INTRODUCTION: Teachers often have vocal disorders that benefit from preventive measures. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of the syndrome in dysphonic teachers and check the evolution of this index with the techniques of primary prevention. METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study of teachers in two different periods: in the first 101 teachers and participated in phase 2, 148 teachers. These two groups was administered the questionnaire prepared by the tripartite commission on regulation of the professional voice. RESULTS: The prevalence of the syndrome dysphonic in the first phase was 70.3%, while the second stage was 57.59%. CONCLUSION: 1st dysphonic the prevalence of the syndrome was significantly decreased with the implementation of preventive and medical control of work organization. 2nd dysphonic syndrome is a new nosological entity. Cross-sectional epidemiological study. Study series.
dysphonia; preventive medicine; hoarseness