Open-access A simple model for the estimation of congenital malformation frequency in racially mixed populations


A simple model is proposed, using the method of maximum likelihood to estimate malformation frequencies in racial groups based on data obtained from hospital services. This model uses the proportions of racial admixture, and the observed malformation frequency. It was applied to two defects: postaxial polydactyly and cleft lip, the frequencies of which are recognizedly heterogeneous among racial groups. The frequencies estimated in each racial group were those expected for these malformations, which proves the applicability of the method.

congenital malformation; racially mixed populations

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A simple model for the estimation of congenital malformation frequency in racially mixed populations

J.S. Lopez-Camelo; P.H. Cabello; M.G. Dutra

Departamento de Genética, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil 4365, 21045-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Phone: 55-21-5984358; Fax: 55-21-5903495. Send correspondence to J.S.L.-C.


A simple model is proposed, using the method of maximum likelihood to estimate malformation frequencies in racial groups based on data obtained from hospital services. This model uses the proportions of racial admixture, and the observed malformation frequency. It was applied to two defects: postaxial polydactyly and cleft lip, the frequencies of which are recognizedly heterogeneous among racial groups. The frequencies estimated in each racial group were those expected for these malformations, which proves the applicability of the method.

Keywords: congenital malformation; racially mixed populations.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Oct 2006
  • Date of issue
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