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Primary oral leiomyosarcoma of the maxillary bone and sinus: case report and up-to-date review of literature


Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a mesenchymal malignancy of smooth muscle, which accounts for 1%–4% of head and neck sarcomas.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5. The involvement of the oral cavity is considered extremely rare.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7. Due to the lack of smooth muscle tissue in the oral cavity, it has been suggested that LMS arise from smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel walls, circumvallate papillae of the tongue, neuromuscular bundles, myoepithelial cells or pluripotent undifferentiated mesenchymal cells.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,44 Azevedo RS, Pires FR, Gouvêa AF, Lopes MA, Jorge J. Leiomyosarcomas of the oral cavity: Report of a radiation-associated and a metastatic case. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012;16:227–32.

Clinically, sarcomas of the oral cavity show nonspecific signs and symptoms and can appear as primary tumors, radiation-associated tumors or metastatic tumors.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,44 Azevedo RS, Pires FR, Gouvêa AF, Lopes MA, Jorge J. Leiomyosarcomas of the oral cavity: Report of a radiation-associated and a metastatic case. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012;16:227–32.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33. Biopsy, histological examination and immunohistochemical staining are mandatory to achieve a definitive diagnosis.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33.

The aim of this study was to report a case of maxillary LMS and to perform a review of literature including papers describing LMS of the oral cavity.


An electronic search in PubMed (National Library of Medicine) was performed including the previous reported cases of primary oral leiomyosarcoma from the year 2000 to March 2021. The terms ‘‘oral leiomyosarcoma’’ (295 results), ‘‘leiomyosarcoma tongue’’ (28 results), ‘‘leiomyosarcoma maxilla’’ (23 results), ‘‘leiomyosarcoma mandible’’ (31 results) and ‘‘leiomyosarcoma buccal’’ (13 results) were used. Cases were considered as ‘‘oral’’ if they primarily arose in mandible, maxillary bone, gingiva, buccal mucosa, lips, palate, tongue, and floor of the mouth. Only the article in English language were included in the final analysis. We excluded the articles which did not report complete immunohistochemical data related to LMS diagnosis. We included only the cases of primary oral LMS which stated, within the abstract or the manuscript, the immunohistochemical positivity for Smooth Muscle Actin (SMA) or at least for two of these markers: muscle specific actin (HHF35), desmin, h-caldesmon.66 El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg P. WHO Classification Head and Neck Tumors. 4th ed. IARC Press; 2017. When the full-text was not available, we directly contacted the authors.

Case report and literature review

A 67-year-old man presented at the oral medicine department for oral growing-mass, which caused difficult in feeding and speaking. The patient reported the first occurrence of a small swelling on the premaxilla’s palatal side approximately three months before, but he did not seek medical care due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. He reported sporadic bleeding episodes and progressive increasing of lesion’s dimensions up to our observation. The clinical history was negative for systemic diseases and drug intake.

At the clinical examination, the patient showed impairment in speaking, due to a large painless brownish-reddish mass, which appeared bilobular and firm at palpation. The lesion had a total longitudinal size of 6 cm, it was extended at the buccal side of the premaxilla, covering the hard palate, and incorporating the teeth (Fig. 1). Orthopantomography and CT revealed a wide area of osteolysis of the maxillary and palatal bones, which bilaterally involved the nasal fossa and the right maxillary sinus and caused the dental root resorption (Fig. 2). Putative clinical diagnosis included mesenchymal tumors, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, hematologic or bone malignancies.77 Lombardi N, Varoni E, Sardella A, Lodi G. Oral Kaposi’s sarcoma in a HIV-negative young patient. Oral Oncol. 2020;103:104567.,88 Lombardi N, Flora A, Franchini R, Sorrentino D, Lodi G, Varoni EM. Gingival localisation of extramedullary multiple myeloma. Lancet Oncol. 2019;20:e653.,99 Lombardi N, Varoni EM, Sorrentino D, Nicali A, Lodi G. Growing gingival mass in a patient affected by hyperparathyroidism. J Am Dent Assoc. 2022;153(6):582–7. Multiple incisional biopsies led to the histopathological diagnosis of high-grade leiomyosarcoma. Immunohistochemical profile of the lesion was positive for smooth-muscle-actin and muscle-specific antigen (HHF-35), shows minor-degree expression for desmin and was negative for S-100 protein (Fig. 3). Positron emission tomography showed large enhancing maxillary lesion (SUVmax 15.8), and few areas, putatively inflammatory, localized at the esophagus and mediastinum (SUVmax 2.2) (Fig. 2). Because of the patient’s good systemic condition (ECOG Performance Status scale grade 1), two cycles of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with ifosfamide, doxorubicin and mesna were performed, before surgery, with subsequent reduction of tumour’s size. Total maxillectomy (with free resection margins) followed by cervical lymphadenectomy and reconstruction with fibula-free flap was performed (Fig. 4). After surgical resection, the patient received three further cycles of doxorubicin and dacarbazine, as adjuvant chemotherapy. The patient is currently on follow-up and, eight-months after surgery, he does not show clinical or radiological signs of recurrence (Fig. 4).

Figure 1
Clinical picture of a large growing mass of the upper maxilla extended on both buccal and palatal sides (A; B).

Figure 2
Wide maxillary osteolytic lesion associated with dental root resorption and involvement of the right maxillary sinus: orthopantomography (a), axial CT (b), 3D reconstruction (c) and PET (d) images.

Figure 3
Hematoxylin and eosin stains show, under the oral epithelium, a sarcomatous proliferation characterized by fascicles of medium/large size spindle cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and well-defined cell borders (A). The nuclei are spindle or oval with mild to marked atypia. Both typical and atypical mitotic activity is easily found together a mild lymphocytic infiltrate without necrosis. Immunochemistry shows diffuse expression of smooth muscle actin (B) and HHF35 (C), and desmin (D) at a minor degree.

Figure 4
Total maxillectomy and reconstruction with fibula free flap: orthopantomography (A) and 3D-CT images (B); clinical picture at follow-up examination, 6-months after surgical treatment (C).

Table 1 listed the cases found according to this literature review. A total of 73 cases of oral primary LMS have been identified, 42 (57.5%) in women and 31 (42.5%) in men, with a median age of 48 years old. Oral LMS arose in 35 (48%) cases from the soft tissues and in 38 (52%) cases from the hard tissues (Table 2).

Table 1
Reported cases of oral primary leiomyosarcomas in the last two decades, excluding three manuscripts for which the full text was not available and the immunohistochemical details were not provided in the abstract (modified from).33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.
Table 2
Distribution of the LMS reported cases considering the arising tissues.


Leiomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor of smooth muscle derivation which account for 5%–10% of all soft tissue sarcomas.33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,1010 Crossman T, Ward P, Herold J. Leiomyosarcoma of the tongue: a case report. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;46:e69–70. LMS frequently affects the retro-peritoneal region, the uterus and the gastrointestinal tract.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. Oral LMS are extremely rare, accounting for 0.64% of all LMS and for 5.7% of head and neck LMS.55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. The jawbones appear the most frequently affected oral sites (70% of cases) followed by tongue, buccal mucosa, soft palate, upper lip and floor of the mouth,11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81.,1212 Vilos GA, RapidisAD, Lagogiannis GD, Apostolidis C. Leiomyosarcomas of the oral tissues: Clinicopathologic analysis of 50 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;63:1461–77. although a recent systematic review, which reported published case of intra-oral LMS up to 2017, found that soft tissues were more frequently involved than bone.33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7. Oral LMS can occur at any age, commonly in the 5–7th decades, with similar gender incidence rate (M:F, 11:9).33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. Clinically, it appears as a growing mass, painless and firm, which infiltrate the surrounding tissues with no pathognomonic signs.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.

Due to its rarity, oral LMS can be misdiagnosed with other common benign lesions before biopsy.1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. Moreover, due to overlapping histological features between different types of head and neck sarcomas, this lesion could be also misclassified for other more common spindle cell tumors of the oral cavity.33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33.,1313 Lombardi N, Varoni Em, Bazzacchi R, Moneghini L, Lodi G. Secondary undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the mandible in a HIV patient who underwent radiotherapy for oral carcinoma. Spec Care Dent. 2021;41:417–22. For this reason, histological examination associated with immunohistochemical confirmation is mandatory to obtain a definitive diagnosis of oral LMS.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81.,1313 Lombardi N, Varoni Em, Bazzacchi R, Moneghini L, Lodi G. Secondary undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the mandible in a HIV patient who underwent radiotherapy for oral carcinoma. Spec Care Dent. 2021;41:417–22.

Surgical resection with tumour-free margins is widely accepted as the treatment of choice for oral LMS.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. In cases where the anatomical location of tumor does not allow radical surgical intervention, radiotherapy and administration of neoadjuvant/adjuvant chemotherapy may improve survival time and decrease or delay the recurrence rate.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. However, no standard of care is still available.22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.

The prognosis for oral LMS is poor, associated with a high rate of recurrence (42% for high-grade LMS within 2 years from surgery) and regional or distant metastasis.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33. Unfavorable clinical course is related to several factors, such as delayed diagnosis, tumor size (larger than 4cm), histopathological high-grade (poorly-differentiated), site (bone involvement and extension into paranasal sinuses), lymphatic or hematogenous dissemination, positive surgical margins.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.,33 Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.,55 Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33. The estimated 5-years survival rate for primary oral LMS range from 55% to 61%.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,1212 Vilos GA, RapidisAD, Lagogiannis GD, Apostolidis C. Leiomyosarcomas of the oral tissues: Clinicopathologic analysis of 50 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;63:1461–77.,1414 Ethunandan M, Stokes C, Higgins B, Spedding A, Way C, Brennan P. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: a clinico-pathologic study and analysis of prognostic factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007;36:409–16. Periodic follow-up examinations are mandatory for an early diagnosis of any signs of recurrence.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81.

In the case presented above, the delayed diagnosis is associated with an increased size of the tumor and a subsequent more aggressive surgical intervention; it is not possible to establish how much the delayed diagnosis could have influenced the prognosis for the patient. However, on our experience during the first months of COVID pandemic, patients were often more scared of contracting COVID-infection in the hospital rather than their neoplastic disease.1515 Sardella A, Varoni E, Carrassi A, Pispero A, Lombardi N, Lodi G. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? The experience of an Oral Medicine Unit in the time of Corona-Virus. Oral Dis. 2021;27 Suppl 3:766–7.


Even if extremely rare, LMS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of oral growing-mass. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to reduce the risk of recurrence and guarantee better prognosis. Periodic follow-up examinations are mandatory to identify early any signs of recurrence.11 Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.,22 Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.,1111 Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81. Due to the rarity of oral LMS further studies are necessary to better characterize this disease.

  • Institution’s ethics committee
    Institution’s ethics committee approval is not required for the case report.
    The study was conducted in compliance with the recognized international standards, including the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
  • Patient’s informed consent
    Data and samples were collected under patient’s informed written consent, guaranteeing anonymity.
  • Funding
    The authors received no specific funding for this work. No funds, grants, or other support were received.


  • 1
    Suárez-Alén F, Otero-Rey E, Peñamaría-Mallõn M, García-García A, Blanco-Carriõn A. Oral leiomyosarcoma: the importance of early diagnosis. Gerodontology. 2015;32:314–7.
  • 2
    Saluja TS, Iyer J, Singh SK. Leiomyosarcoma: prognostic outline of a rare head and neck malignancy. Oral Oncol. 2019;95:100–5.
  • 3
    Ko E. Primary oral leiomyosarcoma: A systematic review and update. J Oral Pathol Med. 2019;48(9):780–7.
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    Azevedo RS, Pires FR, Gouvêa AF, Lopes MA, Jorge J. Leiomyosarcomas of the oral cavity: Report of a radiation-associated and a metastatic case. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012;16:227–32.
  • 5
    Ko EM, McHugh JB. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the buccal mucosa: report of a case and review of the literature. Head Neck Pathol. 2018;12:529–33.
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    El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg P. WHO Classification Head and Neck Tumors. 4th ed. IARC Press; 2017.
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    Lombardi N, Varoni E, Sardella A, Lodi G. Oral Kaposi’s sarcoma in a HIV-negative young patient. Oral Oncol. 2020;103:104567.
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    Lombardi N, Flora A, Franchini R, Sorrentino D, Lodi G, Varoni EM. Gingival localisation of extramedullary multiple myeloma. Lancet Oncol. 2019;20:e653.
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    Lombardi N, Varoni EM, Sorrentino D, Nicali A, Lodi G. Growing gingival mass in a patient affected by hyperparathyroidism. J Am Dent Assoc. 2022;153(6):582–7.
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    Crossman T, Ward P, Herold J. Leiomyosarcoma of the tongue: a case report. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;46:e69–70.
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    Choi YS, Almansoori AA, Jung TY, Lee JI, Kim SM, Lee JH. Leiomyosarcoma of the jaw: Case series. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;46:275–81.
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    Vilos GA, RapidisAD, Lagogiannis GD, Apostolidis C. Leiomyosarcomas of the oral tissues: Clinicopathologic analysis of 50 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;63:1461–77.
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    Lombardi N, Varoni Em, Bazzacchi R, Moneghini L, Lodi G. Secondary undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the mandible in a HIV patient who underwent radiotherapy for oral carcinoma. Spec Care Dent. 2021;41:417–22.
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    Sardella A, Varoni E, Carrassi A, Pispero A, Lombardi N, Lodi G. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? The experience of an Oral Medicine Unit in the time of Corona-Virus. Oral Dis. 2021;27 Suppl 3:766–7.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Jan 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 Feb 2021
  • Accepted
    19 July 2021
  • Published
    17 Oct 2021
Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Sede da Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico Facial, Av. Indianópolia, 1287, 04063-002 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (0xx11) 5053-7500, Fax: (0xx11) 5053-7512 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil