The aim of blepharoplasty in young Asian patients is to create a superior palpebral fold. There are several surgical techniques to create double eyelids in Asian patients, and these techniques may be separated into two groups: cutting-type double eyelid surgery and non-incisional techniques or minimal incision techniques. PURPOSE: This paper will report the peculiarities of the non-incisional technique and emphasize the importance of pre-surgical planning. METHODS: From January 1989 to January 2002 (13 years), the authors have performed 647 cases using the non-incisional technique. Since 1996, when they began using only two sutures at the upper eyelid, 303 cases were performed (47,60%). The patients were followed-up for a period of 2 years. RESULTS: The results were considered very satisfactory albeit the fact 19 patients (2,93%) underwent reoperations due to fold assymetry and 12 cases (1.85%) due to a complaint of narrow and barely visible folds. During the presurgical planning the shape of the fold and number of sutures were determined taking into account the thickness of the eyelid skin. 97.84% of the patients desired the fold beginning at the epichantal fold, for this procedure yields the most natural results. CONCLUSION: The authors conclude that the technique is relatively simple and reproducible, is safer and presents longer-lasting results. However, indication for the procedure should be precise, and presurgical planning is the cornerstone for obtaining good results.
Eyelids; Blepharoplasty; Surgery, plastic; Japan