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Dehydration, stroke and dysphagia: systematic review



this is a systematic review of scientific literature associated with stroke, dehydration and oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD).

Research Strategy

bibliographic survey was conducted in scientific databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science and Cochrane.

Selection criteria

studies that met the following inclusion criteria were included: being original article with summary available; have been published in the last seventeen years (2001-2018) and in Portuguese, English or Spanish languages; and addressing dehydration in individuals after stroke Screening and analysis of the studies were performed by two independent evaluators.


among the 484 articles found for screening, 43 were selected for full reading and 18 articles were included in the final analysis. Different methods of assessing hydration status have been described in individuals post-stroke, such as ratio analysis blood urea nitrogen (BUN)/creatinine, plasma osmolality, urea / creatinine, urine specific gravity, urine color, water intake, water balance, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), clinical evaluation and analysis of electrolytes. The prevalence of dehydration in post-stroke during hospitalization varied from 11% to 66% and is associated with severity and deterioration in the clinical evolution.


It was possible to understand the complexity of the measurement of hydration status in individuals after stroke and its association with dysphagia. Studies focusing on the association between dehydration and stroke are very important, due to its influence on mortality and morbidity in this population.

Dehydration; Hydration; Stroke; Swallowing disorder; Body water

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