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Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, Volume: 98, Issue: 1, Published: 2023
  • Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia: updating guidelines for authors Editorial

    Marques, Sílvio Alencar; Roselino, Ana Maria; Almeida Jr., Hiram Laranjeira de; Abbade, Luciana P. Fernandes
  • Posthumous tribute to Professor Bernardo Gontijo (08.06.1952 - 01.06-2022) Editorial

    Vale, Everton Carlos Siviero do; Guedes, Antônio Carlos Martins
  • Dermatological manifestations of hematologic neoplasms. Part I: secondary specific skin lesions Continuing Medical Education

    Souza, Patricia Karla de; Amorim, Rafael Oliveira; Sousa, Letícia Siqueira; Batista, Mariana Dias

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Cutaneous manifestations occur during the course of hematologic malignancies and precede, follow, or are late events in relation to the diagnosis. They result from paraneoplastic phenomena, tumor infiltrations, and immunosuppression resulting from the hematologic neoplasia itself or its treatment. The dermatologist must be aware of these conditions, which can help both in the diagnosis of the underlying disease and in the reduction of patient morbidity. This review (part I) addresses skin lesions associated with direct infiltration by systemic hematologic malignancies.
  • Analysis of the autoimmune response to BP180 in Chinese stroke patients Original Article

    Wang, Jing; Liu, Hong; Wang, Zhenzhen; Pan, Qing; Zhang, Furen

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background Significant association between bullous pemphigoid (BP) and stroke has been reported. This study aimed to evaluate the level of anti-BP180 antibody in stroke patients to explore the relationship between BP and stroke in their pathogenesis. Methods We collected serum samples from stroke patients and matched controls between February 2019 and June 2020. The anti-BP180 antibody levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results A total of 1183 stroke patients including 970 with cerebral infarction (CI), 192 with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), 21 with CI and ICH, and 855 controls were enrolled in this study. Anti-BP180 autoantibody values were significantly higher in stroke patients than in controls (p < 0.001). Anti-BP180 autoantibody-positive rates were 12.51% (148) in stroke patients and 4.68% (40) in controls (p < 0.001, OR = 2.65). In anti-BP180 autoantibody-positive subjects, the values were significantly higher in stroke patients than in controls (p < 0.001). However, only 10 (6.76%) stroke patients and 3 (7.5%) controls had high values (> 100 RU/mL) (p = 0.87). Stratified analysis showed that anti-BP180 antibody positive rates were independent of age, sex, and stroke subtypes in the stroke group. Positive rates in patients with both CI and ICH were nearly two times higher than those in patients with either CI or ICH alone (p = 0.11, OR = 1.94). Study limitations This study had a limited sample size and lacked quantitative criteria for stroke severity. Conclusions Anti-BP180 antibody values and positive rates were higher in stroke patients than in controls, suggesting that stroke patients may have higher of developing BP.
  • Downregulated miR-181a alleviates H2O2-induced oxidative stress and cellular senescence by targeting PDIA6 in human foreskin fibroblasts Original Article

    Huang, Yan; Yan, Huimin; Yang, Yanqing; Zhou, Jinfei; Xu, Qijun; Meng, Hu

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background Oxidative stress is strongly associated with cellular senescence. Numerous studies have indicated that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a critical part in cellular senescence. MiR-181a was reported to induce cellular senescence, however, the potential mechanism of miR-181a in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced cellular senescence remains obscure. Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the role and regulatory mechanism of miR-181a in H2O2-induced cellular senescence. Methods Human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) transfected with miR-181a inhibitor/miR-NC with or without H2O2 treatment were divided into four groups: control + miR-NC/miR-181a inhibitor, H2O2 + miR-NC/miR-181a inhibitor. CCK-8 assay was utilized to evaluate the viability of HFF. RT-qPCR was used to measure the expression of miR-181a and its target genes. Protein levels of protein disulfide isomerase family A member 6 (PDIA6) and senescence markers were assessed by western blotting. Senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining was applied for detecting SA-β-gal activity. The activities of SOD, GPx, and CAT were detected by corresponding assay kits. The binding relation between PDIA6 and miR-181a was identified by luciferase reporter assay. Results MiR-181a inhibition suppressed H2O2-induced oxidative stress and cellular senescence in HFF. PDIA6 was targeted by miR-181a and lowly expressed in H2O2-treated HFF. Knocking down PDIA6 reversed miR-181a inhibition-mediated suppressive impact on H2O2-induced oxidative stress and cellular senescence in HFF. Study limitations Signaling pathways that might be mediated by miR-181a/PDIA6 axis were not investigated. Conclusion Downregulated miR-181a attenuates H2O2-induced oxidative stress and cellular senescence in HFF by targeting PDIA6.
  • Inhibition of ANGPT2 activates autophagy during hypertrophic scar formation via PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway Original Article

    Chen, Hongxin; Xu, Kai; Sun, Chao; Gui, Si; Wu, Juanjuan; Wang, Song

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background Hypertrophic scar (HS), a fibroproliferative disorder caused by aberrant wound healing following skin injuries such as burns, lacerations and surgery, is characterized by invasive proliferation of fibroblasts and excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation. The dysregulation of autophagy is the pathological basis of HS formation. Previously, angiopoietin-2 (ANGPT2) was found to be overexpressed in HS fibroblasts (HSFs) compared with normal skin fibroblasts. However, whether ANGPT2 participates in the process of HS formation and the potential molecular mechanisms are not clear. Objective This study is intended to figure out the role of ANGPT2 and ANGPT2-mediated autophagy during the development of HS. Methods RT-qPCR was used to detect ANGPT2 expression in HS tissues and HSFs. HSFs were transfected with sh-ANGPT2 to knock down ANGPT2 expression and then treated with MHT1485, the mTOR agonist. The effects of sh-ANGPT2 or MHT1485 on the proliferation, migration, autophagy and ECM accumulation of HSFs were evaluated by CCK-8 assay, Transwell assay and western blotting. The expression of PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway-related molecules (p-PI3K, p-Akt and p-mTOR) was assessed by western blotting. Results ANGPT2 expression was markedly upregulated in HS tissues and HSFs. ANGPT2 knockdown decreased the expression of p-PI3K, p-Akt and p-mTOR. ANGPT2 knockdown activated autophagy and inhibited the proliferation, migration, and ECM accumulation of HSFs. Additionally, the treatment of MHT1485, the mTOR agonist, on ANGPT2-downregulated HSFs, partially reversed the influence of ANGPT2 knockdown on HSFs. Study limitations The study lacks the establishment of more stable in vivo animal models of HS for investigating the effects of ANGPT2 on HS formation in experimental animals. Conclusions ANGPT2 downregulation represses growth, migration, and ECM accumulation of HSFs via autophagy activation by suppressing the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. Our study provides a novel potential therapeutic target for HS.
  • Mohs micrographic surgery in rare cutaneous tumors: a retrospective study at a Brazilian tertiary university hospital Original Article

    Buffo, Thais Helena; Stelini, Rafael Fantelli; Serrano, Juliana Yumi Massuda; Pontes, Luciana Takata; Magalhães, Renata Ferreira; de Moraes, Aparecida Machado

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background Mohs micrographic surgery is an established technique in the treatment of cutaneous neoplasms. It offers higher cure rates and the main indications are non-melanoma malignant skin tumors. Few studies have been performed on the treatment of rare tumors through this technique. Objective To study rare skin tumors and rare variants of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma submitted to Mohs micrographic surgery in a tertiary service in relation to frequency, disease-free evolution, and applicability of this surgical procedure for this group of tumors. Methods This was a retrospective observational study including rare skin tumors and less common variants of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma treated using Mohs micrographic surgery, between October 2008 and April 2021. Results During the study period, 437 tumors were treated using Mohs micrographic surgery, and 22 (5%) rare skin tumors were selected. The tumors comprised three dermatofibrosarcomas protuberans, two atypical fibroxanthomas, two spiradenomas, two hypercellular fibrohistiocytomas, one primary cutaneous adenocarcinoma, one trichoblastoma, one porocarcinoma, one chondroid syringoma, one cutaneous angiosarcoma, one Merkel cell carcinoma, and one sebaceous carcinoma. Six other cases of rare basal cell carcinoma variants with trichoepitheliomatous differentiation, metatypical basal cell carcinoma, and clear cell squamous cell carcinoma were included. There were no cases of recurrence after an average of six years of follow-up. Study limitations This is a retrospective study on rare neoplasms carried out in a single referral center, and this surgical technique isn’t widely available in the public service. Conclusion This retrospective case series showed that Mohs micrographic surgery is an appropriate treatment for rare skin tumors. They corresponded to 5% of the tumors treated by the technique during a 12-year-period, with no recurrences identified.
  • Psoriasis in teledermatology: analysis of the 2016‒2020 period in Santa Catarina Original Article

    Demo, Maria Laura Orlandi; Nunes, Daniel Holthausen; Marcon, Chaiana Esmeraldino Mendes

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects 1.3% of Brazilians. The use of teledermatology (TD) in the public health sector has democratized access to dermatological care. Objective To analyze TD exams with suspected and/or diagnosed psoriasis performed between 2016‒2020 in the state of Santa Catarina (SC). Methods Analytical cross-sectional observational study that used secondary data collected from the records of TD exams from the Telemedicine and Telehealth System (TTS) of SC. The associations were evaluated by the chi-square test and Student'st test. The significance level was set at 5% (p < 0.05). Results During the period, 6,146 TD exams were related to psoriasis, 58% due to the diagnosis provided by the reporting dermatologist and 42% exclusively due to the suspected disease on the request of the examination. The male sex predominated among the diagnoses of dermatosis (51%; p < 0.001). Regarding risk classification, psoriasis diagnoses were predominantly yellow (58.7%; p < 0.001) or blue (39.7%; p < 0.001) risk, respectively indicating moderate to severe psoriasis (referral to tertiary care) and mild psoriasis (treatment in the primary health care [PHC] level). True positive tests, suspected by PHC and diagnosed with psoriasis through TD, were 34.1% (p < 0.001). Study limitations The TD service is available only for the public health network and analysis for a limited period (five years). Conclusions Psoriasis diagnoses performed by TD, when compared to other dermatoses, tend to receive treatment at the primary (p < 0.001) or tertiary (p < 0.001) health care level, reducing the number of referrals to the secondary care level.
  • Systemic disease in leukocytoclastic vasculitis: a focus on direct immunofluorescence findings Original Article

    Ertekin, Sümeyre Seda; Koku Aksu, Ayşe Esra; Leblebici, Cem; Erdemir, Vefa Aslı; Erdem, Ozan; Bal Avcı, Elif; Gürel, Mehmet Salih

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) panels are usually ordered for clinically suspected cutaneous vasculitis, but their positivity rate is variable, and their prognostic significance is not clear to date. Objective The study aims to investigate the systemic involvement rate in leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV) patients and the potential clinical and laboratory associations with systemic involvement, including DIF findings. Methods A retrospective study of patients with histopathologically proven cutaneous LCV examined in the dermatology department between 2013 and 2017 was performed. Results Of the 81 patients (mean age, 50.6 years), 42 (52%) were male. The mean time between the appearance of skin lesions and biopsy was 23.1 days, ranging from 2 to 180 days. DIF showed overall positivity of 90.1%, and C3 was the most frequent immunoreactant (82.7%). Any kind of extracutaneous involvement was present in 47 (58%) of patients, with renal involvement being the most frequent (53.1%), followed by articular (18.5%) and gastrointestinal (11.1%) involvement. The presence of renal disease was associated with the detection of IgG in the lesional skin (p = 0.017), and with the absence of IgM in the lesional skin (p = 0.032). There was a significant association between C3 deposition and joint involvement (p = 0.05). Study limitations This is a single-center study with a retrospective design. Conclusion DIF seems to be a useful ancillary diagnostic tool in the evaluation of cutaneous vasculitis, but the relationship between DIF findings and systemic involvement needs to be further elucidated due to contradictory data in the current literature.
  • Telomere length, oxidative and epigenetic changes in blood DNA of patients with exacerbated psoriasis vulgaris Original Article

