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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 19, Número: 4, Publicado: 2022
  • Performance Measurement System, Organizational Learning, and Creativity Research Article

    Frare, Anderson Betti; Beuren, Ilse Maria; Silva, Evelise Souza da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effects of the diagnostic and interactive use of the performance measurement system (PMS) on organizational learning and improvisational and compositional creativity, considering the moderating effects of competitive intensity. A survey was carried out with education technology startups (EdTechs) of the Brazilian ecosystem, and the data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. The findings suggest a positive association of the use (diagnostic and interactive) of the PMS with organizational learning and of the latter with creativity (improvisational and compositional). Organizational learning mediates the relationship between PMS use and compositional creativity. In addition, the competitive intensity positively moderates the relationship between organizational learning and creativity (improvisational and compositional). The study aggregates new evidence of PMS use relative to organizational learning, extends the discussion on organizational learning to different levels of novelty in creativity (improvisational and compositional), and contributes to a flow of studies exploring the moderating role of competitive intensity. Subsidies for startup managers to conduct their activities in search of organizational learning and employee creativity are also presented.
  • Nonmarket Strategy: Paths and Prisms Research Article

    Passos, Ana Paula Pereira dos; Meneghini, Eleandra Maria Prigol; Lana, Jeferson; Gama, Marina Amado Bahia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Objective: our study verifies the panorama of scientific publications on nonmarket strategy (NMS) in the management area. We analyze the theoretical perspectives, nonmarket actions, and empirical contexts of the publications. Method: the research includes 10 databases, which resulted in 19,685 papers. We used alignment, duplication, and qualification filters, leaving 144 studies from the best journals in the world, according to the Academic Journal Guide (ABS). Results: we observed the predominance of a single theoretical perspective per publication; there were few that applied more than one theory concomitantly. These publications explore different nonmarket actions, such as lobbying, political donations, advocacy, and philanthropy, with 58% considering the context of developed countries, 26% of emerging countries, and 16% depicting more than one country with different levels of development. Conclusions: we perceive inconsistencies between recurrent calls in the field and empirical studies carried out, highlighting the lack of interaction of market strategies and NMSs and exploration of the relationships between corporate political activity (CPA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Thus, we contribute to the understanding of the evolution of NMS, through the description of the schematic model of previous research and understanding of theories, actions, and contexts studied.
  • Performance of Subnational Governments in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of the Public and Private Health Services in Brazil Research Article

    Paschoalotto, Marco Antonio Catussi; Lopes, José Eduardo Ferreira; Oliveira, Pedro Henrique de; Barros, Pedro Pita

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This article analyzes the differences between public and private health services regarding infrastructure and human resources at the state (subnational) and macro-regional levels in Brazil. The research collected monthly data on inpatient beds and the number of nurses, physiotherapists, and doctors from Brazilian states for 2020. Indicators were created following quarterly changes and comparing the actions of public and private healthcare entities. Variations were analyzed using temporal graphs based on means and standard deviation. The findings suggest: (1) exponential growth in health care infrastructure and human resources led by public sector investment in the second quarter, followed by a slowdown; (2) a more significant variation in the acceleration and deceleration of the public sector response in the North of Brazil and the states of Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, and the Federal District; (3) the public sector was the primary response mechanism to the pandemic considering the variations throughout the year. The study concludes that the government was the leading actor in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil in 2020, pointing out that responses were uneven in the states.
  • Value Drivers: Scientific Knowledge Advances and Research Avenues Research Article

    Figari, Anelise Krauspenhar Pinto; Costa, Gilmarques Agapito; Portulhak, Henrique; Azevedo, Sayuri Unoki de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This research analyzed the bibliometric characteristics of articles published in the qualified international literature on value drivers, considering the growing academic interest in the subject, the indications about the fragmentation of its discussion, and academic search for the best indicators. Bibliometric analysis based on 14 indicators was performed on 292 articles published between 1997 and 2021 to identify the most influential authors, journals, institutions and countries, the collaboration networks, and the main topics in the research field. A qualitative approach was applied to reveal the main contributions of these articles and to build an agenda for future research. Results confirm the discussion fragmentation due to the identification of six thematic clusters and the debate dispersion across several countries, institutions, researchers, and journals. The ‘intellectual capital’ theme, through intangible assets analysis and covering discussions on trust and organizational reputation, is emphasized. Main contributions highlight the relationship of value drivers with intellectual capital, intangible assets, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability, which indicates the relevance of these themes in identifying elements that can contribute to organizational value.
  • A Chip off the Old Block? Effects of Gender Homophily on Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurial Behavior Research Article

    Melo, Felipe Luiz Neves Bezerra de; Soares, Ana Maria Jerônimo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The intergenerational transmission is one of the key variables that shape entrepreneurship as an occupational choice. However, the role of gender is still a gap in the literature on intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial behavior. Thus, this study aims to assess the effect of gender homophily in the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial behavior. The sample was composed of 10,889 students from the Federal Institute of Technology of Rio Grande do Norte. The probit regression method was applied to measure the probability of an individual becoming an entrepreneur if they are born of an entrepreneurial father or mother. The results show that being an offspring of an entrepreneurial father or entrepreneurial mother is associated with an increase in the probability of an individual becoming an entrepreneur. Moreover, the transmission is increased when the entrepreneurial parent and the offspring share the same gender.
  • Curiosity Unlocked the Cat: The Relationship between Curiosity at Work and Worker Creativity Research Article

    Silva, Reidene de Oliveira; Silva, Gercione Dionizio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Worker creativity can be considered a determining factor in the process of idea generation and innovation within a company. This behavior is determined by both worker characteristics and perceived stimuli. Therefore, in the present study, we analyzed how the worker’s creativity is influenced by his or her curiosity and ability to associate ideas. We also analyzed how the relationship between curiosity and creativity is influenced by risk propensity and the organizational support perceived by the worker. The results achieved indicate that curiosity at work has a direct and indirect effect on worker creativity. The indirect effect observed depends on the association of ideas, which tend to increase the creativity of the worker. It was also found that risk propensity and perceived organizational support for creativity did not influence the indirect relationship between curiosity and creativity. These results highlight the importance of instigating worker curiosity to induce more creative and innovative behavior.
  • Towards Career Sustainability: A Systematic Review to Guide Future Research Research Article

    Müller, Camila; Scheffer, Angela; Macke, Janaina; Vaclavik, Marcia Cristiane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Objective: this study analyses how international literature informs the discussion of sustainability within career scope. Method: we conducted a systematic literature review through the Web of Science database and analyzed 152 papers with the sustainable-career-related keywords: resilience, systems, and ecosystem. By exploring the conceptual foundations of these concepts that have evolved in the context of career sustainability over the last three decades, we identified six clusters of different theoretical approaches. Results: these are the interplay of social spaces in the development of sustainable or unsustainable career paths; need for an open-systems perspective for organizational career management; significance of personal attributes and individual behaviors in career sustainability development; addressing satisfaction and well-being in work and life spheres; external and internal career mobility in complex environments; and contemporary sustainability challenges and their implications for careers, cities, and governments. Conclusion: based on the findings, we established six assumptions that may guide future empirical research in this field.
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