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Ecological significance of wood anatomy of Alseis pickelii Pilg. & Schmale (Rubiaceae) in a Tropical Dry Forest


This work describes, analyzes and compares the wood anatomy of Alseis pickelii from two distinct sites in Tropical Dry Forest. One site is an exploited forest that was disturbed by deforestation whereas the other site is preserved and has not been logged since selective logging in the 1960's. For the evaluation of wood anatomy, plant material was processed following standard techniques for light microscopy and histochemical tests. The results indicated that A. pickelii did not vary qualitatively between the two sites. The histochemical tests indicated the presence of prismatic crystals and starch in radial parenchyma of samples from both sites. Some quantitative parameters differed significantly between the two sites including: vessel frequency; vessel length and lumina area; intervessel pits; diameter, lumina, length and wall thickness of fibres; and radial parenchyma width. In general, these quantitative parameters had higher values in the samples from the exploited site, suggesting an adjustment to the more severe drought conditions there. Quantitative anatomical differences in the samples from the two sites show the influence that environmental conditions can have on wood anatomy. The observed anatomical characteristics may also be useful for taxonomic and ecological studies of this species and genus.

acclimation; Atlantic Forest; intraspecific variation; Rubiaceae; wood anatomy


Throughout history, plants have developed anatomical strategies and adaptations for accomplishing certain functions in different environmental conditions. Thus, physiological processes can affect the structure of tissues and organs and so plant anatomy is essential to understand the processes of growth and water and nutrient transport in trees (Kramer & Kolowski 1960 Struwe L. 2002. Gentianales (Coffees, Dogbanes, Gentians and Milkweeds). Enciclopédia of Life Sciences 1-3.). Plant anatomy is also a valuable source of characters that distinguish species. Therefore, it is important to describe wood anatomy including its several constituent cells types and their function, organization and structural peculiarities. Moreover, comparative anatomy provides benefits to phylogenetic studies of ecological strategies, because it is possible to examine structural changes under different environmental pressures (Dickison 1975Dickison WC. 1975. The basis of Angiosperms phylogeny: vegetative anatomy. Annual Missouri Botanical Garden 62: 590-620.).

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse biomes in the world. However, this biome has been fragmented and currently only 5% of its original area remains (Murray-Smith et al. 2009 Struwe L. 2002. Gentianales (Coffees, Dogbanes, Gentians and Milkweeds). Enciclopédia of Life Sciences 1-3.). As a result it has been classified among the top five biodiversity "hotspots" of the world in terms of conservation priority due to its high degree of plant species richness and endemism (Myers et al. 2000 Struwe L. 2002. Gentianales (Coffees, Dogbanes, Gentians and Milkweeds). Enciclopédia of Life Sciences 1-3.; Mittermeieret al. 2005Mittermeier RA, Gil PR, Hovmann M, et al. 2005. Hotspots revisited: earth's biologically richest and most endangered terrestrial ecoregions. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.; Eisenlohr et al. 2015Eisenlohr PV, Oliveira-Filho AT, Prado J. 2015. The Brazilian Atlantic Forest: new findings, challenges and prospects in a shrinking hotspot. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 2129-2133.).

Both legal and illegal logging of forests is a serious problem worldwide and one of main causes of tree fall gaps in Brazilian forests (Rondon Neto et al. 2000Rondon Neto, RM, Botelho AS, Fontes MAL, Davide AC, Faria JMR. 2000. Estrutura e composição florística da comunidade arbustiva-arbórea de uma clareira de origem antrópica, em uma floresta estacional semidecidual Montana, Lavras-MG, Brasil. Cerne 6: 79-94.). Consequently these gaps induce the growth of secondary vegetation (Whitmore 1989 Struwe L. 2002. Gentianales (Coffees, Dogbanes, Gentians and Milkweeds). Enciclopédia of Life Sciences 1-3.) and promote qualitative changes in irradiance, humidity and temperature (Pinheiro et al.2013Pinheiro MP, Oliveira Filho JA, França S, Amorim AM, Mielke MS. 2013. Annual variation in canopy openness, air temperature and humidity in the understory of three forested sites in southern Bahia State, Brazil. Ciência Florestal 23: 107-116.). This forest fragmentation has been continuing over the years due to deforestation caused by the production of coal, farming and selective logging (Silva & Nascimento 2001Silva GC, Nascimento MT. 2001. Fitossociologia de um remanescente de mata sobre tabuleiro no norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Mata do Carvão). Revista Brasileira de Botânica 24: 51-62.; Villela et al. 2006Veloso HP, Rangel Filho ALR, Lima JCA. 1991. Classificação da vegetação brasileira adaptada a um sistema universal. Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). ).

Prior to being selectively cut, an Atlantic Forest canopy is comprised mostly of commercial valuable tree species (Silva & Nascimento 2001Silva GC, Nascimento MT. 2001. Fitossociologia de um remanescente de mata sobre tabuleiro no norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Mata do Carvão). Revista Brasileira de Botânica 24: 51-62.). As a consequence of one such disturbance at Guaxindiba Ecological Station (GES), Souza (2005)Souza JS. 2005. Efeito do corte seletivo de madeira na dinâmica de uma Mata Atlântica de tabuleiro no Norte Fluminense, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ. PhD Thesis, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Brazil.identified two distinct forest sites. The first, named the "unlogged stand" (US), has had no selective logging for the last 45 years and is without traces of selective logging or forest fires. The second, named the "logged stand" (LS), suffered selective logging and consequently the composition and structure of vegetation has been modified (Nascimento & Souza 2003; Souza 2005).

Among the trees naturally occurring in the Atlantic Forest many belong to the family Rubiaceae and one species in particular, Alseis pickelii is the subject of this study. Worldwide Rubiaceae contains about 13,673 species placed in 609 genera (The Plant List 2013), and 1,401 species in 125 genera in Brazil (Barbosa et al. 2013Barbosa MR, Zappi D, Taylor C, et al. 2013. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil - JBRJ: Rubiaceae. 12 Apr. 2013.
). The family contains plants of diverse habit and is particularly diverse in the Atlantic Forest (Bittencourt & Braz 2002Bittencourt AHC, Braz DM. 2002. Anatomia de algumas espécies de Alseis Schott (Rubiaceae, Calycophylleae) do sudeste brasileiro, como tentativa de auxílio à taxonomia. Duc in Altum 2: 25-34.; Struwe 2002). The genus Alseis belongs to the tribe Calycophylleae (Cinchonoideae), is distributed throughout the Neotropics, and contains 16 species of trees and shrubs, nine of which occur in Brazil (Bittencourt & Braz 2002;Mendonza et al. 2004Mendonza H, Ramírez BR, Jimenéz LC. 2004. Rubiaceae de Colombia. Guía Ilustrada de Géneros. Bogotá, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. ).

Alseis pickelii is a late successional species and composes the understory (12 to 20 m) of the forest at the Guaxindiba Ecological Station (GES) (Silva & Nascimento 2001). A study of the effects of selective logging on the anatomical characteristics of sun and shade leaves of A. pickeliifound that the "unlogged stand" produce trees with typical leaves of "sun" and "shade", but, in contrast, the "logged stand" produced trees with less variation among types of leaves (Rabelo et al. 2012Rabelo GR, Klein DE, Da Cunha M. 2012. Does selective logging affect the leaf structure of a late successional species? Rodriguésia 63: 419-427.).

Following this reasoning, one may expect that the anatomical characteristics of wood may be experiencing different modifications in function due to the different pressures exerted by the environment in these two sites at GES. Therefore, the present study aims to characterize the wood anatomy of A. pickeliiin two these sites of forest at GES in order to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the constituent cells, and how they are related to strategies developed by this species in this ecosystem.

