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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 11, Número: 4, Publicado: 2014
  • Editorial Editorial

    Carneiro, Jorge
  • Pro-social Motivation beyond Firm Boundaries: The Case of the Genolyptus Network Articles

    Foss, Nicolai; Milagres, Rosileia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An influential body of literature in macro-management research (notably, organization theory and strategic management) associates pro-social motivation solely with firm-like organizations, suggesting that such motivation cannot thrive under more market-like arrangements. We question this argument on theoretical, as well as empirical, grounds. As to the latter, we discuss the specific case of a network of firms in Brazil, the Genolyptus network. We argue that this particular network manifests strong pro-social motivations. This implies that pro-social motivations may thrive beyond corporate boundaries, contradicting the above argument. More constructively, the case of the Genolyptus network points to the importance of intensive communication, rewards that are tied to joint outcomes, knowledge-based authority and consensual decision-making as support arrangements that can build and sustain pro-social motivations in non-firm governance structures.
  • Inhibition and Encouragement of Entrepreneurial Behavior: Antecedents Analysis from Managers' Perspectives Articles

    Hashimoto, Marcos; Nassif, Vânia Maria Jorge

    Resumo em Inglês:

    One of the paths chosen by businesses to increase their competitiveness through innovation is by encouraging employees to adopt a more entrepreneurial attitude. Although studies on Entrepreneurial Orientation have brought important contributions, anecdotal evidences of entrepreneurial employees not affected by corporate initiatives drive attention to managers' roles in developing entrepreneurial behavior. We found good possible explanations in the theory Induced vs. Autonomous Entrepreneurial Behavior. Thus, the objective of this study is to empirically analyze the factors that inhibit or encourage entrepreneurial behavior. These factors arose from empirical research and were consolidated based on a literature review. This is a qualitative study whose data were collected in interviews carried out with 15 executives from different businesses in Brazil. The results showed that, while some Entrepreneurially Oriented practices can induce employees to adopt entrepreneurial behavior, autonomous behavior intrapreneurs are mostly stimulated by manager attitude. Managers use different approaches depending on the type of intrapreneur whose entrepreneurial behavior is intended to be stimulated, leading to the conclusion that managers, in some cases, play an important role in promoting Corporate Entrepreneurship.
  • Intangible Assets and Superior and Sustained Performance of Innovative Brazilian Firms Articles

    Luca, Márcia Martins Mendes De; Maia, Anna Beatriz Grangeiro Ribeiro; Cardoso, Vanessa Ingrid da Costa; Vasconcelos, Alessandra Carvalho de; Cunha, Jacqueline Veneroso Alves da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    According to the Resource-Based View, the nature of the resources, competences and knowledge accumulated by firms are the major causes of variation in business performance. In view of the importance attributed to intangible assets, the purpose of the present study was to investigate whether innovative firms with superior and sustained performance and firms without superior and sustained performance differ with regard to investments in intangible assets. The sample consisted of 137 firms listed on the Brazilian stock exchange from 2007 to 2010 and belonging to innovative sectors according to the Brazilian Innovation Index. Only 51 firms with profitability above the sector average during the entire study period (four years) met the criterion of superior and sustained performance. Thus, using return on assets as a proxy for performance, investments in intangibles were found to be greater in firms without superior and sustained performance, particularly with regard to the categories intellectual property assets (the predominant category) and infrastructure assets. Based on the lack of evidence for a significant correlation between corporate performance and investment in intangible assets, our initial hypothesis that a positive relation exists between the composition of investments in intangible assets and the performance of innovative firms could not be confirmed.
  • Understanding Supply Networks from Complex Adaptive Systems Articles

    Marchi, Jamur Johnas; Erdmann, Rolf Hermann; Rodriguez, Carlos Manuel Taboada

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This theoretical paper is based on complex adaptive systems (CAS) that integrate dynamic and holistic elements, aiming to discuss supply networks as complex systems and their dynamic and co-evolutionary processes. The CAS approach can give clues to understand the dynamic nature and co-evolution of supply networks because it consists of an approach that incorporates systems and complexity. This paper's overall contribution is to reinforce the theoretical discussion of studies that have addressed supply chain issues, such as CAS.
  • Heterogeneity of Isomorphic Pressures: Intertwining the Resource-Based View and the Neoinstitutional Approach Articles

    Popadiuk, Silvio; Rivera, Edward Rivera; Bataglia, Walter

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this research is to establish a conceptual framework that contributes to explaining sustained competitive advantage, forming an analytical framework that brings the resource-based view and organizational analysis' neoinstitutional approaches closer together. A detailed epistemological articulation has been undertaken to advance the understanding of strategy and competitive advantage in organizations, aggregating contribution to the literature with the proposal of a theoretical model that steadily articulates elements from organizational institutionalism and the resource-based view. Hence, the major contribution is to associate the resource-based view and organizational analysis' neoinstitutional theory as a means to reformulate the notion of institutional isomorphism, and have a potential new explanation for organizational diversity and the existence of organizations that are more capable of generating (or maximize) value than others. In its formulation, the similarity among organizations in their fields provides the baseline for organizational performance. Thus, it is from this baseline level that organizations would then be able to differentiate themselves and generate sustainable competitive advantage through active and selective response to different institutional pressures.
  • Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: What Are the Potential Relationships? Articles

    Leite, Nildes Raimunda Pitombo; Rodrigues, Ana Carolina de Aguiar; Albuquerque, Lindolfo Galvão de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study compared two different structural models regarding the direct or mediation role satisfaction has in the prediction of commitment bond, in the context of a public and traditional Brazilian organization, the Military Police. A quantitative and qualitative combination of methods was used to measure relationships between variables and to contextualize the results found from 10,052 surveyed workers. We conducted interviews with six high command officers and a focus group comprised of seven members from the three highest organizational levels. Content analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used in the analysis process. Evidence was found that satisfaction with relationships is an antecedent of commitment, which mediates its relationships with other variables, such as work and personal characteristics. Understanding the organization's characteristics and the use of a substantial sample of its employees simultaneously allowed for testing complex structural models and investigating a labor segment that has been neglected by commitment research.
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