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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 17, Número: 3, Publicado: 2020
  • Country Brand Equity: The Role of Image and Reputation Research Article

    Mariutti, Fabiana Gondim; Giraldi, Janaina de Moura Engracia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Country brand equity (CBE) is expanding in theory and in practice; however, little has been published on its conceptualization. By incorporating ‘reputation’ into the place brand equity construct at a country level, we provide a theoretical multidimensional framework for CBE. Seventeen interviews with international researchers were undertaken for theory building. A seven-dimensional CBE framework was developed according to the interpretations of two constructs - country brand reputation (‘share of experience’) and country brand image (‘share of mind’) - along with country brand associations, country brand awareness, country brand loyalty, country brand perceived quality, and channel relationships. We conclude by outlining potential further research avenues and implications for managerial practice. These contributions may guide policymakers, government officials, executives, and scholars in maximizing the value of a place brand (e.g., country, region, or city) by focusing on ‘reputation’ as an added (qualitative and/or quantitative) construct. This study may also inspire insights into joint efforts of public and private strategies and actions on economic performance, consumer welfare, and business decisions for national prosperity.
  • Individual and Situational Antecedents of Counterproductive Work Behaviors Research Article

    Oliveira, Lucia Barbosa de; Moreno Junior, Valter de Assis; Gonçalves, Rodrigo Carneiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) are harmful to organizations and detrimental to individual and collective performance. Although CWB have been considerably explored in the last decades, few studies have tried to assess the relative influence of their predictors. In this paper, we develop and test a structural equations model to evaluate the combined effects of two personality traits (agreeableness and neuroticism) and two situational variables (perceived organizational justice and leader-member exchange quality) on CWB. The analysis of data collected from 527 employees of a large Brazilian organization shows that agreeableness, neuroticism, and leader-member exchange quality (LMX) have direct effects on CWB and that LMX fully mediates the influence of organizational justice on the latter. Our findings extend previous models that looked into the Justice-LMX-CWB relationships and highlight the critical role played by leaders in preventing deleterious behaviors. We discuss their implications for research, as well as for human resource management (HRM) practice.
  • Fatigue at Work: Scale Validation with Airline Pilots Research Article

    Celestino, Victor Rafael Rezende; Bucher-Maluschke, Julia Sursis Nobre Ferro; Marqueze, Elaine Cristina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT In the organizational context, the study of occupational stress encompasses constructs of fatigue at work. Within the air transportation sector, fatigue at work is a potential issue influencing both safety and occupational stress. The objective of the present study was to perform a convergent-discriminant validity analysis of the Feeling of Fatigue scale in the area of Administration. Data from an observational cross-sectional study involving a sample of 1,066 airline pilots were analyzed using quantitative modeling. Confirmatory factor analysis with the structural equations model was performed to determine the validity of a Portuguese version of the Feeling of Fatigue scale in the organizational context of civil aviation. This study fills a gap in the literature on occupational stress in Administration, highlighting the relevance of research on fatigue at work. The results confirmed the validity of a Portuguese version of a mature scale for subjective assessment of fatigue in Administration, thereby contributing to fatigue management in organizational settings.
  • From Play to Political Action: Prosumerism on Fanvideo Meme Production Research Article

    Souza-Leão, André Luiz Maranhão de; Moura, Bruno Melo; Henrique, Vitor de Moura Rosa; Nunes, Walber Kaíc da Silva; Santana, Italo Rogerio Correia de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Fans are singular productive consumers. One of their typical practices is the production of fanvideos. An increasingly common trend in fanvideos is the creation of memes, a phenomenon of the modern internet related to ironic humor. This study aimed to analyze how fans, based on media texts, related to successful popular culture franchises. For this purpose, we performed an interpretive content analysis of fanvideos based on popular culture franchises posted on YouTube. Results demonstrate that meme fanvideos are made for play with and through the franchises, play dirty tricks, and criticize the politics. It happens by a variety of types of performances and techniques that dialogue both with the fictional universes and with different spheres of social life, often revealing an attitude of social criticism. Nevertheless, this interface makes room for a reproduction of prejudiced practices that target stigmatized identities. This process illustrates the intensive use of information and communication technologies and the ubiquity of the media, as well as the political tensions increasingly present in ordinary social life. These outcomes show how productive consumer behavior collapses with other social spheres when the meaning of products and brands is appropriated and re-signified through skilled creative consumer practices.
  • Gambiarra as an Emergent Approach in the Entanglement of the Organizational Aesthetic and Technical Controversies: The Samba School Parade Case Research Article

    Tureta, César; Américo, Bruno Luiz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This paper aims to analyze the aesthetic and material/technical controversies surrounding the production of parade floats from a samba school. Starting from actor-network theory and controversy analysis, we show how actors negotiate interests that exist in carnival production project. Our findings demonstrate that the disagreements over material and aesthetic dimensions are temporarily solved by gambiarra, which is the unconventional use of technical knowledge for generating a creative solution in resource and time constraints contexts. We also argue that controversy analysis is an interesting tool to study organizational aesthetics in project management: it allows for understanding the potential conflictual relationship between material/technical and aesthetic dimensions. We conclude by stating that gambiarra can have both positive and negative consequences of generating creative solutions for controversies.
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