Introduction The health of teachers appears as a current concern. The number of teachers getting sick at work is growing, however few measures are being taken in terms of specific legislation and policies that favor teacher health. This is despite the large number of studies highlighting harm to health of teachers.
Methods The objective of the study was to analyze the publications in Virtual Health Library Psychology (BVS-Psi) over the last 14 years (2003-2016) related to the health of teachers. We used descriptors in Portuguese language related to health in elementary school teachers and university professors, which resulted in 69 articles analyzed.
Results Publications were predominantly in the areas of speech therapy and psychology using qualitative methodology. The studies have shown teacher's illness as a current problem, pointing to the need to develope strategies related to the reorganization of teacher working conditions and health promotion.
Conclusion The importance of emphasizing the multidimensionality of health and disease related to teacher's work was noted, highlighting interdisciplinary understandings of the topic. Also, the need for more integration of research and the work reality of teachers was noted, if we intended to develop methodologies and policies aimed at improving teacher health.
Keywords: faculty health; teacher health; public health; work