In order to evaluate the production and use of silage additives in ensiling process of brewery residue were distributed in a completely randomized 5 treatments and 4 replicates: control (C: 100% silage brewery residue); PC15 (15% citrus pulp), PC30 (30% citrus pulp), CS15 (15% soybean hulls), CS30 (30% soybean hulls) - based on the fresh matter brewer. The material was ensiled in plastic buckets with 252 mm height and 245mm in diameter (0.06174m³) and samples were collected for chemical analyzes, pH, ammonia nitrogen, digestion "in vitro" dry matter, organic acids and microbial profile. The results were analyzed by the computer program Statistical Analysis System ( Statistical... , 1985), and verified the normality of residuals by the Shapiro-Wilk (PROC univariate) and the variances for the Test of Hartley. The effects of addition levels were separated by means of contrasts polynomial using a significance level of 5%. There was an increase in dry matter content, soluble carbohydrates, lactic acid, digestion "in vitro" dry matter, the population of lactic acid bacteria and reduced pH, butyric acid, propionic acid and ammonia nitrogen from the inclusion of citrus pulp and peel soybean, being the best results for the treatment including 30% of citrus pulp (P<0.05). The ensiling of spent grain by itself is an alternative for farmers as food support and making silage quality can be enhanced with the use of additives to be evaluated according to the cost: benefit ratio for production efficiency.
additives; chemical analyzes; digestion "in vitro" dry matter; fermentation microbiology