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Evaluation of the agronomic and technologic characteristics of the wheat cultivars: IAC 72 Tapajós, IAC 227 Anhumas and IAC 287 Yaco in the State of São Paulo, Brazil

The wheat cultivars IAC 72 Tapajós, IAC 227 Anhumas and IAC 287 Yaco were evaluated in relation to grain yield, response to infection by leaf and stem rusts (under field and greenhouse conditions) and leaf spots, in experiments carried out in limed and acid soils, in upland and under sprinkler irrigation. All these evaluations were performed in different regions of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1987 to 1991. The cultivars were also studied for tolerance to iron, aluminum and manganese toxicities, using nutrient solutions, in the laboratory. Assays for physical, rheological and bread quality were made with the flours of each cultivars. In upland conditions, the results showed that IAC 227 produced 20% and IAC 72, 5% more than BH 1146, used as control. Under the same condition, cultivars IAC 287 showed a grain yield of 10% greater than the control Anahuac. However, under sprinkler irrigation, IAC 287 showed an increase in grain yield of 7 and 6% as compared to the control cultivars Anahuac and IAC 24, respectively. Under greenhouse conditions, the cultivars IAC 72 was susceptible to races G20 and G21 of the causal agent of stem rust. The cultivars IAC 227 showed susceptibility to races G11, G15 and G17 of stem rust. BH 1146 was sensitive while IAC 287 and Anahuac were resistant to all tested races. Concerning to the reactions to races of Puccinia recondita, the cultivars IAC 72, IAC 227, BH 1146 and Anahuac were susceptible and IAC. 287 behaved as resistant under greenhouse conditions. These results were confirmed under field conditions. All studied cultivars were susceptible to the causal agent of leaf spots. IAC 72 presented as moderately sensitive to A1(3+) and Mn2+ and sensitive to Fe2+, and IAC 287 was tolerant to Fe2+, and Mn2+, but sensitive to Al3+ showing toxicity signs. Considering the trials on bread characteristics, the cultivars IAC 287 and IAC 227 showed superiority in specific volume of 5.64 and 3.76% in relation to the breads made with commercial flour, respectively. The cultivars IAC 72 did not present a good performance for breads in relation to the control. At the final evaluation, only the cultivars IAC 287 was as good as the control.

wheat; grain yield; disease resistance; tolerance to A1(3+), Fe2+ and Mn2+; bread characteristics

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil