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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 18, Número: 3, Publicado: 2021
  • Entrepreneurship Education and its Influence on Higher Education Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions and Motivation in Portugal Research Article

    Mónico, Lisete; Carvalho, Carla; Nejati, Samuel; Arraya, Marco; Parreira, Pedro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study has as main objective to evaluate the students’ perception of the entrepreneurial education level of higher education institutions (HEIs) and its impact on their entrepreneurial motivations to become an entrepreneur and their entrepreneurial intention. Finally, we intend to measure to what extent the effect of entrepreneurial education is direct or indirect in their entrepreneurial intention, evaluating the role of entrepreneurial motivation of students in this relationship. A sample of 966 students from different HEIs in Portugal was surveyed using the HEInnovate Self-Assessment, student entrepreneurial motivations scale (based on the Society for Associated Researchers on International Entrepreneurship - SARIE), and an adapted version of the Carland entrepreneurship index. Our results point indirect effects of the entrepreneurial universities on entrepreneurial intention by the entrepreneurial motivations of the students to become an entrepreneur. This study showed the importance of analyzing, fostering, and investing in entrepreneurial education in the HEIs to achieve a more entrepreneurial level, due to the interesting positive direct and indirect impact on the entrepreneurial motivations and entrepreneurial intention of the students.
  • Entrepreneurship and Strategy: Analyzing Themes from Bibliometric Studies in the Light of the Concept of Strategic Entrepreneurship Research Article

    Machado, Hilka Pelizza Vier; Cazella, Carla Fabiana; Piekas, Andrezza Aparecida Saraiva; Carvalho, Carlos Eduardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship and strategy have common interests of research and they are close fields of studies; however, it is important to know the boundaries of each research field to preserve the identity of each discipline, as well as to advance in the comprehension of the strategic entrepreneurship domain. This research aims to identify common and distinct themes between entrepreneurship and strategy to understand the boundaries of each discipline, the interfaces between them, as well as contribute to the discussion of the strategic entrepreneurship concept. A scoping literature review was carried out about bibliometric studies on entrepreneurship, strategy, and entrepreneurship and strategy together. From 62 bibliometric studies in entrepreneurship, 18 in strategy, and 22 in entrepreneurship and strategy, a thematic analysis was performed. Entrepreneurship bibliometric resulted in 25 themes, strategy in 9 themes, and 12 in entrepreneurship and strategy together. This research presents a theoretical contribution to the field of research in entrepreneurship, strategy, and strategic entrepreneurship. Comparing the bibliometric studies in each field evidenced what are the themes focused on each discipline. To the concept of strategic entrepreneurship, results of this research contribute to advance in the comprehension of what can be entrepreneurship and what can be strategy in the concept, as the gap of studies. Furthermore, this study provides inputs about contexts of study to strategic entrepreneurship, such as familiar, social, and sustainable ventures.
  • Does Ecological Sustainability Really Matter? Evaluation of Its Mediating Role in the Relationship between Innovation and Competitiveness Research Article

    Jacomossi, Rafael Ricardo; Feldmann, Paulo Roberto; Barrichello, Alcides; Morano, Rogério Scabim

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Organizational studies highlight the role of innovation for competitiveness, but few of them address ecological sustainability as one of the variables in this relationship. The traditional model only considers economic growth to be anchored in the dimension of innovation, disregarding the environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of ecological sustainability on the relationship between innovation and global competitiveness. To reach the goal of the manuscript, a database was used that included indicators from 119 countries present in the Global Competitiveness Report of WEF and the Global Innovation Index. The data were treated using regression analysis with mediation techniques. The results suggest significant mediation of ecological sustainability in the relationship between innovation and global competitiveness. This work shows the importance of ecological sustainability to increase country’s innovative activity and consequently its competitiveness. Additionally, it draws attention to the gap in studies that present these relationships at the country level. In terms of practical contributions, the findings support the recommendation for companies to focus on actions to environmental and innovation management improving sustainability and increasing organizational performance and long-term survival. Finally, this research also draws attention to the lack of an important indicator of ecological sustainability in a report addressing countries’ competitiveness.
  • Servitization as a Strategy for Remanufacturing: An Experimental Study Research Article

    Tondolo, Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves; Paiva, Ely Laureano; Tondolo, Rosana da Rosa Portella; Santos, Juliana Bonomi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Although remanufacturing has attracted the attention of academia and practitioners, there is a lack of empirical studies regarding servitization strategy in a remanufacturing context. We aim to address this gap by examining how servitization may influence the likelihood of purchasing a remanufactured battery for an electric vehicle. We also test if price increases the purchase likelihood, even when additional services are provided as part of the service package. We conducted a 2 x 2, full factorial, between-subjects experiment. The results reveal that the offer of additional service influences the effect that price has on the purchase likelihood. Our study contributes to fill the gap in the literature by identifying under which conditions low price is not a significant predictor of the likelihood of purchasing a remanufactured EV battery. Our findings may help managers develop strategies to improve the sales of remanufactured products, especially considering the use of additional services. New studies can benefit from our findings by focusing on how additional services can improve perceived value and reduce the perceived risk of remanufacturing. Finally, we conclude that servitization is a promising strategy for increasing the perceived value and the purchasing intentions of remanufactured products.
  • Pandemic and Innovation in Healthcare: The End-To-End Innovation Adoption Model Research Article

    Guarcello, Claudio; Raupp, Eduardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The pandemic has been a challenge for many public health systems worldwide. Several health measures and innovations have been implemented to help in reducing COVID-19 spread and to avoid healthcare system overwhelming. During the pandemic emergency, the need for social protection and social distancing scenario has provided the push for healthcare stakeholders to innovate, and telemedicine has emerged as an efficient and effective way to provide care while reducing hospital overload and COVID-19 spread. The pandemic is having a direct impact on innovation and servitization by accelerating innovation processes, creating new interactions among ecosystem actors, promoting new ways to provide value and care, as well as time to market, and social acceptance for innovative solutions. Taking the widespread adoption of telemedicine as an example of innovation processes with the scope to identify which key innovation determinants are participating in the innovation adoption process and what type of contextual conditions are relevant for its development, we propose a seven-stage model with the aim to provide an end-to-end innovation adoption process to map and identify how society, technology, and environment act during the innovation adoption, including economic, social, and political impacts along with its regulation and time to market.
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil