Open-access Activity of natural radionuclides and their contribution to the absorbed dose in the fish cubera snapper (lutjanus cyanopterus, cuvier, 1828) on the coast of Ceara, Brazil


A methodology was developed for converting the activity concentration of radionuclides (Bq kg-1) into absorbed dose rate (Gy y-1), aiming an approach to environmental radioprotection based on the concept of standard dose limit. The model considers only the internal absorbed dose rate. This methodology was applied to the cubera snapper fish (Lutjanus cyanopterus, Cuvier, 1828) caught off the coast of Ceará. The natural radionuclides considered were uranium-238, radium-226, lead-210, thorium-232 and radium-228. The absorbed dose rates were calculated for individual radionuclides and the type of emitted radiation. The average dose rate due to these radionuclides was 5.36 µGy y-1, a value six orders of magnitude smaller than the threshold value of absorbed dose rate used in this study (3.65 10³ mGy y-1), and similar to that found in the literature for benthic fish. Ra-226 and U-238 contributed 67% and 22% of the absorbed dose rate, followed by Th-232 with 10%. Ra-228 and Pb-210, in turn, accounted for less than 1% of the absorbed dose rate. This distribution is somewhat different from that reported in the literature, where the Ra-226 accounts for 86% of the absorbed dose rate.

Environmental radioactivity; Environmental radioprotection; Biota dose; Natural radionuclides; Cubera snapper

Visando a radioproteção ambiental, baseada no conceito de limite de taxa de dose absorvida, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de conversão da concentração de atividade de radionuclídeos (Bq kg-1) em taxa de dose absorvida (Gy a-1). O modelo considera apenas a taxa de dose absorvida interna. Essa metodologia foi aplicada ao peixe vermelho-caranho (Lutjanus cyanopterus, Cuvier, 1828) capturado na costa do Ceará e aos radionuclídeos naturais: urânio-238, rádio-226, chumbo-210, tório-232 e rádio-228. As taxas de dose absorvidas foram calculadas por radionuclídeo e por tipo de radiação emitida. A taxa de dose média devida a esses radionuclídeos foi de 5.36 µGy a-1, valor seis ordens de grandeza menor que o valor de limite de taxa de dose absorvida utilizada no presente trabalho (3.65 10³ mGy a-1), e similar ao encontrado na literatura para peixes bentônicos. Ra-226 e U-238 contribuíram com 67% e 22% da taxa de dose absorvida, seguidos de Th-232 com 10%. Já Ra-228 e Pb-210 respondem por menos de 1% da taxa de dose absorvida. Essa distribuição é um pouco diferente do relatado na literatura, onde Ra-226 responde por 86% da taxa de dose absorvida.

Radioatividade ambiental; Radioproteção ambiental; Dose na biota; Radionuclídeos naturais; Vermelho-caranho


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Feb 2011
  • Date of issue


  • Reviewed
    14 Apr 2010
  • Received
    03 June 2009
  • Accepted
    07 June 2010
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico Praça do Oceanográfico, 191 , 05508-120 Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-6501, Fax: (55 11) 3032-3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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