The effects of the physical form of the rations on performance and carcass and cut yields of two lines of broilers, Cobb®and Ross®were evaluated. The treatments were defined according to the lines and physical form of the rations and were mash ad libitum, pelleted ad libitum and restricted pelleted (with equal intake of the mash ration). In the trial 420 birds were used, raised in metallic cages adapted for the collection of the excreta. The statistical design was a split plot block in 3x2 (3 diets and 2 lines) factorial arrangements with 4 repetitions (periods) where the period was considered the block. The digestibility of dry matter was not affected for the physical form of the ration, and the digestibility of the ether extract was enhanced by the peletization. The line affected the digestibility of the rations and with physical form of the ration affect the heat production of the broilers. The use of pelleted rations improved the net energy values of the rations, regardless of the line, enhancing the broilers performance.
broiler; breeder; peletization; digestibility; heat production