The objective of this study was to measure the dairy cow rump with an equipment especially developed for this purpose, and to evaluate the effect of these variables on intrauterine contamination and reproductive efficiency (intervals parturition-first estrus and parturition-first AI, services per conception and days open). Lactating Holstein cows (n=252) with more than 30 days post-partum were used in this study. Anatomical measurements of the pelvic region and reproductive tract, and bacteriological tests of uterine material were done. The influence of the independent variables (measurements) on the presence of intra-uterine contamination was analyzed through logistic regression, the effect of intra-uterine contamination on reproductive traits through analysis of variance, and the effect of independent variables (measurements) on reproductive traits was analyzed through multiple linear regression. The presence of intra-uterine contamination was not influenced by any variable. Staphylococcus sp. (29.6%) was the most important microorganism found in the uterine material, followed by Actinomyces pyogenes (26.0%), Streptococcus sp. (22.0%) and coliforms (22.0%). However, this contamination did not have negative effect on reproductive efficiency. The reproductive traits were influenced by some of the following anatomic variables: ilium opening (wider thurl then poorer reproductive efficiency), cervix front opening localization (the more abdominal, the poorer was the efficiency) and presence of urovagina (negative influence on conception rate).
Dairy cow; uterus infection; infertility; rump