Six sorghum hybrids in early-dough stage were used in a randomized design to evaluate the plant height, standability at harvest and dry matter content of the stem after harvest. Dry matter (DM) and fresh matter (FM) yields, stem, leaf and head proportions were also evaluated. Hybrids height varied from 1.0 to 2.7m. Dry matter content of the stem were between 20.8 and 29.4%. DM yield varied from 4.5 to 7.8 t/ha and FM yield from 13.4 to 31.1 t/ha. These two characteristics were positively correlated (r = 0.85). Stem proportion varied from 40.5 to 67%, leaf proportion from 12.1 to 21.6%, and heads from 20.9 to 40.6%. Higher hybrids produced more. The hybrid BRS701 presented higher size, lower abed percentage, higher stem DM, head proportion and DM production.
Sorghum; agronomic evaluation