Purpose: To study the accuracy of the MTI Photoscreener in the screening of an infantile population, for amblyopia causing factors such as ametropias, anisometropias, strabismus, congenital cataracts and opacities of the media. Methods: During the execution of a study project "Veja Bem Brasil" ("See Well Brazil"), the AA used the MTI Photoscreener to examine 107 children, with ages varying from 6 to 15 years, and compared these results with those of a following complete ophthalmic examination. Results: The end results gave us 31 (28.97%) children with an ophthalmic pathology and 76 (71.02%) within normal limits. Statistical analysis showed the following values: sensivitity, 90.32%; specificity, 96.05%; positive predictive values and negative predictive values of 90.32% e 96.05%, respectively. Conclusion: The above results showed the "photoscreening" test to be reliable to screen young patients of school age.
Screening; Photoscreening; Amblyopia