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Fertilizing for coffee plant on a red yellow latosol

This paper presents the results of an experiment of coffee fertilization on a Red Yellow Latosol of extremely low fertility. This soil was formerly considered improper for economical agriculture. Three treatments based on the application of barnyard manure and four treatments employing only mineral fertilizers were used. The effects of the treatments were studied for the period 1960 to 1969. The yields showed that the use of mineral fertilizers plus lime and micronutrients and this same mineral misture plus a dose of barnyard manure gave the best responses. The application of borax and zinc sulphate as soil dressings corrected efficiently the deficiencies of boron and zinc and increased the production when applied together with dolomite. The application of dolomite was highly efficient for correction of magnesium deficiency and increased significantly the yields. The results showed that it is possible to cultivate coffee successfully on a Red Yellow Latosol of extremely low fertility using exclusively mineral fertilizers.

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