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Hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea associated with the use of duloxetine to treat chronic neuropathic pain. Case report



The association of the use of some drugs with hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea has been reported in the literature, but information on the role of duloxetine in these alterations is scarce. Therefore, the aim of this study was to highlight this adverse effect and discuss the pathophysiological causes of galactorrhea associated with the use of duloxetine in a patient undergoing treatment for chronic pain.


Female patient, 70 years old, with herpetic neuropathy diagnosis. She developed refractory pain after drug treatment and was referred to the pain clinic. Duloxetine (60mg) taken once a day was maintained and associated with blocks with local anesthetic in regions of herpetic pain. The patient complained of galactorrhea and changes in weight and showed an increase in serum prolactin. Then, the possibility of hyperprolactinemia due to duloxetine was raised. Duloxetine was suspended, and after one month, a significant reduction in serum prolactin levels and end of galactorrhea were observed.


The treatment of patients with neuropathic pain is extremely challenging and the detailed understanding, especially of the pharmacological strategy and its possible adverse effects, is fundamental for the better management of patients and their well-being. Therefore, it is concluded that duloxetine, although rarely, can cause an increase in serum prolactin and galactorrhea in users.

Duloxetine hydrochloride; Galactorrhea; Hyperprolactinemia; Pain

Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Dor Av. Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 937 Cj2 - Vila Mariana, CEP: 04014-012, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Telefones: , (55) 11 5904-2881/3959 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil