A actinomicose do sistema nervoso central (SNC) é afecção rara, caracterizada pela formação de abscesso único e de evolução crônica. Os autores descrevem o caso de um paciente jovem, imunocompetente, com actinomicose cerebral oriunda de foco primário cervicofacial, submetido a ressecção cirúrgica e antibioticoterapia. Ressalta-se a importância do conhecimento da entidade e de suas principais formas de acometimento, como a base do diagnóstico precoce dessa enfermidade potencialmente curável e de bom prognóstico.
actinomicose; abscesso cerebral; diagnóstico; tratamento
Central nervous system actinomycosis is a rare but treatable chronic suppurative bacterial infection. The case of a young immunocompetent male with actinomycosis of the CNS is presented. The abscess originated from a primary cervico-facial infection and was located in the left parasellar region. After excision of the mass, that showed Actinomyces colonies, the patient was treated with intravenous Penicillin for 42 days followed by oral administration of the drug for 30 days. After surgery the patient was left with mild sequelae that had improved by the last follow-up, 7 months later. A new CT scan at that time revealed no residual disease or recurrence. The early diagnosis of cerebral actinomycosis relies essentially on a clinical suspicion. Hence it is imperative to be aware of the natural history of this infection and its various modes of presentation.
actinomycosis; brain abscess; diagnostics; treatment
A. C. FerrazI; C. V. M. MeloII; E. L. R. PereiraII; J. N. StávaleIII; R. G. NogueiraIV; A. A. GabbaiI; S. M. F. MalheirosI; M. N. PrandiniII; F. M. BragaII
IDisciplina de Neurologia. Escola Paulista de Medicina
IIDisciplina de Neurocirurgia. Escola Paulista de Medicina
IIIDepartamento de Anatomia Patológica. Escola Paulista de Medicina
IVDisciplina de Neuro-Radiologia. Escola Paulista de Medicina
A actinomicose do sistema nervoso central (SNC) é afecção rara, caracterizada pela formação de abscesso único e de evolução crônica. Os autores descrevem o caso de um paciente jovem, imunocompetente, com actinomicose cerebral oriunda de foco primário cervicofacial, submetido a ressecção cirúrgica e antibioticoterapia. Ressalta-se a importância do conhecimento da entidade e de suas principais formas de acometimento, como a base do diagnóstico precoce dessa enfermidade potencialmente curável e de bom prognóstico.
Palavras-chave: actinomicose, abscesso cerebral, diagnóstico, tratamento.
Central nervous system actinomycosis is a rare but treatable chronic suppurative bacterial infection. The case of a young immunocompetent male with actinomycosis of the CNS is presented. The abscess originated from a primary cervico-facial infection and was located in the left parasellar region. After excision of the mass, that showed Actinomyces colonies, the patient was treated with intravenous Penicillin for 42 days followed by oral administration of the drug for 30 days. After surgery the patient was left with mild sequelae that had improved by the last follow-up, 7 months later. A new CT scan at that time revealed no residual disease or recurrence. The early diagnosis of cerebral actinomycosis relies essentially on a clinical suspicion. Hence it is imperative to be aware of the natural history of this infection and its various modes of presentation.
Key words: actinomycosis, brain abscess, diagnostics, treatment.
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Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.
Aceite: 22-janeiro-1993.
Dr. João Norberto Stávale Departamento de Anatomia Patológica, Escola Paulista de Medicina - 04023-900 São Paulo SP - Brasil.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
19 Jan 2011 -
Data do Fascículo
Set 1993