Eight equines were distributed into two different groups. Those groups were submitted or not to an experimental jejunal obstruction. Animals from group 1 were submitted to an enterotomy with placement of an intraluminal balloon, without enough distention to cause ischemia; animals from group 2 were submitted to ischemia by jejunal obstruction during four hours. In order to determine the hemogram and blood gas analysis, blood samples from peripheral vein were obtained at four moments: one hour before the surgical procedure (M1); at the end of obstruction/ischemia (M2); one hour (M3) and 18 hours (M4) after the beginning of reperfusion/deobstruction. There was no difference among the groups related to the counting of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, total white cells, neutrophils (band), neutrophils (segmented), lymphocytes, and monocytes. There was difference in the globular volume in M2 and in the eosinophils counting in M3. In both groups, the blood gas analysis identified diminished of sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, and chloride amounts, and partial pressure of oxygen and oxihemoglobin saturation. The results indicate that the hemogram alone, do not give conclusive information while the blood gas analysis allows an early determination of the volume of hydroelectrolytic replacement to be given to one equine with acute abdomen due to jejunal obstruction, providing additional support to the treatment and a better prognosis to an intestinal affection.
horse; hemogram; blood; gas; jejuni obstruction