    Beranek, Martin; Borsky, Pavel; Fiala, Zdenek; Andrys, Ctirad; Hamakova, Kvetoslava; Chmelarova, Marcela; Kovarikova, Helena; Karas, Adam; Kremlacek, Jan; Palicka, Vladimir; Borska, Lenka

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Background The pathogenesis of psoriasis vulgaris involves changes in DNA molecules, genomic instability, telomere attrition, and epigenetic alterations among them. These changes are also considered important mechanisms of aging in cells and tissues. Objective This study dealt with oxidation damage, telomere length and methylation status in DNA originating from peripheral blood of 41 psoriatic patients and 30 healthy controls. Methods Oxidative damage of serum DNA/RNA was determined immunochemically. Real-time PCR was used for the analysis of the telomere length. ELISA technique determined levels of 5-methylcytosine in blood cells' DNA. Results Oxidative damage of serum DNA/RNA was higher in patients than in controls (median, 3758 vs. 2286 pg/mL, p < 0.001). A higher length of telomeres per chromosome was found in patients whole-cell DNA than in controls (3.57 vs. 3.04 kilobases, p = 0.011). A negative correlation of the length of telomeres with an age of the control subjects was revealed (Spearman’s rho = -0.420, p = 0.028). Insignificantly different levels of 5-methylcytosine in patients and controls were observed (33.20 vs. 23.35%, p = 0.234). No influences of sex, smoking, BMI, PASI score, and metabolic syndrome on the methylation status were found. Study limitations i) A relatively small number of the participants, particularly for reliable subgroup analyses, ii) the Caucasian origin of the participants possibly influencing the results of the parameters determined, and iii) Telomerase activity was not directly measured in serum or blood cells. Conclusion The study demonstrated increased levels of oxidized DNA/RNA molecules in the serum of patients with exacerbated psoriasis vulgaris. The results were minimally influenced by sex, the presence of metabolic syndrome, or cigarette smoking. In the psoriatic blood cells' DNA, the authors observed longer telomeres compared to healthy controls, particularly in females. Insignificantly higher global DNA methylation in psoriasis cases compared to the controls indicated marginal clinical importance of this epigenetic test performed in the blood cells' DNA.
  • Adult acne versus adolescent acne: a narrative review with a focus on epidemiology to treatment Review

    Kutlu, Ömer; Karadağ, Ayşe Serap; Wollina, Uwe

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Acne vulgaris is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases and is characterized by papules, pustules, comedones, and nodules. Although adolescence is the preferential age group, acne may affect various age groups. Acne shares different properties in adults and adolescents. These differences extend from epidemiology to treatments. Increased awareness of these two subtypes will allow for better management of the disease. In this review, the authors examined all aspects of acne in adults and adolescents under the light of current literature.
  • Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with eyelid eczema attended at a referral service from 2004 to 2018 Letter - Research

    de Figueiredo Silva Hafner, Mariana; Cerqueira Elia, Victoria; Lazzarini, Rosana; Duarte, Ida
  • Effectiveness of dupilumab for chronic prurigo in elderly patients with atopic dermatitis Letter - Research

    Mitsuyama, Shinji; Higuchi, Tetsuya
  • Epidemiological transition of primary cutaneous melanoma in a public hospital in Brazil (1999-2019) Letter - Research

    Ferreira, César Augusto Zago; Marques, Lais Soares Ker; Miot, Hélio Amante; Schmitt, Juliano Vilaverde
  • Multiple comorbidities in patients with long-lasting chronic spontaneous urticaria Letter - Research

    Agondi, Rosana Câmara; Argôlo, Paula Natassya; Mousinho-Fernandes, Mariana; Gehlen, Bruna; Kalil, Jorge; Motta, Antonio Abílio
  • Parrot beak nails: a Latin American case series Letter - Research

    Camilo, Arias-Rodriguez; Santiago, Beuth-Ruiz
  • Patch tests in patients using immunosuppressants and/or cytokine inhibitors: descriptive analysis of 16 cases Letter - Research

    Lazzarini, Rosana; Kawakami, Nathalia T.; Suzuki, Nathalie; Hafner, Mariana de Figueiredo da Silva
  • Recalcitrant vegetative and nodular scalp lesions on the vertex in pemphigus patients: an immunocompromised district? Letter - Research

    Kucukoglu, Rifkiye; Atci, Tugba; Babuna-Kobaner, Goncagul; Buyukbabani, Nesimi
  • Sensitization to rubber allergens among 1,162 patients tested with the Brazilian standard battery Letter - Research

    Scherrer, Maria Antonieta Rios; Abreu, Erica Possa de; Rocha, Vanessa Barreto
  • Case for diagnosis. A transient unilateral face rash upon eating: Frey syndrome Letter - Clinical

    Palmeiro, Ana Gusmão; Azurara, Laura; Pimentel, Bernardo; Amaro, Cristina
  • Collision of a Giant histiocytic sarcoma with a basal cell carcinoma: causality or coincidence? Letter - Clinical

    Gracia-Darder, Inés; Boix-Vilanova, Julián; Gómez Bellvert, Cristina; Del Pozo Hernando, Luis Javier
  • Extensive unilateral nevus comedonicus with an inflammatory component Letter - Clinical

    Diniz, Gessica Ramos Barroso; Bittencourt, Flávia Vasques
  • Genital rash as an initial presentation of monkeypox Letter - Clinical

    Bjekic, Milan; Markovic, Milica; Dejanovic, Lidija
  • Lichenoid drug eruption induced by pravastatin; it is possible to prescribe other statins? Letter - Clinical

    Navarro-Triviño, Francisco J.; Ruiz-Villaverde, Ricardo
  • Ovarian carcinoma metastasis manifesting as periumbilical nodules Letter - Clinical

    Hernandez, Ivonne Dannesy Rodriguez; Ferreira, Patricia de Franco Marques; Granja, Paula Dadalti; Rochael, Mayra Carrijo
  • Recurrence of controlled mycosis fungoides after SARS-CoV-2 infection Letter - Clinical

    Oliveira, Éderson Valei Lopes; Landell, Lígia M.; Souza, Cacilda da Silva
  • Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome - clinical, trichoscopic and radiological images Letter - Clinical

    Rodrigues, Evelyn Freitas; Baeninger, Lisa Gava; Romanelli, Caroline
  • Vitiligo and atopic dermatitis in young girls: may Koebner phenomenon play a role? Letter - Clinical

    Ravaioli, Giulia Maria; Patrizi, Annalisa; Neri, Iria
  • The texture of collagen and immunoexpression of PRAME in dysplastic nevus syndrome lesions: relationship with melanoma Letter - Dermatopathology

    Costa, Paula Regina Martins; Vieira-Damiani, Gislaine; Stelini, Rafael Fantelli; Ferreira, Leonardo Ávila; Cintra, Maria Letícia; Teixeira, Fernanda
  • Dermoscopic findings in human monkeypox infection Letter - Tropical/infectious And Parasitic Dermatology

    Neves, Leandro Ourives; Cordeiro, Amanda Domingos; Rezende, Bruna Dell’Acqua Cassão
  • Severe paracoccidioidomycosis, with a fatal outcome and incidence related to an environmental event Letter - Tropical/infectious And Parasitic Dermatology

    Stringuini, Fernanda Altoé; Naback, Priscila Oliveira; Araújo, Luciana Ferreira; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa; Martins, Carlos José
  • Exogenous ochronosis successfully treated with the combination of intense pulsed light and fractional CO2 laser Letter - Therapy

    Ceglio, William Wiegandt; Careta, Mariana Figueiroa; Patriota, Regia; Torezan, Luís Antônio
Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia Av. Rio Branco, 39 18. and., 20090-003 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Tel./Fax: +55 21 2253-6747 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil