Information on the cerrado vascular flora of the municipality of Bauru has been provided in lists of floristic surveys carried out in fragments of this vegetation type at different times, applying different criteria, and conforming to current taxonomic classifications. We organized this information according to APG III and revised synonymies, aiming at producing a single floristic list of species occurring in cerrado sensu lato or ecotonal areas (transitions between cerrado and seasonal forest) in municipality of Bauru to inform conservation proposals. For this purpose, we referred to all floristic lists of vascular plants found in cerrado fragments in Bauru and to botanic material collected and deposited in the herbaria of the Department of Biological Sciences, School of Sciences, Bauru Campus, UNESP (UNBA), and of the Bauru Botanical Garden (JBMB). We recorded 371 species from 78 families. Fabaceae was the richest in species. We also indicated each mentioned species’ habit and the vegetation types where plants occur in the municipality.
floristics; savanna; plant survey
Informações relativas è flora vascular do cerrado do município de Bauru foram divulgadas em listas de levantamentos florísticos obtidas em fragmentos dessa vegetação em diferentes épocas, critérios e obedecendo ès classificações taxonômicas vigentes. Organizamos tais informações, adotando o sistema APG III e revendo as sinonímias, com o objetivo de produzir uma lista florística única, com espécies que ocorrem no cerrado sentido amplo ou áreas ecotonais (transições entre cerrado e floresta estacional) do município de Bauru, para subsidiar propostas de conservação. Para isso, consultamos todas as listas florísticas conhecidas de plantas vasculares em fragmentos de cerrado do município de Bauru e material botânico coletado e depositado nos herbários do Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Faculdade de Ciências, Câmpus de Bauru, UNESP (UNBA) e do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru (JBMB). Registramos 371 espécies, pertencentes a 78 famílias. Fabaceae foi a mais rica em espécie. Indicamos o hábito de cada espécie e os tipos de vegetação em que ela ocorre no município.
florística; savana; inventário de plantas
The Cerrado has a highly diverse flora, estimated at ten thousand species of higher plants (Ratter 2004RATTER, J.A. 2004. Prefácio. In Plantas do cerrado paulista: imagens de uma paisagem ameaçada (G. Durigan, J.B. Baitello, G.A.D.C. Franco & M.F. Siqueira, aut.). Páginas & Letras Editora e Gráfica, São Paulo, p.vii-viii.), hosting also a high diversity of other organisms from different taxa. This ecosystem shows a high diversity of relationships among organisms and between organisms and the abiotic environment where they occur. According to Coutinho (2002)COUTINHO, L.M. 2002. O bioma do cerrado. In Eugen Warming e o cerrado brasileiro: um século depois (A.L. Klein, org.). Editora da UNESP and Imprensa Oficial do Estado, São Paulo, p.77-91., only the Amazon and Atlantic forests exceed the Brazilian Cerrado in species richness.
The importance of Cerrado in Brazil lies unquestionably on its high biodiversity (Bitencourt 2004BITENCOURT, M.D. 2004. Diagnóstico cartográfico dos remanescentes de cerrado em São Paulo. In Viabilidade de conservação dos remanescentes de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo (M.D. Bitencourt & R.R. Mendonça, orgs.). Annablume and Fapesp, São Paulo, p.17-28.). The municipality of Bauru is located in a climatic zone intermediate between tropical and southern temperate, which gives its ecosystems a different feature from that of the Cerrado core area regarding adaptation (Cavassan et al. 2006CAVASSAN, O., PINHEIRO da SILVA, P.G & SENICIATO, T. 2006. O ensino de Ciências, a biodiversidade e o cerrado. In Divulgação científica e ensino de Ciências: estudos e experiências. (E.S.N.N. Araújo, J.J. Caluzi & A.M.A. Caldeira, orgs.). Escrituras Editora, São Paulo, p. 190-219. (Educação para Ciência, v. 7).), especially because of occasional frosts, which do not occur in the central-north part of this biome (Cavassan 2002CAVASSAN, O. 2002. O cerrado do Estado de São Paulo. In Eugen Warming e o cerrado brasileiro: um século depois (A.L. Klein, org.). Editora da UNESP and Imprensa Oficial do Estado, São Paulo, p.93-106., Durigan et al. 2004DURIGAN, G., FRANCO, G.A.D.C. & SIQUEIRA, M.F. 2004. A vegetação dos remanescentes de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo. In Viabilidade de conservação dos remanescentes de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo (M.D. Bitencourt & R.R. Mendonça, orgs.). Annablume and Fapesp, São Paulo, p.29-56.).
