brillouin`s diversity index and Margalef`s richness index were greater in the Lagoa Cabeça de Boi. The ratio of heteroxenous and monoxenous parasite species richness (SH/SM) was higher in the Lagoa Cabeça de Boi. The results of the physicochemical analysis of the water showed that the mouth of the Peixe River can be considered an area that suffers more from anthropogenic actions than the Lagoa da Cabeça de Boi. Proteocephalus sp., Gyrodactylus sp., Scleroductus sp. and Capillaria (Neocapillaria) pterophylli are being registered for the first time in this host. |
Biological Sciences Antimicrobial and enzymatic activity of anemophilous fungi of a public university in Brazil SOBRAL, LAUREANA V. MELO, KELLY N. SOUZA, CLECIANA M. SILVA, SÍLVIO F. SILVA, GILVANIA L.R. SILVA, ANDRESSA L.F. WANDERLEY, KATHARINE A.A. OLIVEIRA, IDJANE S. CRUZ, ROBERTA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT To the fungal microbiota the UFPE and biotechnological potential enzymatic and antimicrobial production. Air conditioned environments were sampled using a passive sedimentation technique, the air I ratio and the presence of aflatoxigenic strains evaluated for ANVISA. Icelles were to determine the enzymatic activity of lipase, amylase and protease metabolic liquids to determine antimicrobial activity. Diversity was observed in all CAV environments, CFU/m3 ranged from 14 to 290 and I/E ratio from 0.1 to 1.5. The of the fungal genera were: Aspergillus (50%), Penicillium (21%), Talaromyces (14%), Curvularia and Paecilomyces (7% each). Aspergillus sydowii (Bainier & Sartory) Thom & Church presented enzymatic activity and the Talaromyces purpureogenus Samson, Yilmaz, Houbraken, Spierenb., Seifert, Peterson, Varga & Frisvad presented antibacterial activity against all bacteria that all environments present fungal species biodiversity no toxigenic or pathogenic fungi were found, according to ANVISA legislation for conditioned environments and airborne filamentous fungi present potential for enzymatic and antimicrobial activity. |
Biological Sciences Morphology of the axial skeleton of seven bat genera (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) GAUDIOSO, PABLO J. DÍAZ, M. MÓNICA BARQUEZ, RUBÉN M. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Here we present detailed descriptions and comparisons of the axial skeleton of seven species of bats belonging to five subfamilies of Phyllostomidae of different trophic guilds. The material examined consisted of 34 complete skeletons of seven species. For five of the studied species, previous descriptions have not been conducted, and for the vampires only limited information is available, so that descriptions for these species are here completed. The axial skeleton has characters that allow grouping of the species phylogenetically of the same subfamily and by feeding habits. At the same time, there are characters that associate species from different subfamilies with different types of diet or ways to obtain food. |
Biological Sciences Purification and characterization of a thermostable alkaline cellulase produced by Bacillus licheniformis 380 isolated from compost MARCO, ÉVILIN G. DE HECK, KARINA MARTOS, EMERSON T. VAN DER SAND, SUELI T. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT During composting processes, the degradation of organic waste is accomplished and driven by a succession of microbial populations exhibiting a broad range of functional competencies. A total of 183 bacteria, isolated from a composting process, were evaluated for cellulase activity at different temperatures (37, 50, 60, and 70°C) and pH values. Out of the 22 isolates that showed activity, isolate 380 showed the highest cellulase activity. Its ability to produce cellulase was evaluated in culture medium supplemented with carboxymethyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, wheat straw, and rice husk. The culture medium supplemented with carboxymethyl cellulose induced higher enzyme activity after 6 hours of incubation (0.12 UEA mL-1 min-1). For wheat straw and rice husk, the results were 0.08 UEA mL-1 min-1 for both, while for microcrystalline cellulose, 0.04 UEA mL-1 min-1 were observed. The highest carboxymethyl cellulase activity was observed at 60°C (0.14 UEA mL-1 min-1) for both crude and partially purified enzyme after 30 and 120 min of incubation, respectively. Alkalinization of the medium was observed during cultivation in all substrates. The cellulase had a molecular mass of 20 kDa determined by SDS-Page. Isolate 380 was identified as Bacillus licheniformis. This work provides a basis for further studies on composting optimization. |
Biological Sciences Species richness and composition of epiphytic bryophytes in flooded forests of Caxiuanã National Forest, Eastern Amazon, Brazil CERQUEIRA, GABRIELA R. ILKIU-BORGES, ANNA LUIZA FERREIRA, LEANDRO V. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the richness and composition of the epiphytic bryoflora between várzea and igapó forests in Caxiuanã National Forest, Brazilian Amazon. Bryophytes were collected on 502 phorophytes of Virola surinamensis. Average richness per phorophyte and composition between forests and between dry and rainy periods was tested by two-way analysis and by cluster analysis, respectively. In total, 54 species of 13 families were identified. Richness was greater in igapó forest (44 species) compared to várzea forest (38 species). There was no significant difference in the number of species between the studied periods. Cluster analysis showed the bryoflora composition was different between várzea and igapó, but not between dry and rainy periods. Results did not corroborate the hypothesis that várzea forests harbor higher species richness than igapó forests. |
Biological Sciences Elemental composition of vegetables cultivated over coal-mining waste ZOCCHE, JAIRO J. ROHR, PAULA DAMIANI, ADRIANI P. LEFFA, DANIELA D. MARTINS, MIRIAM C. ZOCCHE, CAROLINE M. TEIXEIRA, KARINA O. BORGES, GABRIELA D. JESUS, MAIELLEN M. DE SANTOS, CARLA E.I. DOS DIAS, JOHNNY F. ANDRADE, VANESSA M. DE Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT We assessed elemental composition of the liver in mice subjected to one-time or chronic consumption of the juice of vegetables cultivated in a vegetable garden built over deposits of coal waste. Lactuca sativa L. (lettuce), Beta vulgaris L. (beet), Brassica oleracea L. var. italica (broccoli) and Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala (kale) were collected from the coal-mining area and from a certified organic farm (control). Elemental composition was analyzed by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method. Concentrations of Mg, S, and Ca of mice subjected to one-time consumption of broccoli and concentrations of these same elements plus Si of mice receiving kale were higher in the coal-mining area. Concentrations of P, K, and Cu were increase after chronic consumption of lettuce from the coal-mining area, whereas the levels of Si, P, K, Fe, and Zn were higher in the group consuming kale from the coal-mining area. Our data suggests that people consuming vegetables grown over coal wastes may ingest significant amounts of chemical elements that pose a risk to health, since these plants contain both essential and toxic metals in a wide range of concentrations, which can do more harm than good. |
Biological Sciences Peculiar anatomical traits, high durability, and potential ornamental use of Cyclanthaceae as fresh foliage MEDINA, MARIA CAMILA HOYOS-GÓMEZ, SAÚL E. DEMARCO, DIEGO TUBERQUIA, DINO Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Wild plant species with potential for use as ornamental green foliage are often reported. Nevertheless, there are few studies evaluating morphological and anatomical aspects associated with this use. Preliminary trials suggest that the species of Sphaeradenia (Sander ex Mast.) Harling, a Cyclantaceae that occurs from Costa Rica to Peru, is suitable to be used as fresh foliage because of attractiveness of their leaves in vase and its durability without showing tissue damage, compared with other genera of this family. Through the study of anatomical characters, it is possible to predict the potential of a species that can serve as ornamental foliage. In this study, three foliar anatomical features (thickness of the cuticle and leaf, and percentage of fibers in the mesophyll) of seven Cyclanthaceae species were evaluated, using anatomical techniques and image analysis with the LUCIA® and ImageJ softwares. Statistical analysis of the results suggests that this high durability is associated with the thickness of the cuticle and mesophyll, but not with the amount of fibers in the leaf. |
Biomedical Sciences Surface, thermal and hemocompatible properties of novel single stage electrospun nanocomposites comprising polyurethane blended with bio oilTM AYYAR, MANIKANDAN MANI, MOHAN PRASATH JAGANATHAN, SARAVANA KUMAR RATHINASAMY, RAJASEKAR KHUDZARI, AHMAD ZAHRAN KRISHNASAMY, NAVANEETHA PANDIYARAJ Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT In this work, the physicochemical and blood compatibility properties of prepared PU/Bio oil nanocomposites were investigated. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies revealed the reduction of mean fiber diameter (709 ± 211 nm) compared to the pristine PU (969 nm ± 217 nm). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis exposed the characteristic peaks of pristine PU. Composite peak intensities were decreased insinuating the interaction of the bio oilTM with the PU. Contact angle analysis portrayed the hydrophobic nature of the fabricated patch compared to pristine PU. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) depicted the better thermal stability of the novel nanocomposite patch and its different thermal behavior in contrast with the pristine PU. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis revealed the increase in the surface roughness of the composite patch. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time (PT) signified the novel nanocomposite patch ability in reducing the thrombogenicity and promoting the anticoagulant nature. Finally the hemolytic percentage of the fabricated composite was in the acceptable range revealing its safety and compatibility with the red blood cells. To reinstate, the fabricated patch renders promising physicochemical and blood compatible nature making it a new putative candidate for wound healing application. |
Health Sciences In vitro antifungal activity of Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão against human vaginal Candida species OLIVEIRA, FERNANDO A. DE RORATO, VANESSA C. ALMEIDA-APOLONIO, ADRIANA A. RODRIGUES, ALLAN B. BARROS, ALINE L. DE SANGALLI, ANDRÉIA ARENA, ARIELLE C. MOTA, JONAS S. GRISOLIA, ALEXÉIA B. OLIVEIRA, KELLY M.P. DE Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Myracrodruon urundeuva is a plant native to Brazil, which is used by the indigenous population for the treatment of candidiasis. The aims of this study were to evaluate the antifungal activity of extract against human vaginal Candida species and evaluate the possible toxicological activities of M. urundeuva. Initially, ethanol extracts, ethyl acetate fractions, and hydroalcoholic fractions of the bark and leaf of M. urundeuva were used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration. The extracts that showed antifungal activity were characterized by liquid chromatography and subjected to toxicity assessment. Toxic, cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic testing were performed using Allium cepa and Ames assays with the ethanol extracts of the bark and leaves. Hemolytic activity was evaluated in erythrocytes and acute toxicity in rats. The ethanol bark extracts showed best activity against Candida albicans, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis ATCC (4-512 µg/mL). Chemical characterization indicated the presence of flavonoids and tannins in the extracts. Hemolytic activity, genotoxicity, and mutagenicity were not observed. The results of the Ames and A. cepa tests were also in agreement, ethanol bark extracts and ethanol leaf extracts of M. urundeuva showed absence of mutagenic activity. Similar results were observed in the A. cepa assay and acute toxicity test in rats. M. urundeuva bark extracts showed potential for the treatment of vaginal infections caused Candida species, as a topical. |
Health Sciences Evaluation in vivo of biocompatibility of differents resin-modified cements for bonding orthodontic bands MESQUITA, JANAINA A. LACERDA-SANTOS, ROGÉRIO SAMPAIO, GÊISA A.M. GODOY, GUSTAVO P. NONAKA, CASSIANO F.W. ALVES, POLLIANNA M. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The focus of this study was to test the hypothesis that there would be no difference between the biocompatibility of resin-modified glass ionomer cements. Sixty male Wistar rats were selected and divided into four groups: Control Group; Crosslink Group; RMO Group and Transbond Group. The materials were inserted into rat subcutaneous tissue. After time intervals of 7, 15 and 30 days morphological analyses were performed. The histological parameters assessed were: inflammatory infiltrate intensity; reaction of multinucleated giant cells; edema; necrosis; granulation reaction; young fibroblasts and collagenization. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test (P<0.05). After 7 days, Groups RMO and Transbond showed intense inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.004), only Group RMO presented greater expression of multinucleated giant cell reaction (P=0.003) compared with the control group. After the time intervals of 15 and 30 days, there was evidence of light/moderate inflammatory infiltrate, lower level of multinucleated giant cell reaction and thicker areas of young fibroblasts in all the groups. The hypothesis was rejected. The Crosslink cement provided good tissue response, since it demonstrated a lower level of inflammatory infiltrate and higher degree of collagenization, while RMO demonstrated the lowest level of biocompatibility. |
Health Sciences Use of performance indicators to assess the solid waste management of health services ASSIS, MAYARA C. GOMES, VANIELLE A.P. BALISTA, WAGNER C. FREITAS, RODRIGO R. DE Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Modern society faces serious challenges, among them, the complexity of environmental problems. Thus, there are several possible sources of environmental degradation, however, the waste produced by health services have an important peculiarity due to its toxic or pathogenic characteristics, since when managed improperly provide also health risk public. The involvement of solid waste from healthcare services environmental impact integrates matters a little more complex, because in addition to environmental health, they also interfere with the healthiness of environments that generate, with the consequences of nosocomial infections, occupational health and public. Thus, the management has become an urgent need, especially when we see no use of performance indicators management in healthcare environments in the city of São Mateus, ES. For this, we used the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method to prioritize such indicators as the potential improvement in health services waste management process - WHS and thus environmental analysis was performed with the use of a template for SWOT analysis. The results showed that the performance indicator training strategies developed with employees has the greatest potential to assist in improvements in WHS (Health Services Waste) management process followed indicator knowledge of the regulations associated with procedures performed by employees and importance of biosafety regulations. |
Health Sciences Antibiotic activity of Plectranthus ornatus Codd., a Traditional Medicinal Plant NASCIMENTO, FERNANDA R. ALBUQUERQUE, KAMYLLA R.S. OLIVEIRA, MARCOS R. PIZZIOLO, VIRGINIA R. BRASILEIRO, BEATRIZ G. DIAZ, GASPAR DIAZ, MARISA A.N. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The dichloromethane extract of Plectranthus ornatus Codd., a tradicional medicinal plant, showed antibiotic activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 0.4 mg.mL-1 and 100 percent of biofilm inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from animals with mastitis infections. Based on these antibacterial activities, in addition to ethnopharmacological reports from healing men and farmers in Brazil, an herbal soap was produced from this active extract and was tested both in vitro and in vivo. In vivo assays conducted on these herbal soaps led to results similar to those previously conducted with the active extract. These results indicated the great potential of this plant for use as an excipient by preparing herbal antibacterial soaps as an alternative veterinary medicine aimed at controlling bovine mastitis infections on small Brazilian farms. |
Health Sciences Adding palm oil to the diet of sheep alters fatty acids profile on yogurt: Benefits to consumers BIANCHI, ANDERSON E. SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. DA BIAZUS, ANGELISA H. RICHARDS, NEILA S.P.S. PELLEGRINI, LUIS G. BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. MACEDO, VICENTE P. SILVEIRA, ANDRÉ L.F. DA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to modify the fatty acid profile of yogurt from sheep milk by the inclusion of different concentrations of palm oil into their diet. Thus, thirty-six sheep during lactation were separated in four groups with nine animals each, as described below: the group T0 (0%); the group T2 (inclusion of 2% of palm oil); the group T4 (inclusion of 4% of palm oil) and the group T6 (inclusion of 6% of palm oil). After 60 days of the supplementation, milk samples were collected and yogurt was produced, which was evaluated regarding the concentration of saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PFA). A significant reduction (p<0.05) in most SFA and a significant increase (p<0.05) on MFA and PFA was observed in the yogurt of sheep supplemented with 4 and 6% of palm oil. Consequently, it is possible to conclude that palm oil supplementation exerts positive effects on yogurt, since it led to the reduction of undesirable fatty acids and increased fatty acids beneficial to human health. |
Agrarian Sciencies Effect of Syzygium cumini leaves on laying hens performance and egg quality FREITAS, EDNARDO R. FERNANDES, DANILO R. SOUZA, DAVYD H. DANTAS, FRANCISCO D.T. SANTOS, REBECA C. OLIVEIRA, GILSON B. CRUZ, CARLOS EDUARDO B. BRAZ, NÁDIA M. CÂMARA, LORENA F. NASCIMENTO, GERMANO A.J. WATANABE, PEDRO H. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Syzygium cumini leaves (SCL) in laying hens diets on productive performance, egg quality and lipid oxidation of yolk. A total of 108 Hysex White laying hens were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and six replicates of six birds each. The treatments consisted of SCL inclusion at dietary levels of 0, 5 and 10 g/kg. There was no significant effect of SCL inclusion on feed intake, laying percentage, weight and egg mass, feed conversion ratio, Haugh units, specific gravity, percentage of yolk, albumen and egg shells and shell thickness. However, the inclusion of SCL significantly influenced the yolk color and yolk lipid oxidation measured by TBARS values. Yolk color increased and TBARS values decreased with the inclusion of SCL. The inclusion of SCL in laying hens diets improves pigmentation and lipid stability of yolk. |
Agrarian Sciencies Where is sugarcane cropping expanding in the brazilian cerrado, and why? A case study ARRUDA, MURILO R. DE GILLER, KEN E. SLINGERLAND, MAJA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Sugarcane growing area in Brazil sharply expanded between 2000 and 2010 due to the increasing world demand for sugar and ethanol. Since this expansion of sugarcane is said to occur in areas covered by degraded pastures, it is likely not threatening the environment or food production. In order to verify this assumption, we investigate at farm and field levels which types of land use sugarcane cropping replaced between 2005 and 2010 and the reasons for farmers shifting or not shifting to sugarcane, as a case study in two counties in the state of Goiás. Within the studied period, sugarcane cropping expansion was related to large farms, lower risk perceived by farmers, and higher profitability compared with soybean and beef cattle-raising. For smallholders, particularly dairy farmers, the need to comply with the set-aside rules under Brazilian Forest Code (Código Florestal Brasileiro) made a shift to sugarcane less attractive, as it would have forced them to reduce farm cultivable area, with loss of incomes. From 30,408 ha under sugarcane surveyed, 45.7% had used to be pastures, 31% had previously been pastures rotated with soybean and maize, and 23.3% had been cropped exclusively with soybean or maize. |
Agrarian Sciencies Crambe (Crambe abyssinica) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) protein concentrates: production methods and nutritional properties for use in fish feed LOVATTO, NAGLEZI M. GOULART, FERNANDA R. LOUREIRO, BRUNO B. SPERONI, CAROLINE S. BENDER, ANA B.B. GIACOMINI, SANDRO J. RADÜNZ, JOÃO SILVA, LEILA P. DA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to develop and improve protein concentration techniques for two industrial by-products with the potential for use in fish feed. In particular, we chemically characterized crambe meal and sunflower meal and their protein concentrates. Three different protein concentration methods were tested: isoelectric pH (pHi), acid pH and alkaline pH. For crambe and sunflower meals extraction using the pHi method was most efficient in terms of protein yield and crude protein content in the concentrates; this method also increased lysine and methionine content in the concentrates. The water holding capacity of the sunflower protein concentrate was greater than that of the crambe protein concentrate. The crambe protein concentrate had a foam-formation capacity of 15%, which stabilized at 6% after 90 minutes. The protein concentration method also reduced total phenolic content by approximately 50% in the concentrates compared with the meals. Therefore, we conclude that protein concentration using the pHi method is the most efficient technique for crambe and sunflower meals, and the use of this technique can decrease total phenolic compounds while improving meal quality for fish feeding. |
Agrarian Sciencies Sodium reduction in margarine using NaCl substitutes GONÇALVES, CARLA RODRIGUES, JÉSSICA JÚNIOR, HERALDO CARNEIRO, JOÃO FREIRE, TASSYANA FREIRE, LUÍSA Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Sodium chloride is traditionally used as a food additive in food processing. However, because of its high sodium content, NaCl has been associated with chronic diseases. Margarine is a popular product that is used in several preparations, but it includes high sodium content; therefore, it is among the products whose sodium content should be reduced. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce margarines with reduced sodium content prepared using a salt mixture. The following 4 margarine formulations were prepared: Formulation A (control - 0% sodium reduction), Formulation B (20.8% less sodium), Formulation C (33.0% less sodium) and Formulation D (47.4% less sodium). The low sodium formulations were produced using a salt mixture consisting of NaCl, KCl, and monosodium glutamate at different concentrations. The margarines were evaluated using an acceptance test and descriptive tests: time-intensity and temporal dominance of sensations. The mixture used is a good alternative for preparing low sodium margarine because the low sodium formulations feature equal salinity and do not produce a strange or bad taste. Furthermore, it may be possible to prepare margarines with up to 47.4% less sodium and that are acceptable to consumers. |
Agrarian Sciencies Genetic parameters in female reproductive traits of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) YOSHIDA, GRAZYELLA M. OLIVEIRA, CARLOS A.L. DE KUNITA, NATALÍ M. RIZZATO, GABRIEL S. RIBEIRO, RICARDO P. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT Genetic parameters for reproductive traits in female Nile tilapia were estimated in this study using Bayesian inference method. The data set presented information from 451 Nile tilapia females that were evaluated at two different places in Maringá - Paraná - Brazil (hapas of 1 and 10 m³) and at one location in Alfenas - Minas Gerais - Brazil. A spawning examination was conducted once a week from October 2012 to March 2013 for a total of 23 weeks of evaluation. Single-trait analyses for spawning success, multiple spawning, spawning frequency, and volume of eggs/female were performed by using the software MTGSAM Threshold. The heritability estimates were 0.14, 0.16, 0.53, and 0.08 for spawning success, multiple spawning, spawning frequency and volume of eggs/female, respectively, indicating it is possible to achieve a substantial genetic gain using these reproductive traits as selection criteria. |
Social Sciencies Scientometric indicators for Brazilian research on High Energy Physics, 1983-2013 ALVAREZ, GONZALO R. VANZ, SAMILE A.S. BARBOSA, MARCIA C. Resumo em Inglês: ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of Brazilian research on High Energy Physics (HEP) indexed by Web of Science (WoS) from 1983 to 2013. Scientometric indicators for output, collaboration and impact were used to characterize the field under study. The results show that the Brazilian articles account for 3% of total HEP research worldwide and that the sharp rise in the scientific activity between 2009 and 2013 may have resulted from the consolidation of graduate programs, the increase of the funding and of the international collaboration as well as the implementation of the Rede Nacional de Física de Altas Energias (RENAFAE) in 2008. Our results also indicate that the collaboration patterns in terms of the authors, the institutions and the countries confirm the presence of Brazil in multinational Big Science experiments, which may also explain the prevalence of foreign citing documents (all types), emphasizing the international prestige and visibility of the output of Brazilian scientists. We concluded that the scientometric indicators suggested scientific maturity in the Brazilian HEP community due to its long history of experimental research. |