Logomarca do periódico: Bragantia

Open-access Bragantia

Publication of: Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
Area: Agricultural Sciences ISSN printed version: 0006-8705
ISSN online version: 1678-4499

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Bragantia, Volume: 83, Published: 2024
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Bragantia, Volume: 83, Published: 2024

Document list
Chemical composition, phytotoxic, and cytogenotoxic properties of essential oils from Psidium cauliflorum and P. acidum (Myrtaceae) Alves, Thammyres de Assis Venancio, Aldino Neto Alves, Thayllon de Assis Vasconcelos, Loren Cristina Tuler, Amélia Carlos Silva, Matheus Alves Radael, Lara Aparecida Nazareth Menini, Luciano Ferreira, Marcia Flores da Silva Praça-Fontes, Milene Miranda

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The search for bioherbicides has been encouraged, and plants used in food or with bioactivity have been studied. Therefore, this article aimed to investigate the bioherbicidal potential of essential oils from Psidium cauliflorum and P. acidum through a plant toxicity bioassay using Lactuca sativa and Sorghum bicolor. The seeds were treated with essential oils of both species, along with control groups treated with distilled water, dichloromethane, and glyphosate. Germination percentage (GP), germination speed index (GSI), root growth (RG), shoot length (SL), mitotic index (MI), chromosomal alterations (CA), and nuclear alterations (NA) were evaluated. The major compound of the essential oil of P. cauliflorum was α-pinene, and of P. acidum were trans-caryophyllene, β-elemene, germacrene A, and α-copaene. The essential oils from both species exhibited phytotoxic effects. P. acidum oil inhibited sorghum RG and lettuce SL, while P. cauliflorum oil reduced GP, GSI, RG, and SL in both plants, indicating higher phytotoxicity than P. acidum and non-selective behavior. Cytotoxic investigations showed that both oils inhibited the MI. CA analysis revealed that P. cauliflorum oil exhibited aneugenic and clastogenic action mechanisms. The results demonstrate the bioherbicidal potential of P. cauliflorum essential oil, in addition to being non-selective and displaying a similar inhibition rate to glyphosate.
Physiological quality of seeds of Coffea canephora from early and late clones during maturation Crasque, Jeane Brandão, Thielen Martins dos Santos Cerri Neto, Basílio Comério, Marcone Volpi, Paulo Sérgio Arantes, Lúcio de Oliveira Machado Filho, José Altino Milanez, Camilla Rozindo Dias Dousseau-Arantes, Sara

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds from early and late maturing Coffea canephora clones, aiming to identify the ideal harvest time. The fruits were collected every two weeks from 188 days after anthesis (DAA) and characterized as green, cane green, cherry, raisin and dry. The seeds were evaluated for water content, germination percentage, normal and abnormal seedlings, nongerminated seeds and dead seeds, vigor index, hypocotyl lenght, and root length. Seed germination of the early maturing clone started at 202 DAA, while that of the late maturing clone started at 230 DAA, with both clones showing a water content of 63% and a dry mass of 37%. Although the optimum harvest point was identified at the cherry ripening stage, it was found that the late maturing clone showed a more pronounced variation in the maturation process, directly impacting the physiological quality of the seeds. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the maturation stages and the physiological quality of the seeds. For the early maturing clone, the maximum physiological quality was recorded at 244 DAA, corresponding to 80% of fruits at the cherry stage, while for the late maturing clone this point was reached at 326 DAA, with 98% of the fruits ripe.
Imbibition and drying periods in desiccation tolerance of peanut seeds Albuquerque Neto, João Cardoso de Silva, Maria Neusa Eleutério da Pavão, Jessé Marques da Silva Júnior Alves, Maria Claudjane Jerônimo Leite Silva, Ricardo Barros Martins, Gleica Maria Correia Silva, José Vieira Souza, Ademária Aparecida de Santos Neto, Antônio Lucrécio dos

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the biochemical and physiological quality of peanut cultivar seeds under periods of imbibition and drying. A completely randomized statistical design was adopted, in factorial scheme, with four replications. The three peanut cultivars were: BR1, BRS 151-L7, and IAC 505. The imbibition and drying periods were: 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours. The seeds were imbibition with the aid of germitest paper and distilled water, then dried on a metal screen in a plastic box with silica, according to the periods studied. Physiological variables were evaluated (percentage of germination, normal seedlings, abnormal seedlings in the first count and abnormal seedlings in the final count, accelerated aging, seedling length, electrical conductivity, speed index, and average germination time) and biochemical variables (sugar concentration total, reducing sugars, hydrogen peroxide, total superoxide dismutase proteins, and total proteins). The desiccation tolerance of peanut seeds is reduced as the period of water absorption followed by drying increases. Seeds of cultivar IAC 505 have greater tolerance to imbibition and subsequent desiccation compared to seeds of BR1 and BRS 151-L7.
Interaction between germination, physical and nutritional quality parameters of quinoa cultivars from Colombia Manjarres-Hernández, Elsa Helena Morillo-Coronado, Ana Cruz Pedreros-Benavides, María Camila

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality, germination, storage conditions and nutritional composition of the seeds quinoa cultivars from the department of Boyacá, Amarilla de Maranganí, Quinua Semi amarga, Quinua Primavera, and Quinua Real, by determining the color of the pericarp, perigonium and the edge of the seed, germination capacity of the cultivars stored at -20 and -4°C, the imbibition rate, the grain diameter, fresh and dry weight of 100 seeds and the moisture percentage and proximal analyses. The cylindrical grain shape was common among cultivars. Amarilla Maranganí was outstanding, with weights greater than 0.40 g. The diameter of the seed was higher in Amarilla Maranganí (2.67 mm), while the smallest diameter (2.25 mm) was presented by Quinoa Real. Moisture contents were similar between materials. Quinoa Real presented the highest protein content (12.25%). Amarilla de Maranganí had the highest ash content (3.77/100 g of sample), and Quinoa Real presented the highest number of calories (366.97 g.100 g-1 of fresh weight), but the lowest amount of carbohydrates (66.96 g.100 g-1 of fresh weight) and the least amount of lipids, with 3.69 g.100 g-1 fw. We found high significant and positive correlations (r = 0.94) between calories and fat, and high significant and negative correlations (r = -093) between protein and ash. Cluster analysis grouped cultivars according to moisture, carbohydrate, protein, lipid, and ash content. It was determined that storage conditions (temperature and moisture) are fundamental for the nutritional quality of the seeds.
A non-destructive method for leaflet area prediction of Spondias tuberosa Arruda: an approach to regression models Amorim, Patrycia Elen Costa Pereira, Dalbert de Freitas Freire, Raíres Irlenizia da Silva Oliveira, Agda Malany Forte de Mendonça, Vander Ribeiro, João Everthon da Silva

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arruda, Anacardiaceae) is a fruit species native to the semi-arid region of Brazil and economically important for several regions. The objective of this study was to determine equations to estimate the leaflet area of S. tuberosa genotypes. A total of 1,000 leaflets was collected from four genotypes (250 leaflets of each genotype) of S. tuberosa. In each leaflet collected, the length, width, and leaflet area were measured, and the product between length and width was calculated. Linear, linear with intercept, power, and exponential regression models were used to fit the equations. The criteria for choosing the best equation were based on Pearson’s correlation coefficients, Akaike’s information criteria, Willmott’s concordance indices, and root mean square error. The product-adjusted equations between length and width can be used to estimate the leaflet area of all S. tuberosa genotypes. The leaflet area of the species (pooled data) can be estimated accurately and quickly from equations obtained with the linear models without intercept (ŷ = 0.6911*LW) and power (ŷ = 0.7127*LW0.9888).
Circular bioeconomy in strawberry cultivation: phytochemicals in fruits and leaves, and yield potential of seven genotypes Chiomento, José Luís Trevizan De Nardi, Fabiola Stockmans Grando, Luiza Alessandra Trentin, Thomas dos Santos Anzolin, Jéfferson Albrecht, Gustavo Eduardo Huzar-Novakowiski, Jaqueline Basílio, Letícia Silva Pereira Monteiro, Gean Charles Lima, Giuseppina Pace Pereira

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Seven strawberry genotypes were analyzed in order to differentiate fruit production and quality. The discarded leaves (by-product) were also used to characterize their phytochemical profile with a view to potential use in the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. The multivariate analysis gave rise to heterogeneous groups among the seven genotypes. ‘Fronteras’ and ‘Monterey’ were the most productive. ‘Camino Real’ produced fruits with the highest polyphenols concentrations. ‘Fronteras’ produced leaves with the best phytochemical profile and, together with ‘Camino Real’, the highest antioxidant activity. The genotypes differ in terms of the yield and fruit, and leaf phytochemical profiles. ‘Camino Real’ can be used to optimize and market all the organs produced (fruits and leaves) and ‘Fronteras’ to increase the fruit yield and the use of leaves as a cultivation by-product.
Morphological screening and expression of droughtrelated genes P5SC1 and DREB1A in water-stressed pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) at the pre-fruiting stage Animasaun, David Adedayo Mustapha, Kabir Adeniran Akinbobola, Anuoluwapo Mary Bakare, Afeez Taiye Ogunjobi, Jonathan Toyin Adedoyin, Khadijat Adetoun Awujoola, Kafayat Folasade

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This study characterized 33 pearl millet accessions for drought tolerance and expression patterns of drought-related genes (P5CS and DREB1A) at the pre-fruiting stage. The accessions were evaluated for variability and screened for drought tolerance. Five weeks after sowing, we screened the pearl millet accessions for morpho-agronomic variability and to determine their tolerance to water stress over 14 days. From these screenings, we identified the most and least tolerant accessions (NGB00886 and NGB00885, respectively) for gene expression studies. To determine the expression pattern of the DREB1A and P5CS genes, RNA was extracted from leaf samples and converted to cDNA for analysis via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The study found significant variation (p > 0.05) in morphological traits among the pearl millet accessions. The principal component analysis showed three components accounted for over 90% of the variance. Additionally, there were significant (p < 0.01, p > 0.05) correlations among the plant growth attributes of the accessions. At genetic index 15, the accessions were grouped into five distinct clusters corresponding to their genetic similarities. Gene expression studies showed differences in the Ct values of the reference gene (ACT1) against the target genes. The expression pattern showed that DREB1A was up-regulated in the most tolerant and down-regulated in the least tolerant, while P5CS was up-regulated in both accessions. The study concluded that there are morphological variations among the accessions in response to water stress at the pre-fruiting stage, and the up- and down-regulation of DREB1A and P5CS genes are involved in the mechanism of regulation of water stress modulations in pearl millet.
Horticultural performance and huanglongbing impact on rainfed Valencia sweet orange grafted onto 16 rootstock genotypes Vitória, Marina Ferreira Silva, Larissa Nunes Moreira, Alécio Souza Stuchi, Eduardo Sanches Girardi, Eduardo Augusto

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The performance of Valencia sweet orange grafted onto 16 rootstocks was evaluated over nine years under natural inoculation of huanglongbing (HLB) and rainfed cultivation in Bebedouro, northern of São Paulo state, Brazil. Graft incompatibility symptoms were not observed over the evaluation period. Flying dragon and common trifoliate oranges, 1600 and 1614 citrandarins, and the somatic hybrid RR+VK significantly decreased the tree size. Swingle citrumelo induced the highest fruit yield for seven seasons, followed by the Rangpur lime, Sunki mandarin, 1711 and 1697. Most citrandarins were related to a better fruit quality of Valencia, notably 1697. Swingle citrumelo, Sunki mandarin, 1697 citrandarin, and 385 tetraploid citrange induced good drought tolerance over the evaluation period, even though inferior to the Rangpur lime. The HLB cumulative incidence at the experimental area was 40% in average. Valencia trees grafted onto Flying Dragon, and 1614 presented the lowest (0.5) and the highest (2.8) disease severity indices, respectively, even though inoculation date was not controlled. In 2020, fruit yield of symptomatic trees varied from 0.55 to 1.24 times that of asymptomatic trees among the rootstocks, regardless of disease index. Symptomatic fruit ranged from 20 to 57% of total fruit load per symptomatic tree, and had significantly lower ratio, soluble solids, fruit weight and size, and higher juice acidity on some rootstocks. Although all evaluated graft combinations were susceptible to HLB, 1711 and 1697 citrandarins are potential rootstocks for Valencia sweet orange in regions with similar tropical climate.
Comparative evaluation of eggplant genotypes with their wild relatives under gradually increased drought stress Cebeci, Esra

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Climate change severely affects plant production and threatens life. Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is known as moderate tolerant to abiotic stresses. Drought is one of the most effective abiotic factor limits the agricultural production. In this study, 15 different eggplant genotypes, including wild relatives–Solanum macrocarpon L., Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & Jaeger, Solanum incanum L. group C, Solanum insanum (S. melongena L. group E), Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. and Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav., local genotypes (TB, BB, MK, AH), and commonly grown commercial varieties (Topan 374, Kemer, Amadeo F1, Faselis F1, Bildircin F1) were used as a plant material to observe their responses under drought stress. Study was planned according to completely randomized block design with three replications. Plants were subjected to three different irrigation treatments, which were control (full irrigation) and two drought treatments, in which water deficit applied by 50 and 75% with respect to the control and their responses were observed by using physiological and phenotypical parameters. According to the findings, a 75%-water deficit allowed for faster and more efficient selection of tolerant individuals. This study additionally demonstrated that simple morphological data might be utilized to identify drought tolerance of eggplants. Thus, with these parameters, drought tolerance levels of eggplant germplasm can be evaluated without high-costed analysis at early growth stage. Moreover, genotypes MK, BB and TB together with wild relatives S. insanum, S. incanum, S. macrocarpon, and S. linneanum have shown remarkable tolerance to the created drought conditions.
New strains of Bradyrhizobium increase nitrogen accumulation in velvet bean biomass Silva, Jacqueline Savana da Oliveira, Dâmiany Pádua Rufini, Márcia Silva Júnior, Celso Leandro da Lamounier, Carlos Júnior Guimarães Oliveira, Priscilla Águida Cassiano de Botrel, Élberis Pereira Moreira, Fatima Maria de Souza

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The use of Stizolobium aterrimum (velvet bean) as green manure has been encouraged in agriculture as a source of nitrogen-rich phytomass for incorporation into the soil to enhance subsequent crop yield. The nitrogen-fixing capacity of this legume can be optimized through symbiosis with selected strains of rhizobia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of new strains of Bradyrhizobium in promoting the growth of velvet bean plants, both in potted soil and in the field. The study involved three experiments (two in pots and one in the field) with four replications of each in an Oxisol. An additional experiment was carried out to estimate the native rhizobial community in the experimental soil. The efficiency of the strains was estimated by compared plant growth with them to plant growth in two non-inoculated controls (one without mineral N and the other with mineral N) and plant growth with the strain BR2811, which is approved as an inoculant for velvet bean plants. Evaluations of velvet bean were performed at 60 and 100 days after emergence in non-sterile soil pots, and at 170 days after sowing (at flowering) in the field. Native rhizobia are efficient in symbiosis with velvet bean, as they were similar to BR2811 and to the control with mineral N, but they had lower biological nitrogen fixation efficiency than the new strains tested–UFLA05-18 and UFLA05-20. The new strains increased velvet bean yield and accumulation of N in velvet bean phytomass and, therefore, have potential for being used as inoculants for this species.
Evaluation of biochemical component determinants for superior seedling performance in high-vigor maize seeds under accelerated aging stress Silva, Mariana Bertoncini Peixoto da Coelho, Cileide Maria Medeiros Siega, Yasmin Pincegher

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Under stressful conditions, the use of high-vigor seeds is a relevant alternative to reduce losses, as they can germinate in a wide range of environmental conditions. However, it is necessary to understand the biochemical strategies adopted by high-vigor seeds to achieve better performance during periods of stress. Thus, the objectives of this research were to evaluate the tolerance of maize seeds of contrasting vigor subjected to different levels of stress due to accelerated aging and to verify whether differences in antioxidant metabolism and starch reduction explain the differences between vigor levels. The experiment was conducted with a high-vigor seed lot and a low-vigor seed lot, in a completely randomized design. The lots were subjected to 0, 24, 48, 60 and 72 hours of accelerated aging (45°C and 100% relative humidity), and after that the tests were carried out. The variables analyzed were the percentage of normal (first and second count) and abnormal seedlings, dead seeds, vigor index, electrical conductivity, total soluble sugars in the leachate, alpha-amylase activity, soluble sugar content, catalase activity, peroxide hydrogen, lipid peroxidation, proline, and carotenoid content. High-vigor seeds better tolerate stress conditions caused by high temperature and humidity. The higher content of total soluble sugars and alpha-amylase activity may explain the better performance of high-vigor seeds.
Influence of seasonal variation on the chemical composition of Piper amalago essential oils and their phytocytogenotoxic activity in model plants and weeds Vasconcelos, Loren Cristina Bergamin, Aline dos Santos Martins, Geisiele Silva Mariano, Gustavo Fernandes Mendes, Luiza Alves Carrijo, Tatiana Tavares Praça-Fontes, Milene Miranda

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The essential oil of Piper amalago L. is recognized for its bioactive compounds with phytotoxic potential against invasive plants. However, little is known about the role of seasonal variation in the action of these compounds. This study aimed to investigate the impact of dry and rainy seasons on the chemical composition, phytotoxic, and cytogenotoxic activity of P. amalago essential oil. Analysis of the chemical composition revealed qualitative and quantitative variations, highlighting β-elemene, germacrene A, linalool, and β-caryophyllene as major compounds. The essential oil from the rainy season showed higher yield compared to that of the dry season. In pre-emergence tests against Bidens pilosa (invasive plant) and Lactuca sativa (non-target plant), negative effects on germination and root and shoot growth were observed, with these effects being more pronounced at higher concentrations, resembling the herbicide glyphosate. The essential oil from the dry season exhibited greater phytotoxic activity on the germination and development of the aerial part of B. pilosa, associated with higher concentrations of linalool and caryophyllene oxide. Additionally, the essential oils of P. amalago induced changes in the mitotic index and aneugenic alterations in L. sativa meristematic cells. These results underscore the bioherbicidal potential of P. amalago essential oil, highlighting its greater efficacy against B. pilosa during the dry season, possibly due to higher levels of linalool and caryophyllene oxide.
Mineral composition, chlorophyll fluorescence, and enzyme activity of maize cultivars with different tolerance to cadmium Silva, Josévaldo Ribeiro Nascimento, Clístenes Williams Araújo do

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Cadmium (Cd) toxicity harms photosynthesis, crop nutrition, and crop yield. Here, we submitted five maize cultivars with different tolerance to Cd to a toxic Cd concentration in the nutrient solution to assess their physiological responses. The study aimed at assessing the Cd effect on biomass and Cd and nutrient concentration in maize cultivars, evaluating how the photosynthetic is affected by Cd in maize cultivars exposed to Cd for different lengths of time, and understanding how the antioxidant defense system of different cultivars acts under Cd stress. To evaluate the effects of Cd stress, biomass, tolerance index, and plant mineral composition (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn), chlorophyll a fluorescence, and enzyme activity were determined. Cd toxicity reduced the biomass by 24% in the most tolerant cultivar and 41% in the most sensitive. The concentration of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in the plants was reduced owing to the Cd application. In contrast, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg concentrations were unaffected. The chlorophyll a fluorescence variables were not affected by Cd. Superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase reduced their activities by 69, 20, and 14% in the sensitive CMS36 cultivar. For the tolerant cultivar (Gorutuba), Cd stress altered the peroxidase activity only. The data revealed distinct profiles in the accumulation of Cd, biomass yield, enzyme activity, and photosynthetic efficiency of cultivars. The physiological variables were sensible to physiological alterations and may help monitor Cd toxicity.
The plant growth effect and biocontrol potential of Trichoderma sp. inoculation in tomatoes are dependent of the inoculation way Sandri, Marcia Rodrigues Cavião, Hélen Corso Oliveira, Christiane Fernandes Andrade, Luciana Bavaresco Granada, Camille Schwambach, Joséli

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Tomato is an important economic crop due to its consumption and production worldwide. However, like other crops, it is susceptible to pathogens, being necessary agrochemicals to prevent diseases and improve the production of fruits. Among the sustainable alternatives to crop production, microbial inoculants are used as biofungicide and biostimulants for plant development. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the biocontrol potential of seven Trichoderma spp. isolates (T1, T2, T3, T4, T15, T17, and T19) against tomato pathogens in vitro experiments, and their potential to improve tomato growth. The Trichoderma spp. antagonism was investigated against Alternaria sp. 003/09, Botrytis sp. 006/13, Fusarium sp. 007/09, and Stemphylium sp. A73. Dual culture, volatile, and diffusible compounds activity tests showed that all new Trichoderma spp. tested could reduce the mycelial growth of all tested pathogens, highlighting T15 and T17 isolates. Seed and soil inoculation revealed very contrasting results: Trichoderma sp. T17 showed a beneficial effect when inoculated in soil, reducing the percentage of yellowish leaves, and increasing dry weight and stem diameter. Inoculation of Trichoderma sp. T17 in the seed increases hypocotyl and radicle lengths, and the seed vigor index. Finally, the strains studied present the potential to be used to develop biocontrol products.
Resistance of grapevine hybrids to bacterial canker disease Carvalho, Jullyanna Nair de Barbosa, Maria Angélica Guimarães Carvalho, Pollyanna Aparecida de Pio, Rafael Batista, Diógenes da Cruz Leão, Patrícia Coelho de Souza

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The bacterial canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. viticola, is the most important bacterial disease of grapevines cultivated in tropical areas. The objectives of this study were to select grape hybrids resistant to bacterial canker based on genotypic values and to evaluate the response of seedless grape hybrids to artificial infection with bacterial canker. Two experiments were conducted. The field experiment (Experiment I) was conducted with 569 hybrids, evaluated for symptoms of bacterial canker, in the absence of an experimental design, using a single individual of each genotype. Experiment II was conducted in a greenhouse, where ten seedless grape hybrids were evaluated in terms of incubation period, incidence, severity, and area under the progress curve of bacterial canker disease incidence, in a completely randomized design. The use of the residual maximum likelihood/best unbiased linear prediction methodology allowed the selection of 40 grape hybrids with lower genotypic values for resistance to bacterial canker. The CPATSA 49.25 and CPATSA 49.86 hybrids showed greater resistance to bacterial canker in all epidemiological parameters evaluated under greenhouse conditions.
Evaluation of virulence among Pakistani isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum inducing bacterial wilt in chilies across different agro-ecological zones Aslam, Muhammad Naveed Mukhtar, Tariq

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT No information regarding pathogenic variability among different isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum infecting chili from different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan with varying climatic and edaphic factors is available. Therefore, in the present study, variations were observed in biovar distribution, hypersensitive response, growth and virulence among 114 isolates of R. solanacearum collected from eight agro-ecological zones of Pakistan. Out of 114 R. solanacearum isolates, 81% were identified as Biovar III, while the remaining 19% were recognized as Biovar IV. Of all the 114 isolates of R. solanacearum, 77% showed positive hypersensitive response and mucoid growth, while 23% isolates gave negative hypersensitive response with non-mucoid growth. Out of 114 isolates of R. solanacearum consisting of Biovar III and IV, 22.8% were found avirulent, 25.4% weakly virulent, 29.8% virulent, and the remaining 21.9% were highly virulent. Variations among 114 R. solanacearum isolates were also observed in four provinces of the country. Among 92 R. solanacearum Biovar III isolates, 21.7% were identified as avirulent, 25% weakly virulent, 34.4% virulent, and 22.8% were highly virulent in the eight agro-ecological zones of the country. Similarly, out of 22 R. solanacearum Biovar IV isolates, 27.3% were detected as avirulent, weakly virulent and virulent, while 18.2% isolates were found highly virulent. The isolates having non-mucoid growth and negative hypersensitive response were found avriulent, while those with mucoid growth and positive hypersensitive response were weakly virulent to highly virulent. The information will help design control strategies accordingly and develop resistant cultivars against the bacterium.
Interactive effects of Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum on okra cultivars Yaseen, Ijaz Mukhtar, Tariq Kim, Hoy-Taek Arshad, Bilal

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT In the present study, nine okra cultivars were assessed for their resistance levels against both predisposal and simultaneous infections of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and the wilt-causing fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum, with the objective to identify cultivars with collective resistance against these two significant pathogens. Okra cultivars displayed varying resistance to M. incognita and F. oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum based on different inoculation sequences. When nematodes were introduced 15 days before fungus, no high or moderate resistance was observed. Instead, some cultivars showed moderate susceptibility (Pusa Swami, PB Selection, Green Star), susceptibility (Sabz Pari, Neelum, Tulsi), or high susceptibility (Ikra-1, Ikra-2, Arka Anamika) to nematodes. Conversely, nematodes introduced after fungus resulted in some resistance and moderate resistance among certain cultivars, and simultaneous inoculation led to varied responses. In terms of gall formation, eggmasses, and reproductive factors, different cultivars exhibited varying levels of susceptibility. Ikra-2 had the highest, followed by Arka Anamika and Ikra-1, while Pusa Swami had the least, followed by PB Selection and Green Star. Sequentially introducing nematodes before fungus led to the highest gall formation, whereas the reverse sequence resulted in the least on all cultivars. Simultaneous inoculation yielded lower gall formation than nematodes first followed by fungus. Introducing fungus prior to nematodes reduced gall numbers to the lowest level. In summary, resistance of okra cultivars to nematodes and fungus depended on inoculation order. Okra cultivars exhibited varying susceptibility levels, and the timing of inoculation influenced gall formation and reproductive factors.
Fungal enemies isolated from the root and rhizosphere of guava against the root-knot nematode Silva-Riveros, Deisy Lorena Parra-González, Sergio David Mogollón-Ortiz, Ángela María

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The fungal microbiota associated with the roots and rhizosphere of plants represents a significant source of biocontrol agents against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. While some fungal genera have been studied extensively, others require more attention in terms of their identity and mechanisms of action against plant parasitic nematodes. Thus, the aim of this research was to demonstrate the in vitro and in vivo biocontrol potential of fungi isolated from the root and rhizosphere of guava plants against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. We isolated four fungi (C5, C6, C7, and C10) from the root and rhizosphere of guava plants using the serial dilution method. These fungi were purified on potato dextrose agar and evaluated in vitro to assess their ability to parasitize M. incognita eggs and juveniles. Subsequently, the fungi were assessed for M. incognita control under nursery conditions in guava plants. The identity of the fungi with parasitic capacity and biocontrol potential was confirmed by amplifying and sequencing the ITS region, followed by Bayesian inference analysis. Results showed that the fungi corresponded to Talaromyces sayulitensis (C5), Myrothecium sp. (C6), Penicillium shearii (C7), and Beauveria bassiana (C10). Parasitism of M. incognita eggs was confirmed for all fungi, parasitism of juveniles occurred with T. sayulitensis (C5) and B. bassiana (C10). In guava seedlings treated with fungal isolates, a significant reduction in the number of eggs, juveniles, and nodules per gram of root was achieved. The biocontrol potential against M. incognita in guava seedlings was confirmed for different fungi associated with the root rhizosphere.
New insights into the use of dwarf tomato plants for pest resistance Maciel, Gabriel Mascarenhas Oliveira, Camila Soares de Siquieroli, Ana Carolina Silva Pereira, Lucas Medeiros Ribeiro, Ana Luisa Alves Pinto, Frederico Garcia Ikehara, Brena Rodrigues Mota Silva, Nilo Cesar Queiroga Farias, Ana Karoline Silva Rocha de

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), a globally significant species, faces substantial economic losses due to pest insects. However, exploiting dwarf germplasm for pest resistance, particularly the UFU MC TOM1 lineage, remains underexplored. The objectives of this study were to select backcross populations from dwarf tomato plants through direct and indirect selection and to elucidate whether there are consequences in resistance level as backcross generations progress aiming at a genetic background of interest. Backcross populations 1, 2, and 3 of dwarf tomato plants were obtained. In the conducted experiment, featuring 20 treatments and four repetitions in a randomized block design, we assessed foliar injuries and herbivory through image analysis. Additionally, we quantified the content of acylsugars, conducted chromatographic analysis, and analyzed the metabolomic profile in the leaflets. Promisingly, the UFU 13_1 dwarf plant population showed potential for enhancing genetic improvement programs targeting pest insect resistance. Moreover, the progression of backcross generations yielded varied resistance levels, likely influenced by inheritance patterns and acylsugar content. The UFU MC TOM1 line, distinguished by its high acylsugar content, exhibited robust resistance against both the tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta Meyrick 1917) and the leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard). Furthermore, our analysis revealed the expression of metabolites in the UFU MC TOM1 lineage, potentially linked to various biotic and abiotic stress responses. These findings offer promising prospects for leveraging the dwarf tomato variety, UFU MC TOM1, in genetic improvement programs aimed at combating pest insects in tomatoes.
Combining ability of common bean in a complete diallel cross under water deficit Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro Silva, Daiana Alves da Chiorato, Alisson Fernando Rovaris, Sara Regina Silvestrin Gonçalves, Gabriel de Morais Cunha Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify drought-tolerant parents and combinations of common bean based on general and specific combining abilities. A complete diallel was conducted, including the reciprocals, among 12 parents, obtaining 132 populations. These populations and respective parents were evaluated in pots in a greenhouse in a randomized block experimental design with three replications and placed under intermittent water deficit applied in the pre-flowering. Physiological, morphological, and agronomic traits were evaluated, and general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA), and reciprocal effect (RE) were estimated. Significant effects were found among the genotypes for most of the traits confirming genetic variability among populations. The additive effects were more expressive than the non-additive effects, with reciprocal effect for some traits. The Carioca Precoce and SER 16 parents exhibited significant GCA, contributing alleles favorable to additive effects for increasing grain yield and harvest index. Significance of SCA and RE was not observed for grain yield. However, the SEA 5 (pollen receptor) × SER 16, Carioca Precoce (pollen receptor) × BRS FP403, and the reciprocal Carioca Precoce (pollen donor) × BRS FP403 hybrid combinations achieved positive estimates for harvest index, which is an indirect selection trait for grain yield. This study allowed selection of progenies coming from the parents Carioca Precoce and SER 16, as manifested favorable traits related to grain yield.
Physical and chemical attributes of beans damaged by the coffee berry borer at different levels of infestation Silva, Sabrina Alves Pereira, Rosemary Gualberto Fonseca Alvarenga Chalfoun, Sara Maria Teixeira, Alexandre Resende

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The physical and chemical attributes of coffee beans have a direct relation with the sensory quality of the beverage and the commodity’s market value. The coffee berry borer is a pest that causes a worldwide harm, and its infestation compromises bean health and composition. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of infestation levels on beans physical and chemical parameters. Coffee samples were collected, and the damaged beans present in the samples were classified as to infestation level. The centesimal composition, color, quantification of bioactive compounds, and organic acids were evaluated. The L* and b* parameters of the CIELab color system were found to be significantly different between infestation levels. For chemical parameters, beans with major levels of infestation were found to differ from the others in the content of sugars, lipids, soluble solids, total titratable acidity, electrical conductivity, potassium leaching, succinic acid, and acetic acid. The presence of pests did not affect the bioactive compounds present in the coffee beans.
Searching for common bean genotypes resistant to Acanthoscelides obtectus, a primary pest species of stored beans Cabral, Isabella Rubio Baldin, Edson Luiz Lopes Faria, Rodrigo Donizeti Silva, Jamilly Pereira Santos, Thais Lohaine Braga dos Takaku, Vinicius Seiji de Oliveira Santana, Alisson da Silva Lima, Ana Paula Santana Canassa, Vinicius Fernandes Ribeiro, Leandro do Prado

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Resistant genotypes are a valuable tool in integrated pest management programs of insect pests of stored grains. Here, we screened 90 Brazilian common bean genotypes to select promising sources of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus. Thus, bean samples were infested with newly emerged insects, and the number of eggs, emerged insects, developmental time, and larval viability were assessed in a no-choice test. Genotypes IPR Garça, CHIR 13, IAC Harmonia, CHIR 20, IAC Boreal, and CHIP 312 showed low oviposition. Genotypes IPR Quero-Quero, BRS Notável, CHIC 61 - Cariocão, BRS Ametista, IPR Uirapuru, IAC Imperador, Avaluna, CHP 04-241A-212 - Guapo B. × Uirapuru, CHIB 06, SCS 206 - Potência, CHC 01-175-1 - Campeiro × IAC Tibatã, CHP 01-182-48 - Uirapuru × Campeiro, UEM 266, CHC 04-233-2 - Siriri × Horizonte, CHV 17-64, SCS 205 - Riqueza, CHP 01-238-80 - MN 13337, SM 1510 - preto, BRS Radiante, CHIB 18, CHIR 14, CAV 17 EFM 008, CHIR 04, IPR Campos Gerais, CHV 05-268-02, LP 13-624 - preto, Linhagem 110 - IAC, CHP 01-182-12 - Uirapuru × Campeiro, LP 13-84 - carioca, BRS Esteio, CHV 17-635, CHB 15-518, Arcelina 1, IPR Tuiuiu, SCS 204 - Predileto, TB - 17-02, BRS Estilo, SM 0511 - cavalo preto, Pérola, IPR Tangará, and CNFRj - 15411 reduced oviposition, the number of emerged adults, and larval viability, suggesting antixenosis and/or antibiosis. Thus, these genotypes are promising sources of resistance factors and can be used in breeding programs to obtain lines of common beans resistant to A. obtectus.
Selection of pollinator cultivars for pear trees in a subtropical climate Suárez, Natália Ferreira Moreira, Renata Amato Abreu, Rafael Azevedo Arruda de Rossi, Maira Ferreira de Melo Zambon, Carolina Ruiz Latini, Anderson Oliveira Curi, Paula Nogueira Pio, Rafael

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The economic exploration of pear in the subtropical areas is possible when using hybrid cultivars obtained by crossing European (Pyrus communis) and Asian cultivars (Pyrus pyrifolia). Genetic improvement programs in Brazil have launched some cultivars in recent decades. Pear requires cross-pollination to improve fruit set in commercial plantations. In the case of these hybrid pear trees, the combinations of pollen receptor and donor cultivars that are best for cultivation in subtropical regions are not known. The objective of this study was to select cultivars with the potential to be pollinators of pear trees in subtropical regions. Four cultivars that received pollen grains (mother plants) (‘Packham’s Triumph’, ‘Tenra’, ‘Triunfo’, and ‘Seleta’) and three donors (‘Cascatense’, ‘Primorosa’, and ‘Shinseiki’) were used. Stigmatic receptivity was observed in all cultivars during all stages of reproductive development. All cultivars had highly viable pollen grains. The cultivar ‘Seleta’ was the best recipient cultivar. The ‘Seleta’ × ‘Shinseiki’ cross showed the highest percentages of fruiting. The highest percentages of pistils with pollen tubes reaching the ovary were observed in the crosses ‘Triunfo’ × ‘Shinseiki’ and ‘Seleta’ × ‘Shinseiki’. The ‘Shinseiki’ pear is an option as a pollinator of crops in subtropical regions.
Cultivation of arugula microgreens: seed densities and electrical conductivity of nutrient solution in two growing seasons Lerner, Betina Luiza Strassburger, Andre Samuel Schäfer, Gilmar

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Microgreens are young plants of vegetables crops that have stood out for their potential in culinary and their nutritional content. However, cultural practices such as seed density and fertilization methods have not been standardized yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seed density and electrical conductivity of nutrient solution in a soilless system of arugula microgreens in two growing seasons. The experiment was carried out in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, during winter and spring. The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks, with a factorial arrangement (4 × 4) formed by four sowing densities (50, 100, 150, and 200 g.m-2) and four levels of electrical conductivity, being 0.15, 1, 2, and 3 mS.cm-1. The evaluated characteristics were shoot height, shoot fresh and dry matter yield, and total soluble solids index. Growing microgreens without a nutrient solution is not recommended. The increase of electrical conductivity of nutrient solution and seed density promoted higher values of shoot dry matter yield and total soluble solids index. In winter, the best results were obtained using 150 g.m-2 of seeds at an electrical conductivity of 1 mS.cm-1. In spring, 175 g.m-2 of seeds was necessary, with a minimal electrical conductivity of 1 mS.cm-1.
Productive performance of elephant grass clones from full-sib families in an advanced stage of breeding Vidal, Ana Kesia Faria Daher, Rogério Figueiredo Freitas, Rafael Souza Ambrósio, Moisés Santana, Josefa Grasiela Silva Nascimento, Maxwel Rodrigues Rangel, Leandro Heitor Leite, Cleudiane Lopes Souza, Alexandre Gomes de Xavier, Josilene Vargas

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters and the repeatability coefficient and to select clones of elephant grass from full-sib families. Fifteen clones and two commercial controls were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications. Three measurements were taken at regular 10-month intervals. Genotypic variance was significant. The observed heritability based on the mean of the genotypes (0.58), coupled with the results of repeatability (0.53) and selection accuracy (0.76), demonstrates that the genotypes performance is constant between measurements. Thus, only three measurements are necessary to reliably select genotypes and obtain real genetic gains with selection. Among the 15 clones evaluated, six showed higher new means than those of the BRS Capiaçu and BRS Canará controls and can be used as parents and/or to compose value for cultivation and use experiments aimed at the release of cultivars for bioenergy production.
Hydrogened cyanamide promotes dormancy breakage in pear tree grown in a subtropical region Suárez, Natália Ferreira Abreu, Rafael Azevedo Arruda de Peche, Pedro Maranha Silva, Alexandre Dias da Silva, Édipo Menezes da Pio, Rafael

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The pear tree (Pyrus spp.) is a fruit tree of temperate climate, so it needs a certain number of hours under cold temperatures to overcome its natural dormancy. It can be cultivated in the tropics, but few regions have cold enough winters to overcome the natural dormancy of pear trees. For this purpose, it is necessary to select cultivars with less need for cold conditions combined with the use of bud-inducing to sprouting and flowering products. This study aimed to test doses of hydrogenated cyanamide (Dormex) to break dormancy and induce bud sprouting in different pear cultivars under subtropical conditions. The branches of five pear tree cultivars, ‘Cascatense’, ‘Primorosa’, ‘Seleta’, ‘Packham’s Triumph’, and ‘William’s’, were sprayed with Dormex (a commercial product containing 52% hydrogen cyanamide, CH2N2) at 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5% or with water (control). The trees were evaluated at two, four, six, eight, 10, and 12 weeks after the application of the treatments in two consecutive years. The European pear trees ‘William’s’ and ‘Packham’s Triumph’ showed low budding rates compared to hybrid pear trees. Hybrid pear showed better performance in subtropical regions, with higher budding rates, than European pear. CH2N2 efficiently induces bud sprouting of pear, with especially 4 and 5% Dormex.
Agronomic performance of ‘BRS Melodia’ seedless table grape grafted onto different rootstocks Oliveira, Carlos Roberto Silva de Silva, Francismary Barros da Pontes, Glácia Maria de Alencar Mendonça Júnior, Antonio Francisco Leão, Patrícia Coelho de Souza

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The seedless table grape ‘BRS Melodia’ stands out for its pink color and the special flavor of red berries, which make for commercial classification as gourmet type grapes. Cultivation of this new table grape cultivar is expanding in the São Francisco Valley, in the Brazilian Northeast region. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the rootstock on vigor, on yield components, and on physicochemical characteristics of ‘BRS Melodia’ grapes grown under the semi-arid tropical conditions of the São Francisco Valley. The experiment was carried out under irrigated cultivation in a commercial area in the municipality of Casa Nova, Bahia, Brazil, from 2021 to 2023. Treatments consisted of the rootstocks 101-14 MgT, IAC 313, IAC 572, IAC 766, Paulsen 1103, Ramsey, SO4, and Teleki 5C in a randomized block experimental design with four replications. There was no effect of the rootstock on the following variables: branch and leaf fresh matter, sprouting percentage, total soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), and SS/TA ratio. ‘BRS Melodia’ grapevines had high vigor regardless of the rootstock used. The Ramsey rootstock led to reduced bud fertility compared to IAC 572 and IAC 766. As the vines advanced in age, the rootstocks IAC 572 and IAC 766 provided the highest yields and number of clusters per vine. The physicochemical characteristics of the ‘BRS Melodia’ grapes meet the standards required for commercialization on all the rootstocks used.
Phenology, thermal requirement, and ripening of the ‘BRS Isis’ grape grafted on different rootstocks in a subtropical condition Sánchez, Camilo André Pereira Contreras Tecchio, Marco Antonio Callili, Daniel Souza, Reginaldo Teodoro de Smarsi, Ronny Clayton Leonel, Sarita

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The replacement of traditional table grape cultivars with seedless genotypes has become common in Brazilian viticulture, especially in non-conventional regions under subtropical conditions. In the context of viticulture, it is crucial to highlight the pivotal role played by rootstocks, which exert a direct influence on phenological cycle, productivity, and grape quality. This study aimed to assess the duration of phenological stages, thermal demand, and maturation of the grape cultivar ‘BRS Isis’ grafted onto different rootstocks in a subtropical climate during three harvest seasons. The results indicated that the duration of phenological stages varied across harvest seasons, notably extending in the third harvest season due to adverse prevailing climatic conditions. Although no significant differences were observed in the rootstocks during the initial phases of the phenological cycle, they influenced the overall duration from pruning to harvest. Particularly noteworthy were the rootstocks ‘IAC 572’ and ‘1103P,’ that had earlier maturation in one of the assessed seasons. Consequently, a variation in thermal requirement was higher in the third harvest season. The analysis leads to the conclusion that climatic conditions have impacted the duration of phenological stages, thermal requirements, and the maturation of ‘BRS Isis’ grape bunches in subtropical regions.
Reducing spacing and using lopping to enhance green fig production for industrialization Oliveira, Jucimar Moreira de Ribeiro, Carlos Henrique Milagres Silva, Alexandre Dias da Geraldo, Mateus Joaquim Lopes Peche, Pedro Maranha Pio, Rafael

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Increasing orchard density is an alternative approach for enhancing productivity of the fig tree. In addition to promoting better utilization of productive areas, increased density allows for the optimization of plant management. In some situations, it may be necessary to alter the pruning system. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the practices of reducing spacing and lopping shoots enhance green fig production for industrial purposes. The research was conducted in southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil (21°14’S and 45°00’W, 918 m in height) in an area with a tropical highland climate. A 3 × 2 factorial scheme was adopted, with three different plant spacings (0.50, 0.75, or 1 m, totaling plant densities of 8,000, 5,333, and 4,000 fig trees per hectare, respectively), and plants were managed with and without the lopping of productive shoots. The spacing between planting rows was standardized to 2.5 m. Two productive shoots were retained on all trees. In the lopping treatment, after the emergence of the 16th leaf, the shoot was topped (i.e., the apical bud was removed), and two new shoots were selected per productive shoot. Additional loppings were performed later, always after the emergence of the sixth leaf, totaling three loppings. Data were collected from each plot, which consisted of three useful plants, during two production cycles. It was concluded that smaller spacings decreased production per plant, but they increased green fig productivity. Lopping productive shoots increased fruit weight, the number of fruits per plant, and fig production.
Survival, biomass, and oxidative stress associated with the compatibility of different scion/rootstock combinations of grapevine Gobetti, Renata Caroline Rossoni Suchoronczek, Adriano Pertille, Rafael Henrique Grigolo, Chaiane Renata Feldberg, Nelson Pires Citadin, Idemir

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT ABSTRACT: Compatibility between scion and rootstock is crucial for the success of grapevine graft production. The objective of the study was to evaluate different scion/rootstock combinations on survival, initial development, and oxidative stress associated with compatibility in grapevine. Experimental design was a randomized bifactorial scheme 4 × 5, and 15 plants per plot. Factor A consisted of four rootstocks (‘IAC 572 Jales’, ‘IAC 766 Campinas’, ‘Paulsen 1103’, and ‘Freedom’), and factor B consisted of five scion cultivars (‘BRS Carmem’, ‘BRS Magna’, ‘Bordô’, ‘Isabel Precoce’, and ‘Concord Clone 30’). At 90 days after granting, the following variables were analyzed: graft survival percentage, leaf and roots number, leaf area, shoot and main root length, and dry mass of leaf and roots, and stems. Oxidative stress was evaluated in combinations of scion/rootstock with high and low survival rates at 0, 10, and 20 days after removal from the forcing chamber, based on peroxidases (POX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The combination with the best initial development was ‘IAC 572 Jales/BRS Carmem’. ‘Paulsen 1103’ showed low compatibility with ‘Isabel Precoce’, reducing overall development. Combinations with high grafts survival rates exhibited higher SOD activity and lower POX activity and H2O2 content. In conclusion, the rootstocks ‘IAC 572 Jales’ and ‘IAC 766 Campinas’ promoted, respectively, the highest and lowest grafts survival rates and initial development.
Modeling nutrient losses in an Oxisol under different management systems and rainfall events Chang, Pablo Secco, Deonir Marins, Araceli Cioti Rizzi, Rogério Luis Bassegio, Doglas Savioli, Matheus Rodrigues

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This study aimed to model nutrient losses in an Oxisol under varied soil properties and vegetation cover. The experimental area was located at the Paraná Rural Development Institute, in Santa Tereza do Oeste, Paraná, Brazil. The treatments consisted of six cover crops in summer, six cover crops in winter, and management systems no-tillage (NT) traditional (control), NT with gypsum, and NT with scarification. Nutrient data were collected at each natural rainfall through sample collection from collection troughs. The design was completely randomized, and the data were adjusted using an exponential function of two variables, as a function of soil density, macroporosity, straw dry mass, green cover, and rainfall. Greater losses of Mg and Ca was related to higher soil density and lower macroporosity. Lower losses of Mg, Ca, K, and P were associated with lower straw dry mass and higher green cover. K and P losses were stable for all soil density values, but they decreased with an increase in macroporosity.
Nitrogen sources on agronomic traits in carioca common bean lines developed under mineral nitrogen fertilization Dias, Polianna Alves Silva Melo, Patrícia Guimarães Santos Ferreira, Enderson Petrônio de Brito Melo, Leonardo Cunha Souza, Thiago Lívio Pessoa Oliveira de Faria, Luís Cláudio de Almeida, Válter Martins de Pereira, Helton Santos

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) as a nitrogen source for leguminous plants, there are few reports of common bean breeding programs aiming at efficiency in SNF. This study aimed to analyze the interaction between elite lines of common bean with carioca grains and the nitrogen source (mineral fertilizer or SNF), and to select lines with wide adaptability, stability, high agronomic performance, and superiority in nodulation. Nineteen lines with carioca grains were evaluated in 12 environments in Brazil. In each environment, one experiment with mineral nitrogen fertilization and another with Rhizobium inoculation were set up, and agronomic traits were evaluated. Nodulation traits were evaluated in two years at one out of five location. Analyses of variance and of stability were performed, and Spearman’s correlations and the coincidence of selection of the best lines in both N sources were estimated. There is an effect of the N source and of genetic variability for all the traits. The lines were higher yielding under fertilization with mineral fertilizer, but they were more resistant to lodging when they were inoculated. The line by N source interaction was significant for 100-seed weight and resistance to lodging, but it did not affect selection of the best lines in the N sources. Eleven out of the 19 lines had no difference in grain yields between the two N sources. The line CNFC 15086 is recommended for growing in both N sources since it presented the highest yield and high adaptability and stability under both sources. The genotypes BRS Sublime, CNFC 15010, and CNFC 15003 had a high relative nodulation index and can be used in crosses with higher yielding lines.
Relationship between pH and base saturation associated with soil cation exchange capacity in soils of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Albuquerque, Carla Gomes de Gavelaki, Fabiana Matera, Henrique Bento Motta, Antônio Carlos Vargas Prior, Stephen Arthur Ercole, Tamires Maiara Araújo, Eloá Moura

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Soil pH and base saturation are important parameters for evaluating the effects of acidity on plant growth. However, the relationship between soil pH and base saturation (V%) has been poorly studied in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence on the cation exchange capacity (CEC) on this relationship for soils of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, using a database consisting of 30,244 analyses of soils collected from 0–0.2- and 0.2–0.4-m depths. The CEC at pH 7 of analyzed soils varied from 3.4 to 40.5 cmolc·dm-3 and were grouped into four classes (< 6, 6–10, 10–20, and > 20 cmolc·dm-3) for each soil layer. The V% versus pH relationship was CEC dependent for both soil layers. For 0–0.2 m, V% was directly related to CEC (< 6, 6–10, 10–20, and > 20 cmolc·dm-3) and reached 50, 55, 60, and 74% at pH 5 and 66, 73, 81, and 88% at pH 6, respectively. Predicting V% in relation to pH was also affected by CEC, with a decrease in the correlation of p = 0.82 for CEC < 6 cmolc·dm-3 to p = 0.64 for CEC > 20 cmolc·dm-3. The decrease in this correlation was related to low clay content (17%) of soils with CEC < 6 cmolc·dm-3, which provided low buffering capacity. For soils with CEC > 20 cmolc·dm-3 and higher clay content (45%), greater buffering capacity was observed associated with kaolinite. Findings suggest that CEC should be considered to understand the relationship between V% and pH CaCl2.
Assessing the effects of biochar, sewage sludge, and mineral fertilization on soil characteristics and maize yield Silva, Gabriel Henrique Maximo Clarindo Silva, William Ramos Ximenes, Diogo Henrique de Sá Veloso Vieira, Clarissa Buarque Souza, Edivan Rodrigues de Nascimento, Clístenes Williams Araújo do Almeida Junior, Agenor Bezerra de Biondi, Caroline Miranda

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Sewage sludge (SS) and biochar offer a sustainable approach for improving nutrient supply and soil characteristics, but more research is needed to compare their efficacy against mineral fertilizers. First, this study assessed the effects of rice husk biochar (RHB) rates (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 t·ha-1) on the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of a soil grown with maize. Then, the RHB rate providing the highest maize biomass was compared to SS and NPK fertilization. Maize yield and mineral composition were also evaluated. The results showed that the tested fertilizers had varying effects on increasing maize yield and altering soil properties. While RHB improved water retention capacity, cation exchange capacity, microbial biomass, and maize yield when compared to the control group, SS proved to be more effective in enhancing P availability. The maize yield with SS was five times greater than the regional maize productivity and equal to the performance of NPK fertilization. Considering the substantial positive impact of SS on soil characteristics, it is recommended that local farmers apply 20 t·ha-1 of this fertilizer. This not only has the potential to replace traditional mineral fertilization, but also offers the additional advantage of improving overall soil quality.
Soil hydrophysical and chemical attributes in ferralsol amended with wood biochar Lucon, Isabella Menuzzo Carnier, Ruan Coscione, Aline Renée Andrade, Cristiano Alberto de Júnnyor, Wellingthon da Silva Guimarães Maria, Isabella Clerici De

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Most studies concerning biochar, which can enhance chemical, physical, and biological soil qualities and increase crop yields, are short-term experiments in controlled environments with temperate regions and sandy soils. Biochar amendment benefits for clayey soils in tropical climate regions are uncertain. Herein, field conditions in clayey soil were investigated for 28 months. Eucalyptus biochar was obtained from charcoal production and incorporated in soil with disc plows (0.00–0.20 m). Treatments comprised six single biochar application amounts–0 (control), 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 Mg·ha-1. The experiments were conducted in April 2016, and corn was cultivated in 2016/17 and 2017/18. Soil samples were collected in 2018 for macro/micronutrient, bulk density, porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, water availability, and soil penetration resistance evaluations in the 0.00–0.05-, 0.05–0.10-, 0.10–0.20-, 0.20–0.30-, and 0.30–0.40-m layers. Chemicals P, K and Ca increased compared to the control. The K and Ca increases were related to the biochar composition (6% K and 2% Ca). Soil bulk density decreased by 0.07 kg·dm-3, and macro/microporosity (total porosity) increased linearly by 2.5% in the 0.05–0.10-m layer with increasing biochar application amount. Soil penetration resistance was unaffected. For each 1 Mg·ha-1 of biochar applied, a 500-L·ha-1 increase in available water occurred, which may be important for crops with low water demand and to overcome water restriction periods.
Novel microencapsulated soil conditioner: improving efficient utilization of core materials and yield of cabbages Lu, Wentong Wang, Caiyan He, Tiantian Wang, Jincheng Wang, Zuo Sun, Jibo

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The utilization of microencapsulated soil conditioner (MSC) with a water-soluble core and natural polymer shell offers a potential solution to address the issues of over-fertilization and low efficiency in soil. Fulvic acid (FA), a refined form of humic acid, possesses desirable characteristics such as water solubility, fertilizer retention, and convenient monitoring. Urea, a neutral fertilizer, is beneficial for plant growth, easy to store and apply, and causes minimal harm to the soil. Sodium alginate, as a type of natural polymer, has great potential for use in the agricultural sector due to its biocompatibility, environmental safety, and water-holding abilities. The preparation of MSC incorporating FA and urea involved the employment of double emulsion and ion crosslinking mechanism utilizing the sharp-hole coagulation bath method. Structural analysis confirmed the presence of core materials within the MSC. The analysis of the structure indicated that the MSC possessed a particle size about 200 µm, displaying a uniform spherical shape. Subsequent sustained release and biodegradation tests demonstrated the MSC’s ability to significantly enhance both fertilizer retention and water retention capacities. In addition, a planting experiment involving cabbages was conducted employing these microcapsules. The growth status of the cabbages, their physiological activities, nitrogen balance index value, and photosynthesis rate were thoroughly examined. The statistical analysis findings indicated that the MSC possessed the capability to enhance cabbage yield, rendering it a highly promising sustained-release fertilizer.
Effects of long-term sisal residue returning on soil physiochemistry, microbial community, and sisal yield Jin, Gang Huang, Xianya Wu, Mi Huang, Can Qin, Xu Jiang, Yuehua Peng, Xinyi Zhong, Jingxian Chen, Tao Chen, Lisha

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Returning agricultural waste/by-products to the field is an effective management measure to improve soil fertility and maintain crop productivity in agroecosystems. However, we still have limited understanding of the complex response of sisal (Agave sisalana Perrine) growth, soil nutrients and microbial communities to the long-term sisal residue return to the ecological system. This study aimed to investigate the comprehensive effects of returning sisal residue to the field on sisal yield, soil nutrient, and microbial community. Based on a four-year field experiment, the results showed that returning sisal residue to the field increased the annual yield of sisal by 30.77–33.36%. Compared with control group, sisal residue inputs significantly improved soil total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium by 46.59, 3.02, and 1.21%, respectively. Under sisal residue input condition, the activities of soil catalase, urease, acid phosphatase, and sucrase also significantly increased by 2.01, 17.20, 17.40 and 16.60%, respectively. A higher ratio of bacteria/fungi was observed in the soil amended with sisal residue. The microbial diversity analysis showed that the α-diversity of the bacterial community increased, while the α-diversity of the fungal community decreased with the sisal residue treatment. However, sisal residue return had a higher impact on the α-diversity of fungi. This study provides evidence that returning sisal residue to the field affects sisal productivity by regulating nutrient cycling and soil microbial community. Moreover, the study suggests that microbial α-diversity has significant influence on sisal yield.
Nutritional phosphorus recommendation for garlic cultivars grown in subtropical climate Hahn, Leandro Feltrim, Anderson Luiz Ender, Marcos Mattos Grando, Douglas Luiz Moura-Bueno, Jean Michel Stefanello, Lincon Oliveira Marchezan, Carina Brunetto, Gustavo

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The study aimed to propose critical levels (CL) and sufficiency ranges of phosphorus (P) in leaves and soil, and rates of maximum technical (MTE) and economic (MEE) efficiency, to maximize marketable bulb yield in garlic (Allium sativum) cultivars grown in a subtropical climate. Field experiments were conducted for two seasons on clay soils in southern Brazil. The cultivars ‘Chonan’, ‘Ito’, and ‘Roxo Caxiense’ were subjected to the application of P rates (0, 50, 100, 250, and 500 kg P2O5·ha-1·yr-1). Garlic yield, soil P concentrations (Mehlich-1), and total P in leaves were determined. The CL in relation to total yield garlic yield were 3.5, 4.5, and 3.4 g P·kg-1 in leaves and 18, 28, and 14 mg P·dm-3 in soil, for ‘Chonan’, ‘Ito’, and ‘Roxo Caxiense’, respectively. The CL in relation to marketable garlic yield were 4.0, 3.5, and 3.6 g P·kg-1 in leaves and 22, 26, and 13 mg P·dm-3 in soil, for the respective cultivars. The MTE rates were 397 and 336 kg P2O5·ha-1, and the MEE rates were 353 and 297 kg P2O5·ha-1, for total and marketable garlic bulb yield. Based on our results, we recommend that garlic growers use when possible the individual nutritional reference values for specific garlic cultivars.
Image-based approach for postharvest characterization of Red Torch inflorescences Nogueira, Marina Romano Paiva, Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira Cunha Neto, Antonio Rodrigues da Nascimento, Ângela Maria Pereira Timóteo, Caroline de Oliveira Reis, Michele Valquíria dos

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The characterization of cut flowers plays a significant role in detecting senescence signals, which are essential for establishing quality parameters and guiding the development of postharvest technologies. This study aimed to morphologically characterize Red Torch Ginger inflorescences at three harvest points: fully closed, semi-open, and fully open. The inflorescences were standardized at 60 cm, and their width, length, diameter, and fresh weight were measured. Inflorescences were evaluated for visual senescence, wettability, natural wax content, and fluid behavior. Dominant color, gloss, and texture were analyzed using GroundEye. Morphological differences affected the postharvest durability of Red Torch Ginger, with fully open inflorescences being less durable than semi-open and fully closed ones. Hydrophobicity, high-fluid movement, and natural wax content were crucial for decision-making regarding the application of new postharvest technologies and coatings in cut tropical flowers. These findings provide insights into the characterization of cut flowers and their postharvest behavior, which can help improve quality and extend the shelf life of cut flowers, leading to increased economic benefits for the flower industry.
Relationship between volatiles and antioxidant compounds in scald on ‘Alexander Lucas’ pear in different postharvest conditions Hendges, Marcos Vinícius Steffens, Cristiano André Amarante, Cassandro Vidal Talamini do Vidrih, Rajko Zlatic, Emil Balkees, Basem Kittemann, Dominikus Neuwald, Daniel Alexandre

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effects of storage conditions on the development of superficial and senescent scald and its relationship with volatiles and antioxidant compounds in ‘Alexander Lucas’ pears (Pyrus communis) harvested at two maturity stages in three orchards. A two-factorial design combined two maturity stages with five storage conditions: standard oxygen plus cold storage (control; 20.9 kPa O2, 0.03 kPa CO2), controlled atmosphere (low O2) ( 2.0 kPa O2, 0.7 kPa CO2), each without and with 1-MCP (300 nl·L-1), and ultra-low O2 atmosphere (0.7 kPa O2, < 0.7 kPa CO2). The fruit were grown in three regions in Germany and stored for seven months (0 °C; 94% relative humidity) plus seven days simulated shelf-life. Scald development was positively correlated to the 6-MHO and α-farnesene (after three months of storage) and negatively correlated to an ascorbate level. The application of 1-MCP led to a reduction in the production of volatile compounds and antioxidants, except by ascorbate, which appeared to be associated with delayed ripening and the less severe development of scald. Ultra-low O2 reduced the scald, but the effects depended on the production region.
Advances and perspectives on the application of essential oils in food packaging films, coatings, and nanoencapsulated materials Cesca, Rafaela Silva Fonseca, Gustavo Graciano Paz, Marcelo Fossa da Cortez-Vega, William Renzo

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Natural additives, particularly essential oils, have gained widespread recognition for their role in enhancing the attributes of natural edible polymers. Comprising a wealth of hydrophobic and volatile compounds, essential oils exhibit notable antioxidant and antimicrobial properties owing to their rich composition of terpenes and aromatic constituents. This review underscores the multifaceted biological properties of essential oils, encompassing their incorporation into films, edible coatings, and nanoencapsulated materials. The effect of utilizing several essential oils as natural additives in combination with different raw materials and plasticizers was compared to the evaluation of their impact on the material properties of films and edible coatings, offering an in-depth analysis of the specific essential oil variants featured in the recent literature. Among the essential oils reviewed, those derived from clove, cinnamon, and oregano emerge as the predominant choices, representing some of the most promising natural additives for biodegradable packaging. Nanoencapsulation techniques have also expanded the role of essential oils in sustainable food packaging by increasing their stability.
The PowerSDI: an R-package for implementing and calculating the SPI and SPEI using data from the NASAPOWER project Blain, Gabriel Constantino Sobierajski, Graciela da Rocha Martins, Letícia Lopes

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The standardized precipitation (SPI) and standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration (SPEI) indices are important tools for monitoring drought events, but the low density of weather station networks limits their use in many regions. To address this issue, we developed the PowerSDI R-package, which calculates these two indices using gridded-data from the NASA-POWER project (NASA-SPI and NASA-SPEI). Different from other packages, the PowerSDI package has two modes: the scientific, and the operational. In the scientific mode, the users may assess the quality of the indices estimates through their agreement with a reference/observed series and through the evaluation of how well these estimates meet the conceptual assumptions required for calculating both SPI and SPEI. This evaluation is based on measure of accuracy (e.g., Willmott index of agreement), goodness-of-fit tests (e.g., Anderson-Darling), and normality tests (e.g., Shapiro-Wilk’s test), which are calculated by the ScientSDI.R, Reference.R, and Accuracy.R functions. In the operational mode, users can calculate both indices routinely using the OperatSDI.R function. The package also uses a quasi-weekly time scale, allowing for index calculations four times a month. The OperatSDI.R enables users to download NASA-POWER data for all available period or only for the quasi-week they intend to monitor (reducing the function’s running time). In short, the PowerSDI facilitates the routine use of these two widely used drought indices and, unlike others existing software, it provides a solid scientific basis for using NASA-POWER data in drought monitoring systems, which can help improve drought preparedness and response efforts worldwide. The package is freely available at two repositories: Github (https://github.com/gabrielblain/PowerSDI), and CRAN (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=PowerSDI).
Net radiation partitioning, evapotranspiration, and crop coefficients of the green dwarf coconut in Santa Izabel do Pará, Brazilian Amazon Carvalho, Erika de Oliveira Teixeira de Fernandes, Gabriel Siqueira Tavares Rua, Matheus Lima Monteiro, Adrielle Carvalho Luz, Denilson Barreto da Lisboa, Stefany Porcina Peniche Silva, João Vitor Ferreira da Pinto, João Vitor de Nóvoa Miranda, Fábio Rodrigues de Lins, Paulo Manoel Pontes Souza, Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Ponte de

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Inadequate management of the irrigation system has compromised yield and favoured the degradation and waste of water resources. To ensure efficient irrigation management, providing yield increases, sustainability in the use of water resources and reduction of production costs, studies about the water demand of coconut palms are needed. The objective of this study was to determine the energy partition, crop evapotranspiration (ETc), and the simple crop coefficients (Kc) of the green dwarf coconut palms in Santa Izabel do Pará, Pará, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a coconut plantation at Reunidas Sococo Farm, with an area of approximately 7 ha in a triangular spacing of 7.5 × 7.5 m, during 2020 and 2021. The ETc was determined by the Bowen ratio method, with measurements of temperature and relative humidity at two levels above the crop canopy and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by the FAO Penman-Monteith method, using data from the National Institute of Meteorology. The Kc was determined by the ratio between ETc and ETo. The total water demand of the coconut palm was 489 (2020) and 480 mm (2021), with a daily average of 4.21 (2020) and 4.14 mm (2021) for the dry season. The mean value of Kc was 1.06 (± 0.12). Evapotranspiration was driven mainly by energy availability, associated with a control of atmospheric demand on Kc values, suggesting a possible influence of coconut trees on Kc values even under good water availability and small variability in vegetation cover.
Adapting the regional frequency analysis based on L-moments to improve the standardized precipitationevapotranspiration index Martins, Letícia Lopes Sobierajski, Graciela da Rocha Blain, Gabriel Constantino

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT The standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) is a widely used probability-based method that categorizes drought and wet events based on their expected frequency of occurrence. Regional frequency analysis based on L-moments (RFA-Lmom) is often employed to enhance probabilistic assessments of extreme hydrological data, which typically assume positive values. This study investigated whether applying the RFA-Lmom regionalization technique to the difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (P-PE), the input variable for SPEI, can improve the index’s ability to meet the normality assumption. We conducted analyses using Monte Carlo experiments, accounting for distinct climate conditions worldwide, and a case study in the watershed of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí rivers, situated in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil. In this region, P-PE frequency distributions may exhibit negative and positive sample means. Our findings suggested that modifying the RFA-Lmom method by replacing the L-moment ratio L-CV with the L-moment scale measure and using an additive model (instead of the original multiplicative procedure) for SPEI calculation allows the application of this regionalization technique to P-PE amounts. This adapted RFA-Lmom consistently enhanced the ability of SPEI frequency distributions to meet their normality assumption, thereby improving the quality of drought assessments based on this standardized index.
AGROMETEOROLOGY | Short Communication
An R-package to track soil water deficits in the root zone: when and how much to irrigate Blain, Gabriel Constantino Sobierajski, Graciela da Rocha Pires, Regina Célia de Matos Silveira, Jane Maria de Carvalho Martins, Letícia Lopes Sparks, Adam Henry

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT Irrigated areas have expanded globally to support the increasing population and mitigate the impacts of climate change and variability. The crop water balance accounting in the root zone estimates soil water deficits by considering water inputs and outputs that impact crop yield. In this study, we developed the CropWaterBalance R-package to assist users in irrigation scheduling. The package offers functionalities for estimating the reference evapotranspiration through various methods and comparing their performances. By incorporating user-provided management-allowed depletions, the package calculates several agrometeorological parameters including crop evapotranspiration rates, soil water deficit in the root zone, and water stress coefficient. The package also provides recommendations for irrigation timing and net irrigation depth.
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