A new laparoscopic colopexy technique was tested in dogs without intracorporeal sutures. The use of polypropylene mesh in eleven mongrel dogs was evaluated. The serosal surface of the descendent colon and transverse abdominal muscle were put in contact with the mesh application, taking into consideration that the polypropylene implant was positioned through the mesocolon and under the muscle flap. Finally, the extremities of the mesh were clipped. The procedures lasted 36:00±13:15min, without any kind of complications. In the post-operative period, adequate colopexy in seven dogs was observed. In three dogs the colopexy was partial and in one the bowel did not adhere to the muscles or mesh. The proposed procedure is viable for dogs, however, it is necessary to make some adjustments.
dog; videsurgery; endosurgery; videolaparoscopy