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The Freudian unconscious between Lou-Andréas Salomé and Victor Tausk

The present article intends to tackle "The Unconscious", metapsychological text written by Freud in 1915. I wish to indicate here the different approaches and sources that have influenced the elaboration of this concept, as well as the barriers that it needed to overcome and the importance of transference to the author, in the clinical and theoretical work. I will discuss each one of the seven chapters of the referred work.

Unconscious; psychoanalysis; transference

Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Instituto de Psicologia UFRJ, Campus Praia Vermelha, Av. Pasteur, 250 - Pavilhão Nilton Campos - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil