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Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Volume: 37, Issue: 9, Published: 2004
  • Wine, alcohol and atherosclerosis: clinical evidences and mechanisms Review

    Luz, P.L. da; Coimbra, S.R.

    Abstract in English:

    Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease which may cause obstructions of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral arteries. It is typically multifactorial, most often dependent on risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, sedentarism, and obesity. It is the single main cause of death in most developed countries due to myocardial infarction, angina, sudden death, and heart failure. Several epidemiological studies suggest that moderate alcohol intake, especially red wine, decrease cardiac mortality due to atherosclerosis. The alcohol effect is described by a J curve, suggesting that moderate drinkers may benefit while abstainers and heavy drinkers are at higher risk. Experimental studies indicate that most beneficial effects of drinking are attributable to flavonoids that are present in red wine, purple grape juice and several fruits and vegetables. The mechanisms include antiplatelet actions, increases in high-density lipoprotein, antioxidation, reduced endothelin-1 production, and increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression which causes augmented nitric oxide production by endothelial cells. These findings lead to the concept that moderate red wine drinking, in the absence of contraindications, may be beneficial to patients who are at risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events. Moreover, a diet based on fruits and vegetables containing flavonoids may be even more beneficial.
  • Comments on the paper "High doses of riboflavin and the elimination of dietary red meat promote the recovery of some motor functions in Parkinson's disease patients. C.G. Coimbraand V.B.C. Junqueira. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 36: 1409-1417, 2003" Concepts And Comments

    Ferraz, H.B.; Quagliato, E.A.B.; Rieder, C.R.M.; Silva, D.J.; Teive, H.A.G.; Barbosa, E.R.; Cardoso, F.; Limongi, J.C.P.; Bezerra, J.M.F.; Andrade, L.A.F.; Allam, N.; Prado, R.C.P.; Tomas, V.
  • Response to the Comments of H.B. Ferraz et al. about the paper "High doses of riboflavin and the elimination of dietary red meat promote the recovery of some motor functions in Parkinson's disease patients. C.G. Coimbraand V.B.C. Junqueira. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 36: 1409-1417, 2003" Concepts And Comments

    Coimbra, C.G.; Junqueira, V.B.C.
  • Preservation of graft function in low-risk living kidney transplant recipients treated with a combination of sirolimus and cyclosporine Blood, Immunology And Organ Transplantation

    Machado, P.G.P.; Felipe, C.R.; Park, S.I.; Garcia, R.; Moreira, S.; Casarini, D.; Franco, M.; Alfieri, F.; Tedesco-Silva Jr., H.; Medina-Pestana, J.O.

    Abstract in English:

    The use of sirolimus (SRL) in combination with full doses of cyclosporin A (CsA) results in reduced one-year kidney allograft function, which is associated with shorter long-term allograft survival. We determined the effect of reduced CsA exposure on graft function in patients receiving SRL and prednisone. Ninety recipients of living kidney transplants receiving SRL (2 mg/day, po) were compared to 35 recipients receiving azathioprine (AZA, 2 mg kg-1 day-1, po). All patients also received CsA (8-10 mg kg-1 day-1, po) and prednisone (0.5 mg kg-1 day-1). Efficacy end-point was a composite of biopsy-confirmed acute rejection, graft loss, or death at one year. Graft function was measured by creatinine, creatinine clearance, and graft function deterioration between 3 and 12 months (delta1/Cr). CsA concentrations in patients receiving SRL were 26% lower. No differences in one-year composite efficacy end-point were observed comparing SRL and AZA groups (18 vs 20%) or in the incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection (14.4 and 14.3%). There were no differences in mean ± SD creatinine (1.65 ± 0.46 vs 1.60 ± 0.43 mg/dl, P = 0.48) or calculated creatinine clearances (61 ± 15 vs 62 ± 13 ml/min, P = 0.58) at one year. Mean ± SD delta1/Cr (-11 ± 17 vs -14 ± 15%, P = 0.7) or the percentage of patients with >20% (26 vs 31%, P = 0.6) or >30% delta1/Cr (19 vs 17%, P = 1) did not differ between the two groups. The use of 2-mg fixed oral doses of SRL and reduced CsA exposure was effective in preventing acute rejection and preserving allograft function.
  • Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase is increased in patients with heart failure due to ischemic disease Cardiovascular, Respiratory And Sport Medicine

    Ferreiro, C.R.; Chagas, A.C.P.; Carvalho, M.H.C.; Dantas, A.P.; Scavone, C.; Souza, L.C.B.; Buffolo, E.; Luz, P.L. da

    Abstract in English:

    The objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and heart failure in cardiac tissue from patients with and without cardiac decompensation. Right atrial tissue was excised from patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <35% (N = 10), and from patients with CAD and LVEF >60% (N = 10) during cardiac surgery. NOS activity was measured by the conversion of L-[H³]-arginine to L-[H³]-citrulline. Gene expression was quantified by the competitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Both endothelial NOS (eNOS) activity and expression were significantly reduced in failing hearts compared to non-failing hearts: 0.36 ± 0.18 vs 1.51 ± 0.31 pmol mg-1 min-1 (P < 0.0001) and 0.37 ± 0.08 vs 0.78 ± 0.09 relative cDNA absorbance at 320 nm (P < 0.0001), respectively. In contrast, inducible NOS (iNOS) activity and expression were significantly higher in failing hearts than in non-failing hearts: 4.00 ± 0.90 vs 1.54 ± 0.65 pmol mg-1 min-1 (P < 0.0001) and 2.19 ± 0.27 vs 1.43 ± 0.13 cDNA absorbance at 320 nm (P < 0.0001), respectively. We conclude that heart failure down-regulates both eNOS activity and expression in cardiac tissue from patients with LVEF <35%. In contrast, iNOS activity and expression are increased in failing hearts and may represent an alternative mechanism for nitric oxide production in heart failure due to ischemic disease.
  • Patient and physician evaluation of the severity of acute asthma exacerbations Cardiovascular, Respiratory And Sport Medicine

    Atta, J.A.; Nunes, M.P.T.; Fonseca-Guedes, C.H.F.; Avena, L.A.; Borgiani, M.T.; Fiorenza, R.F.; Martins, M.A.

    Abstract in English:

    We studied the ability of patients not experienced in the use of peak expiratory flow meters to assess the severity of their asthma exacerbations and compared it to the assessment of experienced clinicians. We also evaluated which data of physical examination and medical history are used by physicians to subjectively evaluate the severity of asthma attacks. Fifty-seven adult patients (15 men and 42 women, with a mean (± SD) age of 37.3 ± 14.5 years and 24.0 ± 17.9 years of asthma symptoms) with asthma exacerbations were evaluated in a University Hospital Emergency Department. Patients and physicians independently evaluated the severity of the asthma attack using a linear scale. Patient score, physician score and forced expiratory volume at the first second (FEV1) were correlated with history and physical examination variables, and were also considered as dependent variables in multiple linear regression models. FEV1 correlated significantly with the physician score (rho = 0.42, P = 0.001), but not with patient score (rho = 0.03; P = 0.77). Use of neck accessory muscles, expiratory time and wheezing intensity were the explanatory variables in the FEV1 regression model and were also present in the physician score model. We conclude that physicians evaluate asthma exacerbation severity better than patients and that physician's scoring of asthma severity correlated significantly with objective measures of airway obstruction (FEV1). Some variables (the use of neck accessory muscles, expiratory time and wheezing intensity) persisted as explanatory variables in physician score and FEV1 regression models, and should be emphasized in medical schools and emergency settings.
  • Factors associated with emergency department visits due to acute asthma Cardiovascular, Respiratory And Sport Medicine

    Dalcin, P.T.R.; Piovesan, D.M.; Kang, S.; Fernandes, A.K.; Franciscatto, E.; Millan, T.; Hoffmann, C.; Innocente, C.; Pereira, R.P.; Menna Barreto, S.S.

    Abstract in English:

    It is important to identify characteristics related to poor disease control and frequent visits to the emergency department (ED). The objective of the present study was to compare the characteristics of patients attending the adult ED for treatment of asthma exacerbation with those attending an asthma specialist clinic (AC) in the same hospital, and to determine the factors associated with frequent visits to the ED. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of consecutive patients (12 years and older) attending the ED (N = 86) and the AC (N = 86). Significantly more ED patients than AC patients reported ED visits in the past year (95.3 vs 48.8%; P < 0.001) and had difficulty performing work (81.4 vs 49.4%; P < 0.001. Significantly more AC than ED patents had been treated with inhaled corticosteroids (75.6 vs 18.6%; P < 0.001) used to increase or start steroid therapy when an attack was perceived (46.5 vs 20.9%; P < 0.001) and correctly used a metered-dose inhaler (50.0 vs 11.6%; P < 0.001). The history of hospital admissions (odds ratio, OR, 4.00) and use of inhaled corticosteroids (OR, 0.27) were associated with frequent visits to the ED. In conclusion, ED patients were more likely than AC patients to be dependent on the acute use of the ED, were significantly less knowledgeable about asthma management and were more likely to suffer more severe disease. ED patients should be considered an important target for asthma education. Facilitating the access to ambulatory care facilities might serve to reduce asthma morbidity.
  • Clonal dissemination of VanA-type glycopeptide-resistant Enterococcus faecalis between hospitals of two cities located 100 km apart Infectious Agents And Diseases

    Moretti, M.L.; Bratfich, O.J.; Stucchi, R.B.; Levi, C.; Levin, A.S.; Duboc, G.M.; Vormittag, E.; Blum-Menezes, D.

    Abstract in English:

    Nosocomial dissemination of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci represents a major problem in hospitals worldwide. In Brazil, the dissemination among hospitals in the city of São Paulo of polyclonal DNA profiles was previously described for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. We describe here the dissemination of VanA phenotype E. faecalis between two hospitals located in different cities in the State of São Paulo. The index outbreak occurred in a tertiary care university hospital (HCUSP) in the city of São Paulo and three years later a cluster caused by the same strain was recognized in two patients hospitalized in a private tertiary care hospital (CMC) located 100 km away in the interior of the state. From May to July 1999, 10 strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from 10 patients hospitalized in the HCUSP. The DNA genotyping using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that all isolates were originated from the same clone, suggesting nosocomial dissemination. From May to July 2002, three strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from two patients hospitalized in CMC and both patients were colonized by the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in skin lesions. All isolates from CMC and HCUSP were highly resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin. The three strains from CMC had minimum inhibitory concentration >256 µg/ml for vancomycin, and 64 (CMC 1 and CMC 2) and 96 µg/ml (CMC 3) for teicoplanin, characterizing a profile of VanA resistance to glycopeptides. All strains had the presence of the transposon Tn1546 detected by PCR and were closely related when typed by PFGE. The dissemination of the E. faecalis VanA phenotype among hospitals located in different cities is of great concern because E. faecalis commonly colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of patients and healthy persons for periods varying from weeks to years, which, together with the persistence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in hospital rooms after standard cleaning procedures, increases the risk of the dissemination and reservoir of the bacteria.
  • Use of molecular epidemiology to monitor the nosocomial dissemination of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a University Hospital from 1991 to 2001 Infectious Agents And Diseases

    Beretta, A.L.R.Z.; Trabasso, P.; Stucchi, R.B.; Moretti, M.L.

    Abstract in English:

    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been the cause of major outbreaks and epidemics among hospitalized patients, with high mortality and morbidity rates. We studied the genomic diversity of MRSA strains isolated from patients with nosocomial infection in a University Hospital from 1991 to 2001. The study consisted of two periods: period I, from 1991 to 1993 and period II from 1995 to 2001. DNA was typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and the similarity among the MRSA strains was determined by cluster analysis. During period I, 73 strains presented five distinctive DNA profiles: A, B, C, D, and E. Profile A was the most frequent DNA pattern and was identified in 55 (75.3%) strains; three closely related and four possibly related profiles were also identified. During period II, 80 (68.8%) of 117 strains showed the same endemic profile A identified during period I, 18 (13.7%) closely related profiles and 18 (13.7%) possibly related profiles and, only one strain presented an unrelated profile. Cluster analysis showed a 96% coefficient of similarity between profile A from period I and profile A from period II, which were considered to be from the same clone. The molecular monitoring of MRSA strains permitted the determination of the clonal dissemination and the maintenance of a dominant endemic strain during a 10-year period and the presence of closely and possibly related patterns for endemic profile A. However, further studies are necessary to improve the understanding of the dissemination of the endemic profile in this hospital.
  • Normal expression of IFN-gammaR in four patients with uncommon mycobacterial infection phenotypes Infectious Agents And Diseases

    Rugeles, M.T.; Rincón, B.; Rugeles, C.; Montoya, C.J.; Hernández, M.; Estrada, C.; Olivares, M.M.; Patiño, P.J.

    Abstract in English:

    Several primary immunodeficiency diseases affecting the interleukin 12/interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) pathway have been identified, most of them characterized by recurrent and protracted infections produced by intracellular microorganisms, particularly by several species of mycobacteria. In the present study we analyzed the expression of IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gammaR) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT-1) in 4 children with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of uncommon clinical presentation. These molecules were evaluated by flow cytometry and Western blotting in B cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus and mutations were scanned by single-strand conformational polymorphisms and DNA sequencing. The expression of IFN-gammaR1 was normal in all 4 patients. The genetic analysis of IFN-gammaR1 and IFN-gammaR2 coding sequences did not reveal any mutation. The expression of the STAT-1 molecule was similar in patients and healthy controls; however, when the phosphorylation of this transcription factor in response to IFN-gamma activation was evaluated by Western blot, a significant lower signal was evident in one patient. These data indicate that there are no alterations in the expression or function of the IFN-gammaR chains in these patients. However, the low level of STAT-1 phosphorylation found in one of these patients might be explained by a defect in one of the molecules involved in the signal transduction pathway after IFN-gamma interacts with its receptor. In the other three patients the inability to eliminate the mycobacteria may be due to a defect in another effector mechanism of the mononuclear phagocytes.
  • Cyclophosphamide in the treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Kidney And Extracellular Environmental

    Martinelli, R.; Pereira, L.J.; Silva, O.M.M.; Okumura, A.S.; Rocha, H.

    Abstract in English:

    Prednisone is the initial treatment of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. However, when immunosuppressive agents in combination with steroids are used in the treatment of prednisone-dependent and prednisone-resistant patients the remission rate is variable. We report a long-term trial using cyclophosphamide (2.0 to 3.0 mg/kg body weight for 12 weeks) in combination with prednisone (1.0 to 2.0 mg/kg body weight), as compared with prednisone alone for the treatment of prednisone-resistant and frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Fifty-four patients (34 males and 20 females) with a diagnosis of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, followed-up for an average of 86.1 ± 82.4 months, were evaluated. Complete remission occurred in 20.4% and partial remission in 14.8% of the patients treated with steroids and in 26.7 and 20.0% of the patients treated with cyclophosphamide + prednisone, respectively. Of the 24 prednisone-resistant patients treated with steroids in combination with cyclophosphamide, 33.3% obtained a complete/partial response. At the time of final evaluation, 25% of the patients treated with prednisone and 10.0% of those treated with prednisone in combination with cyclophosphamide had reached end-stage renal disease. Persistent nephrotic syndrome and progressive renal insufficiency were more frequently observed among the patients treated with prednisone alone (50.0 vs 33.3% and 33.3 vs 16.7%, respectively). The treatments were well tolerated and no patient experienced adverse reactions requiring discontinuation of medications. Although open-label and non-randomized, the present trial showed that cyclophosphamide is a reasonable choice for the treatment of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and prednisone-resistant nephrotic syndrome.
  • Comparative study of IgA nephropathy with and without crescents Kidney And Extracellular Environmental

    Bitencourt-Dias, C.; Bahiense-Oliveira, M.; Saldanha, L.B.; Barros, R.T.; Woronik, V.

