Knudson's asymbiotic method and medium for germination of orchid seeds were used with success. Heating this medium at 100°C twice for 15 minutes with an interval of 24 hours was found to be better than to sterilize just once at 120°C. This procedure avoids the hydrolysis of the agar. The poor quality of the glass from which some test tubes were made raised the pH tabove 5.9 and this was apparently the cause of poor developmen of the seedlings. Also some toxic elements given off by the glass diffusing thru the medium might havo impaired somewhat the results obtained in the experiment.
Knudson's asymbiotic method and medium for germination of orchid seeds were used with success.
Heating this medium at 100°C twice for 15 minutes with an interval of 24 hours was found to be better than to sterilize just once at 120°C. This procedure avoids the hydrolysis of the agar.
The poor quality of the glass from which some test tubes were made raised the pH tabove 5.9 and this was apparently the cause of poor developmen of the seedlings.
Also some toxic elements given off by the glass diffusing thru the medium might havo impaired somewhat the results obtained in the experiment.
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Referências bibliográficas
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29 Jun 2010 -
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