Open-access Teaching of BIM in undergraduate program in civil engineering of an american university: case study


With the increasing advance of technology the construction of buildings become more complex. In order to follow this process, it was developed the paradigm named Building Information Modeling (BIM). It is based on collaboration between the architectural, engineering and construction professionals for the development of an integrated 3D model of a building from which necessary information will be set aside for the project management. BIM has been used by many companies, due to potential benefits. However, the diffusion of this paradigm remains limited by the small number of professionals who dominate it. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate the importance of BIM and describe a method of teaching it, so this paradigm could be widespread and used by many students. For this purpose, it was made an analysis of BIM teaching-learning experience in the class of Construction project management I, taught at Arizona State University (ASU), located in United States. From the results it was found that this class introduce concepts of BIM with others project management subjects, it may be classified as intermediate level, forming a BIM analyst, and it is effective in present some of mainly concepts and uses of BIM to the class.

Keywords: Building Information Modeling; BIM education; Civil engineering; Arizona State University

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