At present, cerrado remnants in the state of São Paulo are disjunct fragments. Few of these fragments are protected within state conservation units (Cavassan 2002CAVASSAN, O. 2002. O cerrado do Estado de São Paulo. In Eugen Warming e o cerrado brasileiro: um século depois (A.L. Klein, org.). Editora da UNESP and Imprensa Oficial do Estado, São Paulo, p.93-106.). In the state of São Paulo, the cerrado is distributed mainly in the Peripheral Depression, from north to south, along the line of the Basaltic Cuestas, expanding to some regions of the Western Plateau (Durigan et al. 2004DURIGAN, G., FRANCO, G.A.D.C. & SIQUEIRA, M.F. 2004. A vegetação dos remanescentes de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo. In Viabilidade de conservação dos remanescentes de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo (M.D. Bitencourt & R.R. Mendonça, orgs.). Annablume and Fapesp, São Paulo, p.29-56.), where it is distributed in mosaics between seasonal forest and riparian formations in the valleys. In this paper, we consider as riparian formations those adjacent to bodies of water (Rodrigues 2000RODRIGUES, R.R. 2000. Uma discussão nomenclatural das formações ciliares. In Matas ciliares: conservação e recuperação. (R.R. Rodrigues & H.F. Leitão-Filho, eds.). Editora da Universidade de São Paulo/Fapesp, São Paulo, p. 91-99.). The same distribution is observed in the Bauru region (Cavassan 2013CAVASSAN, O. 2013. Bauru: terra de cerrado ou floresta? Ciênc. Geogr. 17(1): 45-53.). Durigan et al. (2003)DURIGAN, G., RATTER, J.A., BRIDGEWATER, S., SIQUEIRA, M.F. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2003. Padrões fitogeográficos do cerrado paulista sob uma nova perspectiva regional. Hoehnea 30(1):39-51. discussed cerrado phytogeographical patterns in São Paulo from a regional perspective and demonstrated the existence of two floristic groups: eastern cerrados, together with open physiognomies in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás and the Triângulo Mineiro; and western cerradões (woodland savannas), located basically in the state of São Paulo. According to Durigan et al. (2003)DURIGAN, G., RATTER, J.A., BRIDGEWATER, S., SIQUEIRA, M.F. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2003. Padrões fitogeográficos do cerrado paulista sob uma nova perspectiva regional. Hoehnea 30(1):39-51., the cerrado of the municipality of Bauru belongs to the latter group.
The transition between different cerrado physiognomies and seasonal forests in the state of São Paulo occurs, in general, in a gradient of different extensions (Durigan et al. 2012DURIGAN, G., RAMOS, V.S., IVANAUSKAS, N.M. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2012. Espécies indicadoras de fitofisionomias na transição Cerrado-Mata Atlântica no estado de São Paulo. SMA and CBRN, São Paulo.), not always clearly limited. This often hinders the identification and delimitation of cerrado areas, especially during supervision or vegetation management processes. According to Durigan et al. (2012)DURIGAN, G., RAMOS, V.S., IVANAUSKAS, N.M. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2012. Espécies indicadoras de fitofisionomias na transição Cerrado-Mata Atlântica no estado de São Paulo. SMA and CBRN, São Paulo., the vegetation floristic structure is important in its classification.
Just as it is difficult to establish the limits between cerradovegetations and seasonal forests in Bauru, it is not safe to define which plant species are typical of each of these plant formations. For this reason, this article aims at building a single table of tracheophyte plant species based on species occurrence in fragments considered cerrado sensu lato or in ecotonal areas (transitions between cerrado and seasonal forest), in addition to recording the existence of these species in other vegetation types in the municipality of Bauru.
Material and Methods
Bauru is located in the central-west region of the state of São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil. The climate is highland tropical, type Cwa, according to Koeppen (1948)KOEPPEN, W. 1948. Climatología. Fondo de Cult. Economica, Mexico., with an average yearly rainfall of 1262.9 mm between 2001 and 2014 (Emídio 2014EMĺDIO, C.P.O. 2014. Estações do ano. IPMet, Bauru. http://www.ipmet.unesp.br/4estacoes/ (last access on May 6, 2015).
), featuring dry and mild winters - minimum average temperature of 13.6 oC and maximum average temperature of 25.7 oC (Emídio 2014EMĺDIO, C.P.O. 2014. Estações do ano. IPMet, Bauru. http://www.ipmet.unesp.br/4estacoes/ (last access on May 6, 2015).
) - and rainy summers with moderately high temperatures, with the maximum average temperature occurring after the summer solstice (Cavassan et al. 1984CAVASSAN, O., CESAR, O. & MARTINS, F.R. 1984. Fitossociologia da vegetação arbórea da reserva estadual de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Bras. Bot. 7(1):91-106.) - minimum average temperature of 19.8 oC and maximum average temperature of 30.4 oC (Emídio 2014EMĺDIO, C.P.O. 2014. Estações do ano. IPMet, Bauru. http://www.ipmet.unesp.br/4estacoes/ (last access on May 6, 2015).
). In this region, soil types are Dark Red Latosol, sandy phase, and Red Yellow Acrisol, generally found in steeper hillsides, both with medium to sandy texture, probably derived from the Bauru sandstone (Cavassan et al. 1984CAVASSAN, O., CESAR, O. & MARTINS, F.R. 1984. Fitossociologia da vegetação arbórea da reserva estadual de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Bras. Bot. 7(1):91-106.).
Bauru has a vegetation complex composed of cerrado, mostly represented by cerradão (woodland savanna). This vegetation type prevails in southeastern interfluvial areas. In the valleys, the vegetation types are swamp grasslands of cerrado and permanently flooded riparian forests (Rodrigues 2000RODRIGUES, R.R. 2000. Uma discussão nomenclatural das formações ciliares. In Matas ciliares: conservação e recuperação. (R.R. Rodrigues & H.F. Leitão-Filho, eds.). Editora da Universidade de São Paulo/Fapesp, São Paulo, p. 91-99.), popularly known as swamp forests. In the northwest, fragments of montane semideciduous seasonal forest (IBGE 2012) prevail. Between fragments of cerradão and montane seasonal semideciduous forest, we usually find transition areas (Cavassan 2013CAVASSAN, O. 2013. Bauru: terra de cerrado ou floresta? Ciênc. Geogr. 17(1): 45-53.).
To prepare a floristic list of the vascular species that occur in the cerrado of Bauru (Table 1), we systematized all other lists found in surveys carried out in areas of cerrado (Ferracini et al. 1983FERRACINI, M.C., CAVASSAN, O. & FERLINI, R.F. 1983. Composição florística de uma área de cerrado no município de Bauru, SP. Salusvita 2(1):1-9., Cavassan 1990CAVASSAN, O. 1990. Florística e fitossociologia da vegetação lenhosa de um hectare de cerrado do Parque Ecológico Municipal de Bauru (SP). Doctoral Dissertation, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas., Koch 1994KOCH, I. 1994. Caracterização taxonômica dos representantes da família Apocynaceae na região de Bauru - SP. Master’s Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas., Christianini & Cavassan 1998CHRISTIANINI, S.R. & CAVASSAN, O. 1998. O estrato herbáceo-subarbustivo de um fragmento de cerradão em Bauru - SP. Salusvita 17(1):9-16., Koch & Kinoshita 1999KOCH, I. & KINOSHITA, L.S. 1999. As Apocynaceae s. str. da região de Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil. Acta Bot. Bras. 13(1):61-86., Pinheiro 2000PINHEIRO, M.H.O. 2000. Levantamento florístico e fitossociológico da floresta estacional semidecídua do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, São Paulo. Master’s Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas., Pinheiro & Monteiro 2006PINHEIRO, M.H.O. & MONTEIRO, R. 2006. Contribution of forest species to the floristic composition of a forested savanna in southeastern Brazil. Braz. Arch. Biol. Techn. 49(5):763-774., Genovez 2007GENOVEZ, P.R. 2007. Palmeiras ocorrentes em fragmentos remanescentes de vegetação nativa de Bauru e municípios vizinhos - São Paulo. Master’s Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu., Faraco 2007FARACO, A.G. 2007. Composição florística e estrutura fitossociológica de uma área de cerrado pertencente ao Campus de Bauru da Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, SP. Master’s Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu., Weiser 2007, Nóbrega & Prado 2008N=BREGA, G.A. & PRADO, J. 2008. Pteridófitas da vegetação nativa do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea 35(1):7-55, 10.1590/S2236-89062008000100001.
, Pinheiro & Monteiro 2008PINHEIRO, M.H.O. & MONTEIRO, R. 2008. Florística de uma floresta estacional semidecidual, localizada em ecótono savânico-florestal, no município de Bauru, SP, Brasil. Acta Bot. Bras. 22(4):1085-1094, 10.1590/S0102-33062008000400019.
, Rissi 2011RISSI, M.N. 2011. Regeneração natural de um fragmento de cerrado degradado com a formação de pastagens de braquiária (Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D.Webster). Master’s Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu., and Joanitti 2013JOANITTI, S.A. 2013. Epifitismo vascular em três formações vegetais distintas: mata de brejo, floresta estacional semidecidual e cerradão, pertencentes ao município de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo. Master’s Thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu.), within the following limits: 22°14’46.35”-22°21’58.63” South, 48°54’13.40”-49°02’42.09” West. These limits represent the estimated area covered by cerrado within the municipality. We included all exsiccates mentioned in the references above and also all botanic material collected in Bauru and deposited in the herbaria of the Department of Biological Sciences, School of Sciences, Bauru Campus, UNESP (UNBA), and of the Bauru Botanical Garden (JBMB). Moreover, we occasionally searched for vouchers from species collected in Bauru on the Specieslink (2014)SPECIESLINK 2014. http://www.splink.org.br(last access on December 18, 2014).
database to supplement information recorded in some exsiccates.
List of vascular species found in the cerradofragments of the municipality of Bauru, indicating family, species, synonyms, habit, other vegetation types of the municipality where the plants occur, voucher number at herbaria UNBA or JBMB, and collector number. Asterisks indicate the naturalized species. Key to habit: Climber = Climber, Epi. = Epiphyte, Hemiepi. = Hemiepiphyte, Herb = Herb, Palm = Palm, St = Shrub or tree, Vs = Vascular saprophyte, and Vh = Vascular hemiparasite. Key to other vegetation types: mssf = montane semideciduous seasonal forest, pfrf = permanently flooded riparian forest, and nfrf = non-flooded riparian forest.
These studies, published at different times, comply with spelling and taxonomic classifications effective at the time they were written. To prepare a single list, we updated the nomenclature according to the database Tropicos (Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden 2013TROPICOS.ORG. MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN 2013. http://www.tropicos.org (last access on August 23, 2013).
) and the abbreviations of authors’ names according to The International Plant Names Index (2012)THE INTERNATIONAL PLANT NAMES INDEX 2012. Search Authors. Version 1. http://www.ipni.org (last access on August 23, 2013).
. Only taxa identified and confirmed to the species level were included. The classification system employed was the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG III 2009APG III. 2009. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 161(2):105-121, 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x.
), with recent updates from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Stevens 2001STEVENS, P.F. 2001 onwards. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 12. http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/APweb/ (last access on August 23, 2013).
onwards) and Souza & Lorenzi (2012)SOUZA, V.C. & LORENZI, H. 2012. Botânica Sistemática: guia ilustrado para identificação das famílias de fanerógamas nativas e exóticas no Brasil, baseado em APG III. 3 ed. Instituto Plantarum, Nova Odessa.. We have verified valid scientific names in the databases The Plant List (2010)THE PLANT LIST 2010. Version 1. http://www.theplantlist.org (last access on August 23, 2013).
and Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil (2013) and checked them against synonyms often cited in our references and in the exsiccates from the UNBA and JBMB herbaria.
The occurrence of some species in the cerrado does not necessarily demonstrate that they are endemic to this vegetation type. For this reason, the nature of these species was searched in Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil (2013), as suggested by Moro et al. (2012)MORO, M.F., SOUZA, V.C., OLIVEIRA-FILHO, A.T., QUEIROZ, L.P., FRAGA, C.N., RODAL, M.J.N., ARAÚJO, F.S. & MARTINS, F.R. 2012. Alienígenas na sala: o que fazer com espécies exóticas em trabalhos de taxonomia, florística e fitossociologia? Acta Bot. Bras. 26(4):991-999, 10.1590/S0102-33062012000400029.
Plant habits were indicated as follows: Climber (Climber) - vascular, autotrophic plants that germinate in the ground, with which they are in contact for their entire life cycle, and that need a support (phorophyte) to develop branches; Epiphyte (Epi.) - vascular plants that need a support to grow, without parasitizing it, and have no contact with the ground; Hemiepiphyte (Hemiepi.) - vascular, autotrophic plants that germinate on others and later send and establish roots in the ground (primary) or that germinate in the ground, grow on other plants, and later break their link or connection to the ground (secondary); Herb (Herb) - sub-woody plants or plants with stalk or rhizome, with terminal gemmae above the ground, not more than one meter high; Palm (Palm) - all plants of the Arecaceae family; Shrub or tree (St) - vascular plants with woody, aerial, erect stems at least 50 centimeters high; Vascular saprophyte (Vs) - vascular, saprophytic, heterotrophic plants; Vascular hemiparasite (Vh) - autotrophic plants that grow on other plants and extract their raw sap.
We showed other vegetation types of the municipality of Bauru where the species occur besides the cerrado, according to the following criterion: montane semideciduous seasonal forest (mssf) (IBGE 2012), permanently flooded riparian forest (pfrf), and non-flooded riparian forest (nfrf) (Rodrigues 2000RODRIGUES, R.R. 2000. Uma discussão nomenclatural das formações ciliares. In Matas ciliares: conservação e recuperação. (R.R. Rodrigues & H.F. Leitão-Filho, eds.). Editora da Universidade de São Paulo/Fapesp, São Paulo, p. 91-99.). Species from swamp grasslands formations occurring in the transition between the cerrado and the permanently flooded riparian forests were not included in Table 1, although Nóbrega & Prado (2008)N=BREGA, G.A. & PRADO, J. 2008. Pteridófitas da vegetação nativa do Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea 35(1):7-55, 10.1590/S2236-89062008000100001.
included in their list the Pteridophyte species sampled in that environment.
Results and Discussion
We observed and recorded 371 tracheophyte species from 78 families in the cerrado fragments of the municipality of Bauru, SP (Table 1).
The most species-rich family is Fabaceae (10.2%), followed by Asteraceae (8.6%), Bignoniaceae (6.2%), Malpighiaceae (5.1%), Myrtaceae (4.6%), Rubiaceae (4.6%), Apocynaceae (3.8%), and Melastomataceae (3.2%). The family ranked first in our table agrees with Brasil et al.’s research (2010) on the cerrado flora of São Paulo. Fabaceae and Asteraceae have also been recognized by Warming (1908)WARMING, E. 1908. Lagoa Santa: contribuição para a Geographia Phytobiologica. Imprensa Oficial do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. as the most species-rich in the cerrado in Lagoa Santa. Warming recorded the highest number of species in Asteraceae, taking into account that the formation studied was predominantly of grasslands, with forest formations located in valleys. Considering the Brazilian flora as a whole, Fabaceae is also the richest, represented by 3,200 species (Giulietti et al. 2005GIULIETTI, A.M., HARLEY, R.M., QUEIROZ, L.P., WANDERLEY, M. das G.L. & VAN DEN BERG, C. 2005. Biodiversidade e conservação das plantas no Brasil. Megadiversidade 1(1):52-61.). Bromeliaceae, the ninth in the list, with 11 species (3.0%), is the only new item in our list when compared to other studies. Its inclusion is justified by the addition of epiphytes, rarely sampled in other floristic surveys.
Considering Bauru’s geographic position, in the intermediate zone between tropical and southern temperate climates, the comparison carried out shows that, regarding species number per family, there are no differences between this vegetation and the cerrado of the core area.
Concerning their inclusion in the “Official list of plant species of the state of São Paulo threatened with extinction”, published in Resolution 48 of the State Environment Department on September 21, 2004 (São Paulo 2004), two species (Acrocomia hassleri (Barb.Rodr.) W.J.Hahn and Psychotria capitata Ruiz & Pav.) are classified as “endangered”, three (Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth, Pavonia biflora Fryxell, and Pavonia hexaphylla (S.Moore) Krapov.) as “vulnerable”, and one (Strychnos bicolor Progel) as “critically endangered”. According to the Red Book of the Brazilian Flora (Martinelli & Moraes 2013MARTINELLI, G. & MORAES, M.A. 2013. Livro vermelho da flora do Brasil. Andrea Jakobsson/Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.), one species (Anemopaegma arvense (Vell.) Stellfeld ex de Souza) is endangered and two species (Zeyheria tuberculosa (Vell.) Bureau ex Verl. and Cedrela fissilis Vell.) are vulnerable. In addition, four non-threatened species (Caryocar brasiliense Cambess., Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth, Plathymenia reticulata Benth. and Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers.) were considered to be of concern to research and conservation for their economic value and for being in actual or expected decline (Martinelli & Moraes 2013MARTINELLI, G. & MORAES, M.A. 2013. Livro vermelho da flora do Brasil. Andrea Jakobsson/Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.).
Concerning habit, shrub or tree species were the most sampled (64.7%), followed by climbers (18.3%) and herbs (8.6%). This result demonstrates that, although shrub or tree species are better represented in number, plants with other habits investigated contribute significantly to determine diversity in that vegetation.
We can see that 363 species were considered as native and eight as naturalized (Table 1). These species occur naturally in cerrado environments and reproduce without human intervention. However, their aggressiveness in the occupation of new areas was not assessed. Based on our fieldwork experience, we observed that Brachiaria decumbensStapf has a high invasive potential, both vegetatively and by seeds, as long as the environment is sunny. In this case, we might as well consider it an invasive species that competes fiercely with native species in the sub-shrub herbaceous stratum (Pivello et al. 1999PIVELLO, V.R., SHIDA, C.N. & MEIRELLES, S.T. 1999. Alien grasses in Brazilian savannas: a threat to the biodiversity. Biodivers. Conserv. 8(9):1281-1294, 10.1023/A:1008933305857.
) and alters the dynamics of cerrado ecosystems.
On the other hand, the terrestrial orchid Oeceoclades maculata(Lindl.) Lindl. is frequent in the litter of cerradões, always in shaded environments. This species has also been observed in the same environment in montane semideciduous seasonal forests of Bauru and does not seem to show the same invasive signs as the species mentioned above.
We observed that 53.6% species were seen only in the cerrado, which suggests they are exclusive of this vegetation type in the Bauru region. Therefore, these species are good indicators of the typical cerradovegetation described by Durigan et al. (2012)DURIGAN, G., RAMOS, V.S., IVANAUSKAS, N.M. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2012. Espécies indicadoras de fitofisionomias na transição Cerrado-Mata Atlântica no estado de São Paulo. SMA and CBRN, São Paulo., who considered their survival limited in shaded environments. The others were also observed in other vegetation formations of the municipality, of which 36.4% occurred in montane semideciduous seasonal forests as well. According to the authors, this vegetation type is formed predominantly by generalist species with high ecological plasticity, able to survive in both sunny and shaded environments. However, we should consider that other factors, such as water deficit (Durigan et al. 2003DURIGAN, G., RATTER, J.A., BRIDGEWATER, S., SIQUEIRA, M.F. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2003. Padrões fitogeográficos do cerrado paulista sob uma nova perspectiva regional. Hoehnea 30(1):39-51., Siqueira & Durigan 2007SIQUEIRA, M.F. & DURIGAN, G. 2007. Modelagem da distribuição geográfica de espécies lenhosas de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Bras. Bot. 30(2): 233-243, 10.1590/S0100-84042007000200008.
), soil characteristics (Coutinho 1978COUTINHO, L.M. 1978. O conceito de cerrado. Rev. Bras. Bot. 1(1):17-23., Ruggiero et al. 2002RUGGIERO, P.G.C., BATALHA, M.A., PIVELLO, V.R. & MEIRELLES, S.T. 2002. Soil-vegetation relationships in cerrado (Brazilian savanna) and semideciduous forest, Southeastern Brazil. Plant. Ecol. 160(1):1-16, doi: 10.1023/A:1015819219386.
, Durigan et al. 2003DURIGAN, G., RATTER, J.A., BRIDGEWATER, S., SIQUEIRA, M.F. & FRANCO, G.A.D.C. 2003. Padrões fitogeográficos do cerrado paulista sob uma nova perspectiva regional. Hoehnea 30(1):39-51., Siqueira & Durigan 2007SIQUEIRA, M.F. & DURIGAN, G. 2007. Modelagem da distribuição geográfica de espécies lenhosas de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Bras. Bot. 30(2): 233-243, 10.1590/S0100-84042007000200008.
, Pinheiro & Durigan 2009PINHEIRO, E.S. & DURIGAN, G. 2009. Dinâmica espaço-temporal (1962-2006) das fitofisionomias em unidade de conservação do Cerrado no sudeste do Brasil. Rev. Bras. Bot. 32(3):441-454, 10.1590/S0100-84042009000300005.
), and seral stages (Pinheiro & Durigan 2009PINHEIRO, E.S. & DURIGAN, G. 2009. Dinâmica espaço-temporal (1962-2006) das fitofisionomias em unidade de conservação do Cerrado no sudeste do Brasil. Rev. Bras. Bot. 32(3):441-454, 10.1590/S0100-84042009000300005.
) can interfere in their occurrence.
Therefore, this is an unprecedented list of tracheophyte species recorded in cerrado fragments in the municipality of Bauru, which we believe can be used as a reference in every effort to protect, modify, suppress, or restore that vegetation type. We observed the cerrado fragments under study host species that are also part of other cerradocommunities in Brazil and are home to at least six species threatened with extinction in the state of São Paulo and three in the country as a whole.
We are grateful to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Biota Program (process: 2005/56704-0).
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