The heritability and the genetic and permanent environment correlations were estimated among six different measures of persistency in the lactation of Guzerat cow, using the Random Regression Model. A total of 8,403 records from 1,034 first lactation cows were evaluated. The Random Regression Model was calculated by the logarithmic function of Ali and Schaeffer and Legendre polynomials to get coefficients for fixed, additive genetic and permanent environment effects. Ali and Schaeffer was the function that better fit to the data, but it had convergence problems. The results showed that persistence is a trait with moderate heritability, and low correlation with genetic value for 305-d milk production which allows to select animals in order to alter the format of the curve of production without affecting the total productivity. The measure of persistence that calculates the difference of milk production between the medium and initial phases was highly correlated with 305-d milk production.
dairy cattle; heritability; genetic correlation; logarithmic function; Legendre polynomial