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Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, Volume: 13, Número: 3, Publicado: 1955
  • O uso do Amplictil (4560 RP, Rhodia) na rotina do diagnóstico eletrencefalográfico

    Pupo, P. Pinto; Zukerman, E.; Longo, R. Helena

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors have used the 4560 R.P. (Rhodia Laboratories), intramuscularly, in dosis of 25 mg. and have analized the results according to its influence (a) in the basic electrical activity of the EEG, (b) in the activity of epileptogenic lesions and (c) in the patient's sedation, mainly in those patients who present emotional tension or anxiety, or who are non cooperatives. The authors found that the drug in this dosis does not have influence in the basic rhythm of the EEG nor in the activity of epileptogenic foci; as sedative, the drug has presented diverse results and they cannot yet be conclusive. Since the drug does not affect the basic record nor change the epileptic activity, it can be used as coadjuvant in the routine EEG of patients suspects of being epileptics.
  • Psicogênese das úlceras pépticas

    Pires, Nelson; Pinho, Alvaro Rubim de; Pinto Filho, Heitor
  • Contribution clinico-psychologique à l'étude de la schizophrénie des jeunes

    Schachter, M.

    Resumo em Francês:

    Nous présentons l'observation clinique et psychologique d'un jeune homme atteint d'un syndrome schizophrénique; l'étude montre qu'à la puberté il présentait déjà une série de manifestations rentrant dans la sphère du comportement schizophréniforme. Alors, l'examen clinique laissait la porte ouverte à des interpretations libérales, quant à la validité du diagnostic; on aurait pu considérér alors le jeune pubertaire comme un caractériel ou comme un sujet plus ou moins original. Au test de Rorschach pratiqué à ce moment, l'ensemble des constatations faites démontrait l'existence indiscutable d'un attachement net avec l'ambiance. Par contre, à l'âge de 18 ans 9 mois, le tableau schizophrénique est cliniquement indiscutable. Au Rorschach on note des modifications três nombreuses, três significatives (surtout en ce qui concerne la dissolution et la disparition des facteurs de la syntonie). Cependant, le test ne présente pas les caractères considérés comme "spécifiques" de la schizophrénic C'est, par contre, dans le test projectif de van Lennep que la nature dissociative du tableaux clinique fut démontrée de façon claire et nette.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Clinico-physiological report of the case of a young man with schizophrenic symptoms; the study showed that this patient exhibited some schizophreniform manifestations at the puberty but at this moment the diagnosis was not ascertained, being considered as of neurotic origin. The Rorschachtest then performed was normal and exhibited syntonic patterns. Conversely, at 18 years 9 months, the clinical picture is of schizophrenic frame; the Rorschach-test shows many abnormalities with the fading of syntonic symptoms; however, the pattern was not "specifically" schizophrenic. At the van Lennep "four picture test" there was a picture of a dissociative disturbance in the sense of schizophrenia.
  • Distrofia miotónica o enfermedad de Steinert: estudio clínico-histopatológico de tres casos de una família

    Spota, Benjamin B.; Novisk, Isaac

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Case report of three brothers with dystrophia myotonica or myotonia atrophica presenting some interesting aspects. On genetical field the authors note the coexistence of a disembrioplastic blastoma factor and homocronism. Likewise, authors note the constancy of the crystalline alterations, besides that there is no sterility as pointed by the clinical descriptions; the histopathological findings were inespecific but of a wide diagnostic value. The authors make some therapeutics remarks, specially about the use of ACTH and desoxycorticosteroids, associated with vitamins and hepatic extracts. The good indication of this therapeutic is, clinically and histopathologically, confirmed by the demonstration of muscular regeneration, finding of practic and theoretic interest.
  • Encefalopatía átono-parapléjica-espástica

    Brage, Diego

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Se describe el aspecto clínico de una encefalopatía de la infancia, a comienzo en los primeros días de la vida y caracterizado por una profunda atonía muscular generalizada. Luego en los 3 a 6 primeros años, a veces antes, se presenta una paraplejía espástica que lleva al final a una verdadera rigidez de los miembros inferiores, persistiendo la atonía troncal y la hipotonía de miembros superiores. No son raros, pero no es regia, en el tercer período, la presencia de movimientos de tipo coreoatetósicos. La inteligencia es normal; no existen trastornos sensoriales ni sensitivos. La palabra es exhaustiva por la atonía labio-gloso-laríngea. No existen alteraciones encefalográficas ni electroencefalográficas; los exámenes eléctricos musculares mostran la típica configuración de las atonías centrales, en el primer período; luego en los miembros inferiores, la hipertonía dá su característico E.M. No hemos encontrado caracteres heredo-familiares, dejándose el estudio patogénico y anátomo-patológico para una segunda presentación, que permitirá la delimitación nosológica exacta.
  • Documento sem título Análises De Livros

    Russo, G.
  • The cerebrospinal fluid. S. Lups e A. Haan. Um volume de 350 páginas e 90 figuras. Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1954. Análises De Livros

    Lange, O.
  • Clinical neurology A. B. Baker (Editor). By 65 Authors. Três volumes, com 2.023 páginas. Hoeber-Harper, New York, 1955. Análises De Livros

    Melaragno Filho, R.
  • An analysis of the mechanism and a study of the morbid anatomy of neurological disorders incident to operations on the neck and thorax. J. Cammermeyer e R. D. Adams. Suplemento nº 96 da Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen, 1954. Análises De Livros

    Messina, L.
  • Análises de revistas

Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil