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Adherence to speech-language therapy by people with aphasia referred after hospital discharge: study of two cases


Given the perceived impact on communication and quality of life of aphasia, the importance of adherence to speech therapy treatment is clear. However, there are cases in which this treatment is not sought, for reasons that have not been fully investigated. The aim of this study was to analyze adherence to speech therapy by people with aphasia referred after hospital discharge. A qualitative case study of two cases was carried out. Two elderly women with aphasia after stroke treated at a micro-regional public referral hospital participated in this study. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected from patient medical records and drawn from an interview with a family member during hospitalization. After about two months, a second interview was conducted to investigate whether speech therapy had been sought. The presence of post-stroke physical sequelae affecting lower limbs, its severity, and the post-stroke recovery phase were all factors contributing to non-adherence to public outpatient speech-therapy treatment by these individuals with aphasia. The interaction between sociodemographic factors, clinical aspects and characteristics of the public health network (such as non-availability of speech therapists in the home-care service) can influence the seeking of private home-based treatment in these cases. Results revealed that multiple clinical and sociodemographic factors influence nonadherence to speech therapy in this population. In addition, these factors indicate difficulties accessing public health services as a result of shortcomings in the regional health care network.

Rehabilitation; Speech therapy; Aphasia; Referral and consultation; Access to health services

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil