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Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, Volume: 87, Issue: 4, Published: 2024
  • Who should finance science? A consideration about publication costs Editorial

    Kara-Junior, Newton
  • Botulinum toxin A for the treatment of strabismus in children with neurological impairment Original Article

    Tugcu, Betul; Araz-Ersan, Bilge; Özkan, Seyhan B.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia do uso de toxina bo-tulínica tipo A no tratamento do estrabismo em pacientes com comprometimento neurológico e avaliar os fatores associados ao sucesso do tratamento. Métodos: Cinquenta pacientes com estrabismo e comprometimento neurológico foram incluídos no estudo. Em todas as crianças, a toxina botulínica tipo A foi injetada no músculo extraocular apropriado. A relação entre características demográficas, características clínicas e o sucesso do tratamento foram analisadas. Resultados: No grupo de estudo, 34 pacientes tiveram esotropia e 16 pacientes tiveram exotropia, sendo trinta e seis pacientes com paralisia cerebral e 14 pacientes com hidrocefalia. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 15,3 ± 7,3 meses. O número médio de aplicações foi de 1,4 ± 0,6. O ângulo de desvio médio foi de 42,5 ± 13,2 DP antes do tratamento e diminuiu para 12,8 ± 11,9 DP após o tratamento. Alinhamento motor bem sucedido (ortotropia dentro de 10 DP) foi alcançado em 60% dos pacientes. A análise de regressão logística binária revelou que o desalinhamento esotrópico e uma menor duração do estrabismo foram significativamente associados ao sucesso do tratamento no grupo de estudo. Pacientes esotrópicos com ângulos de desalinhamento menores são mais propensos a serem tratados com uma única aplicação. Conclusão: O uso da toxina botulínica tipo A para o tratamento de estrabismo em crianças com comprometimento neurológico é uma boa alternativa para a terapia cirúrgica convencional com menor risco de hipercorreção. O resultado do tratamento é melhor em exodesvios e em pacientes com estrabismo de menor duração, implicando em vantagem para o tratamento precoce.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purposes: To assess the efficacy of botulinum toxin A injection in the treatment of strabismus in patients with neurological impairment and evaluate the factors associated with treatment success. Methods: The study included 50 patients with strabismus and neurological impairment. In all children, botulinum toxin injection was performed into the appropriate extraocular muscle. The relationship between demographic features, clinical characteristics, and treatment success were analyzed. Results: In the study group, 34 patients had esotropia, and 16 patients had exotropia. As neurological problems, 36 patients had cerebral palsy, and 14 had hydrocephalus. The average follow-up period was 15.3 ± 7.3 months. The mean number of injections was 1.4 ± 0.6. The mean angle of deviation was 42.5 ± 13.2 PD before the treatment, which decreased to 12.8 ± 11.9 PD after the treatment. Successful motor alignment (orthotropia within 10 PD) was achieved in 60% of the patients. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that esotropic misalignment and shorter duration of strabismus was significantly associated with treatment success in the study group. Patients with esotropia and lower angles of misalignment were more likely to be treated with a single injection. Conclusion: The use of botulinum toxin A for the treatment of strabismus in children with neurological impairment is a good alternative to conventional surgical therapy with a lower risk of overcorrection. The treatment outcome is better in esodeviations and shorter duration of strabismus, implying an advantage of early treatment.
  • Longitudinal evaluation of RTVue optical coherence tomography in patients with glaucoma and suspected glaucoma and stable visual fields Original Article

    Ribeiro Júnior, Valdenir; Ávila, Marcos P.; Ribeiro, Cristiane F.; Magacho, Leopoldo

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar longitudinalmente os parâmetros estruturais isolados obtidos através da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue em pacientes glaucomatosos e suspeitos de glaucoma com campos visuais estáveis. Métodos: Todos os incluídos deveriam ter Campimetria Computadorizada Humphrey Sita Standard 24-2 confiáveis. A estabilidade campimétrica foi definida se apresentassem menos de cinco pontos com p<5% e/ou nenhum ponto com p<1% e/ou p<0,05% no gráfico de comparação do Glaucoma Progression Analysis. Para a tomografia de coerência óptica, foi utilizado a estratégia de avaliação para glaucoma. Resultados: Foram incluídos 75 olhos de 75 pacientes: 43 com glaucoma e 32 suspeitos. A média dos intervalos do campo visual entre o 1o e 3o exame, foi de 29,57 ± 9,65 meses. Não houve variação para os parâmetros do campo visual (desvio médio, desvio padrão e índice da função visual) entre o primeiro e o último exame (p>0,05 para todos). Não houve variação dos parâmetros da camada de fibras nervosas da retina ao longo do estudo, enquanto que para os parâmetros do disco óptico, apenas cup volume apresentou mudança (p=0,004). Em relação à camada de células ganglionares da retina, notou-se uma redução progressiva na espessura média da Ganglionar Complex Cells com uma variabilidade entre o primeiro e último exame de -0,98 ± 3,71% (p=0,04). Quanto ao Global loss volume, houve um aumento progressivo ao longo do estudo com uma variabilidade entre o primeiro e último exame de 14,71 ± 44,52% (p=0,04). O parâmetro inferior do Ganglionar Complex Cells também reduziu significativamente entre o 1o e 3o exames (p=0,02). Os demais parâmetros da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue se mantiveram estáveis entre o 1o e 3o exames. Conclusão: Os presentes achados sugerem que pacientes glaucomatosos ou com suspeita de glaucoma e com campos visuais estáveis, podem apresentar progressão estrutural na camada de células ganglionares da retina avaliada por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To longitudinally compare isolated structural parameters obtained using RTVue optical coherence tomography in patients with glaucoma and suspected glaucoma with stable visual fields. Methods: All patients were required to have a reliable SITA Standard 24-2 Humphrey Visual Field test. Visual field stability was defined as having <5 points with p<5% and/or having no points with p<1% and/or p<0.05% in the glaucoma progression analysis comparison graph. Furthermore, the glaucoma assessment strategy was used in optical coherence tomography. Results: The study included 75 eyes from 75 patients, 43 of which had glaucoma and 32 had suspected glaucoma. The mean visual field intervals were 29.57 ± 9.65 months between the first and third tests. No visual field parameter variations (mean deviation, pattern standard deviation, and visual field index) and no retinal nerve fiber layer or optic disk parameter variations between the first and third tests were observed (p>0.05 for all), and no retinal nerve fiber layer parameter variations throughout the study were observed, except for optic disk parameters presenting with cup volume changes (p=0.004). However, ganglion complex cells presented a progressively decreased average ganglion cell complex parameter, with a variability of -0.98% ± 3.71% (p=0.04) between the first and third tests. By contrast, the global loss volume progressively increased throughout the study, with a variability of 14.71% ± 44.52% (p=0.04) between the first and third tests. The inferior ganglion cell complex parameter was significantly decreased between the first and third tests (p=0.02). Conclusion: The present findings suggest that patients with glaucoma or suspected glaucoma with stable visual fields may present structural ganglion complex cell progression as assessed using RTVue optical coherence tomography.
  • Macular dystrophies associated with Stargardt-like phenotypes Original Article

    Amaral, Rebeca A. S.; Zin, Olivia A.; Salles, Mariana V.; Motta, Fabiana L.; Sallum, Juliana Maria Ferraz

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Fenótipos Stargardt-like já foram asso-ciados a variantes patogênicas no gene ABCA4. O propósito desse estudo é descrever quatro pacientes com achados retinianos semelhantes a doença de Stargardt com resultados moleculares diferentes do esperado. Métodos: Esse relato fez a revisão de prontuários médicos de quatro pacientes com distrofia macular e achados clínicos sugestivos de doença de Stargardt. Foram realizados avaliação oftalmológica, exames de imagens e testes usando next generation sequencing para avaliar variantes patogênicas associadas aos fenótipos dos pacientes. Resultados: Os pacientes apresentavam atrofia macular e alterações pigmentares sugerindo achados clínicos de doença de Stargardt. Dois pacientes foram associados a genes com herança autossômica dominante (RIMS1 e CRX) e dois pacientes foram associados a genes com herança autossômica recessiva (CRB1 e RDH12) com variantes preditoras de serem patogênicas. Conclusão: Distrofias maculares podem ter similaridades fenotípicas com fenótipo de Stargardt-like associados a outros genes além dos classicamente já descritos.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: Stargardt-like phenotype has been described as associated with pathogenic variants besides the ABCA4 gene. This study aimed to describe four cases with retinal appearance of Stargardt disease phenotypes and unexpected molecular findings. Methods: This report reviewed medical records of four patients with macular dystrophy and clinical features of Stargardt disease. Ophthalmic examination, fundus imaging, and next-generation sequencing were performed to evaluate pathogenic variants related to the phenotypes. Results: Patients presented macular atrophy and pigmentary changes suggesting Stargardt disease. The phenotypes of the two patients were associated with autosomal dominant inheritance pattern genes (RIMS1 and CRX) and in the other two patients were associated with recessive dominant inheritance pattern genes (CRB1 and RDH12) with variants predicted to be pathogenic. Conclusion: Macular dystrophies may have phenotypic similarities to Stargardt-like phenotype associated with other genes besides the classic ones.
  • Adult-onset idiopathic opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome Original Article

    Zhang, Xiaohan; Yan, Wenjing; Song, Yuqiang; Zhu, Haifang; Sun, Yanping

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: A síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia é extremamente rara em adultos e tem uma fisiopatologia autoimune. Devido à raridade dessa síndrome, o reconhecimento da síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia-ataxia precisa melhorar urgentemente em todo o mundo. Assim sendo, este estudo visou aumentar a conscientização sobre a síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia-ataxia e ajudar os médicos para um melhor diagnóstico e o uso correto da imunoterapia. Métodos: Este é o relato de um caso adulto de síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia idiopática com movimentos oculares conjugados, multidirecionais, arrítmicos e espontâneos, mioclonia, ataxia, distúrbios do sono e medo intenso. Além disso, foram pesquisadas as publicações recentes relevantes e resumiu-se a fisiopatologia, a apresentação clínica, o diagnóstico e o tratamento da síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia-ataxia. Resultados: A paciente recuperou-se totalmente da opsoclonia, da mioclonia e da ataxia através de imunoterapia. O artigo também fornece um resumo atualizado sobre a síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia-ataxia. Conclusão: Adultos com síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia-ataxia têm uma baixa frequência de sequelas residuais. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces podem levar a melhores prognósticos. Espera-se que a imunoterapia combinada reduza a incidência da síndrome de opsoclonia-mioclonia-ataxia refratária e recorrente.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome is extremely uncommon in adults with an autoimmune pathophysiology. Because of the rarity of the syndrome, international recognition of opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome needs to be improved urgently. Therefore, the goal of this study was to raise the awareness of the opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome and help doctors in better diagnosing and using immunotherapy. Methods: We present a case study of an adult-onset case of idiopathic opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome characterized by spontaneous arrhythmic multidirectional conjugate eye movements, myoclonus, ataxia, sleep disorders, and intense fear. Additionally, we conduct a literature search and summarize the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome. Results: Immunotherapies successfully treated the patient’s opsoclonus, myoclonus, and ataxia. Further, the article also includes an update summary of the opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome. Conclusion: The prevalence of residual sequela in adults with opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome is low. Early diagnosis and treatment may result in a better prognosis. Furthermore, combined immunotherapy is expected to reduce the incidence of refractory and reoccurring opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome.
  • Measurement of the visual axis through two different methods: quantification and differences for measuring chord μ Original Article

    Rodrigues, Pablo Felipe; Moscovici, Bernardo Kaplan; Lamazales, Luciano; Freitas, Marcela Mara Silva; Gomes, José Álvaro Pereira; Nosé, Walton; Campos, Mauro Silveira

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar as diferenças entre a chord aparente μ e o chord real μ. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, comparativo, não randomizado e não intervencionista. Os exames de imagem (Pentacam e HD Analyzer) foram realizados na mesma sala e nas mesmas condições escotópicas. Os critérios de inclusão foram idade de 21 a 71 anos; compreensão do termo de consentimento; miopia até 4D e astigmatismo topográfico anterior até 1D. Os critérios de exclusão foram usuários de lentes de contato; pacientes com doenças oculares prévias ou cirurgias; opacidades da córnea; a presença de alterações tomográficas da córnea ou suspeita de ceratocone. Resultados: Em nosso estudo foram analisados 116 olhos de 58 pacientes. A média de idade foi de 30,69 anos (± 7,85). Análises de correlação foram desenvolvidas e o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (0,647) indica uma relação linear positiva moderada entre as variáveis. A média do chord μ real foi 226,21 ± 128,53 μm e a média do chord μ média foi 278,66 ± 123,90 μm, com diferença média de 52,45 μm (p=0,01). A análise do diâmetro pupilar médio apresentou: 5,76mm no HD Analyzer e 3,31mm no Pentacam. Conclusões: Entendemos a existência de uma diferença significativa entre os métodos e assim a medida de ambos os dispositivos com base em princípios diferentes devemos respeitar suas peculiaridades. Como encontramos correlação entre as duas medidas, acreditamos que ambas podem ser utilizadas na prática diária.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the differences between the apparent and actual chord μ. Methods: In this prospective, comparative, non-randomized, and non-interventional study, imaging examinations using Pentacam and the HD Analyzer were performed in the same room under the same scotopic conditions. The inclusion criteria were patients aged 21-71 years, able to provide informed consent, myopia up to 4D, and anterior topographic astigmatism up to 1D. Patients using contact lenses, those with previous eye diseases or surgeries, corneal opacities, corneal tomographic changes, or suspected keratoconus were excluded. Results: Altogether, 116 eyes of 58 patients were analyzed. The patients’ mean age was 30.69 (±7.85) years. In the correlation analyses, Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.647 indicates a moderate positive linear relationship between apparent and actual chord μ. The mean actual and apparent chord μ were 226.21 ± 128.53 and 278.66 ± 123.90 μm, respectively, with a mean difference of 52.45 μm (p=0.01). The analysis of mean pupillary diameter resulted in 5.76 mm using the HD Analyzer and 3.31 mm using the Pentacam. Conclusions: We found a correlation between the two measurement devices, and even though we found considerable differences, both can be used in daily practice. Given their differences, we should respect their peculiarities as well.
  • Intraocular pressure changes under an atmospheric pressure spectrum in a multiplace hyperbaric chamber Original Article

    Mazo, Sara Edith Moreno; Peña, Fernando Yaacov; Ramírez, Johanna Victoria Osorio

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a influência das alterações da pressão atmosférica no comportamento da pressão intraocular de indivíduos militares saudáveis-alunos e instrutores da Escola de Mergulho e Resgate da Marinha Nacional na base naval “ARC BOLÍVAR”-durante uma imersão simulada na câmara hiperbárica do Hospital da Marinha de Cartagena. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo exploratório descritivo. A pressão intraocular foi medida em diferentes pressões atmosféricas durante sessões de 60 minutos na câmara hiperbárica respirando ar comprimido. A profundidade máxima simulada foi de 60 pés. Os participantes eram alunos e instrutores do Departamento de Mergulho e Resgate da Base Naval. Resultados: Quarenta e oito olhos de 24 mergulhadores foram estudados. Vinte e dois participantes (91,7%) eram do sexo masculino. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 30,6 (DP=5,5) anos, variando de 23 a 40. Nenhum participante tinha histórico de glaucoma ou hipertensão ocular. A média de base da pressão intraocular ao nível do mar foi de 14 mmHg, diminuindo para 13,1 mmHg (queda de 1,2 mmHg) a 60 pés de profundidade (p=0,0012). Entretanto, durante a parada de segurança a 30 pés, a pressão intraocular média continuou diminuindo até atingir 11,9 mmHg (p<0,001). Ao final da sessão, a pressão intraocular média atingiu 13,1 mmHg, valor inferior e estatisticamente significativo quando comparada à média de base da pressão intraocular (p=0,012). Conclusões: Em indivíduos saudáveis, a pressão intraocular diminui ao atingir uma profundidade de 60 pés (2,8 de pressão atmosférica absoluta) e diminui ainda mais durante a ascensão a 30 pés. As medidas em ambos os pontos foram significativamente diferentes quando comparadas à pressão intraocular de base. A pressão intraocular final foi menor do que a pressão intraocular de base, sugerindo um efeito residual e prolongado da pressão atmosférica sobre a pressão intraocular.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the influence of atmospheric pressure changes on the behavior of intraocular pressure of healthy military individuals-students and instructors of the National Navy’s Diving & Rescue School at the “ARC BOLÍVAR” naval base-during a simulated immersion in the hyperbaric chamber of the Naval Hospital of Cartagena. Methods: A descriptive exploratory study was performed. The intraocular pressure was measured at different atmospheric pressures during 60-min sessions in the hyperbaric chamber while breathing compressed air. The maximum simulated depth was 60 feet. Participants were students and instructors of the Naval Base’s Diving and Rescue Department. Results: A total of 48 eyes from 24 divers were studied, of which 22 (91.7%) were male. The mean age of the participants was 30.6 (SD=5.5) years, ranging from 23 to 40. No participant had a history of glaucoma or ocular hypertension. The mean base intraocular pressure at sea level was 14 mmHg, which decreased to 13.1 mmHg (decreased by 1.2 mmHg) at 60 feet deep (p=0.0012). However, during the safety stop at 30 feet, the mean IOP kept decreasing until reaching 11.9 mmHg (p<0.001). By the end of the session, the mean intraocular pressure reached 13.1 mmHg, which is inferior and statistically significant when compared with the intraocular pressure base mean (p=0.012). Conclusions: In healthy individuals, the intraocular pressure decreases when reaching a depth of 60 feet (2.8 absolute atmosphere pressure) and it decreases even more during ascension at 30 feet. Measurements at both points were significantly different when compared with base intraocular pressure. The final intraocular pressure was lower than the baseline intraocular pressure, suggesting a residual and prolonged effect of the atmospheric pressure on intraocular pressure.
  • Corneal reshaping: an experiment with a type I collagen-based vitrigel for remodeling porcine corneas Original Article

    Marquezan, Maria Carolina; Freitas, Denise de; Majumdar, Shoumyo; Wang, Xiaokun; Elisseeff, Jennifer; Guyton, David L.; Bower, Kraig Scot; Skurski, Zachary P.; Chalita, Maria Regina; Belfort Jr, Rubens; Jun, Albert S.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um experimento projetado para determinar alterações anatômicas em córneas porcinas após a colocação de um novo implante de polímero na córnea. Métodos: Foi utilizado olho de porco ex vivo. Um novo agente modelador biocompatível, de colágeno tipo 1, com 6mm de diâmetro foi moldado com excimer laser em sua face posterior, para criar três formatos planocôncavos. Os implantes foram inseridos dentro de um bolsão, dissecado manualmente, a 200 micrômetros (μm). Foram definidos três grupos de tratamento: grupo A (n=3), teve a profundidade máxima de ablação de 70 μm; o grupo B (n=3), profundidade máxima de ablação de 64 μm; e o grupo C (n=3), profundidade máxima de ablação de 104 μm, com buraco central. O grupo controle, D (n=3), foi incluído, com a criação do bolsão estromal, porém sem inserir o material. A avaliação desses olhos foi realizada por tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) e por tomografia corneana. Resultados: A tomografia corneana mostrou uma tendência para diminuição da ceratometria média em todos os 4 grupos. A tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou córneas com implantes localizados no estroma anterior e aplanamento visível, enquanto as córneas não mudaram qualitativamente o formato no grupo controle. Conclusões: O novo implante de biomaterial planocôncavo descrito aqui foi capaz de remodelar a córnea em modelo de animal ex vivo, resultando no aplanamento corneano. Novos estudos são necessários usando modelos animais in vivo para confirmar tais achados.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to report an experiment designed to determine anatomical changes in porcine corneas following placement of a novel polymer implant into the cornea. Methods: An ex vivo porcine eye model was used. A novel type I collagen-based vitrigel implant (6 mm in diameter) was shaped with an excimer laser on the posterior surface to create three planoconcave shapes. Implants were inserted into a manually dissected stromal pocket at a depth of approximately 200 μm. Three treatment groups were defined: group A (n=3), maximal ablation depth 70 μm; Group B (n=3), maximal ablation depth 64 μm; and group C (n=3), maximal ablation depth 104 μm, with a central hole. A control group (D, n=3) was included, in which a stromal pocket was created but biomaterial was not inserted. Eyes were evaluated by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and corneal tomography. Results: Corneal tomography showed a trend for a decreased mean keratometry in all four groups. Optical coherence tomography showed corneas with implants placed within the anterior stroma and visible flattening, whereas the corneas in the control group did not qualitatively change shape. Conclusions: The novel planoconcave biomaterial implant described herein could reshape the cornea in an ex vivo model, resulting in the flattening of the cornea. Further studies are needed using in vivo animal models to confirm such findings.
  • Use of surgical videos available on social media among retina surgeons: results of a vitreoretinal specialist survey Original Article

    Lucatto, Luiz Filipe Adami; Barbosa, Gabriel Castilho Sandoval; Prazeres, Juliana Moura Bastos; Cardoso, Emmerson Badaró; Guerra, Ricardo Luz Leitão; Lima, Luiz Henrique Soares Gonçalves de; Rodrigues, Eduardo Büchele

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar e interpretar como os cirurgiões vitreorretinianos utilizam os vídeos cirúrgicos disponíveis nas mídias sociais como ferramentas complementares de aprendizagem para melhorar, revisar ou atualizar suas habilidades, considerando seus diferentes níveis de especialização. Métodos: Nesta pesquisa transversal, um survey online foi enviado à especialistas e aprendizes na área vítreo-retiniana. Resultados: Esta pesquisa incluiu 258 participantes, dos quais 53,88% atuavam há mais de 10 anos (cirurgiões seniores), 29,07% entre 4 e 10 anos (cirurgiões jovens) e 17,05% há menos de 3 anos (cirurgiões em treinamento). Vídeos cirúrgicos de retina nas mídias sociais foram usados por 98,84% dos participantes (intervalo de confiança de 95%, 97,52%-100%). A fonte mais comum de acesso aos vídeos foi o YouTube (91%), e o grupo de cirurgiões com menos de 3 anos de experiência assistiu mais vídeos no YouTube em comparação aos cirurgiões seniores. Assistir a vídeos cirúrgicos nas redes sociais foi o método preferido na preparação para um procedimento para 49,80% dos participantes versus 26,27% que preferiram “consultar colegas” e 18,82% que preferiram buscar informações em artigos científicos. A “qualidade de imagem” (88%) e a presença de “dicas e truques cirúrgicos” (85%) foram as características dos vídeos mais valorizadas pelos participantes. Conclusão: O uso de vídeos cirúrgicos pode trazer benefícios na aquisição de habilidades estratégicas, como tomada de decisão, planejamento cirúrgico e consciência situacional. Sua aplicação como auxiliar de ensino foi utilizada por cirurgiões de retina independentemente de seu nível de especialização, apesar de ser relativamente mais valioso para cirurgiões em formação ou com menos de 10 anos de experiência.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to assess and interpret how vitreoretinal surgeons use surgical videos available on social media as complementary learning tools to improve, review, or update their abilities, considering their different levels of expertise. Methods: In this cross-sectional survey, an online survey was sent to vitreoretinal specialists and fellows. Results: This survey included 258 participants, of whom 53.88% had been in practice for >10 years (senior surgeons), 29.07% between 4 and 10 years (young surgeons), and 17.05% for <3 years (surgeons in training). Retinal surgical videos available on social media were used by 98.84% of the participants (95% confidence interval, 97.52%-100%). YouTube (91%) was the most common source of videos, and surgeons in training watched more videos on YouTube than senior surgeons. Regarding the preferred method when preparing for a procedure, 49.80% of the participants watched surgical videos available on social media, 26.27% preferred to “consult colleagues”, and 18.82% preferred to seek information in scientific articles. Participants valued the most the “image quality” (88%) and presence of “surgical tips and tricks” (85%). Conclusion: Surgical videos can provide benefits in acquiring strategic skills, such as decision-making, surgical planning, and situational awareness. Retina surgeons used them as teaching aids regardless of their level of expertise, despite being relatively more valuable to surgeons in training or young surgeons.
  • Surveillance system for Healthcare-associated endophthalmitis at state level in a middle-income country: preliminary results Original Article

    Luz, Reginaldo Adalberto; Assis, Denise Brandão de; Madalosso, Geraldine; Timmons, Stephen; Padoveze, Maria Clara

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o processo de implementação e os resultados preliminares de um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para endoftalmites associada à assistência à saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caso de implementação de um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para endoftalmites. O sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para endoftalmites é um sistema estruturado que possibilita a vigilância de casos de endoftalmite associados à assistência à saúde após procedimentos oftalmológicos invasivos, desenvolvido e coordenado pela Divisão de Infecção Hospitalar da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, São Paulo, Brasil. O processo de implementação incluiu uma fase piloto, seguida pela fase de expansão. Os dados foram enviados mensalmente à Divisão de Infecção Hospitalar pelos estabelecimentos de saúde participantes que realizaram procedimentos oftalmológicos no estado de São Paulo, Brasil no período de setembro de 2017 a dezembro de 2019. Resultados: Entre os 1.483 estabelecimentos de saúde elegíveis, 175 participaram do estudo (taxa de adesão de 11,8%), relatando 222.728 procedimentos oftalmológicos realizados, sendo 164.207 cirurgias de catarata e 58.521 injeções intravítreas. A taxa de incidência global de endoftalmite relatada foi de 0,05% (n=105; 80 casos após cirurgia de catarata e 25 casos após injeção intravítrea). As taxas de incidência entre os estabelecimentos de saúde variaram de 0,02% a 4,55%. A maioria dos casos foi causada por bactérias gram-positivas, principalmente Staphylococcus spp. Em 36 (46,2%) casos não houve crescimento bacteriano; nenhuma amostra foi coletada em 28 (26,7%) casos. O sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para endoftalmites possibilitou a identificação de um surto de quatro casos de endoftalmite após injeção intravítrea. Conclusão: O sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para endoftalmites mostrou-se operacionalmente viável e eficiente para o monitoramento de casos de endoftalmite em nível estadual.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe the implementation pro cess and the preliminary results of a surveillance system for healthcare-associated endophthalmitis. Methods: This is a case study of the implementation of a surveillance system for healthcare-associated endophthalmitis. The system for healthcare-associated endophthalmitis is a structured system that enables surveillance of cases of healthcare-associated endophthalmitis after intraocular procedures, developed and coordinated by the Division of Hospital Infection at the State Health Department, São Paulo, Brazil. The implementation process included a pilot phase, followed by a scaling-up phase. Data were reported monthly to the Division of Hospital Infection by participating healthcare facilities that performed intraocular procedures in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from September 2017 to December 2019. Results: Among the 1,483 eligible healthcare facilities, 175 engaged in the study (participation rate of 11.8%), reporting 222,728 intraocular procedures performed, of which 164,207 were cataract surgery and 58,521 were intravitreal injections. The overall incidence rate of endophthalmitis was reported to be 0.05% (n=105; 80 cases after cataract surgery and 25 cases after intravitreal injections). The incidence rates for healthcare facilities ranged from 0.02% to 4.55%. Most cases were caused by gram-positive bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus spp. In 36 (46.2%) of the cases, there was no bacterial growth; no sample was collected in 28 (26.7%) cases. This system for healthcare-associated endophthalmitis enabled the identification of an outbreak of four cases of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections. Conclusion: The system for healthcare-associated endophthalmitis proved to be operationally viable and efficient for monitoring cases of endophthalmitis at the state level.
  • Body mass index influences age-related cataracts: an updated meta-analysis and systemic review Original Article

    Chen, Huilin; Sun, Xiaolei; Pei, Li; Wang, Ting

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Objetivo: A deficiência visual e a cegueira causadas pela catarata são um grande problema de saúde pública. Há vários fatores associados a um risco maior de catarata relacionada à idade na população mundial, tais como idade, tabagismo, consumo de álcool e radiação ultravioleta. Esta meta-análise foi realizada para avaliar a associação entre o índice de massa corporal e a catarata relacionada à idade. Métodos: Foi revisada a literatura sobre catarata relacionada a peso e idade publicada de janeiro de 2011 a julho de 2020, através de buscas nos bancos de dados PubMed, Medline e Web of Science. Na meta-análise, foram utilizados modelos de efeito aleatórios e de efeitos fixos e os resultados foram apresentados como razões de chances (OR). Resultados: Um total de 9 estudos foi incluído na meta-análise. Não houve correlação entre ausência de sobrepeso e cataratas nucleares (OR=1,31, IC 95%: -0,50-3,12, p=0,156). Os resultados do modelo de efeitos aleatórios mostraram que o excesso de peso estava significativamente associado a uma redução do risco de catarata relacionada à idade (OR=0,91, IC 95%: 0,80-1,02, p<0,0001, I2=62,3%, p<0,0001). Houve correlações significativas entre o excesso de peso e cataratas corticais (OR=0,95, IC 95%: 0,66-1,24, p<0,0001), nucleares (OR=0,92, IC 95%: 0,76-1,08, p<0,0001) e subcapsulares posteriores (OR=0,87, IC 95%: 0,38-1,02, p<0,0001) relacionadas à idade. Houve correlações significativas entre obesidade e cataratas corticais (OR=1,00, IC 95%: 0,82-1,17, p<0,0001), nucleares (OR=1,07, IC 95%: 0,92-1,22, p<0,0001) e subcapsulares posteriores (OR=1,14, IC 95%: 0,91-1,37, p<0,0001) relacionadas à idade. Conclusão: Estes achados sugeriram uma correlação significativa entre o índice de massa corporal e a catarata relacionada à idade, com o excesso de peso e a obesidade reduzindo e aumentando o risco de catarata relacionada à idade, respectivamente.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: Visual impairment and blindness caused by cataracts are major public health problems. Several factors are associated with an increased risk of age-related cataracts, such as age, smoking, alcohol consumption, and ultraviolet radiation. This meta-analysis aimed to assess the association between body mass index and age-related cataracts. Methods: Studies on weight and age-related cataracts published from January 2011 to July 2020 were reviewed by searching PubMed, Medline, and Web of Science databases. The random-effects and fixed-effects models were used for the meta-analysis, and the results were reported as odd ratios. Results: A total of nine studies were included in the meta-analysis. No correlation was found between underweight and nuclear cataracts (OR=1.31, 95% CI [-0.50 to 3.12], p=0.156). The results of the random-effects model showed that overweight was significantly associated with age-related cataracts and reduced the risk of age-related cataracts (OR=0.91, 95% CI [0.80-1.02], p<0.0001; I2=62.3%, p<0.0001). Significant correlations were found between overweight and cortical, nuclear, and posterior subcapsular cataracts (OR=0.95, 95% CI [0.66-1.24], p<0.0001; OR=0.92, 95% CI (0.76-1.08), p<0.0001; OR=0.87, 95% CI [0.38-1.02], p<0.0001). Significant correlations were found between obesity and cortical, nuclear, and posterior subcapsular cataracts (OR=1.00, 95% CI [0.82-1.17], p<0.0001; OR=1.07, 95% CI [0.92-1.22], p<0.0001; OR=1.14, 95% CI [0.91-1.37], p<0.0001). Conclusion: This finding suggested a significant correlation between body mass index and age-related cataracts, with overweight and obesity reducing or increasing the risk of age-related cataracts, respectively.
  • Macular edema after surgery to treat rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: 1-year follow-up, incidence, and associated risk factors Original Article

    Finger, Caroline Thais Machry; Maliska, Gabriela; Novello, Sérgio Brillinger

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To clarify the postoperative incidence of macular edema in patients undergoing surgery to repair rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and identify the associated risk factors. Methods: In this prospective, observational study, 79 patients who underwent surgery to correct rhegmatogenous retinal detachment using pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil injection were analyzed. Patients were followed up postoperatively at 7, 30, 90, 180, and 365 days. At each visit, optical coherence tomography was performed to assess the presence or absence of macular edema. were analyzed as possible risk factors for macular edema: age, sex, macular status (attached or detached), presence of vitreoretinal proliferation, history of previous intraocular surgery, reported time of symptoms suggestive of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment up to the date of surgery, and the surgical modality performed. Results: The 1-year macular edema prevalence rate was 26.6%. In the adjusted analysis, older patients had a higher risk of macular edema, and each 1-year increase in age increased the risk of macular edema by 6% (95% confidence interval = 1.00-1.12). The macular status, vitreoretinal proliferation, the surgical technique used, prior intraocular surgery, and the intraocular lens status were not identified as risk factors. However, the incidence of macular edema increased up to 180 days after surgery, peaking at 10.6%, and then decreased until 365 days after surgery. Conclusion: Macular edema was a common complication after surgery to treat rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, with its incidence peaking between 30 and 180 days after surgery. Age was an important risk factor for macular edema in this cohort.
  • Impression cytology of ocular surface in xeroderma pigmentosum Original Article

    Marcos, Allexya Affonso Antunes; Freitas, Denise; Barros, Jeison de Nadai; Fernandes, Arthur Gustavo; Lowen, Márcia; Rigueiro, Moacyr; Morales, Melina Correia; Belfort Neto, Rubens; Singh, Arun D.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe cellular alterations detected by impression cytology of the ocular surface in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum. The secondary objective was to assess the reliability of impression cytology in diagnosing ocular surface squamous neoplasia. Methods: Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum underwent a single-day complete ophthalmological examination and impression cytology for ocular surface evaluation using 13 mm diameter mixed cellulose esters membrane filters and combined staining with Periodic Acid Schiff, Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Papanicolaou stains followed by microscopic analysis. The cytological findings were correlated with the clinical diagnosis. The impression cytology findings at baseline and one-year follow-up were correlated with the clinical course (no tumor, treated tumor, residual tumor recurrent tumor, new tumor). Results: Of the 42 patients examined, impression cytology was performed in 62 eyes of 34 participants (65% females). The mean age of patients was 29.6 ± 17 years (range 7-62). Fifteen eyes had a clinical diagnosis of ocular surface squamous neoplasia. Impression cytology showed goblet cells (47, 75%), inflammatory cells (12, 19%), keratinization (5, 8%), and squamous metaplasia (30, 48%). Impression cytology was positive for atypical cells in 18 patients (12 with and 6 without ocular surface squamous neoplasia). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of impression cytology (at baseline) for diagnosis of ocular surface squamous neoplasia were 80%, 87%, 67%, and 93%, respectively, using clinical diagnosis of ocular surface squamous neoplasia as the reference standard. Conclusion: Impression cytology has a moderate positive predictive value for the diagnosis of ocular surface squamous neoplasia in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum. However, the lack of detection of atypical cells on impression cytology has a high negative predictive value for ocular surface squamous neoplasia. Integration of impression cytology in the long-term management of high-risk patients, such as patients with xeroderma pigmentosum, can avoid unnecessary diagnostic biopsies.
  • Assessment of quality of life, psychosocial, and epidemiological aspects in patients diagnosed with tuberculous uveitis Original Article

    Silva, Luci Meire P.; Arantes, Tiago Eugênio Faria e; Canamary Jr, Aristófanes; Zamora, Yuslay Fernández; Finamor, Luciana Peixoto S.; Martins, Ester Abigail; Casaroli-Marano, Ricardo Pedro; Muccioli, Cristina

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To assess the quality of life in patients diagnosed as having tuberculous uveitis and its association with sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial aspects. Method: By conducting standardized interviews, clinical and demographic data were collected using a measure developed in this study. This measure was applied in addition to other measures, namely SF-12, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and NEI-VFQ-39, which were used to assess health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression symptoms, and visual functioning. Results: The study included 34 patients [mean age: 46.5 ± 15.1 years, female patients: 21 (61.8%)]. The mean of the VFQ-39 score was 74.5 ± 16.6 and that of SF-12 physical and mental component scores were 45.8 ± 10.1 and 51.6 ± 7.5, respectively, for the health-related quality of life. Anxiety symptoms were the most prevalent compared with depression symptoms and were found in 35.3% of the participants. Conclusion: Tuberculous uveitis affects several scales of quality of life, thereby affecting a population economically active with a social, psychological, and economic burden.
  • Thinning of the retinal nerve fiber and choroidal layers in adolescents with anorexia nervosa: A controlled study Original Article

    Baskan, Ceyda; Akman, Alkım Oden; Akcay, Elif; Gökce, Sabite Emine; Tas, Demet

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: We aimed to evaluate retinal nerve fiber and choroidal layer alterations in adolescents with anorexia nervosa using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Methods: Thirty patients with anorexia nervosa and 30 healthy adolescents aged 12-18 years were included in this study. Their age, sex, body mass index, anorexia nervosa type, disease duration, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography data were recorded. Results: Central macular thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in the temporal and inferior regions were significantly lesser in patients with anorexia than in healthy controls (p<0.05). Moreover, significant choroidal thinning around the foveal and subfoveal regions in patients with anorexia was observed (p<0.05). In addition, a statistically significant relation between the increase in disease duration and the thinning of the inferior retinal nerve fiber layer was detected (p<0.05). Conclusion: The retinal nerve fiber layer and choroidal layer thicknesses were lesser in patients with anorexia than in healthy controls. Screening for retinal indices might prevent the development of irreversible retinal pathologies in adolescents with anorexia nervosa. In addition, thinning of the retinal nerve fiber and choroidal layers could reflect structural or functional changes in the brain of adolescents with anorexia nervosa.
  • Translation, adaptation, and psychometric properties of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis questionnaire Original Article

    Ferreira, Anna Carolina Zamperlini; Mocelin, Lucas Pitrez; Zanini, Fábio; Santos, Myrna Serapião dos; Chong-Neto, Herberto José; Mallozi, Márcia Carvalho; Solé, Dirceu

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: The prevalence of ocular allergy varies according to the population and location of the study. Severe forms of ocular allergy are associated with compromised quality of life. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the application of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Keratoconjunctivitis questionnaire to children and adolescents with different subtypes of allergic conjunctivitis. Method: A total of 48 patients (aged 5-12 years) with allergic conjunctivitis were included in this study. They were enrolled and monitored at a specialized center. After the clinical appointment, the children responded to the questionnaire on two occasions at an interval of 30 days. Individual scores (ranging from 0 to 3) of the 16 items were added. Results: The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Keratoconjunctivitis questionnaire demonstrated good translation, adaptation, and intellectual properties, with substantial internal consistency (Cronbach’s α coefficient = 0.702). There was no significant difference between the responses of the two interviews, revealing good reproducibility. The moderate/severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis had significantly higher quality of life scores (indicating a poorer quality of life) than the mild forms. Conclusions: The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Quality of Life in Children with Keratoconjunctivitis proved to be quick, reliable, and reproducible for assessing the quality of life in children with allergic conjunctivitis. However, its ability to detect changes resulting from symptom aggravation or treatment needs to be further evaluated.
  • Comparison of HIF-1α and survivin levels in patients with diabetes and retinopathy of varying severity Original Article

    Bilgin, Burak; Bilak, Semsettin; Özay, Yusuf

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study measured serum hypoxia--inducible factor-1 (HIF-1α) and survivin levels in patients with diabetes and investigated their association with the severity of retinopathy. Methods: This study included 88 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who underwent routine eye examinations. Three groups were created. Group 1 consisted of patients without diabetic retinopathy. Group 2 included patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Group 3 included patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. To measure serum HIF-1α and survivin levels, venous blood samples were collected from patients. Results: The mean HIF-1α levels in groups 1, 2, and 3 were 17.30 ± 2.19, 17.79 ± 2.34, and 14.19 ± 2.94 pg/ml, respectively. Significant differences were detected between groups 1 and 3 (p=0.01) and between groups 2 and 3 (p=0.01). The mean survivin levels in groups 1, 2, and 3 were 42.65 ± 5.37, 54.92 ± 5.55, and 37.46 ± 8.09 pg/ml, respectively. A significant difference was only detected between groups 2 and 3 (p=0.002). Conclusion: The present study revealed that serum HIF-1α and survivin levels are increased in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy compared to those in patients without diabetic retinopathy.
  • Vitamin D status in active and inactive noninfectious uveitis - data from a reference university hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Original Article

    Moraes, Henrique Maciel Vieira de; Silva, Juliana Rocha de Mendonça da; Rangel, Milena Ribeiro; Riche, Marcelle Raschik; Moraes Junior, Haroldo Vieira de

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between serum vitamin D levels and disease activity in patients with noninfectious uveitis. Methods: We conducted a prospective case-control study, assessing 51 patients with noninfectious uveitis, categorized into active (n=22) and inactive (n=29) groups, along with 51 healthy controls. Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels were measured. The uveitis group also completed a questionnaire regarding sunlight exposure habits and vitamin D supplementation. Results: Patients with inflammation-related uveitis exhibited low serum 25(OH)D levels in 68% of cases. The median 25(OH)D level in patients with active uveitis was 17.8 ng/mL (interquartile range [IQR], 15-21 ng/mL), significantly lower compared to the 31.7 ng/mL (IQR, 25-39 ng/mL) in patients with inactive uveitis (p<0.001) and the 27 ng/mL (IQR, 23-31 ng/mL) in the Control Group (p<0.001). Significantly, nearly all patients with uveitis taking vitamin D supplementation were in the Inactive Group (p<0.005). Moreover, reduced sunlight exposure was associated with active uveitis (p<0.003). Furthermore, patients with 25(OH)D levels below 20 ng/mL had ten times higher odds of developing active uveitis (p=0.001). Conclusions: This study revealed a prevalent 25(OH)D deficiency among patients with noninfectious uveitis and suggested a link between low 25(OH)D levels and disease activity. To prevent future episodes of intraocular inflammation, vitamin D supplementation and controlled sunlight exposure could be viable options.
  • Long-term outcomes of modified transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy Original Article

    Feijó, Eduardo Damous; Caixeta, Juliana Alves; Souza, Bruna Angelina Alves de; Limongi, Roberto Murillo

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the long-term outcomes of modified transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy in a large cohort of patients affected by primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Methods: This study, conducted from January 17 to June 2022, encompassed 141 patients (159 procedures) who underwent modified transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy (MT-DCR). The procedure employed an 810-nm diode laser. Patients were monitored for at least a year after the intervention. Anatomical success was determined by ostium patency upon irrigation, while functional success referred to epiphora resolution. Parameters studied included patient demographics, procedure duration, complications, and both anatomical and functional success. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software, with results considered significant at a 95% confidence interval (p≤0.05). Results: A total of 159 lacrimal drainage systems (141 patients: 112 women and 29 men) were included in this study. Among them, 18 underwent bilateral procedures. The average patient age was 58 years (range: 34-91 years), and the average surgical duration was 24 minutes (range: 18-35 minutes). One year after the surgery, MT-DCR exhibited anatomical and functional success rates of 84.9% (135/159) and 83% (132/159), respectively. Conclusion: MT-DCR achieved an anatomical success rate of 84.9%, reflecting an excellent outcome. However, further extensive studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are necessary to substantiate these findings.
  • Comparison of keratoplasty outcomes at the scar versus edema stages of keratoconus Original Article

    Chen, Yingxin; You, Zhida; Wang, Cuiyu; Gao, Ruiyao; Zhang, Kai

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To assess the outcomes of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty or penetrating keratoplasty at the scar and the edema stages. Methods: Forty-five patients (45 eyes) with keratoconus scar stage (scar group, n=26; penetrating keratoplasty a subgroup, n=7; deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty b subgroup, n=19) and keratoconus edema stage (edema group, n=19; penetrating keratoplasty c subgroup, n=12; deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty d group, n=7) who received penetrating keratoplasty or deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty from 2000 to 2022 were retrospectively studied. At 1, 6, and 12 months after surgery, the best-corrected visual acuity, astigmatism, spherical equivalent, corneal endothelial cell density, and complications were analyzed. Results: The best-corrected visual acuity and average corneal endothelial cell loss rate were not significantly different between the scar and edema groups (p>0.05). At 6 and 12 months after surgery, the astigmatism and spherical equivalent in the scar group were significantly lower than those in the edema group (p<0.05). The spherical equivalent of the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty b subgroup was lower than that of the penetrating keratoplasty a subgroup in the scar group 6 months after surgery (p<0.05). In the edema group, there was no significant difference in spherical equivalent between subgroups (p>0.05). There were no significant differences in best-corrected visual acuity and astigmatism between subgroups within the two groups (p>0.05). In comparison to the scar group, the edema group experienced more complications. According to a survival analysis, there was no statistically significant difference between the scar group and the edema group regarding the progression of vision. Conclusions: In terms of the outcomes and prognosis for vision after keratoplasty with edema stage and scar stage, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty may be as effective as penetrating keratoplasty.
  • Transition from an in-person to a telemedicine diabetic retinopathy screening program Original Article

    Barbieri, Vanessa de O. Almeida; Nakayama, Luis Filipe; Barbieri, Gabriel Almeida; Silva, Suzane Eberhart Ribeiro da; Karmouche, Daniel Cunha José; Shinzato, Marcelle Naomi Oshiro; Nakagawa, Rodrigo Eiji; Regatieri, Caio Vinicius; Malerbi, Fernando Korn

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: Timely screening and treatment are essential for preventing diabetic retinopathy blindness. Improving screening workflows can reduce waiting times for specialist evaluation and thus enhance patient outcomes. This study assessed different screening approaches in a Brazilian public healthcare setting. Methods: This retrospective study evaluated a telemedicine-based diabetic retinopathy screening implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic and compared it with in-person strategies. The evaluation was conducted from the perspective of a specialized referral center in an urban area of Central-West Brazil. In the telemedicine approach, a trained technician would capture retinal images by using a handheld camera. These images were sent to specialists for remote evaluation. Patient variables, including age, gender, duration of diabetes diagnosis, diabetes treatment, comorbidities, and waiting time, were analyzed and compared. Results: In total, 437 patients with diabetes mellitus were included in the study (mean age: 62.5 ± 11.0 years, female: 61.7%, mean diabetes duration: 15.3 ± 9.7 years, insulin users: 67.8%). In the in-person assessment group, the average waiting time between primary care referral and specialist evaluation was 292.3 ± 213.9 days, and the referral rate was 73.29%. In the telemedicine group, the average waiting time was 158.8 ± 192.4 days, and the referral rate was 29.38%. The telemedicine approach significantly reduced the waiting time (p<0.001) and significantly lowered the referral rate (p<0.001). Conclusion: The telemedicine approach significantly reduced the waiting time for specialist evaluation in a real-world setting. Employing portable retinal cameras may address the burden of diabetic retinopathy, especially in resource-limited settings.
  • Cataract surgery and artificial iris implantation in patient with oculocutaneous albinism: a case report Case Report

    Peixoto, Guilherme Vieira; Martinho, Gabriela Tomaz; Conti, Caio Cezar Toledo de; Villaça Filho, Eduardo; Pinheiro, Renato Klingelfus

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT We present a case report detailing the successful phacoemulsification surgery with artificial iris implantation for two individuals with oculocutaneous albinism. These women suffered from cataracts, resulting in reduced visual acuity and heightened photophobia due to iris pigmentary epithelium deficiency. The patients underwent phacoemulsification along with prosthetic artificial iris implantation into the posterior chamber. This intervention resulted in improved visual acuity, reduced photophobia and glare, and an overall enhanced quality of life. Our report highlights two cases of successful phacoemulsification and artificial iris implantation in patients with oculocutaneous albinism and cataracts, leading to improved visual acuity, reduced photophobia, and enhanced quality of life. Notably, there are no prior records in South American literature of cataract surgery combined with artificial iris implantation for oculocutaneous albinism patients up to the time of this publication.
  • Endogenous endophthalmitis due to Escherichia coli: a case report Case Report

    Braga, João Pedro Romero; Bellanda, Victor C. F.; Lucena, Moises Moura de; Reis, Francyne Veiga; Jorge, Rodrigo

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Endophthalmitis is a severe form of purulent inflammation caused by the infection of the intraocular tissues or fluids. This infection infrequently occurs through endogenous routes, which are often correlated with major risk factors. Escherichia coli, a gram-negative rod, can cause endophthalmitis through hematogenous spread. We here report a 59-year-old man who presented to our service with acute visual impairment in his left eye, preceded by floaters. He was taking sirolimus and azathioprine for a transplanted kidney, had undergone catheterization for bladder atresia, and had a history of recurrent E. coli urinary tract infections. On evaluation, the left eye exhibited visual acuity of hand motion, anterior chamber reaction (3+/4+), and intense vitritis (4+/4+) with white flake clusters, which prevented appropriate retinal evaluation. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed, and the culture yielded E. coli. The present case highlights the importance of identifying the signs and symptoms of infection early so that diagnosis and treatment of endophthalmitis can be promptly initiated.
  • Bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris (BADI) and bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT): A case series from a center in Brazil Case Report

    Costa, Flavia Veiga; Silva, Amanda Gomes e; Pedroso, Leticia Alcântara; Biancardi, Ana Luiza; Curi, André Luiz Land

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris and bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT) are similar clinical entities. The former causes acute-onset depigmentation of the iris stroma without transillumination, whereas the latter causes depigmentation of the iris pigment epithelium with transillumination. The etiopathogenesis of these conditions is not yet fully understood, but the proposed causes include the use of systemic antibiotics (especially moxifloxacin) and viral triggers. We present a case series of five female patients with a mean age of 41 (32-45) years, all of whom suffered acute onset of bilateral pain and redness of the eyes after moxifloxacin use (oral or topical). It is important for ophthalmologists to be aware of the two forms of iris depigmentation since this case series suggests that SARS-CoV-2 or its empirical treatment with moxifloxacin may trigger iris depigmentation. If this is the case, clinicians will likely see increased incidences of bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris and bilateral acute iris transillumination during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Visual rehabilitation after LASIK complication: flap amputation, topo-guided surgery, and phacoemulsification Case Report

    Marques, Frederico França; Rabelo, Daniel Filipe Oliveira; Marques, Daniela Meira Villano; Aquino, Glauco Sérgio Avelino de; Gama, Daniel Diniz da; Moscovici, Bernardo Kaplan

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT We present a case of a patient complaining of monocular diplopia due to a decentered ablation after LASIK. The patient underwent a wavefront-guided retreatment, which resulted in an epithelial ingrowth complication. Additionally, the patient developed cataract, with cataract surgery requiring reliable biometric measurements. Therefore, we opted for corneal treatment and corneal surface regularization. Although we attempted to lift the flap and wash the interface initially, the procedure proved unsuccessful, thereby necessitating immediate flap amputation. Once the corneal surface was regularized in the seventh postoperative month, transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy was successfully performed to homogenize the ocular surface, thereby significantly improving the patient’s corrected visual acuity and resolving monocular diplopia. The surface and corneal curvature stabilized by the fifth month after the procedure. Phacoemulsification was then performed along with the implantation of a toric monofocal lens, which was selected using an appropriate formula, resulting in an excellent uncorrected visual acuity.
  • Cutting-edge issues in sympathetic ophthalmia approach and six case reports: a T cell-mediated autoimmune response Review Article

    Teixeira, Fernando Henrique Flores; Miguel, Thiago Sande; Soares, Danielle Marcello; Rocha, Juliana; Biancardi, Ana Luiza; Andrade, Francisco Assis de; Curi, André Luiz Land

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO A oftalmia simpática consiste em uma panuveíte granulomatosa bilateral rara e potencialmente devastadora, ocorrendo geralmente após trauma ocular cirúrgico ou não cirúrgico. O diagnóstico é baseado em aspectos clínicos e apoiado por exames de imagem, como ultrassonografia ocular e tomografia de coerência óptica. O tratamento consiste em terapia imunossupressora com esteróides e, eventualmente, drogas poupadoras de esteróides, como ciclosporina, azatioprina, ciclofosfamida e micofonato de mofetila. O manejo rápido e eficaz com agentes imunossupressores sistêmicos permite o controle da doença e a obtenção de boa acuidade visual no olho simpatizante. A enucleação, por outro lado, poderia ser considerada apenas em situações em que o olho lesado não tem percepção luminosa ou há trauma grave. Além de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, foi relatada uma série de 6 casos com diferentes modalidades de tratamento imunossupressor e cirúrgico.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Sympathetic ophthalmia is a rare and potentially devastating bilateral diffuse granulomatous panuveitis. It is caused by surgical or non-surgical eye injuries and is an uncommon and serious complication of trauma. It is diagnosed clinically and supported by imaging examinations such as ocular ultrasonography and optical coherence tomography. Its treatment consists of immunosuppressive therapy with steroids and sometimes steroid-sparing drugs, such as cyclosporine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and mycophenolate mofetil. Fast and effective management with systemic immunosuppressive agents allows for disease control and achievement of good visual acuity in the sympathizing eye. By contrast, enucleation should be considered only in situations where the injured eye has no light perception or in the presence of severe trauma. In addition to a bibliographic review of this topic, we report six cases involving different immunosuppressive and surgical treatment modalities.
  • Total recovery of visual acuity in a pediatric patient with compressive optic neuropathy secondary to sphenoid sinus mucocele Letters

    Urbinati, Facundo; Rachwani-Anil, Rahul; Martín, Francisco Zamorano; Aranda, Guillermo Luque; Gómez, Julia Escudero

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Apresentamos um caso incomum de paciente pediátrico com diagnóstico de mucocele de seio esfenoidal, que apresentou perda progressiva da acuidade visual ao longo de três meses, resultando em recuperação total da acuidade visual após a cirurgia. Paciente do sexo masculino, 13 anos, procurou o pronto-socorro, queixando-se de perda progressiva da acuidade visual do olho esquerdo nos últimos três meses. Exames de imagem revelaram uma massa cística sugestiva de mucocele de seio esfenoidal, causando neuropatia óptica compressiva e proptose. O paciente foi agendado para esfenoidectomia e ressecção da massa. Três dias após a cirurgia, a acuidade visual do paciente no olho esquerdo era de 20/20, apresentando recuperação completa dos sintomas. Diante dos resultados de nosso paciente, sugerimos que a idade do paciente pode ser decisiva na recuperação da acuidade visual de uma neuropatia óptica compressiva secundária à mucocele de seio esfenoidal. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para verificação desses dados.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT We present an unusual case of a 13-year-old male pediatric patient with a diagnosis of sphenoid sinus mucocele. The patient suffered a progressive loss of visual acuity over three months followed by a total recovery of his visual acuity after surgery. The patient presented at the emergency room complaining of progressive loss of visual acuity in his left eye which decreased to hand motion over the preceding months. Imaging studies revealed a cystic mass, suggestive of sphenoid sinus mucocele, which was causing compressive optic neuropathy and proptosis. The patient was scheduled for a sphenoidectomy and resection of the mass. Three days after surgery, the patient’s visual acuity in the left eye was 20/20, indicating complete recovery from his symptoms. We suggest that the excellent outcome in this patient may be attributable to his age. His ongoing physical development might have been the decisive factor in the recovery of his visual acuity following compressive optic neuropathy secondary to sphenoid sinus mucocele. Further research is needed to verify this proposed explanation.
  • A novel agent for myeloma causing toxic keratopathy, belantamab mafodotin: a case report and literature review Letters

    Kurt, Rengin Aslıhan; Gören, Deniz; Karadeniz, Sehnaz; Arat, Mutlu; Sahin, Afsun

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Um homem de 60 anos, diagnosticado com mieloma múltiplo recidivante refratário, apresentou vermelhidão, dor, sensação de corpo estranho e visão turva em ambos os olhos, aumentando gradualmente após sua terceira infusão de belantamabe mafodotina. À biomicroscopia, foram observadas alterações epiteliais bilaterais semelhantes a microcistos e depósitos epiteliais semelhantes a cristais. A microscopia confocal in vivo revelou depósitos hiper-refletivos intraepiteliais e subepiteliais na córnea. Devido à toxicidade corneana, a terapia com belantamabe mafodotina foi interrompida por sete semanas e a toxicidade foi gradualmente resolvida. Nosso objetivo é demonstrar os achados à biomicroscopia confocal in vivo e à lâmpada de fenda da toxicidade corneana relacionada ao belantamabe mafodotina.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT A 60-year-old-male with refractory relapsed multiple myeloma presented with redness, pain, foreign body sensation, and blurred vision in both eyes that gradually increased after his third belantamab mafotodin infusion. Biomicroscopy revealed bilateral microcyst-like epithelial changes and epithelial crystal-like deposits, whereas in vivo confocal microscopy revealed intraepithelial and subepithelial hyperreflective deposits in corneal epithelium. Belantamab mafodotin therapy was discontinued for seven weeks due to corneal toxicity, which cleared progressively. We aim to demonstrate belantamab mafodotin-related corneal toxicity that may be detected using slit lamp and in vivo confocal biomicroscopy.
  • Vancomycin-associated hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis masquerading as central retinal vein occlusion Letters

    Mares, Virginia; Veloso, Carlos Eduardo dos Reis; Nehemy, Marcio Bittar

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Esse caso se refere a uma paciente de 69 anos, sexo feminino, com relato de baixa acuidade visual súbita e indolor no olho esquerdo, de início 2 dias após cirurgia de catarata sem complicações. A acuidade visual era de movimento de mãos e a biomicroscopia mostrou reação de câmara anterior moderada, sem hipópio, e lente intraocular posicionada dentro do saco capsular. A fundoscopia evidenciou edema de disco óptico, hemorragias difusas intrarretinianas superficiais e profundas, isquemia retiniana e edema macular. A avaliação cardiológica foi normal e os testes para trombofilia foram negativos. Ao final da cirurgia foi injetado antibioticoprofilaxia com vancomicina (1mg/0,1ml) na câmara anterior. A paciente foi diagnosticada com vasculite hemorrágica oclusiva da retina secundária à hipersensibilidade a vancomicina. O reconhecimento dessa entidade é importante para o tratamento precoce e para evitar o uso de vancomicina intracameral em caso de cirurgia de catarata no olho contralateral.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT A 69-year-old female was referred with sudden unilateral painless decreased vision that began 2 days after uncomplicated cataract surgery in the left eye. Visual acuity was hand motion and biomicroscopy showed a mild anterior chamber reaction, no hypopyon, and an intraocular lens that had been placed within the capsular bag. A dilated fundus examination revealed optic disk edema, widespread deep and superficial intraretinal hemorrhages, retinal ischemia, and macular edema. A cardiological evaluation was normal and thrombophilia tests were negative. After surgery, prophylactic vancomycin (1mg/0.1ml) had been injected intracamerally. The patient was diagnosed with hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis likely secondary to vancomycin hypersensitivity. Recognition of this entity is important to ensure early treatment and the use of intracameral vancomycin in the fellow eye should be avoided after cataract surgery.
  • Macular perfusion changes in people administered two types of COVID-19 vaccines: comment Letter To The Editor

    Daungsupawong, Hinpetch; Wiwanitkit, Viroj
  • An unexpected case of a large metallic intraorbital foreign body Eye Images

    Yao, Bangtao; Liu, Gang; Wang, Bei
  • Segmental vitiligo of the lid margin with leukotrichia of lashes in a child Eye Images

    Rajagopal, Janani
  • Morgagnian cataract Eye Images

    Marinho, Fabio; Almeida, Nicole B. M.; Kara-Junior, Newton
Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil