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Sugarcane breeding: IV. Regional experiments with clones obtained in 1969

The best twenty five clones, obtained in a sugar cane breeding program of "Instituto Agronômico de Campinas" started in 1969, were evaluated in a series of three experiments carried out at sugar cane regions of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. In 1977 started the field trials using as controls the following commercial varieties: IAC51205, IAC52-150, IAC58-480, NA56-79, and CB41-76. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block with four replications. Three harvests were made consecutivelly in plant cane (18 months), first ratoon (12 months after), and second ratoon (12 months after). Means of the three harvest were analyzed statistically and Tukey's test procedure was used to test differences among treatment means. The cane yield results showed that clones 69-362 and 69-326 were not statistically different from the best control IAC51-205, and clones 69-426, 69-425, 69-274, 69-84, 69-87 and 69-242 showed cane yield results equal to the second best control NA56-79. Clones 69-309, 69-242, 69-232 and 69-362 had an outstanding performance in sugar content; on the other hand, clones 69-238, 69-274, 69-218, 69-254, 69-190. 69-420 and 69-277 had sugar content similar to that of best control NA56-79. Considering sugar yield, clones 69-362, 69-242, and 69-274 were not statistically different from the two best controls IAC51-205 and NA56-79, besides the clone 69-426 that showed to be equal to NA56-79, in this, characteristic. According to the results new varieties are presented: IAC69-242, IAC69-274, IAC69-309, IAC69-362, IAC69-425 and IAC69-426.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil