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Ask me to send these photos to you”: the artistic work of Alair Gomes in the United States.


Before it was known in Brasil, the photography works of Alair Gomes circulated during the 1970s and 1980s in the United States, both in publications of art and linked to the American homosociability, as it was the case of the magazines Performance, Gay Sunshine, The Advocate and Advocate MEN, and in the Artists Almanac. This article analyses the group of works, pointing out their main visual elements, like the assembly of multiple photographies, showing the printed support as the key element for the understanding of the artist poetic, more precisely the materiality and sequenciality of the photographic image on a printed page. The objective of this analysis is to increase the interpretations between the photographer and the contemporary artistic scene, which at the moment remains be connected exclusively to the homoerotism of its works.

Alair Gomes; photography; contemporary art; Brazil - United States; artists’ magazines

Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo Depto. De Artes Plásticas / ARS, Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443, 05508-900 - São Paulo - SP, Tel. (11) 3091-4430 / Fax. (11) 3091-4323 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil