The yeast species found in necrotic stems of three columnar cacti (Pilosocereus machrisii, Pilosocereus vilaboensis, and Praecereus euchlorus)at eight localities in Brazil were described and a similarity analysis using Sorensen distances was used to compare the composition of yeast species at these localities. Of 56 necrotic cactus stems sampled,32 produced yeast colonies. Ten species of yeast or yeast-like microorganisms were identified from 53 isolates, with Pichia cactophila, Candida sonorensis, Geotrichum sp., and Sporopachydermia cereana being the most common. The remaining species occurred in low proportions in the cacti surveyed. The similarity analysis provided a dendogram (UPGMA) that clustered the yeast communities from different cactus species and indicated that host cactus species was unimportant in this clustering.
cactus-yeast-Drosophila system; D. buzzatii cluster; columnar cactus