    Abstract in English:

    Glomerular crescents were analyzed as a prognostic factor in retrospectively reviewed data from 144 patients with biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy. Crescents were found in 26 (18%) patients, and detected in 2 to 100% of glomeruli in each specimen. In 5% of the patients more than 50% of the glomeruli were affected. Thirty patients with IgA nephropathy without crescents were studied as a control group. Mean age was 30.3 ± 9.4 and 30.2 ± 12.0 years for the patients with and without crescents, respectively, and males prevailed in both groups. The length of follow-up was 23.2 ± 41.6 months for patients with crescents and 29.3 ± 35.3 months for patients without crescents. Eighty percent of the patients with crescents were hypertensive, compared to 27% of the non-crescent control group (P < 0.05). Mean serum creatinine at the time of diagnosis was 3.9 ± 2.9 and 1.9 ± 2.1 mg/dl for the patients with and without crescents, respectively. Initial urinary protein excretion was higher in patients with crescents (4.6 ± 3.5 vs 1.2 ± 0.9 g/day; P < 0.05). At the end of follow-up 17 patients (77.3%) from the crescent group and 3 (11.1%) from the non-crescent group had end-stage renal disease (P < 0.0001). The presence of crescents was associated with higher levels of initial serum creatinine and urinary protein excretion, and a higher frequency of hypertension and progression to end-stage renal disease.
  • Response to an oral calcium load in nephrolithiasis patients with fluctuating parathyroid hormone and ionized calcium levels Kidney And Extracellular Environmental

    Gomes, S.A.; Lage, A.; Lazaretti-Castro, M.; Vieira, J.G.H.; Heilberg, I.P.

    Abstract in English:

    the response to an oral calcium load test was assessed in 17 hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis patients who presented elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) irrespective of the ionized calcium (sCa2+) levels. Blood samples were collected at baseline (0 min) and at 60 and 180 min after 1 g calcium load for serum PTH, total calcium, sCa2+, and 1.25(OH)2D3 determinations. According to the sCa2+ level at baseline, patients were classified as normocalcemic (N = 9) or hypercalcemic (N = 8). Six healthy subjects were also evaluated as controls. Bone mineral density was reduced in 14/17 patients. In the normocalcemic group, mean PTH levels at 0, 60 and 180 min (95 ± 76, 56 ± 40, 57 ± 45 pg/ml, respectively) did not differ from the hypercalcemic group (130 ± 75, 68 ± 35, 80 ± 33 pg/ml) but were significantly higher compared to healthy subjects despite a similar elevation in sCa2+ after 60 and 180 min vs baseline in all 3 groups. Mean total calcium and 1.25(OH)2D3 were similar in the 3 groups. Additionally, we observed that 5 of 9 normocalcemic patients presented a significantly higher concentration-time curve for serum PTH (AUC0',60',180') than the other 4 patients and the healthy subjects, suggesting a primary parathyroid dysfunction. These data suggest that the individual response to an oral calcium load test may be a valuable dynamic tool to disclose a subtle primary hyperparathyroidism in patients with high PTH and fluctuating sCa2+ levels, avoiding repeated measurements of both parameters.
  • Contrast sensitivity threshold measured by sweep-visual evoked potential in term and preterm infants at 3 and 10 months of age Neonatal Medicine, Growth And Development

    Oliveira, A.G.F.; Costa, M.F.; Souza, J.M. de; Ventura, D.F.

    Abstract in English:

    Although healthy preterm infants frequently seem to be more attentive to visual stimuli and to fix on them longer than full-term infants, no difference in visual acuity has been reported compared to term infants. We evaluated the contrast sensitivity (CS) function of term (N = 5) and healthy preterm (N = 11) infants at 3 and 10 months of life using sweep-visual evoked potentials. Two spatial frequencies were studied: low (0.2 cycles per degrees, cpd) and medium (4.0 cpd). The mean contrast sensitivity (expressed in percentage of contrast) of the preterm infants at 3 months was 55.4 for the low spatial frequency (0.2 cpd) and 43.4 for the medium spatial frequency (4.0 cpd). At 10 months the low spatial CS was 52.7 and the medium spatial CS was 9.9. The results for the term infants at 3 months were 55.1 for the low spatial frequency and 34.5 for the medium spatial frequency. At 10 months the equivalent values were 54.3 and 14.4, respectively. No difference was found using the Mann-Whitney rank sum T-test between term and preterm infants for the low frequency at 3 or 10 months or for the medium spatial frequency at 3 or 10 months. The development of CS for the medium spatial frequency was equally fast for term and preterm infants. As also observed for visual acuity, CS was equivalent among term and preterm infants, suggesting that visual experience does not modify the development of the primary visual pathway. An earlier development of synapses in higher cortical visual areas of preterm infants could explain the better use of visual information observed behaviorally in these infants.
  • Immunoexpression of CD95 in chronic gastritis and gastric mucosa-associated lymphomas Oncology

    Vassallo, J.; Godoy Jr., C.E.; Godoy, C.E.; Chagas, C.A.; Metze, K.; Trevisan, M.A.S.

    Abstract in English:

    CD95 (Fas/APO-1)-mediated apoptosis plays an important role in immunological regulation and is related to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Immunoexpression of CD95 has been reported to frequently occur in low grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas, especially of post-germinal center histogenesis, among which those originating in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphomas). However, there is no report comparing in situ immunoexpression of this marker in lymphomas and the hyperplastic lymphoid reaction (chronic gastritis) related to Helicobacter pylori infection. The purpose of the present research was to compare the intensity of lymphoid CD95 immunoexpression in 15 cases of H. pylori-related chronic gastritis and 15 gastric MALT lymphomas. CD95 (anti-CD95) was detected by an immunoperoxidase technique in paraffin sections using the catalyzed amplification system. Graduation of reaction intensity (percentage of CD95-positive cells) was semiquantitative, from 1+ to 4+. Nine cases of chronic gastritis were 4+, five 2+ and one 1+. Three lymphomas were 4+, three 3+, four 2+, four 1+, and one was negative. Although 14 of 15 lymphomas were positive for CD95, the intensity of the reaction was significantly weaker compared to that obtained with gastric tissue for patients with gastritis (P = 0.03). The difference in CD95 immunoexpression does not seem to be useful as an isolated criterion in the differential diagnosis between chronic gastritis and MALT lymphomas since there was overlapping of immunostaining patterns. However, it suggests the possibility of a pathogenetic role of this apoptosis-regulating protein in MALT lymphomas.
  • The relationship between salivary cortisol concentrations and anxiety in adolescent and non-adolescent pregnant women Reproductive Medicine

    Rondó, P.H.C.; Vaz, A.J.; Moraes, F.; Tomkins, A.

    Abstract in English:

    The main purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between salivary cortisol concentrations and self-report anxiety in 50 adolescent and 178 non-adolescent women during the last month of pregnancy. The subjects were randomly selected from a previous study involving women who attended antenatal care from September 1997 to August 2000 at 17 health services in Southeast Brazil. Salivary cortisol was measured with an enzyme immunoassay kit, and anxiety was assessed by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventories (STAI) of Spielberger. After saliva collection, the participants completed the STAI. Mean concentrations of cortisol for both pregnant adolescents (14.17 ± 6.78 nmol/l) and non-adolescents (13.81 ± 8.51 nmol/l) were similar (P = 0.89). Forty-three percent of the pregnant adolescents and 30.5% of the non-adolescents felt anxious at the time of being questioned (State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) scores >40; P = 0.06). Cortisol concentrations in adolescents were negatively related to the SAI scores (r = -0.39; P = 0.01) which assess a temporary condition of anxiety. There was a statistically significant difference in mean cortisol concentrations between adolescents with low (<=40) and high (>40) SAI scores (P = 0.03, t-test), but no differences for non-adolescents. The negative relationship between salivary cortisol concentrations and anxiety scores in adolescents may be due to puberty-related hormone differences during this period of life. Pregnant adolescents may possess unique biological or psychological characteristics compared to adults and non-pregnant adolescents. Thus, we need to know more about the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis of pregnant adolescents.
  • Brazilian version of the Berg balance scale Skeletal, Muscle And Nervous Systems

    Miyamoto, S.T.; Lombardi Junior, I.; Berg, K.O.; Ramos, L.R.; Natour, J.

    Abstract in English:

    The purpose of the present study was to translate and adapt the Berg balance scale, an instrument for functional balance assessment, to Brazilian-Portuguese and to determine the reliability of scores obtained with the Brazilian adaptation. Two persons proficient in English independently translated the original scale into Brazilian-Portuguese and a consensus version was generated. Two translators performed a back translation. Discrepancies were discussed and solved by a panel. Forty patients older than 65 years and 40 therapists were included in the cultural adaptation phase. If more than 15% of therapists or patients reported difficulty in understanding an item, that item was reformulated and reapplied. The final Brazilian version was then tested on 36 elderly patients (over age 65). The average age was 72 years. Reliability of the measure was assessed twice by one physical therapist (1-week interval between assessments) and once by one independent physical therapist. Descriptive analysis was used to characterize the patients. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Pearson's correlation coefficient were computed to assess intra- and interobserver reliability. Six questions were modified during the translation stage and cultural adaptation phase. The ICC for intra- and interobserver reliability was 0.99 (P < 0.001) and 0.98 (P < 0.001), respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient for intra- and interobserver reliability was 0.98 (P < 0.001) and 0.97 (P < 0.001), respectively. We conclude that the Brazilian version of the Berg balance scale is a reliable instrument to be used in balance assessment of elderly Brazilian patients.
  • Correlation between serum E-selectin levels and panoramic nailfold capillaroscopy in systemic sclerosis Skin And Connective Tissue Diseases

    Valim, V.; Assis, L.S.S.; Simões, M.F.J.; Trevisani, V.F.M.; Pucinelli, M.L.C.; Andrade, L.E.C.

    Abstract in English:

    E-selectin is expressed by the activated endothelium and its plasma levels are increased in patients with systemic sclerosis. Eighteen patients fulfilling the American Rheumatism Association criteria for systemic sclerosis, 15 females and 3 males, 42-70 years old, 9 with diffuse and 9 with limited forms, were sequentially recruited for this study. Serum E-selectin levels were determined by commercially available ELISA and their association with nailfold capillaroscopic abnormalities was investigated. Nailfold capillaries were analyzed by 16X magnification wide-field capillaroscopy. Two parameters on capillaroscopy were used to correlate to serum E-selectin: deletion and ectasia. Data were analyzed statistically by the Student t-test and Spearman correlation. Two-tailed P values below 0.05 were considered significant. E-selectin range was 38 to 200 ng/ml (80 ± 39.94). There was a correlation between serum E-selectin levels and the deletion capillaroscopic score (r = 0.50, P < 0.035). This correlation was even stronger within the first 48 months of diagnosis (r = 0.63, P < 0.048). On the other hand, no association was observed between selectin and ectasia. Patients with diffuse disease presented higher serum E-selectin levels than patients with limited disease, although the difference was not statistically significant (96.44 ± 48.04 vs 63.56 ± 21.77 ng/dl; P = 0.08). The present study is the first showing a correlation between soluble serum E-selectin levels and alterations in capillaroscopy. The stronger correlation of deletion score in capillaroscopy in early disease suggests that serum E-selectin levels might be a useful biochemical marker of disease activity in systemic sclerosis.
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