Open-access Grafting fig tree 'Roxo de Valinhos' by budding and cleft

Aiming to develop a protocol for grafting unrooted cuttings of 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig tree (Ficus carica L.), two experiments were carried by applying different propagation techniques: budding and grafting. In the first experiment, cuttings of 20 cm length taken from the middle portion of the branches from June to September were grafted by bud of plate type and normal 'T' type. In the second experiment, cuttings were collected in July and grafted by the cleft grafting method, by immersing cuttings in 2.000 mg L-1 IBA for 10 s. Control cuttings were not immersed in IBA. The grafts were protected with transparent plastic bags (18 x 3 cm), for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. Cuttings from both experiments were buried 2/3 of their length in sand under greenhouse conditions (50% of shading). At 60 and 120 days after grafting, percentage of buds and forks alive, buds and forks sprouted, percentage of buds and forks alive on rooted rootstocks, and sprout length were evaluated. As conclusion, grafting of 'Roxo de Valinhos' fig tree can be accomplished by normal "T" type budding and also by grafting, with an immersion of the cuttings in IBA and graft protection for 60 days.

Ficus carica L; vegetative propagation; IBA

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