Materials and Methods

Study area

The GES is located in the São Francisco do Itabapoana district (21º24'S, 41º04'W) of northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This area is the largest fragment of lowland forest on tertiary formations and encompasses 3260 hectares (Villela et al. 2006) with elevations ranging from 20 m to 200 m. Its low elevation distinguishes this forest as a lowland forest that differs from the Atlantic Forest in other regions along the Brazilian coast. The forest is classified as seasonal, semi-deciduous lowland forest, also known astabuleiro forest because of its phytogeographic features (Rizzini 1979Rizzini CT. 1979. Tratado de fitogeografia do Brasil. São Paulo, EDUSP. ; RadamBrasil 1983Radambrasil. 1983. Levantamento de recursos naturais. Rio de Janeiro/Vitória. Vol. 32. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério das Minas e Energia. ; Velosoet al. 1991Tullii CF, Miguel EC, Lima NB, Fernandes KVS, Gomes VM, Da Cunha M. 2013. Characterization of stipular colleters of Alseis pickelii. Botany 91: 403-413.). Globally, however, it is known as Tropical Dry Forest (Quesada et al. 2009Quesada M, Sanchez-Azofeifa AG, Alvarez-Anorve M, et al. 2009. Succession and management of tropical dry forests in the Americas: review and new perspectives. Forest Ecological Management 258: 1014-1024.) with anthropic disturbance due to deforestation. The climate of the area is classified as Aw according to Alvares (2014)Alvares CA, Stape JL, Sentelhas PC, Gonçalves JLM, Sparovek G. 2014. Köppen's climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 22: 711-728. and is seasonal, being warm and moist during the rainy season in the summer, and with a dry season in the winter. The mean annual rainfall is ca. 1000 mm, and the mean temperature is 23°C (Villela et al. 2006).

The study took place in the same two sites studied by Rabelo et al. (2012) at GES, the "unlogged stand" (US) and "logged stand" (LS). These sites differ in irradiation, humidity and temperature, with LS having higher irradiation, and thus higher temperature and lower humidity than US.

Sampling, measurements and statistical analyses

For the present study, trees of A. pickelii Pilg. & Schmale were selected that were cylindrical, straight, without bifurcation or apparent defects, and with a DBH between 15 to 30 cm. Wood samples were collected from five individual trees of each site (US and LS) in a non-destructive manner using an increment borer at about 1.30 m above the soil. Wood samples were made and sectioned using a sliding microtome (SM2010 R, LEICA, Germany) in cross and longitudinal (radial and tangential) sections with an average thickness of 15 µm. The sectioned material was treated with sodium hypochlorite (50%), dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series and stained with Astra blue and hydro-alcoholic safranin (Johansen 1940Johansen D. 1940. Plant microtechnique. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company. ). The sections were subsequently immersed in xylene and mounted on permanent slides with Entellan(r) (Burger & Richter 1991Burger LM, Richter HG. 1991. Anatomia da madeira. São Paulo, Nobel.). For some measurements, like fibre and vessel length, fibre diameter, lumina and wall thickness, the sample body was macerated and dissociated by the Franklin method (Kraus & Arduin 1997Kraus JE, Arduin M. 1997. Manual básico em morfologia vegetal. Seropédica, EDUR. ), stained with safranin, and mounted on semi-permanent slides with an aqueous solution of glycerin. The descriptions, counts and cellular measurements follow the rules of the IAWA Committee (1989)IAWA Comittee. 1989. List of microscopic feature of hardwood identification. IAWA Bulletin 10: 219-332., and were made using the software Image-Pro Plus 4.0 for Windows after capturing images with a digital camera (PowerShot A640, CANON, USA) coupled to a light microscope (Axioplan, ZEISS, Germany). To test for the presence of starch, lignin, phenolics, lipids and crystals, microchemistry tests were performed on sections without previous treatment, and followed standard techniques of plant anatomy (Kraus & Arduin 1997). For study by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), samples were attached to aluminum stubs using double carbon sticky tape and sputtered with 20 nm gold (SCD 050, BAL-TEC, Germany) and observed using a ZEISS DSM 962 (Germany) scanning electron microscope. Sixteen quantitative parameters were used for the comparative analysis of individuals. The normality of the data was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro & Wilk 1965Shapiro SS, Wilk MB. 1965. An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika 52: 591-611.) and descriptive statistics (averages and standard deviations) were calculated for each parameter for the two sites. Significant differences between averages of individuals in each of the two sites were determined using a T-test (Boneau 1960Boneau CA. 1960. The effects of violations of assumptions underlying the t-test. Psychological Bulletin 57: 49-64.). All statistical tests were made with the software Statistica 7 (StatSoft 1993Statsoft. 1993. Statistica: Statsoft for windows. General conventions & statistics I. User's Handbook. Tulsa, Microsoft Corporation.).


The quantitative features of A. pickelii varied under the different microclimatic conditions between the forest sites at GES. Nine of the sixteen analyzed parameters differed significantly (T-test; Tab.1). A. pickelii in the LS site had higher values of frequency and length of vessel elements; intervessel pits; and diameter, lumina, length and wall thickness of fibre-tracheids. In contrast the vessel lumina area and ray width were higher in the US site. These results suggest that species change under the different environmental pressures, especially those related to the drought.

Table 1.
Quantitative anatomical parameters of the wood of Alseis pickelii (Mean and Standard Deviation -SD) in both sites (US and LS) at Guaxindiba Ecological Station, city of São Francisco do Itabapoana, state Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

No differences in the qualitative characteristics were found between the two forest sites. The species is characterized bellow following the terminology of the IAWA Committee (1989). Figure 1 shows transversal (Fig. 1A), tangential (Fig. 1B) and radial sections (Fig. 1C) respectively, and representative examples of the characteristics of cellular elements (Fig. 1D-F).

Figure 1.
Wood anatomy of Alseis pickelii at Guaxindiba Ecological Station, city of São Francisco do Itabapoana, state Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A-E. Light microscopy. A.Cross section, growth rings distinct, vessels with solitary (black arrow) and clustered (star) diffuse pores. B. tangential longitudinal section, radial parenchyma multiseriate (arrow head), and septate fibre-tracheids (gray arrow) and fusion rays (star).C. radial longitudinal section, rays composed of procumbent cells (arrowhead), square cells (gray arrow), upright cells (black arrow), and perforated ray cells (star). D.Macerated sample showing fiber-tracheids (black arrow) and a vessel (star) with simple perforation and appendices (gray arrow).E. Intervessel pits alternate, minute and vestured (black arrow). F. Scanning electron microscopy. The presence of starch in ray cells (black arrow). Scale bars: A and B: 200 µm, C and D: 100 µm; E and F: 20 µm.

Growth rings: boundaries distinct, including thick-walled and radially flattened latewood versus thin-walled early wood fibres (Fig. 1A).

Vessels: vessel frequency numerous, 102 vessels mm-2; diffuse vessels with long appendices in both extremities (Fig. 1D); solitary, in radial pattern with multiples of two to five elements or in clusters of four elements, outline rounded; simple perforation plates and lateral plates; intervessel pits alternate, minute and vestured (Fig. 1E); vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits; mean tangential diameter of 37 µm; mean length of 731 µm.

Fibres: fibre-tracheids with simple pits with chambers of over 3 µm; septate fibers present (Fig. 1B), with thin to thick walls; starch present (Fig. 1F); mean length of 1,415 µm.

Axial Parenchyma: absent or extremely rare.

Rays: mean 7 mm-1; multiseriate, width one to three cells or mean 38 µm; composed of body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2-4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells; mean height 428 µm; presence of perforated ray cells and fusion rays (Fig. 1C). Prismatic crystals and starch are present in procumbent and square cells.


Wood growth is associated with seasonal variation, which results in the formation of growth rings that are visible due to specific anatomical features (Dickison 2000). Other anatomical features that result from seasonal variation are vessel diameter, length, and frequency (Carlquist 1977Carlquist S. 1997. Ecological factors in wood evolution: A floristic approach. American Journal of Botany 64: 887-896.), all of which are features that help plants deal with excessive water stress in dry environments (Markesteijn et al.2011Markesteijn L, Poorter L, Paz H, Sack L, Bongers F. 2011. Ecological differentiation in xylem cavitation resistance is associated with stem and leaf structural traits. Plant, Cell and Environment 34: 137-148.; Scholz et al.2014Scholz A, Stein A, Choat B, Jansen S. 2014. How drought and deciduousness shape xylem plasticity in three Costa Rican woody plant species. IAWA Journal 35: 337-355.). In the tropics, periods of the drought and rain may produce differential growth, particularly in regions of marked seasonality (Costa et al. 2006Costa CG, Callado CH, Coradin VTR, Carmello-Guerreiro SM. 2006. Xilema. In: Apezzato-Da-Glória B, Carmello-Guerreiro SM. (eds.) Anatomia Vegetal. 2nd. edn. Viçosa, Editora UFV.). This annual dry season, with lower monthly rainfall, may lead to the formation of annual rings in tropical trees (Worbes 1995). The marked seasonality at GES (Silva & Nascimento 2001; Villela et al. 2006), likely explains the presence of distinct growth rings in A. pickelii growing there.

The simple perforation plates on the side walls of the vessel elements and perforated ray cells found in the wood of A. Pickelii have been described for the families Combretaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Monimiaceae and Rubiaceae (Costaet al. 2006). The presence of these features in A. pickelii suggests that they assist in long and short transport, respectively. The vestured pits serve an important role in the prevention of cavitation and in improving vessel performance by helping to repair embolisms (Dickison 2000; Jansen et al.2003Jansen S, Baas P, Gasson P, Smets E. 2003. Vestured pits: do they promote safer water transport? International Journal of Plant Science 164: 405-413.; Sperry 2003Sperry JS. 2003. Evolution of water transport and xylem structure. International Journal of Plant Science 164: 115-127.; Costaet al. 2006); they are also a useful taxonomic character for many botanical groups (Wheeler et al. 1989Villela DM, Nascimento MT, Aragão LEOC, Gama DM. 2006. Effect of selective logging on forest structure and cycling in seasonally dry Brazilian forest. Journal of Biogeography 33: 506-516.; Carlquist 2001).

According to Carlquist (2001), the most common significance of the absence or sparseness of axial parenchyma is the presence of septate fibres, which thereby functionally substitute for the axial parenchyma, i.e. as a storage system. Starch deposits, such as those observed in radial parenchyma and in the fiber-tracheids ofA. pickelii, serve as a survival strategy for plants that inhabit environments with defined seasonality and species that undergo periods of stress, especially at the end of the growing season (Scatena & Scremin-Dias 2006Scatena VL, Scremin-Dias E. 2006. Parênquima, Colênquima e Esclerênquima. In: Apezzato-Da-Glória B, Carmello-Guerreiro SM. (eds.) Anatomia Vegetal. 2nd. edn. Viçosa, Editora UFV.). The presence of crystals is an important taxonomic character in Rubiaceae (Jansen et al. 2001; 2002; Costa et al. 2006), and are found in the generaSimira (Callado & Silva Neto 2003Callado CH, Silva Neto SJ. 2003. Anatomia do lenho de três espécies do gênero Simira Aubl. (Rubiaceae) da Floresta Atlântica no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rodriguésia 54: 23-53.), Bathysa (Barros et al. 2008Barros CF, Callado CH. 1997. Madeiras da Mata Atlântica: Anatomia do lenho de espécies ocorrentes nos remanescentes florestais do estado do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. VI. Rio de Janeiro, Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.) and Psychotria(Barros & Callado 1997; Marques et al. 2015Marques JBC, Callado CH, Rabelo GR, Silva Neto SJ, Da Cunha M. 2015. Comparative wood anatomy of Psychotria L. (Rubiaceae) Species in Atlantic Rainforest remnants at Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 29: 433-444.). Prismatic and sand crystals were present in the wood of A. pickelli, as well as in the colleters (Tullii et al. 2013The Plant List. 2013. Version 1.1. 1 Jan. 2013.

Quantitative changes in the anatomical structure of the wood of A. pickelii were due to variation in environmental conditions in both sites. According to Baas (1973)Baas P. 1973. The anatomy of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) and its ecological and phylogenetic significance. Blumea 21: 193-258. , environmental factors influence the structure of secondary xylem. Thus, anatomical characteristics can influence the functional performance of xylem in various environmental conditions and under different ecological trends (Carlquist 2001). The variation found in the wood of A. pickelii may explain the fitness of this species to its environment, where wood plasticity counterbalances the lower leaf plasticity found for this late successional tree in this area (Rabeloet al. 2012). Other examples of fitness counterbalance by wood/leaf plasticity were the vessel lumina area and frequency that were higher in US, possibly allowing greater hydraulic conductance and, consequently, promoting a better water supply to the leaves, confirming that the leaf and wood plasticity can be related (e.g. Santiago et al.2004Santiago LS, Goldstein G, Meinzer FC, et al. 2004. Leaf photosynthetic traits scale with hydraulic conductivity and wood density in Panamanian forest canopy trees. Oecologia 140: 543-550.; Jennifer et al.2009Jennifer L, Baltzer JL, Grégoire DM, Bunyavejchewin S, Noor NSM, Davies SJ. 2009. Coordination of Foliar and Wood Anatomical Traits Contributes to Tropical Tree Distributions and Productivity along the Malay-Thai Peninsula. American Journal of Botany 96: 2214-2223., Markesteijn et al. 2011, Fu et al. 2012Fu PL, Jiang YJ, Wang AY, et al. 2012. Stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance are co-ordinated with the leaf phenology of angiosperm trees in an Asian tropical dry karst forest. Annals of Botany 110: 189-199.; Scholz et al. 2014).

Studies of intraspecific variation show that quantitative changes of fiber and vessel elements are related to environmental conditions, because they provide security and efficiency in the transport of water and solutes (Dickison 2000; Carlquist 2001;Ribeiro & Barros 2006Ribeiro MLRC, Barros CF. 2006. Variação intraspecífica do lenho de Pseudopiptadenia contorta (DC.) G.P. Lewis & M.P. Lima (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae) de populações ocorrentes em dois remanescentes de Floresta Atlântica . Acta Botanica Brasilica 20: 839-844.). Individuals of A. pickelii of LS had narrower and more common vessel elements, and fibre-tracheids with thicker walls, greater diameters and larger lumina. Narrow, but numerous, vessel elements with a simple perforation plate evolved in dry conditions with low humidity in the atmosphere and soil (Dickison 2000), such as the conditions observed for A. pickelii at GES. However, larger vessel elements are more efficient in conducting water, although they provide less hydraulic safety (Bosio et al. 2010Bosio F, Soffiatti P, Boeger MRT. 2010. Ecological Wood anatomy of Miconia sellowiana (Melastomataceae) in three vegetation types of Paraná State, Brazil. IAWA Journal 31: 179-190.). This fact was noted for individuals of A. pickelii that were exposed to less radiation and more humidity, as were the conditions of US (i.e. where individuals had larger, but less frequent, vessel elements). The relationship between the frequency of vessel elements and their size, and the size of lumina of fibrers is a structural adjustment related to the requirements for water by plants (Novaes et al. 2010Novaes FS, Callado CH, Pereira-Moura MVL, Lima HRP. 2010. Wood anatomy of Mollinediaglabra (Spreng.) Perkins (Monimiaceae) in two Restinga Vegetation Formations at Rio das Ostras, RJ, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 82: 915-924.). Thus, wide vessel elements can carry a greater volume of water, but are more prone to embolism (Sperry et al.1994).

However, vessel frequency may balance water transport efficiency (Baas et al. 1983; Metcalfe 1983Metcalfe CR. 1983. Ecological anatomy and morphology. General survey. In: Metcalfe CR, Chalk L. (eds.) Anatomy of the dicotyledons. Wood structure and conclusion of the general introduction. Vol.2. 2nd. edn. Oxford, Clareon Press.; Carlquist 2001). Thus, the density of vessels also affects hydraulic conductivity and vulnerability to embolism (Martinez et al. 2012Martinez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M, Álvarez X, Camacho J, Loepfe L, Piñol J. 2012. Spatial distribution and packing of xylem conduits. Botany 99: 1189-1196.). Individuals of A. pickelii in LS had more frequent, and narrower, vessel elements, which may be from the greater radiation, the higher temperatures and the lower humidity there.

The qualitative characteristics of wood usually do not vary among individuals in different environmental conditions (Noshiro & Suzuki 1995Noshiro S, Suzuki M. 1995. Ecological Wood anatomy of Nepalese Rhododendron (Ericaceae). 2 - Intraespecific Variation. Journal of Plant Research 108: 1-9.; Ribeiro & Barros 2006). Therefore, the findings of the present study are in agreement with those found in the literature for various species of Rubiaceae and of the genus Alseis. The quantitative results, on the other hand, demonstrated that the anatomical structure of the wood of A. pickelii is indeed influenced by environmental conditions, suggesting a better fit of individuals to conditions of high radiation and low humidity. For this reason, A. pickelii is well adapted to the semi-deciduous environment and exhibited differences between individuals from the two different sites. These results provide a basis for other studies on interspecific and intraspecific variation of woody species, acclimation mechanisms, and survival in the Atlantic Forest.


We acknowledge the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), PPBio Mata Atlântica Módulo Guaxindiba and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoando de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for the financial support, and the scholarships during the conduct of this research. The Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (INEA) for authorizing the collection of plants.


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  • Fu PL, Jiang YJ, Wang AY, et al. 2012. Stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance are co-ordinated with the leaf phenology of angiosperm trees in an Asian tropical dry karst forest. Annals of Botany 110: 189-199.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2016


  • Received
    15 Oct 2015
  • Accepted
    15 Dec 2015
Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil