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Characterization of auditory brainstem response in newborns infected by Zika virus



To characterize sequential assessments of auditory brainstem responses in newborns infected by zika virus, correlating with presence of microcephaly and with Zika virus symptoms in mothers during pregnancy.


A descriptive, longitudinal and quantitative study, in which 20 newborns, children of mothers infected by Zika virus during pregnancy, participated. Medical records of these babies were analyzed, and they underwent two electrophysiological assessments, one in the first month of life and the other, after 6 months. Comparative data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.


Seventy percent of babies had microcephaly and 55% of mothers had symptoms of Zika infection in the first trimester of pregnancy. There was no significant alteration in electrophysiological thresholds at any moments. There was a statistically significant change, mainly in the latencies of waves III and V, between the tests, characterizing maturation of the auditory pathway in babies. No correlation was found between microcephaly and changes in ABR latencies.


Babies with Zika had normal electrophysiological thresholds and decreased absolute latencies of waves III and V and interpeaks, confirming the cytotoxic action of Zika. There were two cases of significant worsening of the electrophysiological threshold. There was no correlation between ABR results and time of onset of the symptoms during pregnancy, or presence of microcephaly.

Hearing; Newborn; Zika virus; Microcephaly; Electrophysiology

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil