Invasive corals of the genus Tubastraea exhibit early maturity, rapid growth, and plasticity regarding the substrate they use, which has enabled the genus to quickly become successful and expand its non-native range. For the state of Sergipe there are 23 records of Tubastraea spp. on oil platforms; here we report the first records of the sun coral T. coccinea on the coast in the estuarine zone of the Vaza-Barris River, expanding its invasive range from offshore to onshore. Contaminated oil platforms, vessels, and shipwrecks may have provided a pathway as vectors, acting as stepping stones that connect oceanic regions to the coast. Dispersal may also occur through currents responsible for transporting organisms from the continental shelf to the coast, although this seems unlikely. Thus, we reinforce the importance of constant monitoring of vectors and the coast to minimize the adverse effects of invasive corals on native fauna.
Keywords: Non-native; Coral reef; Invasion; Dispersion; Range expansion; Oil platform
Corais invasores do gênero Tubastraea apresentam maturidade precoce, rápido crescimento e plasticidade em relação ao substrato que utilizam, o que permitiu ao gênero obter rapidamente sucesso e expandir sua distribuição não nativa. Para o estado de Sergipe existem 23 registros de Tubastraea spp. na zona offshore; aqui relatamos os primeiros registros do coral-sol T. coccinea na costa da zona estuarina do rio Vaza-Barris, expandindo sua área de invasão offshore para o onshore. Plataformas petrolíferas, navios e naufrágios contaminados podem ter fornecido o caminho como vetores, agindo como trampolins que ligam as regiões oceânicas à costa. A dispersão também pode ocorrer através de correntes responsáveis pelo transporte de organismos da plataforma continental para a costa, embora isto pareça menos provável. Assim, reforçamos a importância do monitoramento constante dos vetores e da costa para minimizar os efeitos adversos dos corais invasores sobre a fauna nativa.
Palabras clave: Não-nativos; Recifes de coral; Invasão; Dispersão; Expansão de Distribuição; Plataforma petrolífera
The global vessel transport network has led to the introduction of non-native species, mainly through biofouling and ballast water (Ferrario et al. 2017). The advancement of international maritime trade (i.e. 80% of all goods traded worldwide) has resulted in an increase in routes that enable non-native species to cross geographical barriers and their subsequent establishment (Hulme 2021). A notable number of successful marine invasions have occurred in coastal regions worldwide (Santos et al. 2023), including Sargassum horneri (Marks et al. 2020), Limnoperna fortunei (Wang et al. 2024), Branchiomma luctuosum (Mabrouki et al. 2021), Mnemiopsis leidyi (Shiganova et al. 2019), and Diplosoma listerianum (Lowen & DiBacco 2023). The establishment of these species in environments outside their natural range has caused changes in the composition and abundance of the receiving communities (Lages et al. 2011) and has substantially affected the economy, with an annual cost of approximately 146.5 billion dollars worldwide (Diagne et al. 2021).
Azooxanthellate corals of the genus Tubastraea (Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) are native to the Indo-Pacific region. Currently, some of its species are invasive in the coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the Northeast and Southwest Atlantic (Costa et al. 2014, López et al. 2019, Bastos et al. 2022). The introduction of Tubastraea in the Atlantic is directly related to port activities and oil exploration, mainly through fouling of ships’ hulls and oil platforms and infrastructure that enabled the breaking of geographical barriers (Hewitt et al. 2009). Such invasive corals have successfully expanded their distribution locally because of their superior competitive strategies, early maturity, rapid growth, and plasticity in the use of different substrates (De Paula et al. 2014).
In Brazil, the first observations of species of the genus Tubastraea were made in 1980 on oil and gas platforms in the Campos Basin, state of Rio de Janeiro (southeastern Brazil) (Castro & Pires 2001). Later, other populations were discovered on rocky shores in Ilha Grande Bay and Arraial do Cabo, expanding our knowledge about the invasion of Tubastraea on the coast of southeastern Brazil (Meurer et al. 2010, Silva et al. 2014).
In northeastern Brazil, the invasive sun coral was first reported on the coast of the state of Bahia (Sampaio et al. 2012), where T. coccinea Lesson, 1830 and T. tagusensis Wells, 1982 co-occurred in Baía de Todos os Santos and within an estuarine complex (Miranda et al. 2016). These corals have also been reported on natural and artificial structures such as platforms and shipwrecks along the coast of the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, and Alagoas (Soares et al. 2018, Miranda et al. 2020, 2022). Records of Tubastraea in the state of Sergipe have been limited to offshore oil platforms (Petrobras 2016, Creed et al. 2017, Coelho et al. 2022). The aim of this study was to provide a report of the migration offshore-onshore of T. coccinea and evaluate the directional range expansion of the Tubastraea invasion on the coast of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil.
Materials and Methods
1.Study area
The continental shelf of the state of Sergipe (11°5’59.17”S, 37°8’59.30”W) is about 170 km long, 12-35 km wide, has a gentle slope and an average depth of 41 m (Lemos Júnior et al. 2014, Soares et al. 2021). It is located between the São Francisco (to the north) and Piauí/Real (south) rivers (Lemos Júnior et al. 2014, Soares et al. 2021). This stretch is characterized as a depositional environment due to the presence of an extensive strip of sand separated by broad estuarine complexes (Soares et al. 2021), as well as for accommodating large sedimentary deposits (Lemos Junior et al. 2014). The shelf is mainly influenced by inputs from the estuaries of the São Francisco, Japaratuba, Sergipe, Vaza-Barris, and Piauí-Fundo-Real River complexes (Lemos Júnior et al. 2014, Santos et al. 2020), so most of the region has soft bottoms.
The Vaza-Barris River corresponds to a coastal drainage that reaches the Atlantic Ocean in the central region of the coast of the state of Sergipe (Santos & Latrubesse 2022) with an average annual flow of 7.51 m3/s (Oliveira & Souza 2015). The lower estuary (~5 km wide) is undergoing coastal urbanization driven by changes in coastal infrastructure, shipping, tourism, and recreation, which have resulted in an increase in artificial structures and vessel movement.
2.Data collection
To map the introduction of Tubastraea, we gathered information from technical reports on the monitoring of oil platforms on the coast of Sergipe (Petrobras 2016). Data spatialization was performed using the free software QGIS (QGIS Development Team 2023). Species, substrate, and date were also recorded.
Areas with artificial structures (e.g., wood, concrete, iron, plastic, and styrofoam) in the lower estuary of the Vaza-Barris River were inspected by snorkelling during high tide (neap tide, amplitude 1.7 m), totaling 22 sampled sites of diving (Figure 1). After the detection of the first colony, bimonthly monitoring was carried out at the site of detection and at other possible fouling sites marked on the map (Figure 1). These colonies were collected (SISBIO 24097-6) using a knife, stored in a plastic bag with water, and taken to the laboratory where they were preserved in 96% ethanol. Colonies and polyps were measured in the laboratory using a digital caliper according to Cairns (1991). Identification was performed based on De Paula & Creed (2004). The studied colonies were deposited in the Coleção Zoológica do Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (CZUFS CN1-00393, CZUFS CN1-00523).
Tubastraea in the Vaza-Barris River estuary: A. Map of the study area showing the Vaza-Barris River estuary and adjacent continental shelf with offshore records. B. Study area showing a stretch of the Vaza-Barris River estuary with sampled points (red points) and the new record (star). C. Photos showing the mouth of the Vaza-Barris River and the artificial structure (pier) on which the Tubastraea colony was recorded.
The survey of data contained in technical reports resulted in 23 records of Tubastraea on oil platforms, as well as two records from our field collection in the estuarine area of the Vaza-Barris River (Figure 1, Table 1). These onshore records correspond to two colonies of T. coccinea fixed on an artificial substrate and photographed in situ on January 31 2023 and February 17 2024.
Records of the genus Tubastraea in offshore and inshore zones in the state of Sergipe, Brazil.
Colonies of T. coccinea were found repeatedly in the subtidal zone (about 2 m deep) in one site of the estuarine complex of the Vaza-Barris River (Figure 2, Supplementary Material https://figshare.com/s/8f5ab24af0145b4f7db3 (temperature 27.11 ± 2.93 oC and salinity 34.36 ± 3.57). These colonies were approximately 6 km from the mouth of the estuary and 25 km from the nearest offshore oil platforms (previously known occurrences) strongly fixed to a vertical artificial concrete structure (pier) at Orla Por do Sol, Aracaju, state of Sergipe.
Specimen of Tubastraea coccinea sampled in the estuary of the Vaza-Barris River. (A) Image recorded in the laboratory. (B) Fixed colony listed in the zoologic collection (CZUFS CN1-00393).
The identified colonies presented a typical red-orange cenosarc. The first colony had a total of 64 yellowish polyps measuring 75.45 mm in average length, 60.21 mm in average width, 44.40 mm in average height, as 3.92 mm and 5.67 mm in average height and diameter of corallite, respectively (Table 2). The other colony had a total of 17 yellowish polyps measuring 32.62 mm in average length, 29.38 mm in average width, 17.28 mm in average height, as 2.56 mm and 5.66 mm in average height and diameter of corallite, respectively (Table 2). As they presented little-to-no spacing between corallites, nor budding from them, as well as other characteristics, the coral colonies are identified as Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1830.
These onshore records of the invasive coral T. coccinea extend its distribution in the state of Sergipe to the coastal region, as previous occurrences were limited to the continental shelf on oil production platforms approximately 13 km offshore. Contaminated oil platforms and vessels can be vectors, functioning as stepping-stones that connect oceanic regions to the coast (Costa et al. 2014), as there are records of vessels that make the offshore-onshore route which anchor close the detection site. Another possible route of contamination would be the dispersion of planulae by sea currents responsible for transporting larvae and allowing the colonization of new areas (Dottori et al. 2018). Despite presenting a long-lasting larval stage (Coelho et al. 2022), this would be a less likely hypothesis because of the fragility of its larvae and their tendency to establish themselves close to the parental colonies (Creed et al. 2017).
Two species of Tubastraea have invaded the South Atlantic, T. coccinea and T. tagusensis (Creed et al. 2017), although the taxonomy of Tubastraea is under constant review. For example, evidence in Brazil of a third species, a morphological clade with an intermediate morphology, has been presented but was rejected by molecular analyses (Bastos et al. 2022) and considered to be T. coccinea. As the colony described here has this intermediate morphology [compare Figure. 2 with Bastos et al. (2022) Figure 2, p.194], based on current evidence we consider it to be T. coccinea. Interestingly, all three morphotypes (T. coccinea, T. tagusensis, and Tubastraea sp.) have been reported on nearby offshore platforms (Petrobras, 2016). Tubastraea coccinea (summing Tubastraea sp.) is more frequent (88%) and abundant in substratum occupation (density of T. coccinea intersection points, mean of all platforms = 116) than T. tagusensis (77% and density of intersection points, mean of all platforms = 32 respectively; data from ANEXO A-VI.2.1-1, Petrobras, 2016), suggesting the propagule pressure from the offshore platforms is four times greater for T. coccinea than for T. tagusensis.
Invasive characteristics, such as high reproductive rate, hermaphroditism, high dispersion capacity (De Paula et al. 2014), resistance to temperature and salinity variations (Moreira et al. 2014, Almeida Saá et al. 2020), as well as plasticity regarding the fouling substrate (Silva et al. 2022), explain the establishment and continuous advance of the species across the most diverse environments. On the Brazilian coast, its invasion extends along more that at least 3,000 km of coastline (Meurer et al. 2010, Soares-Gomes et al. 2016), altering trophic relationships and the realized niches of native species, leading to a decline in local richness and loss of diversity (Silva et al. 2023). Studies have shown that an increase in Tubastraea populations in native communities can result in drastic reductions in the main groups of invertebrates, such as copepods, ostracods, and tanaids (Silva et al. 2019), which are important food sources for the larval stages of fish. Considering the richness and ecological importance of bivalves on the coast of Sergipe, as well as their positive relationship with macroalgae (Santos et al. 2020), the presence and subsequent advancement of sun coral may represent an inherent threat to these groups.
The propagule pressure caused by the continuous transit of contaminated vessels from offshore platforms to estuaries increases the chances of sun coral establishment and invasion (Castro et al. 2021). Another relevant factor is represented by the growing number of artificial structures in the region resulting from coastal urbanization driven by changes in coastal infrastructure, shipping, tourism, and recreation, leading to the disturbance of native communities, and the provision of conditions that facilitate invasion (Dodds et al. 2022); artificial substrates have been shown to better facilitate Tubastraea spp. than natural substrates (Mangelli & Creed 2012). Likewise, further dispersal of the genus Tubastraea to other locations in the Vaza-Barris River estuary may be favored by the frequent traffic of private and tourist vessels (Tempesti et al. 2022) and by the seawater intrusion in the region, a condition observed by Miranda et al. (2016) in the Baía de Todos os Santos.
The syntopic benthic community in the Vaza-Barris estuary includes native (e.g. oysters, crustaceans, and hydrozoans) (Mendonça et al. 2022) and non-native invertebrates (e.g. Lysmata lipkei and L. vittata) (Alves et al. 2018). In the dives that preceded the removal of Tubastraea, we observed Menippe nodifrons associated with the colony that subsequently disappeared from the site. This relationship between brachyuran crabs and sun coral colonies is classified as occasional (Silva et al. 2023), because they use different biogenic substrates throughout their life history (Barros-Alves et al. 2018). Its association with Tubastraea suggests that it provides favorable conditions for structural complexity and feeding. Other non-native species may also benefit from this association with sun coral.
The record of T. coccinea in the coastal zone of the state of Sergipe, in addition to expanding the occurrence of the genus in Brazil, raises an alert for the possible expansion of the species throughout the estuarine complex of the Vaza-Barris River and other estuaries in the state as well as along the coast. The size of the largest colony suggests it was 8 years old (based on known growth rates of increment of 8 polyps.yr-1 and 0.92 cm.yr-1 in colony width, De Paula (2007), but no founding polyps were observed on substrates nearby which is not usually the case, so local conditions may not allow reproduction. The removals may be considered control actions, and thus, the site should be monitored over time to determine if the eradication was 100% effective. Considering the importance of these systems for the maintenance of native communities and the impacts of the invasion of exotic species, the detection of sun coral signals the urgency for public managers to perform action plans and constant monitoring to reduce the damage caused by this invasive coral. Public policy must be implemented to repress the commercialization of sun coral in Sergipe, which already occurs on social media.
We thank funding from Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro [grant numbers FAPERJ E-26/010.003031/2014 and E26/203.002/2017 (JCC)] and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [grant numbers 312779/2021-6 (MFGB), 313698/2021-0 (JCC)]. This article is no. 55 from the Projeto Coral-Sol.
Data Availability
Supporting data are available at https://figshare.com/s/7e63efeb44fc6723992c
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