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Communicative performance training in university health students



Knowledge expression is a challenge in the lives of students in higher education.


Evaluation of the efficacy of Speech-Language Pathology intervention in a Communicative Performance Training (TAPCo) program for university students.


Twenty six students of both genres and from four different health courses participated in this study. The research was carried out in six stages: audiovisual record of an oral presentation of the students before the training; training of communicative skills through the TAPCo program; audiovisual recording after training; tabulation of participants by the researchers of this paper; randomized and blinded qualitative evaluation by three Speech-Language Pathologists that did not participate of the research of the 26 students, and; self-assessment performed by the 26 participants. The TAPCo was composed of eight training sessions that involved the following aspects: dress code, body and facial expression, voice and speech.


There was significant difference, according to self-assessment, in all trained aspects. Regarding the qualitative classification of judges’ evaluations, it was observed that good was predominant in all evaluated aspects. In the dress code aspect was observed that there was a greater presence of the indifferent indicator. The speech and the voice aspects presented the highest predominance of the excellent qualification.


Both the evaluations of the judges and the self-assessments showed the efficiency of TAPCo in training university students. Although the self-assessment presented some divergences compared to the judges’ evaluation, this procedure proved to be an excellent tool to monitor the evolution of TAPCo.

Communication; Training; Speech; Voice

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil