PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of enemas containing probiotics and budesonide on the colonic mucosa in experimental colitis. METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats with experimental colitis induced by 10% acetic acid enema were randomized to five groups (10 rats each) according to the treatment: group 1 - saline solution, group 2 - budesonide (0.75 mg/kg/day), group 3 - probiotics (1mg/day), group 4 - probiotics plus budesonide, and group 5 - control, with not-treated rats. The following variables were studied: body weight, macroscopic and microscopic score of the colonic mucosa, and DNA content of the mucosa. RESULTS: All animals lost weight between the beginning and the end of the experiment (280+ 16 mg versus 249+21 mg, p< 0.001). There was no significant difference among the groups in relation to both the macroscopic and histological score. The budesonide + probiotic group showed higher DNA content than control group (1.24+ 0.15 versus 0.92+ 0.30 mg/100mg of tissue, p=0.01). CONCLUSION: Budesonide in addition to probiotics enhance the mucosal trophism in experimental colitis.
Colitis; Ulcerative; Budesonide; Probiotics; Colon; Rats