The harvestmen fauna of the Floresta Nacional de Ipanema (FLONA Ipanema) and Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PE Carlos Botelho) were inventoried using nocturnal manual collection and sifting of litter. Fourteen species were recorded from the FLONA Ipanema, a richness and diversity higher than those previously reported for other localities in Atlantic Semi-deciduous Forest. The PE Carlos Botelho, with 38 recorded species, is the third richest site for harvestmen in the state of São Paulo. The estimates of species richness place the FLONA Ipanema with a richness of locations near the Coastal Atlantic Rain Forest. A similarity analysis showed that the areas possess only a few species in common, indicated by the very low of similarities indexes, showing the high level of endemism of harvestmen species. The similarities in harvestmen composition were related to the distance between the areas. PE Carlos Botelho showed high similarity with the Parque da Onça Parda (only 5 km away) and with other areas of Coastal Atlantic Rain Forest. The FLONA Ipanema showed low similarity indexes with the other areas analyzed. In a DCA analysis, PE Carlos Botelho forms a group with other areas of Coastal Atlantic Rain Forest and FLONA Ipanema is placed in an intermediate position between the areas of Coastal Atlantic Rain Forest and areas of Atlantic Semi-deciduous Forest and Cerrado.
diversity; Atlantic Semi-deciduous Forest; Coastal Atlantic Rain Forest; conservation units