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Resultados científicos do cruzeiro do "Baependí" e do "Vega" à I. da Trindade: Peixes


Trata o presente trabalho de uma coleção de peixes obtida em Cabo Frio, em São João da Barra, no Banco de São Tomé, no Banco Jaseur e na Ilha da Trindade. Considerando-se a ocorrência das espécies, por localidade, chega-se ao seguinte resultado: Cabo Frio ........................................... 13 espécies. São João da Barra ............................... 8 " " " Banco São Tomé ................................. 16 " " " Banco Jaseur ...................................... 2 " " " Ilha da Trindade .................................. 32 " " " Examinando-se as espécies da Ilha da Trindade, verifica-se que as frequentadoras da região representam, na realidade, 37,5% do total capturado, cifra obtida nessa primeira viagem de estudo. A maioria é encontratada tanto na região pelágica como nas proximidades da costa. Analisando-se a fauna da região estudada pelo Museu Americano de Nova Iorque, pelo Museu Nacional, do Rio de Janeiro e pelo Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia, constata-se que sobe a 66 o número de espécies lá encontradas entre 1912 e 1950. É de se presumir que ulteriores observações, levadas a efeito em várias épocas do ano, possam ainda acrescer esse número. A contribuição do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia foi de 24 espécies que, incorporadas às 42 já constatadas per outras expedições, dão o total das até agora conhecidas no local.

In May 1950, upon request of the Minister João Alberto Lins de Barros, the Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia (São Paulo Oceanographic Institution) sent a delegation to She Trindade Island, situated on the south Atlantic at 20º 28' S. and 31º 46' W., to study the fishes. The expenses were defrayed by the Minister that had as it chief assignements an investigation of the abundance of the fishery resources of the region, to provide nourishing food for a population thac wIII be probably established on the island. Three scientific expeditions were engaged on the study of lhe Trindade fishes. The first was organized by the American Musem of New York (1912-1913), the second by the Museu Nacional, of Rio de Janeiro (1916) and the third by the Instituto Paulisía de Oceanografia (1950). During the course of the explorations, researches were carried out also at Cabo Frio, São João da Barra, and at the banks of São Tomé, Jaseur and Victoria; a collection of 153 fishes, now deposited in the Instivuto Paulista de Oceanografia, was obtained. This work is wholly based on a collection made by Prof. W. Besnard, Director of the Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia, and resulted in the recognition of 58 species of coastal and pelagic fishes from the entire region investigated. Among the main results of this scientific expedition, must be pointed out the occurrence of one species similar to Neopercis ledanoisi Cadenat, from Cabo Frio, that is now under investigation. At Trindade Island, was captured Kyphosus lutescens (Jordan & Gilbert), peculiar to the RevIIIa Gigedo Archipelago, Socorro and Clarion islands, of the Pacific region. It was also found, in the same collection, Balistes polylepis Steindachner from lower California and Peru, and Paracubiceps ledanoisi Belloc inhabiting the Westafrican coast.

Resultados científicos do cruzeiro do "Baependí" e do "Vega" à I. da Trindade. Peixes

J. Paiva Carvalho


Trata o presente trabalho de uma coleção de peixes obtida em Cabo Frio, em São João da Barra, no Banco de São Tomé, no Banco Jaseur e na Ilha da Trindade.

Considerando-se a ocorrência das espécies, por localidade, chega-se ao seguinte resultado:

Cabo Frio ........................................... 13 espécies. São João da Barra ............................... 8 " " " Banco São Tomé ................................. 16 " " " Banco Jaseur ...................................... 2 " " " Ilha da Trindade .................................. 32 " " "

Examinando-se as espécies da Ilha da Trindade, verifica-se que as frequentadoras da região representam, na realidade, 37,5% do total capturado, cifra obtida nessa primeira viagem de estudo. A maioria é encontratada tanto na região pelágica como nas proximidades da costa.

Analisando-se a fauna da região estudada pelo Museu Americano de Nova Iorque, pelo Museu Nacional, do Rio de Janeiro e pelo Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia, constata-se que sobe a 66 o número de espécies lá encontradas entre 1912 e 1950. É de se presumir que ulteriores observações, levadas a efeito em várias épocas do ano, possam ainda acrescer esse número.

A contribuição do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia foi de 24 espécies que, incorporadas às 42 já constatadas per outras expedições, dão o total das até agora conhecidas no local.


In May 1950, upon request of the Minister João Alberto Lins de Barros, the Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia (São Paulo Oceanographic Institution) sent a delegation to She Trindade Island, situated on the south Atlantic at 20º 28' S. and 31º 46' W., to study the fishes. The expenses were defrayed by the Minister that had as it chief assignements an investigation of the abundance of the fishery resources of the region, to provide nourishing food for a population thac wIII be probably established on the island.

Three scientific expeditions were engaged on the study of lhe Trindade fishes. The first was organized by the American Musem of New York (1912-1913), the second by the Museu Nacional, of Rio de Janeiro (1916) and the third by the Instituto Paulisía de Oceanografia (1950).

During the course of the explorations, researches were carried out also at Cabo Frio, São João da Barra, and at the banks of São Tomé, Jaseur and Victoria; a collection of 153 fishes, now deposited in the Instivuto Paulista de Oceanografia, was obtained.

This work is wholly based on a collection made by Prof. W. Besnard, Director of the Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia, and resulted in the recognition of 58 species of coastal and pelagic fishes from the entire region investigated.

Among the main results of this scientific expedition, must be pointed out the occurrence of one species similar to Neopercis ledanoisi Cadenat, from Cabo Frio, that is now under investigation. At Trindade Island, was captured Kyphosus lutescens (Jordan & Gilbert), peculiar to the RevIIIa Gigedo Archipelago, Socorro and Clarion islands, of the Pacific region. It was also found, in the same collection, Balistes polylepis Steindachner from lower California and Peru, and Paracubiceps ledanoisi Belloc inhabiting the Westafrican coast.

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Beebe, W., & Tee-Van, J., 1928 The Fishes of Port-au-Prince Bay, Haiti. Zoológica, vol. X, nº 1, pg. 1-279, 268 figs., (paginação da separata). N. York; Idem, idem, 1941 Pacific Bxpediction of the New York Zoological Society, XXVIII. Fishes from the tropical Eastern Pacific from Cedros Islands and Northern Peru. Part. 3. Rays, Mantas and Chimeras. Zool. Scient. Contr., of New York Zool. Soc. vol. XXVI, pg. 245-280, pL I-IV. N. York; Belloc, G., 1937 Note sur un poisson comestible nouveau de la côte occidentale d'Afrique (Paracubiceps Ledanoisi nov. gen., nov. sp.,). Rev. Trav. de l'Office des Pêches Maritimes, vol. X, fasc. 3, pg. 353-356. Paris. ; Berg, C, 1895 Enumeración Sistemática y Sinonímica de los Peces de las costas Argentina Y Uruguaya. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, vol. IV, 2a. Ser., vol. 4, pg. 1-165. B. Aires. ; Berg, L. S., 1947 Classification of Fishes both recent and Fossil, pg. 87-517. Ann Arbor, Michigan. ; Bigelow, H. B., & Schroeder, W. C, 1948 Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Part. I. Mem. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, nº 1. Sharks, pg. 59-546. New Haven. ; Borodin, N. A., 1928 Scientific Results of the Yacht "Ara" Exped. during the years 1926 to 1928, while in command of William K. Vanderbilt. Bull. Vand. Oceanographie Mus., vol. I, art. 1, pg. 1-37, 2 cartas, pl. I-V. ; idem, 1932 Scientific Results of the Yacht "Ara" world cruise, July 1931 to March 1932 in command of Williiam K. Vanderbilt. Bull. Vand. Oceanogr. Mus., vol. 1, art. 3, pg. 67-101, pl. I-II; idem, 1934 Scientific Results of the Yacht "Alva", Mediterranean cruise, 1933 in command of Williiam K. Vanderbilt. Bull. Van. Oceanogr. Mus., vol. I, art 4, pg. 103-123, pl. MIL; Breder, C. M., Jr., 1929 Field Book of Marine'fisr lies of the Atlantic Coast from Labrador to Texas. I + XXXII, pg. 1-332, pl. 1-8, 403 figs. New. York-London. ; idem, 1938 A contrib. to the life hist., of Atlantic ocean flying fishes. Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coll., vol. VI, art. 5,. pg. 1-126, 48 figs. XXIX tab. N. York.; Cadenat, J., 1937 Recherches sistématiques sur les poissons littoreaux de la côte occidentale d'Afrique, récoltés par le navire "Président Théodor-Tissierà au cours de sa 5e. croisière. Rev. Trav. Office des Pêches Mar., vol. X, fasc. 4, pg. 423-562. Paris. ; Caninos, A. do A., 1942 Contribuição ao estudo dos Clupeóides brasileiros. Arq. Zool. do E. de S. Paulo, vol. III, pg. 185-218, pl. MX. S. Paulo. ; Carneiro, C, 1922 Ilhas oceânicas do Brasil. Dicionário Histórico Geográfico e Etnográfico do Brasil, volume I, páginas 41-48. Rio de Janeiro. ; Carvalho, J. de P., 1941 Nota preliminar sobre a fauna ictiológica do litoral sul do E de S. Paulo. Bol. Ind. Animal, nº 150, N.S., vol. 4, nº 3-4, pg. 27-81. S. Paulo. ; Cunningham, J. T., 1910 On the marine fishes and invertebrates of Sta. Helena. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pg. 86-131, IV-VII, 4 figs. London. ; Cuvier, G., & Valenciennes, A., 1828-1849 Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, vols. I-XXII. Paris. ; De Buen, F., 1950 El Mar de Solis y su Fauna de Peces. 2a. parte. Publ. Científicas nº 2. Servicio Oceanográfico y de Pesca. Minist. Ind. y trabajo (S. O. Y. P.), pg. 46-144. Montevideo. Devincenzi, G. J., 1926 Peces del Uruguay. Notas complementarias. An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, ser. 2, vol. II, pg. 139-293, est. 13. Montevideo. ; idem, 1939 Notas Ictiológicas sobre peces de la region patagônica. Análisis de la obra de J. R. Norman: Coast Fishes II. The Patagonian Region (Discovery Reports, vol. XVI, 1937). An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 2a. ser., vol. 14, pg. 1-21. Montevideo.; Fowler, H. W.. 1919 The fishes of the U.S. "Eclipse" Exp. do West Africa. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. LVI, pg. 195-292, 15 figs. Washington. ; idem, 1920 The fishes of the U. S. "Eclipse" Exped. to West Africa. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. LVI, Xl-f 692. Washington.; idem, 1921. Notes on Hemibranchiates and Lophobranchiates fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. LXIII, pg. 437-448. Philadelphia.; idem, 1936 The Marine Fishes of West Africa. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. LXX, Part. I, pg. 1-605, 275 figs. Part. II, pg. 607-1493. N. York.; idem, 1941 The fishes of the groups Elasmobranehii, Holocephali, Isospondyli and Ostariophisi obtained by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer "Albatross", in 1907 to 1910 chiefly in the Philippine Islands and adjacent seas. Bull. U.S. Nat, Mus., nº 100, vol. XIII, pg. 295-296. Washington.; idem, 1942 A list of fishes known from the coast of Brazil. Arq. Zool. E. de S. Paulo, vol. III, ionio 26 da Rev. Mus. Paulista, pg. 115-184. S. Paulo.; idem, 1943 Notes and descriptions of new or little know fishes from Uruguay. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. vol. XCV, pg. 311-334. Washington.; Goode, G. B., & Bean, T. H., 1895 Oceanic Ichthyology. Smith. Coll., XXXV + 553, pl. I-CXXIII. Washington. , Giinther, A., 1880 An introd. to the study of fishes, p. 1-720. Edinburgh. ; Hildebrand, S. F. & Schroeder, W. C, 1928 Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. Bull U.S. Bureau of Fish., (1927), vol. 43, fase. 1, pg. 1-388, 211 figs. ; Hildebrand, S. F., 1943 A Review of the American Anchovies (Family Engraulidae). Bull. Bingham Oceanogr., Coll. vol. VIII, art. 2, pg. 1-165, 72 figs. New Haven. ; Hildebrand, S. F., 1946 A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru. U.S. Nat. Mus. Smith. Inst. Bull. 189. XI + 530. Washington. ; Hildebrand, S. F. & Carvalho, J. de P., 1948 Notes on some Brazilian Anchovies (Family Engraulidae) with descriptions of four new species. "Copeia, n.º 4, pg. 285-296. Washington. ; Hubbs, C. L., & Schultz, L., 1938 A revision of the Toadfishes referred to Porichthys and related genera. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 86, pg. 473-496. Washington. ; Ihering, R. von 1940 Dicionário dos Animais do Brasil, p. 1-8*98. Diretoria de Pupl. Agricola. S. Paulo. ; Jordan, D. S., 1886 A preliminary list of fishes of the West Indies. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. IX, pg. 554-608. Washington. ; idem, J890 Scientific results of Expl. by U.S. Fish. Comm., Steamer "Albatross", XVIII, list of fishes obtained in the harbor of Bahia and adjacent waters. Smith. Inst. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. vol. XIII, pg. 313-338. Washington.; Jordan, D. S., & Gilbert, C. H., 1883 A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, pg. 1-1018. Washington. ; Jordan, D. S., 1925 Fishes, pg. 1-773, 673 figs. N. York-London. ; Jordan, D. S., & Swain, J., 1884 Notes on fishes coll. by David S. Jordan at Ceder Kevs, Florida. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. VII, pg/230-234 Washington; Jordan, D. S. & Evermann, B. W., 1896-1900. The fishes of North and Middle America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4 vols. Washington; Lowe, R. T., 1840 Desci, of some new species of Madeiran fishes, with additional inform., etc. Proc. Zool, Soc. London, vol. VIII, p. 46-39. London. ; Marini. T. L., 1935 La anchoita Argentina "Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Ciencias Nat;, vol. 11, pg. 445-458, 8 figs. B. Aires; Myers, G. S., s/d The fish fauna of the Pacific Ocean, with special reference to zoogeographical regions and distribution, as they affect the international aspects of the fisheries Sixth Pacific Science Congress. Oceanography and Marine biology, pg. 201-210 (paginação da separata). ; Meek, S. M., & Hildebrand, S. F., 1928. The Marine Fishes of Panamá, Part. III. Publ. Field Mus. of Nal. Hist. Zool. ser., nº 249, vol. XV, XXXI+1045 Chicago. ; Norman, J. R., 1935 A revison of the Lizard-fishes of the genera Synodus, Trachinocephahis and Saurida. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Part. I, pg. 99-135, 18 figs. London. ; Norman, J. R. 1937 Coast fishes. Part. II. The Patagonian Region. Discovery Reports, vol. XVI, pg. 1-150, pl. I-V. England. ; Parr, A. E., 1930 Teleostean shore and shallow-water fishes from the Bahamas and Torus Islands. The Bingham Oceanogr. Coll., Peabody Mus. of Nat. Hist. Yale Univ., vol. III, art. 4, pg. 1-148. New Haven. ; Pelegrin, J., 1913 Poissons marins de Guinée et de la côte d'Ivoire, du Dahomey et Congo. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. XXXVIII, pg. 151-158. Paris. ; Regan, C. T., 1914 Diagnoses of new marine fishes collected by the British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Exped. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. 13, pg. 11-17. London. ; Regan, C. T., 1915 A collection of fishes from Lagos Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 8.ª ser., vol. XV, p. 124-130. London. ; Ribeiro, A. de M., 1907 Fauna Brasiliense. Peixes II. Desmobranchios. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, vol. XIV, pg. 129-212, 19 pl. R. de Janeiro. ; idem, 1915 Fauna Brasiliense. Peixes (Eleutherobranchios - Aspirophoros) Physoclisti. Arch. Mus. Nac. R. de Janeiro, vol. XVII. R. de Janeiro.; idem, 1919 A Fauna da I. da Trindade. Arch. Mus. Nac. R. de Janeiro, vol. XXII, p. 171-194. R. de Janeiro.; idem, 1923 Fauna Brasiliense. Peixes. Arch. Mus. Nac. R. de Janeiro, vol. II, la. parte, fase. 1º, pg. 1-50-B. Reedição do Mus. Nac. R. de Janeiro.; Rivas, L. R., 1950 A revision of the American clupeid fishes of the genus Harengula, with descriptions o ffour new subspecies. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 100, pg. 275-309. Washington. ; Silvester, C. F., 1918 Fishes new to the fauna of Porto Rico, with descriptions of eight new species. Papers from Depart. Mar. Biol. Carnegie Inst. Washington, pg. 19-24, pl. 1-4. Washington. ; Storey, M. H., 1938 West Indian Cluperid fishes of the genus Harengula, with notes on H. thrissina from the Pacific coast. Stanford Ichth. Bull. vol. I, n.º 1, pg. 1-56. California. ; Weber, M., 1913 Die Fische der Siboga Exp. Siboga Exped., LVII, XII + 710, pl. I-XII. Leiden.

  • Beebe, W., & Tee-Van, J., 1928 The Fishes of Port-au-Prince Bay, Haiti. Zoológica, vol. X, nş 1, pg. 1-279, 268 figs., (paginação da separata). N. York;
  • Idem, idem, 1941 Pacific Bxpediction of the New York Zoological Society, XXVIII. Fishes from the tropical Eastern Pacific from Cedros Islands and Northern Peru. Part. 3. Rays, Mantas and Chimeras. Zool. Scient. Contr., of New York Zool. Soc. vol. XXVI, pg. 245-280, pL I-IV. N. York; Belloc, G., 1937 Note sur un poisson comestible nouveau de la côte occidentale d'Afrique (Paracubiceps Ledanoisi nov. gen., nov. sp.,). Rev. Trav. de l'Office des Pêches Maritimes, vol. X, fasc. 3, pg. 353-356. Paris.
  • ; Berg, C, 1895 Enumeración Sistemática y Sinonímica de los Peces de las costas Argentina Y Uruguaya. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, vol. IV, 2a. Ser., vol. 4, pg. 1-165. B. Aires.
  • ; Berg, L. S., 1947 Classification of Fishes both recent and Fossil, pg. 87-517. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • ; Bigelow, H. B., & Schroeder, W. C, 1948 Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Part. I. Mem. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, nş 1. Sharks, pg. 59-546. New Haven.
  • ; Borodin, N. A., 1928 Scientific Results of the Yacht "Ara" Exped. during the years 1926 to 1928, while in command of William K. Vanderbilt. Bull. Vand. Oceanographie Mus., vol. I, art. 1, pg. 1-37, 2 cartas, pl. I-V.
  • ; idem, 1932 Scientific Results of the Yacht "Ara" world cruise, July 1931 to March 1932 in command of Williiam K. Vanderbilt. Bull. Vand. Oceanogr. Mus., vol. 1, art. 3, pg. 67-101, pl. I-II; idem, 1934 Scientific Results of the Yacht "Alva", Mediterranean cruise, 1933 in command of Williiam K. Vanderbilt. Bull. Van. Oceanogr. Mus., vol. I, art 4, pg. 103-123, pl. MIL; Breder, C. M., Jr., 1929 Field Book of Marine'fisr lies of the Atlantic Coast from Labrador to Texas. I + XXXII, pg. 1-332, pl. 1-8, 403 figs. New. York-London.
  • ; idem, 1938 A contrib. to the life hist., of Atlantic ocean flying fishes. Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coll., vol. VI, art. 5,. pg. 1-126, 48 figs. XXIX tab. N. York.; Cadenat, J., 1937 Recherches sistématiques sur les poissons littoreaux de la côte occidentale d'Afrique, récoltés par le navire "Président Théodor-Tissierà au cours de sa 5e. croisière. Rev. Trav. Office des Pêches Mar., vol. X, fasc. 4, pg. 423-562. Paris.
  • ; Caninos, A. do A., 1942 Contribuição ao estudo dos Clupeóides brasileiros. Arq. Zool. do E. de S. Paulo, vol. III, pg. 185-218, pl. MX. S. Paulo.
  • ; Carneiro, C, 1922 Ilhas oceânicas do Brasil. Dicionário Histórico Geográfico e Etnográfico do Brasil, volume I, páginas 41-48. Rio de Janeiro.
  • ; Carvalho, J. de P., 1941 Nota preliminar sobre a fauna ictiológica do litoral sul do E de S. Paulo. Bol. Ind. Animal, nş 150, N.S., vol. 4, nş 3-4, pg. 27-81. S. Paulo.
  • ; Cunningham, J. T., 1910 On the marine fishes and invertebrates of Sta. Helena. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pg. 86-131, IV-VII, 4 figs. London.
  • ; Cuvier, G., & Valenciennes, A., 1828-1849 Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, vols. I-XXII. Paris.
  • ; De Buen, F., 1950 El Mar de Solis y su Fauna de Peces. 2a. parte. Publ. Científicas nş 2. Servicio Oceanográfico y de Pesca. Minist. Ind. y trabajo (S. O. Y. P.), pg. 46-144. Montevideo.
  • Devincenzi, G. J., 1926 Peces del Uruguay. Notas complementarias. An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, ser. 2, vol. II, pg. 139-293, est. 13. Montevideo.
  • ; idem, 1939 Notas Ictiológicas sobre peces de la region patagônica. Análisis de la obra de J. R. Norman: Coast Fishes II. The Patagonian Region (Discovery Reports, vol. XVI, 1937). An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, 2a. ser., vol. 14, pg. 1-21. Montevideo.; Fowler, H. W.. 1919 The fishes of the U.S. "Eclipse" Exp. do West Africa. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. LVI, pg. 195-292, 15 figs. Washington.
  • ; idem, 1920 The fishes of the U. S. "Eclipse" Exped. to West Africa. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. LVI, Xl-f 692. Washington.; idem, 1921. Notes on Hemibranchiates and Lophobranchiates fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. LXIII, pg. 437-448. Philadelphia.; idem, 1936 The Marine Fishes of West Africa. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. LXX, Part. I, pg. 1-605, 275 figs. Part. II, pg. 607-1493. N. York.; idem, 1941 The fishes of the groups Elasmobranehii, Holocephali, Isospondyli and Ostariophisi obtained by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer "Albatross", in 1907 to 1910 chiefly in the Philippine Islands and adjacent seas. Bull. U.S. Nat, Mus., nş 100, vol. XIII, pg. 295-296. Washington.; idem, 1942 A list of fishes known from the coast of Brazil. Arq. Zool. E. de S. Paulo, vol. III, ionio 26 da Rev. Mus. Paulista, pg. 115-184. S. Paulo.; idem, 1943 Notes and descriptions of new or little know fishes from Uruguay. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. vol. XCV, pg. 311-334. Washington.; Goode, G. B., & Bean, T. H., 1895 Oceanic Ichthyology. Smith. Coll., XXXV + 553, pl. I-CXXIII. Washington.
  • , Giinther, A., 1880 An introd. to the study of fishes, p. 1-720. Edinburgh.
  • ; Hildebrand, S. F. & Schroeder, W. C, 1928 Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. Bull U.S. Bureau of Fish., (1927), vol. 43, fase. 1, pg. 1-388, 211 figs.
  • ; Hildebrand, S. F., 1943 A Review of the American Anchovies (Family Engraulidae). Bull. Bingham Oceanogr., Coll. vol. VIII, art. 2, pg. 1-165, 72 figs. New Haven.
  • ; Hildebrand, S. F., 1946 A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru. U.S. Nat. Mus. Smith. Inst. Bull. 189. XI + 530. Washington.
  • ; Hildebrand, S. F. & Carvalho, J. de P., 1948 Notes on some Brazilian Anchovies (Family Engraulidae) with descriptions of four new species. "Copeia, n.ş 4, pg. 285-296. Washington.
  • ; Hubbs, C. L., & Schultz, L., 1938 A revision of the Toadfishes referred to Porichthys and related genera. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 86, pg. 473-496. Washington.
  • ; Ihering, R. von 1940 Dicionário dos Animais do Brasil, p. 1-8*98. Diretoria de Pupl. Agricola. S. Paulo.
  • ; Jordan, D. S., 1886 A preliminary list of fishes of the West Indies. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. IX, pg. 554-608. Washington.
  • ; idem, J890 Scientific results of Expl. by U.S. Fish. Comm., Steamer "Albatross", XVIII, list of fishes obtained in the harbor of Bahia and adjacent waters. Smith. Inst. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. vol. XIII, pg. 313-338. Washington.; Jordan, D. S., & Gilbert, C. H., 1883 A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, pg. 1-1018. Washington.
  • ; Jordan, D. S., 1925 Fishes, pg. 1-773, 673 figs. N. York-London.
  • ; Jordan, D. S., & Swain, J., 1884 Notes on fishes coll. by David S. Jordan at Ceder Kevs, Florida. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. VII, pg/230-234 Washington;
  • Jordan, D. S. & Evermann, B. W., 1896-1900. The fishes of North and Middle America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4 vols. Washington;
  • Lowe, R. T., 1840 Desci, of some new species of Madeiran fishes, with additional inform., etc. Proc. Zool, Soc. London, vol. VIII, p. 46-39. London.
  • ; Marini. T. L., 1935 La anchoita Argentina "Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Ciencias Nat;, vol. 11, pg. 445-458, 8 figs. B. Aires;
  • Myers, G. S., s/d The fish fauna of the Pacific Ocean, with special reference to zoogeographical regions and distribution, as they affect the international aspects of the fisheries Sixth Pacific Science Congress.
  • Oceanography and Marine biology, pg. 201-210 (paginação da separata).
  • ; Meek, S. M., & Hildebrand, S. F., 1928. The Marine Fishes of Panamá, Part. III. Publ. Field Mus. of Nal. Hist. Zool. ser., nş 249, vol. XV, XXXI+1045 Chicago.
  • ; Norman, J. R., 1935 A revison of the Lizard-fishes of the genera Synodus, Trachinocephahis and Saurida. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Part. I, pg. 99-135, 18 figs. London.
  • ; Norman, J. R. 1937 Coast fishes. Part. II. The Patagonian Region. Discovery Reports, vol. XVI, pg. 1-150, pl. I-V. England.
  • ; Parr, A. E., 1930 Teleostean shore and shallow-water fishes from the Bahamas and Torus Islands. The Bingham Oceanogr. Coll., Peabody Mus. of Nat. Hist. Yale Univ., vol. III, art. 4, pg. 1-148. New Haven.
  • ; Pelegrin, J., 1913 Poissons marins de Guinée et de la côte d'Ivoire, du Dahomey et Congo. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. XXXVIII, pg. 151-158. Paris.
  • ; Regan, C. T., 1914 Diagnoses of new marine fishes collected by the British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Exped. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. 13, pg. 11-17. London.
  • ; Regan, C. T., 1915 A collection of fishes from Lagos Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 8.Ş ser., vol. XV, p. 124-130. London.
  • ; Ribeiro, A. de M., 1907 Fauna Brasiliense. Peixes II. Desmobranchios. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, vol. XIV, pg. 129-212, 19 pl. R. de Janeiro.
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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    18 Jun 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Jun 1950
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